EXCEL and Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Announce Signing of Strategic EPC Partnership for PIC Americas

HOUSTON, July 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EXCEL (“EXCEL”™) Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe (“PIC”) and its operating division in Mexico, Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Inc., Sucursal México (“PICMEX”)  jointly announced today the signing of a Strategic Engineering, Procurement and Construction Partnership, “Exclusive Agreement” with PIC for the engineering, procurement and construction of PIC’s key Export Facilities in Houston, TX together with GLM compressed storage systems for various fuels and key gas pipelines forward positions for the required fueling elements for its Maritime and Terrestrial Operations. The operations will be vital to the US, the Americas and the United Mexican States with PIC one of kind solutions with its other key partnerships.

The Strategic EPC Partnership between PIC and EXCEL represents a significant investment milestone in the commercialization of the export facilities and receiving terminals, as it signals the commencement of project specific pre-FEED (Front End Engineering Design) studies by PIC for the delivery of its maritime and terrestrial operations that will ensure uninterrupted shipments by PIC and its other global partnerships for decades to come.

These studies will cover the design of the production and export terminals, receiving terminals and plants, along with the Fleet that will be built to transport and deliver fuel to PIC’s markets in Mexico and throughout the Americas. Following completion of the pre-FEED studies and Final Investment Decision (FID) by PIC and EXCEL, PIC and its consortium partners will undertake the FEED for final design and construction for the projects in Mexico that PIC has positioned thus far with its consortium partners.

“EXCEL is very proud to be partners with such a great organization like PIC and being the chosen EPC for PIC’s state of the art facilities and pipelines,” said Jason Hardwick, President of EXCEL Midstream Solutions.

“EXCEL is pleased to enter this partnership and will provide the very best Engineering, Procurement and Construction services,” said Dave Roberts, Chairman and CEO of EXCEL USA.

“These projects will provide Mexico, and other countries in Central and South America, and the Americas with affordable fuels and power, as well as significant carbon emissions reductions, a key component in achieving sustainability and balanced for PIC and its Partner. We are excited to take this significant step with EXCEL,” said Michael Hood, CEO of PIC. “Through this exclusive operational partnership, PIC and EXCEL will accelerate commercialization of the Export Facilities to help meet the fuel supply and electricity needs of PIC’s customers in Mexico and throughout the Americas and abroad, while substituting higher-emission fuels to continue driving down emissions towards a greener brighter future. In addition to the thousands of new employment opportunities, this export operation will bring forth to the Great State of Texas over the next decade.”

About Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe and Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Inc., Sucursal México
Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe (“PIC”) is a global company based in the USA. The company develops and operates a variety strategic related operations with its key partnerships. Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Inc., Sucursal México (“PICMEX”) is an affiliate of PIC and is headquartered in Mexico. For more information, please visit www.pic-sas.com.

EXCEL is a premier provider of full service civil, structural, mechanical, fabrication, electrical and instrumentation engineering, construction, and maintenance services, as well as disaster recovery services. EXCEL has a long successful history of managing and meeting the challenging schedules and budgets of projects of all sizes, and we are consistently recognized for our exemplary safety record and work quality. Our experience, breadth of projects, dedication to safety, and excellent corporate culture help us attract and retain the most highly skilled team of craft and supervisors available to serve our clients’ needs. For more information, please visit www.excelusa.com and www.excelmidstream.com.

Jay Shahidi, Financial Controller
+1 714-553-7482
[email protected]

EXCEL e Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe anunciam parceria estratégica de EPC para a PIC Americas

HOUSTON, July 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A EXCEL (“EXCEL”™) Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe (“PIC”) e sua divisão operacional no México, Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Inc., Sucursal México (“PICMEX”) anunciaram conjuntamente hoje uma Parceria Estratégica de Engenharia, Aquisição e Construção, mediante um “Contrato Exclusivo” com a PIC para engenharia, aquisição e construção das principais Instalações de Exportação da PIC em Houston, TX, juntamente com sistemas de armazenamento de GLM comprimido para vários combustíveis e principais posições de encaminhamento de gasodutos para os elementos de abastecimento necessários para suas Operações Marítimas e Terrestres. As operações serão vitais para os EUA, Américas e Estados Unidos Mexicanos, com soluções únicas PIC com suas outras parcerias principais.

A Parceria EPC Estratégica da PIC com a EXCEL representa um marco significativo de investimento na comercialização das instalações de exportação e terminais de recebimento, pois sinaliza o início dos estudos pré-FEED (Front End Engineering Design) específicos do projeto pela PIC, para a entrega de suas operações marítimas e terrestres que garantam embarques ininterruptos pela PIC e suas outras parcerias globais nas próximas décadas.

Esses estudos irão abranger o projeto dos terminais de produção e exportação, terminais de recebimento e plantas, juntamente com a Frota que será construída para transportar e entregar combustível nos mercados da PIC no México e em todas as Américas. Após a conclusão dos estudos pré-FEED e da Decisão Final de Investimento (FID) pela PIC e pela EXCEL, a PIC e os parceiros do consórcio irão conduzir o FEED para projeto final e construção de projetos no México que a PIC posicionou até agora com seus parceiros do consórcio.

“A EXCEL tem muito orgulho de ser parceiro de uma organização tão grande como a PIC e de ser o EPC escolhido para as instalações e oleodutos de última geração da PIC”, disse Jason Hardwick, Presidente da EXCEL Midstream Solutions.

“A EXCEL tem o prazer de fazer parte desta parceria para fornecer os melhores serviços de Engenharia, Aquisição e Construção”, disse Dave Roberts, Presidente e CEO da EXCEL USA.

“Esses projetos irão fornecer para o México e para outros países da América Central, do Sul e das Américas, combustíveis e energia a preços acessíveis, bem como reduções significativas de emissões de carbono, um componente principal para o alcance da sustentabilidade e do equilíbrio da a PIC e seu Parceiro. Estamos muito contentes em poder dar esse passo significativo juntamente com a EXCEL”, disse Michael Hood, CEO da PIC. “Com esta parceria operacional exclusiva, a PIC e a EXCEL irão acelerar a comercialização das Instalações de Exportação para ajudar com o atendimento das necessidades de fornecimento de combustível e eletricidade dos clientes da PIC no México, em todas as Américas e no exterior, e substituição dos combustíveis de maior emissão para dar continuidade à redução das emissões, para um futuro mais verde e brilhante. Além das milhares de novas oportunidades de emprego, esta operação de exportação irá destacar o Grande Estado do Texas ao longo da próxima década.”

Sobre a Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe e a Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Inc., Sucursal México
A Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe (“PIC”) é uma empresa global com sede nos EUA. A empresa desenvolve e opera uma variedade de operações estratégicas relacionadas com as suas principais parcerias. A Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Inc., Sucursal México (“PICMEX”) é uma afiliada da PIC e está localizada no México. Para mais informação, visite www.pic-sas.com.

Sobre a EXCEL
A EXCEL é uma fornecedora de serviços completos de engenharia civil, estrutural, mecânica, fabricação, elétrica e de instrumentação, construção e manutenção, bem como serviços de recuperação de desastres. A EXCEL tem uma longa história de sucesso no gerenciamento e cumprimento dos cronogramas e orçamentos desafiadores de projetos de todos os tamanhos, e somos consistentemente reconhecidos por nosso histórico de segurança e qualidade exemplares dos trabalhos. Nossa experiência, amplitude dos projetos, dedicação à segurança e excelente cultura corporativa nos ajudam a atrair e reter equipes e supervisores mais qualificados disponíveis para atender às necessidades dos nossos clientes. Para mais informação, visite www.excelusa.com e www.excelmidstream.com.

Jay Shahidi, Controlador Financeiro
+1 714-553-7482
[email protected]

EXCEL et Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe annoncent la signature d’un partenariat stratégique EPC pour PIC Americas

HOUSTON, 15 juill. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — EXCEL (« EXCEL »™) Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe (« PIC ») et sa division d’exploitation au Mexique, Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Inc., Sucursal México (« PICMEX ») ont conjointement annoncé aujourd’hui la signature d’un partenariat d’ingénierie stratégique, d’approvisionnement et de construction, « Accord exclusif » avec PIC pour l’ingénierie, l’approvisionnement et la construction des principales installations d’exportation de PIC à Houston, TX, et des systèmes de stockage comprimés GLM pour divers combustibles, ainsi que des positions avancées de gazoducs clés pour les éléments de ravitaillement requis pour ses opérations maritimes et terrestres. Les opérations seront cruciales pour les États-Unis, les Amériques et les États unis du Mexique avec des solutions uniques de PIC et ses autres partenariats clés.

Le partenariat stratégique EPC entre PIC et EXCEL représente une étape d’investissement importante dans la commercialisation des installations d’exportation et des terminaux de réception, car il signale le lancement par PIC d’études de pre-FEED (Front End Engineering Design) spécifiques au projet pour la livraison de ses opérations maritimes et terrestres qui garantiront des expéditions ininterrompues par PIC et ses autres partenariats mondiaux pour les décennies à venir.

Ces études couvriront la conception des terminaux de production et d’exportation, des terminaux de réception et les usines, ainsi que la flotte qui sera construite pour transporter et livrer le carburant aux marchés de PIC au Mexique et dans l’ensemble des Amériques. À l’issue des études pre-FEED et de la décision finale d’investissement (FID) par PIC et EXCEL, PIC et ses partenaires du consortium entreprendront le FEED pour la conception finale et la construction des projets au Mexique que PIC a positionnés jusqu’à présent avec ses partenaires du consortium.

« EXCEL est très fière d’être partenaire d’une organisation aussi formidable que PIC et d’être l’EPC choisi pour les installations et les pipelines de pointe de PIC », a déclaré Jason Hardwick, président d’EXCEL Midstream Solutions.

« EXCEL est ravie de conclure ce partenariat et fournira les meilleurs services possibles en matière d’ingénierie, d’approvisionnement et de construction », a commenté Dave Roberts, président-directeur général d’EXCEL USA.

« Ces projets fourniront au Mexique, et à d’autres pays d’Amérique centrale et du Sud, et aux Amériques, des carburants et de l’électricité abordables, ainsi que des réductions significatives des émissions de carbone ; un élément clé pour parvenir à la durabilité et à l’équilibre pour PIC et son partenaire. Nous sommes ravis de franchir cette étape importante avec EXCEL », a affirmé Michael Hood, PDG de PIC. « Grâce à ce partenariat opérationnel exclusif, PIC et EXCEL accéléreront la commercialisation des installations d’exportation pour aider à répondre aux besoins en carburant et en électricité des clients de PIC au Mexique et dans les Amériques, ainsi qu’à l’étranger, tout en remplaçant les carburants à émission plus élevée afin de continuer à réduire les émissions pour un avenir plus écologique et plus brillant. En plus des milliers de nouvelles opportunités d’emploi, cette opération d’exportation apportera beaucoup au grand État du Texas au cours de la prochaine décennie. »

À propos de Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe et Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Inc., Sucursal México
Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe (« PIC ») est une société mondiale basée aux États-Unis. La société développe et exploite une variété d’opérations stratégiques connexes avec ses partenariats clés. Petróleos Internacionales del Caribe Inc., Sucursal México (« PICMEX ») est une filiale de PIC et son siège social est basé au Mexique. Pour plus d’informations, rendez-vous sur notre site www.pic-sas.com.

À propos d’EXCEL
EXCEL est un fournisseur de premier plan de services complets d’ingénierie civile, structurelle, mécanique, de fabrication, d’ingénierie électrique et d’instrumentation, de construction et de maintenance, ainsi que de services de reprise après sinistre. EXCEL est forte d’une longue et fructueuse histoire de gestion et de respect des calendriers et budgets difficiles de projets de toutes tailles, et nous sommes constamment reconnus pour notre bilan de sécurité exemplaire et notre qualité de travail. Notre expérience, l’étendue de nos projets, notre dévouement à la sécurité et notre excellente culture d’entreprise nous aident à attirer et à retenir l’équipe d’artisans et de superviseurs la plus qualifiée disponible pour répondre aux besoins de nos clients. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter les sites www.excelusa.com et www.excelmidstream.com.

Jay Shahidi, contrôleur financier
+1 714-553-7482
[email protected]

Hannah Stocking Boards Cast of Ryan Kavanaugh’s Production ‘SKILL HOUSE’ Alongside Bryce Hall, 50 Cent, Neal McDonough, Paige VanZant, and More

The project marks the first installment in the R-rated next-level horror film franchise

Hannah Stocking

Hannah Stocking

LOS ANGELES, July 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ryan Kavanaugh’s Proxima Media announced that internet personality and actor, Hannah Stocking has joined the cast of upcoming horror flick, SKILL HOUSE. The film stars social media phenomenon and TikTok star, Bryce Hall and features UFC veteran, BKFC and AEW star Paige VanZant, and global hip-hop icon, 50 Cent, who is also serving as a producer through his G-Unit Film & Television as well as Neal McDonough who most recently had major roles in Yellowstone, The Arrow, The Flash, Residential Evil, Van Helsing, and many others.

The first installment in the R-rated next-level horror film franchise, SKILL HOUSE is a saw-like take that breaks into the phenomenon of social media fame and culture, SKILL HOUSE offers an unflinching depiction of “clout” and explores the new phenomenon of “influencers”, their fame and what they are willing to do to attain it. The Los Angeles-based film, which is being primarily shot in the original “Sway House,” looks at the world of social media and pushes the limits when “clicks” and “clout” become life or death literally, with Emmy-winning special effects artist Steve Johnson (GHOSTBUSTERS, BICENTENNIAL MAN, SPIDER-MAN 2) delivering some of the most realistic guts and gore fans have seen.

Hannah Stocking is a multi-talented creator, internet personality, actor, and host whose meteoric rise in digital entertainment, and eventual crossover into traditional media, has been spearheaded by her unique brand of comedy, one that is often elevated by a blend of humor and science content and now boasts over 50 million followers combined across all of her platforms. Stocking’s credits include Tyler Perry’s no. 1 movie BOO 2! A MADEA HALLOWEEN and SATANIC PANIC. She has also starred in an episode of Stories From Our Future, a series of shorts produced in collaboration with Netflix’s Black Mirror and has even appeared in music videos including Hard 2 Face Reality by Poo Bear ft. Justin Bieber, and Electronica as well as Find Me by Marshmello.

“Just as this film is the first of a new genre of horror, social media personalities like Bryce and Hannah are a new genre of celebrity. We are breaking creative boundaries and career boundaries here,” explains director Josh Stolberg. “Hannah has dynamic talent and encompasses everything this project is about – internet fame and the evolution in the entertainment industry. We are thrilled to have her joining our cast.”

The project is financed and controlled by Proxima Media, owned and operated by Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony nominated mega-producer Ryan Kavanaugh. It is written and directed by horror film legend Josh Stolberg, co-writer of horror films such as SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW (starring Chris Rock and Samuel L Jackson), JIGSAW, PIRANHA 3D, SORORITY ROW, as well as the next SAW film (tentatively titled SAW X). Through his G-Unit Film & Television, Jackson will also produce alongside Kavanaugh, Alex Baskin, and Lifeboat Productions’ Amy Kim and Jaime Burke. Daniel Herther, who oversees production and creative development at Proxima, will serve as executive producer alongside Jason Barhydt and Bobby Sarnevesht.

Additional cast includes Leah Pipes (SORORITY ROW, The Originals), McCarrie McCausland (Army Wives, The Originals), Ivan Leung (THE TENDER BAR, All American, Grey’s Anatomy), John DeLuca (Spree, American Horror Story), and Caitlin Carmichael (MIDNIGHT IN THE SWITCHGRASS, EPIPHANY).

For more information and all the latest on SKILL HOUSE, follow along on Instagram (@skillhousemovie), Twitter (@skillhousemovie), and TikTok (@skillhousemovie).

About Hannah Stocking
Hannah Stocking is a multi-talented creator, actress, and host whose meteoric rise in digital entertainment, and eventual crossover into traditional media, has been spearheaded by her unique brand of comedy, one that is often elevated by a blend of humor and science content. A social media powerhouse, she boasts over 50 million followers combined across all of her platforms, including 7.8 million subscribers on YouTube. Her YouTube channel, which amassed one million subscribers in less than five months, has accumulated 2.1 billion lifetime views with an array of content. She has also amassed over 26 million followers on TikTok and 22 million followers on Instagram.

Stocking regularly pulls from her background as a double major in chemistry and biology to insert an extra element into her content. Stocking has employed this signature style when developing several original science-based series. She, most notably, teamed up with ATTN: to create a series of informative videos that presented everyday concepts, such as crash dieting and the teenage brain, in an easily accessible and entertaining manner.

Her talent and charisma shine in traditional mediums, as much as they do online. She joined E! News as a guest correspondent for their coverage of the 2017 Grammy awards. She made her big-screen debut in Tyler Perry’s no. 1 movie BOO 2! A MADEA HALLOWEEN and followed it up by landing a role in the 2019 Chelsea Stardust-directed SATANIC PANIC. She also starred in an episode of Stories From Our Future, a series of shorts produced in collaboration with Netflix’s Black Mirror.

Her career has earned her outstanding features from PAPER Magazine, GQ Thailand, Modeliste Magazine, and other publications for her ability to express herself through beauty and fashion as a digital creator and entertainer. She was honored with the Women’s Entrepreneurship Day’s Pioneer Award, the first digital creator to earn the distinction.

Stocking is managed by John Shahidi and Sam Shahidi of Shots Studios.

About Josh Stolberg
Josh Stolberg is a writer, director, and producer responsible for some of the most popular horror films today, including JIGSAW, PIRANHA 3D, SORORITY ROW, and most recently, SPIRAL. He has written films for Netflix, Disney, Lionsgate, and more. He is currently writing a Dwayne Johnson actioner at Netflix as well as the next installment of the popular Saw franchise.

About Lifeboat Productions
Amy Kim and Jaime Burke are award-winning producers with over 20 years of diverse experience. They have produced original content for all the leading streamers and studios with their most recent credits, including the upcoming series Surfside Girls for Apple+ and Amazon’s Undone. Kim got her producing start with the Academy Award Winning Short Film, WEST BANK STORY and served as Head of Production for Michael Eisner’s digital studio Vuguru before forming Lifeboat Productions with Jaime Burke in 2012. Burke started her film-producing career with such titles as THE POSSESSION OF MICHAEL KING and the indie horror classic, THE PACT. This is their second collaboration with writer/director Josh Stolberg.

About Proxima and Ryan Kavanaugh
Founder of Proxima Media, the controlling shareholder of Triller, Ryan Kavanaugh is one of the most accomplished, prolific, and honored executives in entertainment industry history. Using an intelligent model of film finance, he was dubbed the creator of “Moneyball for movies.” He produced, distributed, and/or structured financing for more than 200 films, generating more than $20 billion in worldwide box office revenue and earning 60 Oscar nominations. He is the 25th highest-grossing film producer of all time. His productions include Fast and Furious 2-6, 300, Social Network, Limitless, Fighter, Talladega Nights, Step Brothers, and Mama Mia! Kavanaugh and Proxima pioneered an innovative finance deal for post-bankruptcy Marvel, making the studio and finance structure that led to Marvel Cinematic Universe. He built the SVOD (streaming) category with Netflix, which boosted that company’s market capitalization from $2 to $10 billion. Kavanaugh is the co-founder of Triller, one of the three fastest-growing social media apps. He recently led the acquisition, merger, and re-launch of the social media and music app.

He also created the powerhouse television company, now known as Critical Content, producing hit shows like Catfish on MTV and Limitless on CBS, which he sold for $200M. The company had 40 television series across 19 networks before its sale. Kavanaugh has earned several achievements and awards, from Variety’s Producer of the Year Award to The Hollywood Reporter’s Leadership Award, from Fortune’s 40 Under 40 Most Influential People in Business to Forbes’ Fortune 400, Billion-Dollar Producer by the Daily Variety and the 100 Most Influential People in the World by Vanity Fair. Proxima and Kavanaugh are repped by Neil Sacker.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/24aae164-2a42-42ff-84d5-912661b2aedd

Media Contact
Jive PR + Digital
Lynsey Gray
[email protected]

Les temps forts de la 5e conférence de technologie des logiciels SIG

PÉKIN, 15 juillet 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Le rideau tombe sur la 5e conférence de technologie des logiciels SIG (GTC 2022), un événement international sur les SIG coorganisé par FIG, SaudiGS, CLAERIA,ASPG et SuperMap, et conçu pour partager les nouveautés en matière de logiciels SIG, et échanger les meilleures pratiques en matière d’applications SIG. Du 6 au 8 juillet, des experts, des officiels, des entreprises et des représentants d’universités de près de 130 pays se sont réunis au GTC 2022 pour connaître les dernières technologies du GIS SuperMap, discuter des applications SIG innovantes et explorer les futures tendances de l’industrie des SIG.

Outre la conférence plénière en Chine, le GTC 2022 propose six séances en présentiel en Indonésie, au Botswana, en Thaïlande, au Sénégal, aux Philippines et au Pérou, ainsi que quatre séances plénières virtuelles multilingues en anglais, français, espagnol et japonais.

La conférence plénière en français a été l’occasion d’une discussion animée sur les villes intelligentes, l’urbanisme, l’aménagement rural et les dernières technologies des SIG 3D. M. Yankhoba DIATARA, ministre de l’Économie numérique et des télécommunications du Sénégal a prononcé un chaleureux discours d’ouverture. La conférence plénière en anglais a accueilli plus de 2 000 participants du Kenya, d’Éthiopie, du Mexique, d’Australie, d’Allemagne, de Grèce, d’Inde, etc.

La séance sur place au Botswana a été coorganisée par GeoSmart et SuperMap. M. Oduetse Tautona, maire adjoint au conseil municipal de Gaborone, a prononcé le discours d’ouverture. M. Cavin Boy Rowayi, directeur de Geosmart, a partagé ses connaissances sur l’aperçu des SIG au Botswana. Des experts de l’Université du Botswana, du Botswana Geoscience Institute et d’entreprises locales bien connues ont présenté des exposés éclairants sur les applications SIG dans l’exploitation minière, les drones, la cartographie urbaine, etc.

SuperMap s’est associé à l’Association sénégalaise des professionnels de la géomatique (ASPG) pour organiser la session sur place au Sénégal. Le ministère de l’Économie numérique et des télécommunications, le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation, et les entreprises membres de l’ASPG ont partagé des idées sur la gestion cadastrale, la gestion municipale et le développement commercial des entreprises géospatiales.

C’est la première année que le GTC organise des séances en présentiel en Afrique. L’Afrique est un marché en pleine croissance pour les SIG alors que la numérisation se répand sur tout le continent. La valeur de la technologie SIG, représentée par le SIG 3D, le SIG IA et les big data SIG, est prégnante en urbanisme, en agriculture, en gestion des catastrophes, etc. Le SIG SuperMap, leader des systèmes technologiques SIG, est engagé dans des travaux révolutionnaires dans ce domaine et pour des applications innovantes dans divers secteurs.

Podcast vidéo de Flapmax et Microsoft : les fondateurs de la startup dynamisent l’écosystème numérique de l’Afrique

Les startups sélectionnées répondent à 17 des objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies

LAGOS, Nigeria, 14 juillet 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Flapmax a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de FAST Founder Series en partenariat avec Microsoft. Le podcast vidéo hebdomadaire présente les histoires uniques des diplômés de l’accélérateur de start-up FAST : de jeunes entrepreneurs, des innovateurs et des fondateurs qui renforcent l’écosystème numérique de l’Afrique en partant de rien.

« Nous avons créé FAST Founder Series pour partager avec le monde entier les histoires uniques de réussites de notre communauté mondiale d’entrepreneurs », a affirmé l’équipe de Flapmax. « Le moins qu’on puisse dire, c’est qu’il est inspirant d’entendre les histoires de ces jeunes professionnels novateurs. Les auditeurs peuvent s’attendre à être impressionnés, engagés et à en ressortir avec des idées concrètes pour les aider à faire croître leur propre entreprise. »

Alors qu’ils révolutionnent le secteur sur l’ensemble du continent avec AgriTech, EduTech, HealthTech et FinTech, les douze fondateurs de start-up présentés dans le podcast FAST Founder Series sont diplômés du premier accélérateur de start-up FAST. Ils ont été choisis parmi plus de 800 candidats représentant 25 pays d’Afrique. Les douze entrepreneurs représentent six pays et neuf secteurs commerciaux, et comprennent deux fondatrices. Chaque fondateur de start-up s’attaque à des défis liés aux Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies, notamment l’égalité, l’éducation et la réduction de la pauvreté.

Avec la sortie d’un nouvel épisode chaque mercredi, la série s’intéressera à des sujets clés pour les fondateurs de start-up, y compris la création d’emplois, la création d’activité, le cloud computing et l’IA, ainsi que le capital-risque. Les auditeurs du podcast découvriront comment ces entrepreneurs individuels exploitent la technologie pour développer leurs activités durables en Afrique et dans le monde entier.

Les participants à l’accélérateur FAST étudient la gouvernance d’entreprise, l’intégration technologique, les stratégies de financement et les possibilités de développement communautaire conçues pour les aider à se développer rapidement et de façon durable. Les ingénieurs de Microsoft servent de mentors commerciaux, travaillant individuellement avec les participants de l’accélérateur. Les participants ont également accès à des outils et services technologiques innovants, notamment Fast Portal, SME Marketplaces, Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub et Microsoft Azure.

Les fondateurs interviewés dans la série sont Mustafa Suberu de Capsa Technology (Nigeria), Vincent Okeke de Legitcar (Nigeria), Ryan Panderis de LynkWise (Namibie), Innocent Orikiiriza de KaCyber (Ouganda), Edwin Lubanga de Snark Health (Kenya), Karim Amer de VAIS (Égypte), Dominic Kavuisya de Taimba (Kenya), Lekan Omotosho de Pade (Nigeria), Deyo Adeniran de DayDone (Nigeria), Ronald Mutuku de Silku (Kenya), Paulus Indongo de K-12 Plus (Namibie) et Trish Scanlan de Tumani La Maisha (Tanzanie).

Obtenez un aperçu d’épisode ici et ici.

L’intégralité des épisodes de FAST Founder Series sont disponibles sur la chaîne YouTube Flapmax, ainsi que sur Apple Podcast, Spotify et Google Podcast. Suivez la première de la saison sur https://founders.fastaccelerator.com

À propos de FAST Accelerator

FAST Accelerator est un accélérateur technologique de Flapmax construit en partenariat avec Microsoft. L’accélérateur encourage la collaboration transfrontalière et s’engage à élargir les possibilités d’innovation et de mise en œuvre technologiques à l’échelle mondiale.

Contact : [email protected]

Vidéo – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPH9UTW9Uwg