NYI Expands 60 Hudson Street Operations

The acquisition of the Equinix NY8 facility brings additional datacenter capacity and cost-effective access to a broad carrier ecosystem in New York City

60 Hudson Street, New York City

A global interconnection hub

NEW YORK, Aug. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NYI, a leading provider of hybrid infrastructure solutions and managed services, has expanded its 60 Hudson Street operations through the addition of space formerly occupied by Equinix. The expansion is the result of a joint venture with QTD Systems, who acquired the Equinix space in a transaction that closed on August 1, 2022.

With this integration, NYI doubles its datacenter footprint and immediately expands the carrier ecosystem available to customers. The expansion also includes significant additional conduit infrastructure and access to POE’s which will provide for unmatched capacity and reach in NYC’s most connected building. Together with NYI’s existing in-building capabilities, customers will now have access to unparalleled levels of resilience as they deploy their interconnection strategy.

“With the accelerating pace of digital transformation, the role of 60 Hudson Street as the preeminent home for global carriers in New York City becomes invaluable in terms of meeting the growing connectivity needs of customers,” says Phillip Koblence, NYI Co-Founder and COO. “With this integration, NYI grows in its ability to serve as the premier facilitator of access to this global interconnection gateway while making deployments at 60 Hudson Street simpler and more cost effective.”

“I have a long history at 60 Hudson Street, where I established several long-standing and still operational data center and connectivity businesses over the last twenty years. I look forward to NYI’s continued quality of services and their building upon Equinix’s 60 Hudson NY8 infrastructure in driving the future of interconnection,” adds Peter Feldman, CEO of QTD Systems.

The expansion will benefit multiple parties:

  • Former Equinix customers will enjoy operational continuity and access to NYI’s on-premise expert technical staff, cost-effective interconnection platform and suite of hybrid infrastructure solutions and high-touch managed services.
  • Domestic and international customers will gain access to more space and power, and to an expanded carrier ecosystem.
  • Telecommunication providers and carriers will benefit from seamless and cost-effective access to NYI’s expanded in-building conduit infrastructure and additional points of entry.

With expanded capabilities and a continued commitment to cutting through complexity and providing a seamless customer experience, NYI hopes to level the playing field, making interconnection at 60 Hudson Street simpler and more accessible from both a deployment and cost perspective, for carriers, content providers, and enterprises of all sizes.

About NYI

NYI is a leading provider of hybrid infrastructure, network, and interconnection solutions. The company is known for cutting through the complexity of the IT landscape and facilitating custom solutions to address the critical infrastructure and connectivity needs of clients across industries. NYI is headquartered in New York City and provides enterprise services into key global markets through a trusted ecosystem of partners. To learn more about NYI, visit nyi.net or follow NYI on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Media Contact:
Iromie Weeramantry, VP Marketing
[email protected]

About QTD Systems

Peter Feldman, CEO of QTD Systems, has 25+ years of datacenter development, operations, management, and design experience including the founding of two long-standing businesses at 60 Hudson Street in New York City — Telx (Now Digital Realty Trust) and DataGryd (now Hudson IX). He also co-founded Digital Crossroads in Hammond, Indiana. QTD Systems will be focusing on developing the next generation of Quantum technology in partnership with Novum Industria, an MIT spinoff and member of the Quantum Economic Development Corp (QED-C) in the former NY8 facility.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0cab232c-0c8d-4915-9d67-15f658bcef3b

NYI Expande Operações 60 Hudson Street

A aquisição da instalação da Equinix NY8 traz capacidade adicional de datacenter e acesso econômico a um amplo ecossistema de operadoras em Nova York

60 Hudson Street, New York City

Um hub de interconexão global

NOVA YORK, Aug. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A NYI, fornecedora líder de soluções de infraestrutura híbrida e serviços gerenciados, expandiu suas operações na 60 Hudson Street através da adição de espaço anteriormente ocupado pela Equinix. A expansão é resultado de uma joint venture com a QTD Systems, que adquiriu o espaço Equinix em uma transação concluída em 1º de agosto de 2022.

Com essa integração, a NYI duplica a área do data center e imediatamente expande o ecossistema de operadoras disponível para os clientes. A expansão também inclui infraestrutura de conduíte adicional significativa e acesso aos POEs que irão fornecer capacidade e alcance incomparáveis no edifício mais conectado da cidade de Nova York. Juntamente com as capacidades internas existentes da NYI, os clientes agora terão acesso a níveis incomparáveis de resiliência coma implantação da sua estratégia de interconexão.

“Com o ritmo acelerado da transformação digital, o papel da 60 Hudson Street como o local de destaque das operadoras globais de Nova York se torna inestimável para o atendimento das crescentes necessidades de conectividade dos clientes”, disse Phillip Koblence, Cofundador e COO da NYI. “Com esta integração, a NYI amplia em sua capacidade de servir como o principal facilitador de acesso a este gateway de interconexão global, tornando as implantações na 60 Hudson Street mais simples e mais econômicas.”

“Tenho uma longa história com a 60 Hudson Street, onde estabeleci várias empresas de data center e conectividade nos últimos vinte anos que ainda estão em operação. Conto com a qualidade contínua dos serviços da NYI e o desenvolvimento da infraestrutura 60 Hudson NY8 da Equinix para impulsionar o futuro da interconexão”, acrescentou Peter Feldman, CEO da QTD Systems.

A expansão beneficiará várias partes:

  • Os antigos clientes da Equinix irão se beneficiar com a continuidade operacional e o acesso à equipe técnica especializada no local da NYI, plataforma de interconexão econômica, conjunto de soluções de infraestrutura híbrida e serviços gerenciados de alto contato.
  • Os clientes de dentro e fora do país terão acesso a mais espaço e energia e a um ampliado ecossistema de operadoras.
  • Os provedores e operadoras de telecomunicações se beneficiarão do acesso contínuo e econômico à infraestrutura interna ampliada de conduítes da NYI e pontos de entrada adicionais.

Com os recursos ampliados e um compromisso contínuo de reduzir a complexidade e fornecer uma experiência perfeita ao cliente, a NYI espera igualar as oportunidades, tornando a interconexão na 60 Hudson Street mais simples e mais acessível do ponto de vista de implantação e custo, para operadoras, provedores de conteúdo e empresas de todos os tamanhos.

Sobre a NYI

A NYI é provedora líder de soluções híbridas de infraestrutura, rede e interconexão. A empresa é conhecida por reduzir a complexidade do cenário de TI e facilitar soluções personalizadas para atender às necessidades críticas de infraestrutura e conectividade dos clientes em todos os setores. A NYI está localizada em Nova York e fornece serviços empresariais em mercados importantes em todo o mundo por meio de um ecossistema confiável de parceiros. Para mais informação sobre a NYI, visite nyi.net ou siga a NYI no Twitter ou LinkedIn.

Contato com a Mídia:
Iromie Weeramantry, VP Marketing
[email protected]

Sobre a QTD Systems

Peter Feldman, CEO da QTD Systems, tem mais de 25 anos de experiência em desenvolvimento, operações, gerenciamento e design de datacenter, e como fundador de duas empresas bem estabelecidas na 60 Hudson Street em Nova York — Telx (Now Digital Realty Trust) e DataGryd (agora Hudson IX). Ele também cofundou a Digital Crossroads em Hammond, Indiana. A QTD Systems se concentrará no desenvolvimento da próxima geração de tecnologia Quantum em parceria com a Novum Industria, uma subsidiária do MIT e membro da Quantum Economic Development Corp (QED-C) na antiga instalação de NY8.

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0cab232c-0c8d-4915-9d67-15f658bcef3b/pt


In One Year the FE1 Product Line Has Ramped to #1 Volume for Mines Worldwide

Malvern, Pennsylvania (USA), Aug. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rajant Corporation, the pioneer of Kinetic Mesh® wireless networks, reports the successful deployment of its fourth-generation BreadCrumb® Peregrine, which provides a 4-6x increase in overall throughput capacity enabling a host of new applications. The Peregrine deployments, the first in South Africa with Anglo American, support applications for mine production systems, including proximity detection, fatigue management, and tele-remote drilling.

“Rajant has always been the leader in industrial wireless mesh networking,” states Reyno Eksteen, BU Head, SCAN RF Projects. “With the substantial increase in performance of the new generation Peregrine BreadCrumbs, our customers now can support applications that require more bandwidth. Because all Rajant BreadCrumb models are fully backward compatible, it makes migrating to the latest higher-capacity radio nodes much easier while still redeploying the existing BreadCrumbs to other parts of the network to get the most out of the customer’s investment.”

After successful implementation, Anglo American confirmed a considerable increase in capacity of the Rajant Peregrine within its pit network, enabling them to become more innovative by introducing technologies in areas of its operation where it was previously impossible. This allows the mine to scale the overall network with the operation’s demands quickly, bringing much higher bandwidth closer within areas of its pit production environment. The new Peregrine BreadCrumb provides impressive performance with the same robust hardware which can withstand the harsh conditions of an open-pit mine.

The Peregrine is Rajant’s fourth generation Kinetic Mesh BreadCrumb which supports a maximum combined data rate of 2.3 Gbps and up to 6X enhanced throughput performance over existing Rajant BreadCrumbs. It offers multiple MIMO radio interfaces, high throughput, and enhanced security performance with up to 256-QAM and 80 MHz channels. The Peregrine is part of Rajant’s initiative to develop deeply integrated solutions that securely combine data from connected people, vehicles, machines, and sensors, with machine learning. This data combination unlocks the benefits of process optimization, digital twins, predictive analytics, condition-based maintenance, augmented reality, and virtual reality while improving worker safety. The Peregrine is interoperable with all BreadCrumb radio nodes to expand market capabilities for industries like mining, rail, shipping ports, public safety, agriculture, and heavy construction. It is fortified with rugged, environmentally sealed enclosures and supports several robust cryptographic options for data and MAC-address encryption and per-hop, per-packet authentication. Scalable to hundreds of mobile, high-bandwidth nodes, the Peregrine enables data, voice, and video applications.

About Rajant Corporation

Rajant Corporation is the broadband communications technology company that invented Kinetic Mesh® networking, BreadCrumb® wireless nodes, and InstaMesh® networking software. With Rajant, customers can rapidly deploy a highly adaptable and scalable network that leverages the power of real-time data to deliver on-demand, mission-critical business intelligence. A low-latency, high-throughput, and secure solution for a variety of data, voice, video, and autonomous applications, Rajant’s Kinetic Mesh networks provide industrial customers with full mobility, allowing them to take their private network applications and data anywhere. With successful deployments in more than 75 countries for customers in military, mining, ports, rail, oil & gas, petrochemical plants, municipalities, and agriculture. Rajant has 270+ mines worldwide distributed across the Americas, APAC, Asia, and EMEA. Rajant is headquartered in Malvern, Pennsylvania, with additional facilities and offices in Arizona and Kentucky. For more information, visit Rajant.com or follow Rajant on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Alice DiSanto
Rajant Corporation
[email protected]

OKX makes peer-to-peer trading safe, accessible and fee-free

  • In addition to expanding payment methods to make P2P Trading more accessible, OKX acts as an intermediary to offer risk management to traders
  • OKX also does not charge any fees for P2P Trading

VICTORIA, Seychelles, Aug. 02, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — World-leading cryptocurrency platform OKX has today introduced its new-and-improved P2P (peer-to-peer) Trading platform. The service not only allows users to trade seamlessly between one another, but makes safe, reliable P2P trading available to a far broader range of users.

P2P Trading on OKX empowers users to become their own marketplace by issuing “advertisements” in order to trade with one another and better control the price they buy and sell at. This includes users in unbanked markets who may lack access to conventional banking infrastructure. OKX’s P2P Trading platform not only offers more than 900 payment methods from across 40 different currencies, but is offered to users free of fees.

Lennix Lai, Director of Financial Markets, OKX, said: “P2P Trading on OKX empowers users to trade on their own terms. But more importantly, it makes secure person-to-person trading accessible to far more people, including those around the world who lack access to traditional banking services. This is one of the ways in which OKX is empowering users the world over to liberate themselves from traditional financial systems and strive to attain financial independence.”

The OKX platform plays a facilitation and risk management role in P2P trades. After a deal is struck between users, OKX holds the funds in escrow until the buyer’s payment is confirmed. This allows the exchange to manage the risks faced by users and ensure safe and stable trading between them.

OKX’s overhaul of its P2P Trading platform includes a new-and-improved homepage UI, and an easy-to-use navigation bar that makes it easy to switch seamlessly between the marketplace, orders and ads. The revamp also provides streamlined access to P2P guides, FAQs and tutorials to help users learn how to get the best out of the platform.

Discover more about how to P2P trade on the OKX Academy, or check OKX P2P Trading out for yourself here.

For further information, please contact:
[email protected]

About OKX
OKX is a leading crypto trading app, and a Web3 ecosystem. Trusted by more than 20 million global customers in over 180 international markets, OKX is known for being the fastest and most reliable crypto trading app of choice for investors and professional traders globally.

To learn more about OKX, download our app or visit: okx.com

Authentix, Inc. Signs Ten-Year Contract with Botswana Unified Revenue Service to Provide Marketplace Governance Program for Digital Marking and Tracking of Tobacco and Alcohol Products

ADDISON, Texas and GABORONE, Botswana, Aug. 2, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Authentix announced today it has signed a 10-year contract with the Botswana Unified Revenue Service (BURS) for a fiscal marking and digital tracking solution for tobacco and alcohol products sold in the country.  This digital tax stamp program is aimed at preventing illicit trade and counterfeits while also ensuring that citizens receive genuine and safe products.

The new digital track and trace system will boost tax revenue collections levied on manufacturers and importers by increasing industry compliance, reducing illicit trade, and preventing the underreporting of volumes.  The new contract covers the marking and digital tracking of an estimated 500 million product units per year.

Authentix TransAct™, a secure SaaS-based IT data platform, along with direct printing of secure, serialized digital product codes will combine to form the industry’s leading high security digital tracking and enforcement solution.  The system will reduce and deter fraudulent activities – protecting the public from the harmful effects of contraband and ensuring a level playing field for all legitimate industry stakeholders. The countrywide program will encompass implementation, training, technical support, hardware installation, ongoing maintenance, and program management provided by the Authentix-Botswana Operations Office.

Kevin McKenna, Chief Executive Officer of Authentix, commented “We are delighted that BURS selected and trusted us to implement and manage the country’s first and very important digital tracking solution for these products.  We look forward to working with BURS and implementing the program to help quickly realize the many benefits for the citizens of Botswana.”

Collaborating with governments around the globe, Authentix Marketplace Governance programs have helped ensure the authentication and traceability of products while recovering billions of dollars in tax revenue.

About Authentix:

As the authority in authentication solutions, Authentix thrives in supply chain complexity. Authentix provides advanced authentication solutions for governments, central banks, and commercial products, ensuring local economies grow, banknote security remains intact, and commercial products have greater market opportunities. The Authentix partnership approach and proven sector expertise inspires innovation, helping customers mitigate risks, grow revenue, and gain competitive advantage.  Headquartered in Addison, Texas USA, Authentix, Inc. has offices in the US, UK, Saudi Arabia, Asia, and Africa serving clients worldwide. For more information, visit https://www.authentix.com. Authentix® is a registered trademark of Authentix, Inc.

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/429526/Authentix_Logo.jpg

NYI étend ses opérations du 60 Hudson Street

L’acquisition de l’installation Equinix NY8 apporte une capacité de centre de données supplémentaire et un accès rentable à un vaste écosystème d’opérateurs à New York

60 Hudson Street, New York

Centre mondial d’interconnexion

NEW YORK, 02 août 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — NYI, l’un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions d’infrastructure hybride et de services gérés, a étendu ses activités du 60 Hudson Street grâce à l’ajout d’espace précédemment occupé par Equinix. Cette expansion est le résultat d’une coentreprise avec QTD Systems, qui a acquis l’espace Equinix dans le cadre d’une transaction conclue le 1er août 2022.

Grâce à cette intégration, NYI double son nombre de centres de données et élargit immédiatement l’écosystème des opérateurs mis à la disposition des clients. L’expansion inclut également une infrastructure de conduit supplémentaire significative et un accès à l’alimentation électrique par Ethernet (PoE), qui fourniront une capacité et une portée inégalées dans l’immeuble le plus connecté de New York. Avec les capacités déjà présentes dans l’immeuble de NYI, les clients auront désormais accès à des niveaux de résilience inégalés lorsqu’ils déploieront leur stratégie d’interconnexion.

« Avec l’accélération de la transformation numérique, le rôle de 60 Hudson Street en tant que lieu prééminent pour les opérateurs mondiaux de la ville de New York devient inestimable. Il permettra de satisfaire les besoins croissants en matière de connectivité des clients », a déclaré Phillip Koblence, cofondateur et directeur des opérations de NYI. « Grâce à cette intégration, NYI augmente sa capacité à servir d’intermédiaire de premier plan pour l’accès à cette passerelle d’interconnexion mondiale, tout en rendant les déploiements à 60 Hudson Street plus simples et plus rentables. »

« J’ai une longue carrière chez 60 Hudson Street, où j’ai créé au cours des vingt dernières années plusieurs entreprises de centres de données et de connectivité qui sont toujours opérationnelles. Je me réjouis de voir NYI continuer à fournir des services de qualité et à s’appuyer sur l’infrastructure 60 Hudson NY8 d’Equinix pour booster l’avenir de l’interconnexion », a ajouté Peter Feldman, PDG de QTD Systems.

L’expansion bénéficiera à plusieurs parties :

  • Les anciens clients d’Equinix profiteront d’une continuité opérationnelle et d’un accès au personnel technique expert sur site de NYI, à la plateforme d’interconnexion rentable et à la suite de solutions d’infrastructure hybrides et de services gérés interactifs.
  • Les clients nationaux et internationaux auront accès à davantage d’espace et d’énergie, ainsi qu’à un écosystème d’opérateurs élargi.
  • Les fournisseurs et opérateurs de télécommunications bénéficieront d’un accès transparent et rentable à l’infrastructure étendue de conduit dans l’immeuble de NYI et à d’autres points d’entrée.

Grâce à des capacités étendues et à un engagement continu à réduire la complexité et à fournir une expérience client fluide, NYI espère proposer une situation équitable, rendant l’interconnexion à 60 Hudson Street plus simple et plus accessible du point de vue du déploiement et des coûts, pour les opérateurs, les fournisseurs de contenu et les entreprises de toutes tailles.

À propos de NYI

NYI est un fournisseur de premier plan de solutions hybrides d’infrastructure, de réseau et d’interconnexion. La société est connue pour réduire la complexité du paysage informatique et faciliter les solutions personnalisées afin de répondre aux besoins critiques des clients de tous les secteurs en matière d’infrastructure et de connectivité. NYI a son siège social à New York et fournit des services d’entreprise sur des marchés mondiaux clés grâce à un écosystème de partenaires de confiance. Pour en savoir plus sur NYI, rendez-vous sur nyi.net ou suivez NYI sur Twitter ou LinkedIn.

Contact auprès des médias :
Iromie Weeramantry, vice-président du Marketing
[email protected]

À propos de QTD Systems

Peter Feldman, PDG de QTD Systems, possède plus de 25 ans d’expérience dans le développement, les opérations, la gestion et la conception de centres de données, y compris la création de deux entreprises de longue date à 60 Hudson Street à New York, à savoir Telx (maintenant Digital Realty Trust) et DataGryd (maintenant Hudson IX). Il a également cofondé Digital Crossroads à Hammond, dans l’Indiana. QTD Systems se concentrera sur le développement de la prochaine génération de technologies Quantum en partenariat avec Novum Industria, une société dérivée, ou spinoff, du MIT et membre de Quantum Economic Development Corp (QED-C) dans l’ancienne installation de NY8.

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0cab232c-0c8d-4915-9d67-15f658bcef3b/fr