Triller Inc. recebe US $ 310 milhões em fundos de participação acionária da Global Emerging Markets (GEM) em conexão com a sua abertura de capital

A empresa espera ser negociada publicamente no início do 4º trimestre sob o símbolo “ILLR”

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Triller Inc.(“Triller”) e a GEM Global Yield LLC SCS (“GGY”) anunciaram hoje um investimento vinculativo de US $ 310 milhões da GEM, grupo de investimento alternativo privado sediado em Luxemburgo, na forma de participação acionária. Sob com o acordo, a GEM fornecerá à Triller até US $ 310 milhões em capital acionário durante o período de 36 meses após a colocação pública das ações ordinárias da Triller.

A Triller não será obrigada a sacar todos os US $ 310 milhões, somente parte ou todo, como decidir. A Triller irá determinar a ocasião e o valor de todos os desembolsos e emitirá ações para a GEM em cada desembolso do programa. A Triller também irá emitir warrants para a GEM, alinhando ainda mais os interesses das empresas.

A Triller registrou seu S-1 privado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários dos EUA no mês passado e está enviando o que espera ser o S-1 final simultaneamente com o fechamento do programa. A expectativa é que a negociação tenha início do quarto trimestre de 2022.

“A Triller tem crescido exponencialmente”, disse Mahi de Silva, CEO e Presidente da Triller. “No início, em 2019, éramos uma empresa de receita zero; agora estamos no caminho certo para ultrapassar US $ 100 milhões de receita este ano. O aplicativo Triller foi baixado mais de 350 milhões de vezes, e a empresa trabalha com dezenas das maiores marcas do mundo e milhares de artistas famosos, causando uma disrupção criativa.”

A Triller tem 10 linhas de negócios, oito das quais estão no ponto de equilíbrio ou são lucrativas, com 750 milhões de interações por trimestre, cada uma sendo uma potencial transação monetizável para a empresa no futuro.

Com a infusão de capital da GEM, a Triller poderá fazer outras aquisições para fortalecer sua caixa de ferramentas para a comunidade de criadores e alcançar o ponto de equilíbrio ou lucratividade no curto prazo. Com a linha de crédito de US $ 310 milhões, a Triller terá arrecadado mais de US $ 600 milhões de dólares e, após a abertura do capital, estará praticamente livre de dívidas.

“A Triller está quebrando todas as regras dos sistemas de plataformas fechadas. É incrível como o sistema tradicional se aproveita dos criadores e usuários, mantendo 99% do dinheiro do sistema”, disse De Silva. “O motivo pelo qual a indústria está tão focada nas métricas MAU/DAU e outras do gênero é que o tempo que alguém passa dentro de uma plataforma fechada de uma empresa significa que as redes sociais são ‘donas’ do usuário, receita, marca e informações.

“O Triller rompe esse sistema. Com a nossa plataforma aberta devolvemos o controle para os criadores e usuários, permitindo a conexão direta dos criadores com as marcas. Fornecemos ferramentas para maximizar as conexões e a qualidade da sua monetização. Além disso, a análise do número de interações nos ajuda a prever receitas futuras, pois cada uma delas pode resultar em uma taxa de transação para nós.”

Sobre a Triller Inc.

Triller é uma plataforma com tecnologia Open Garden alimentada por IA para criadores de conteúdo. Com a união da cultura musical com esportes, moda, entretenimento e influenciadores, por meio de uma visão de 360 graus do conteúdo e da tecnologia, a Triller incentiva seus influenciadores a postar o conteúdo criado no aplicativo em diferentes plataformas de redes sociais, utilizando sua tecnologia de IA para impulsionar e rastrear seu conteúdo de forma viral em sites e redes afiliadas e não afiliadas, permitindo que alcancem milhões de usuários adicionais. Além disso, a Triller é proprietária da VERZUZ, plataforma de live-stream de música; marcas de esportes de combate Triller Fight Club, Triad Combat e BKFC;, plataforma líder em engajamento com clientes;, serviço global premier de streaming PPV, AVOD e SVOD; Thuzio, líder em eventos e experiências de influenciadores premium B2B; Fangage, plataforma para criadores para engajamento com fãs e monetização de conteúdo, e Julius, plataforma para marcas e agências para utilização de criadores para engajamento e comércio social.

Sobre a GEM
Global Emerging Markets (“GEM”) é um grupo de investimento alternativo privado de US $ 3,4 bilhões, com sede em Luxemburgo e com escritórios em Paris, Nova York e Bahamas. A GEM administra um conjunto diversificado de veículos de investimento focados em mercados emergentes, com mais de 530 transações fechadas em mais de 70 países. Cada veículo de investimento tem um nível diferente de controle operacional, retorno ajustado ao risco e perfil de liquidez. A família de fundos e veículos de investimento fornecem à GEM e seus parceiros exposição a: Management Buyouts de empresas de pequeno e médio porte, Investimentos Privados em Ações Públicas e investimentos em certos empreendimentos. Para mais informações:

Tony Freinberg
Presidente, Edendale Strategies
[email protected]
(310) 614-1435

Triller Inc. obtient un financement en capital de 310 millions de dollars de la part de Global Emerging Markets (GEM) dans le cadre de son introduction en bourse à venir

La société prévoit d’être cotée en bourse au début du 4e trimestre sous le symbole « ILLR »

LOS ANGELES, 30 sept. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Triller Inc. (« Triller ») et GEM Global Yield LLC SCS (« GGY ») ont annoncé aujourd’hui un investissement contraignant de 310 millions de dollars de la part de GEM, le groupe d’investissement alternatif privé basé au Luxembourg, sous la forme d’une facilité de souscription d’actions. En vertu de cet accord, GEM fournira à Triller jusqu’à 310 millions de dollars de capitaux propres sur une durée de 36 mois suite à l’introduction en bourse des actions ordinaires de Triller.

Triller ne sera pas tenue d’utiliser l’intégralité des 310 millions de dollars, mais pourra le faire en partie ou en totalité à sa discrétion. Triller contrôlera à la fois le calendrier et le montant de tous les prélèvements et émettra des actions à GEM pour chaque montant prélevé de la facilité. Triller émettra également des bons de souscription à GEM, alignant davantage les intérêts des sociétés.

Triller a déposé son formulaire S-1 privé auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission des États-Unis le mois dernier et soumet ce qu’elle prévoit d’être le dernier formulaire S-1 parallèlement à la clôture de cette facilité. La société prévoit de commencer à être cotée en bourse au début du 4e trimestre 2022.

« Triller connaît une croissance considérable », a déclaré Mahi de Silva, PDG et président de Triller. « Lors de notre création en 2019, nous étions une société à chiffre d’affaires nul et nous sommes maintenant en bonne voie pour générer 100 millions de dollars de chiffre d’affaires cette année. L’application Triller a été téléchargée plus de 350 millions de fois, et la société travaille avec des dizaines des plus grandes marques au monde et des milliers d’artistes de premier plan, perturbant l’ensemble de la communauté des créateurs. »

Triller compte 10 branches d’activité, dont huit sont sont au seuil de rentabilité ou rentables, et effectue 750 millions d’interactions par trimestre, chacune étant une transaction potentiellement monétisable pour la société à l’avenir.

Avec l’infusion de capital de GEM, Triller sera en mesure de réaliser des acquisitions supplémentaires pour renforcer sa boîte à outils pour la communauté des créateurs et atteindre le seuil de rentabilité ou la rentabilité à court terme. En supposant qu’elle utilise la totalité de la facilité d’investissement de 310 millions de dollars, Triller aura levé plus de 600 millions de dollars et, au moment de son introduction en bourse, sera pratiquement exempte de dette.

« Triller enfreint toutes les règles des systèmes de jardin fermé. Cela remet en question la façon dont la vieille garde tire parti des créateurs et des utilisateurs en conservant pour elle 99 % de l’argent au sein du système », a ajouté M. De Silva. « La raison pour laquelle le secteur est axé sur le nombre d’utilisateurs actifs mensuels, quotidiens ou autre est parce que cela représente le temps qu’une personne passe dans le jardin fermé particulier d’une entreprise et cela signifie que les réseaux sociaux “possèdent” l’utilisateur, les revenus, la marque et les informations. »

« Triller brise totalement ce système. En tant que jardin ouvert, notre objectif est de redonner le pouvoir aux créateurs et aux utilisateurs, en permettant aux créateurs et aux marques de se connecter directement. Nous fournissons des outils qui permettent de maximiser ces connexions et la façon font chacune d’elles peut être monétisée. En outre, prendre en considération le nombre d’interactions que nous facilitons nous aide à prévoir les revenus futurs puisque chacune d’elles représente des frais de transaction potentiels pour nous. »

À propos de Triller Inc.

Triller est la plateforme technologique de « jardin ouvert » alimentée par l’IA pour les créateurs. En associant la culture musicale au sport, à la mode, au divertissement et aux influenceurs par le biais d’une vision à 360 degrés du contenu et de la technologie, Triller encourage ses influenceurs à publier le contenu créé sur l’application à travers différentes plateformes de réseaux sociaux et utilise une technologie exclusive d’IA pour promouvoir et suivre leur contenu de manière virale sur des sites et réseaux affiliés et non affiliés, leur permettant d’atteindre des millions d’utilisateurs supplémentaires. Triller possède également VERZUZ, la plateforme de musique en direct, les marques de sport de combat Triller Fight Club, Triad Combat et BKFC,, une plateforme d’engagement client de premier plan,, un service de streaming PPV, AVOD et SVOD mondial de premier plan, Thuzio, un leader dans les événements et expériences d’influenceurs B2B de qualité supérieure, Fangage, une plateforme permettant aux créateurs de s’engager avec les fans et de monétiser le contenu, et Julius, une plateforme permettant aux marques et aux agences de tirer parti des créateurs pour l’engagement social et le commerce social.

À propos de GEM
Global Emerging Markets (« GEM ») est un groupe privé d’investissement alternatif de 3,4 milliards de dollars, basé au Luxembourg, avec des bureaux à Paris, à New York et aux Bahamas. GEM gère un ensemble diversifié de véhicules d’investissement axés sur les marchés émergents et a réalisé plus de 530 transactions dans plus de 70 pays. Chaque véhicule d’investissement possède un degré différent de contrôle opérationnel, de rendement ajusté au risque et de profil de liquidité. Cette famille de fonds et de véhicules d’investissement fournit à GEM et à ses partenaires une exposition à des rachats d’entreprise de petites et moyennes capitalisations, des investissements privés dans des actions publiques et des investissements de capital-risque sélectionnés. Pour tout complément d’information :

Tony Freinberg
Président d'Edendale Strategies
[email protected]
(310) 614-1435

Madison Newbond Hotel Lending Platform Originates $20 Million Loan for the Balfour Hotel in Miami Beach

NEW YORK, Sept. 30, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Madison Newbond, the institutional lending platform of Madison Realty Capital and Newbond Holdings that provides first mortgages, mezzanine loans and preferred equity to hotel owners and developers nationwide, today announced that it has provided a $20 million loan to FullG Capital’s equity sponsorship group for the acquisition of the Balfour Hotel Miami Beach (the “Balfour”), an independent boutique hotel located at 350 Ocean Drive in Miami Beach, Florida.

Located within Miami’s famed South Beach Art Deco District and situated less than one block from the beach, the Balfour contains 82 guestrooms across two towers, as well as an upscale restaurant and bar, an outdoor plunge pool, complimentary beach services, and approximately 1,300 square feet of rooftop terrace space. The hotel is managed by Driftwood Hospitality Management under a third-party hotel management agreement.

Josh Zegen, Managing Principal and Co-Founder of Madison Realty Capital, said, “Miami is no longer just a top destination for domestic and international leisure travel, but has rapidly become a growing hub for corporations and financial firms seeking to relocate their headquarters. We are pleased to provide a flexible financing solution to facilitate the acquisition of a superbly well-located hotel in one of the most liquid and dynamic hospitality markets in the country.”

Drew Coles, President of FullG Capital said, “Madison Realty Capital is a highly experienced lender in the Miami hospitality market with a reputation for certainty of execution. We are thrilled to leverage Madison Newbond’s attractive financing capabilities to complete the acquisition of the Balfour.”

Neil Luthra, Founding Partner at Newbond, added, “Madison and Newbond’s extensive operating experience enables us to efficiently underwrite hospitality lending opportunities and provide borrowers with a reliable financing partner in today’s choppy credit environment.  The Balfour perfectly exemplifies this, and we are excited to work with the FullG Capital team to bring their business plan to life.”

Madison Realty Capital has significant experience investing in hotel and luxury condominium developments in Miami and across South Florida. Notable transactions include an $85 million loan to The Related Group, BH Group, Teddy Sagi’s Globe Invest, and Wanxiang Group Corporation for the acquisition and pre-development of a luxury condominium project on Fisher Island in Miami Beach, a $76 million loan to The Related Group for the development of District 225, a 343-unit luxury condominium project in Miami, a $210 million loan to Fort Partners for the construction of the Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Fort Lauderdale, and a $105 million loan to Fort Partners for the acquisition and modernization of the Four Seasons Hotel Miami.

Madison Newbond launched in November 2021 with approximately $500 million of initial lending capacity and has plans to add scale in line with existing opportunities.


About Madison Realty Capital 

Madison Realty Capital is a vertically integrated real estate private equity firm that, as of August 31, 2022, manages approximately $9.5 billion in total assets on behalf of a global institutional investor base. Since 2004, Madison Realty Capital has completed approximately $21 billion in transactions providing borrowers with flexible and highly customized financing solutions, strong underwriting capabilities, and certainty of execution. Headquartered in New York City, with an office in Los Angeles, the firm has approximately 70 employees across all real estate investment, development, and property management disciplines. Madison Realty Capital has been named to Commercial Observer’s prestigious “Power 100” list of New York City real estate players. To learn more, follow us on LinkedIn and visit

About Newbond Holdings

Newbond Holdings, founded by Neil Luthra and Vann Avedisian in 2021, is a real estate investment and operating platform focused on debt and equity investments across multiple real estate product types with a hospitality focus as well as investments in related operating businesses and technology platforms. The partners at Newbond have completed over $15 billion of debt and equity transactions. As a vertically integrated operating and investment platform, Newbond is uniquely positioned to create significant value beyond the typical investment process through creative structuring, operations and the development of single and multiple asset brands.

Nathaniel Garnick/Grace Cartwright
Gasthalter & Co.
(212) 257-4170
[email protected]

Provincial commissioner denounces Bedwang video recording that is circulating on social media platforms

Provincial Commissioner of North West, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena condemns the recorded video which ultimately went viral on social media platforms. In the video, four men can be seen clinging and dancing on the side and rear of Bedwang police station marked vehicle.

According to information, police went to a tavern at Ruigtersloot village to attend to a complaint on Sunday afternoon, 3 July 2022. On arrival, the members parked the marked vehicle outside the tavern and went inside to look for the boy whose mother alleged that he stole her money. While the police were inside the tavern, the men allegedly video recorded themselves with a cell phone. Although the police were tipped-off about the incident, they did not find anyone near the vehicle when they got out.

Lieutenant General Kwena would like to urge members of the community to refrain from doing what is depicted in the video as it creates perception and impacts negatively on the image of the Service. He requested the public in the area to come forth with any information that can assist in ensuring that drastic steps are taken against the men. The information can be communicated with the Station Commander, Captain Precious Melanzi on 082 822 3101.

Source: South African Police Service

A 74-year-old attacked in her house

On Friday today 30 September 2022 at about 01:30, 74-year-old victim was at her house in Villiers town, asleep, when she was woken up by strange noises near her bed. The elderly woman switched on her bedroom light but the suspect switched it off and grabbed the old woman and started assaulting her.

The elderly woman was assaulted with a steel rod and pushed onto her bed.  Few moments passed and the suspect fled the scene after he took an undisclosed amount of money and the old woman’s cellphone.

The 74-year-old managed to notify her children and police.  Villiers police are investigating a case of House robbery.

No one has been arrested yet and Villiers police are pleading to anyone with information that may lead to the arrest of the suspect. To contact Detective Warrant Officer Neels du Rand of Villiers SAPS on 0824196615 or contact the nearest Police station or call Police Crime Stop Nr. 08600 10111 or report anonymously on MySaps App.

Source: South African Police Service

Pangolin dealer sentenced to three years direct imprisonment and deportation thereafter

GAUTENG – A foreign national, Shepherd Mubatasango (33), was convicted and sentenced in the Pretoria Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday, 27 September 2022, for dealing in pangolin and contravening the Immigration Act.

Following a tipoff that an individual was selling a live pangolin. The Hawks’ Wildlife Trafficking team pounced on the dealer on Wednesday afternoon, 14 October 2020.

The unsuspecting Mubatasango led a police agent to a vehicle at Lyttleton shopping centre parking lot, where a pangolin was found concealed in the boot. As the negotiations were underway the team swopped and arrested Mubatasango on the spot. Exhibits were seized including the pangolin which is one of the protected species.

The Court has convicted Mubatasango for contraventions of the National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act (NEMBA) as well as Immigration Act as he is illegal in the country. It has been ordered that he serve three years direct imprisonment for the main charge and three months for the other charge.

The court has further declared the convict to be an undesirable person. He is set to be deported back to Zimbabwe which is his country of origin after serving the sentence.

Meanwhile, in a different case, on Wednesday, 28 September 2022, a multidisciplinary team including the Hawks, K9 and Crime Intelligence Gathering and a privately owned Specialist Group conducted an operation where yet another pangolin was rescued.

The operation followed information that Forward Kaitano (28), a truck driver, was in possession of a live pangolin that he was selling. A ‘potential buyer’ met with him at a petrol filling station round Cullinan near Pretoria where he was immediately arrested. He was consequently charged for dealing in endangered animal which is a contravention of the NEMBA Act.

The Cullinan Magistarte’s Court has postponed the case to Wednesday, 06 October 2022, for verification of his status in the country in order to allow for a bail application.

Source: South African Police Service