President Cyril Ramaphosa welcomes Constitutional Court decision on the suspension of Adv. Mkhwebane

President Cyril Ramaphosa has noted and welcomed the judgement by the Constitutional Court, affirming the President’s adherence to due process and fairness, in the process of suspending Public Protector Adv. Busisiwe Mkhwebane.

The suspension followed the decision by the National Assembly to institute section 194 proceedings against Adv. Mkhwebane.

Media enquires:

Vincent Magwenya

Cell: 082 835 6315

Source: Government of South Africa

President Cyril Ramaphosa: Official launch of Huawei Innovation Centre

Programme Director,

Ministers and Deputy Ministers,

His Excellency Ambassador Chen of the People’s Republic of China,

President of Huawei Southern Africa, Mr Leo Chen,

Chief Executive Officer of Huawei South Africa, Mr Will Meng,

Deputy CEO of Huawei South Africa, Mr Kan Chen,

Partners from business, including the Open Lab Local SMME partners,

Winners of the ICT Competition present here today,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

What I have seen and heard this morning is both impressive and encouraging.

This Centre brings together Huawei’s different business units in a collaboration hub with local partners, app developers and ICT-focused SMMEs.

For South Africa, expanding digital infrastructure is one of the primary engines of economic growth. The development of information technology is key to the competitiveness of our economy.

Ambassador Chen,

In October last year, President Xi Jinping described science and technology as “a primary productive force, talent as a primary resource, and innovation as a primary driver of growth”.

This is a sentiment that we share.

Digital innovation is inextricably linked to a nation’s development.

Not only can new digital technologies such as AI, Big Data and machine learning provide a platform for economic growth, job creation and self-employment; they can also vastly improve Government service delivery.

The application of digital technologies to improve production processes spans a broad range of economic sectors from mining to ports to transportation and others.

Last year, for example, the first 5G coal mine was launched in South Africa through a partnership with Huawei, its carrier and industry partners.

This centre is a signal of Huawei’s confidence in the South African economy and its potential.

The digital technology and business services sectors are key pillars of South Africa’s investment strategy.

To stimulate investment in these sectors, we have focused on several structural reforms.

The actions we have taken include the auction of high-demand spectrum that took place last year, which – alongside digital migration – will significantly expand access to broadband and bring down data costs.

Other priorities include the development of an ICT and Digital Economy Masterplan and National Data and Cloud Policy.

South Africa has a robust and sophisticated ICT sector with expertise in data centres, cloud computing and storage, and rapidly expanding wireless and fibre infrastructure.

We have strong regulatory frameworks around cybersecurity, intellectual property, the protection of personal information and others.

According to the 2023 State of the ICT Sector in South Africa, published by the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, the sector’s revenue continues to increase, by approximately R25.5 billion over a five-year period.

This makes the ICT sector one of our most attractive industries for investment, with substantial growth potential.

As we grow the digital economy it is our expectation that this growth in revenue should be matched by an increase in the number of jobs the sector creates.

It is, therefore, encouraging that this Innovation Centre will be focusing on knowledge and skills transfer, as well as SMME development.

I congratulate Huawei for the work it is doing to cultivate local digital talent through the LEAP programme, ICT academies and DigiSchool projects.

We welcome indications by Huawei that the company plans to invest substantially in data centres and cyber security industries in Africa.

By adopting the range of cutting-edge technologies being pioneered by companies such as Huawei, South Africa and the continent will be able to leapfrog into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

I look forward to receiving updates on the innovation and collaborative partnerships that will be forged here.

It is our hope that this Innovation Centre will be a springboard for the launch of new local ICT enterprises that create jobs. We hope it will be a springboard to new business processes that grow our economy and support our national developmental goals.

I wish Huawei and its partners every success with this Innovation Centre.

I thank you.

Source: Government of South Africa

Pandor attends 43rd Session of the AU Executive Council in Kenya

International Relations and Cooperation Minister, Dr Naledi Pandor, is attending the 43rd Session of the African Union (AU) Executive Council in Kenya, Nairobi.

The meeting, which will take place today and Friday, 13 July 2023, will gather Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the AU.

“The AU Commission has also invited the Ministers of Finance because the agenda of the Executive Council is dominated by matters of the AU budget and finances,” the department explained.

The gathering will take place under the 2023 AU theme, ‘Accelerating of AfCFTA Implementation’.

“The Executive Council is expected to consider the reports on the financial state of the organisation in terms of the implementation of its key priorities including, maintaining peace and security on the continent, implementing Agenda 2063, improving Africa’s socio-economic status, addressing the devastating impact of climate change in Africa, advocating for human rights and good governance across the continent,” the department explained.

In addition, the Executive Council will receive a briefing on the progress made in the implementation of the AU’s institutional reforms and Agenda 2063.

They will also receive a report on the candidatures that have expressed their wish to represent Africa in the various organisations and institutions in the international system.

The committee is preceded by the 3rd Extra-Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers (COM) of Trade meeting on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

South Africa is represented by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition Deputy Minister, Fikile Majola.

In addition, the 5th meeting of the Mid-Year Coordination Council (MYCM) will take place on 16 July 2023.

“This is a meeting at the Heads of State level but only attended by members of the Bureau of the AU Assembly, heads of the various regional economic communities, heads of AU organs, and specialised agencies.

“Heads of State and former Heads of State who are champions of thematic issues are also invited.”

Pandor will also use the opportunity of her visit to Kenya to have bilateral meetings with some of her counterparts.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Alleged Extortion: Call petroleum tanker drivers to order, IPMAN urges FG

The Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) has urged the Federal Government to prevail upon the Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD), to stop forthwith the illegal levy imposed on their members.

IPMAN National Public Relation Officer (PRO), Yakubu Suleiman, said during a news conference in Abuja on Wednesday that the call followed a meeting of the Central Working Committee (CWC) of the association.

Suleiman said it had become imperative for Nigerians especially the Federal Government and the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) to know those allegedly sabotaging the distribution of Petroleum Motor Spirit (PMS) in the country.

“We want the government and NNPCL to be aware that Petroleum Tanker Drivers (PTD), as an association, is allegedly the number one enemy of fuel subsidy removal and deregulation,” he said.

Suleiman said that the PTD had allegedly exhibited an act of sabotage on PMS distribution by levying IPMAN members N23,000 for each truck loaded at the depot.

He described the levy as an “extortion”, while calling on President Bola Tinubu and the NNPCL to call the tanker driver to order.

The IPMAN PRO said that the levy imposed on their members by tanker drivers had further depleted the little profit left for them to keep their fuel distribution business going.

He said that a truck load of PMS initially cost them about seven million naira but that the subsidy removal pushed it to above 23 million naira to load and transport the same product to their various fuel stations.

“We have been fighting extortion by petroleum tanker drivers for about 10 years now and we have been telling them that this market is based on profit but our pleas have fallen on deaf ears.

“They have been extorting different amounts from our members; from N200,000 and we thought that with the removal of subsidy that the era of extortion will go, unfortunately, more have been added.

“Reports have reached our secretariat of another levy of N23,000 being collected by PTD from our members and we don’t know what that money is for.

“We make a profit of only N500,000 on each truck of PMS we now buy at above 23 million naira and it can take us days or weeks to sell.

“Inside that N500,000, there are other logistics that we must take care of, especially providing fuel for the truck that will carry the product, providing fuel for the engine that will carry light at the stations and so on.

“At the end of the day we are left with about N200,000; we do it out of patriotism and support to the FG and NNPCL, then from nowhere our members are paying N23,000 for what they don’t know about,” Suleiman said.

He therefore, urged PTD to steer clear of that levy as they have instructed IPMAN members to stop the payment.

The IPMAN PRO said that continuing the levy or extortion would lead them to taking a drastic action, to protect their members.

“If nothing is done, we will call our members to stop loading and we have given a time frame to watch development before we carry out our action.

“We urge them to call PTD to order to henceforth stop collecting these levies from our members. Trucks belong to us an drivers work for us, then, why are we been surcharged for providing food for the family.

“The constitution of PTD allows them to collect only N300 from their members, not outside and not from IPMAN. We support PIA.

“As IPMAN, we levy only our members; we don’t levy other organisations or associations, which is what our constitution says, but to our chagrin, tanker drivers left their territory and started further levying of IPMAN members.

“At the moment we are working on ensuring that more importers join the NNPCL to bring in PMS. And we hope that the price will soon begin to come down since the market forces determine the price.

“We assure President Bola Tinubu and NNPCL that IPMAN as an association, is in full support of deregulation and we will continue to ensure that supply and distribution of petroleum products succeed in the country.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Group hails Nigerian military’s roles in global peace, stabilisation efforts

The National Security Assessment Group (NSAG), a civil society group, has lauded the role of the Nigerian military in restoring peace and stabilisation in various parts of the world.

The National Coordinator of NSAG, Mr Ismail Aliyu, in a statement on Thursday in Abuja, said Nigerian Armed Forces had continued to exhibit unwavering commitment to global peace and that of Africa in particular.

Aliyu said the recent return of 84 Nigerian soldiers who served in the ECOWAS Stabilisation Support Mission in Guinea Bissau to Nigeria was commemdable.

He added that the commendation trailing the performance of Nigerian troops in the United Nations Interim Security Force (UNISFA) for Abyei in Sudan had also demonstrated such commitment.

According to him, the Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander UNISFA, Maj.-Gen. Benjamin Sawyerr, is a Nigerian, while the 160 strength Nigerian Contingent Force to UNISFA is commanded by Col. E. J. Nkwereuwen.

The group said that reports from various countries where Nigerian troops were engaged in peacekeeping operations revealed that the troops had continued to be disciplined, loyal and submissive to constituted authority.

“We cannot be happy enough that we now have a Chief of Defence Staff, Maj.-Gen. Christoper Musa, who played a pivotal role in making the North East peaceful during his time as Theatre Commander, Operation Hadin.

“The sacrifices made by Nigerian military in restoration of peace within and outside the country is unequalled.

“It reinforces the fact that the Nigerian military is equal to the task wherever they find themselves.

“We cannot forget the role of our troops in peacekeeping in over 40 countries dating back to over 50 years when General Aguiyi Ironsi led Nigerian Army troops out for the first time in a peace support mission to the war-ravaged Congo in the 1960s.

“Our success in peacekeeping has endeared us to the International Community as a reliable peace partner.

“We, therefore, urge Nigerians to continue to pray for our troops and support them as they continue to make us proud,” the group said.

The group said that another contingent of troops, comprising nine officers and 77 soldiers deployed to take over from those that returned from Guinea-Bissau, have departed the country.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Port Harcourt Custodial Centre begins production of organic fertiliser

The Controller General of Nigerian Correctional Service, Haliru Nababa, has expressed satisfaction with the quality of granulated organic fertilisers produced at the biofertiliser factory in the Maximum Security Custodial Centre, Port-Harcourt, Rivers.

The commendation comes after construction of the factory within six months of signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), with Biofil Technology Nigeria Ltd.

Nababa gave the commendation during a working visit to the Biofertiliser factory at the Maximum Security Custodial Centre, Port-Harcourt, a statement by SC Juliet Ofoni , Command Public Relation Officer,Rivers, said on Wednesday.

The visit was to inspect and evaluate the biofertiliser factory and to collect samples for test in as many Correctional Farm Centres as possible.

It was also to procure same as off-takers for use in farms such as Elele Correction Farm Centre, Port-Harcourt.

The Controller General of Corrections (CGC) was represented by Deputy Controller General of Corrections, in the Inmates Training and Productivity (ITP) Directorate, Sylvester Nwakuche.

He expressed satisfaction with the quality of granulated organic fertiliser produced after construction of the factory within 6 months of signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), with Biofil Technology Nigeria Ltd.

He called on investors to exploit the Public Private Partnership (PPP) window to maximise profit margins by investing on agro – allied ventures in the Nigerian Correctional Service.

He further urged the Biofil Technology to ensure that the best was utilised of the five-year test run tenure given in the MOU, noting that the packaging should carry the NCoS symbol to amplify the essence of partnership involved.

Earlier, the Controller of Corrections, in charge of Rivers State Command, Felix Lawrence, welcomed the CGC and his entourage to the state.

He appreciated the CGC for approving the construction of the renewable energy system in the centre.

According to him, the area was messed with rodents and waste litters, but is now a clean and safe working environment because of the value-added processing of biogas and biofertiliser from inmates’ humongous waste matters.

He also congratulated the untiring supervising officers and men of the state command assigned to the factory for avoiding ineptitude and redundancy leading to the marked success of the production in the factory.

Contributing, CC Raymond Jatau, stated that similar projects were being approved by the CGC across the country for improvement of sanitation, hygiene and enhancement of inmates training and rehabilitation

According to him, the sustainability of the project is the main purpose of the visit of the CGC through the high-power delegation to the site.

He stated that the Nigerian Correctional Officers Wives Association (NICOWA) would be involved in the distribution of the product once the Service procure the quantity its budget could accommodate.

In his brief, the Director of Biofil Technology Nigeria Ltd., Mr Ibikun Taiwo, appreciated the visit and stated that the MoU ab initio indicated that NCoS would be the sole off-taker.

He said they would buy the produce at a reduced price to preserve land from further degradation suffered due to use of inorganic fertilisers.

He promised that for now, 20 inmates would be trained on how to produce biofertilisers within six, to prepare them for re-integration.

On the benefits of the biofertiliser, he said: “ The bio-fertiliser option for NCoS has enormous advantages.

“They include the treatment of waste matter generated in custodial centres and the involvement of retirees in the business of biofertiliser sales.

“The bio fertilisers are purely organic and are safe to be used in all types of farms across the country for production of Organic Foods for healthy living.’’

According to him, the sewage is the main raw material for the adoption of a climate smart agricultural practice in the Correctional Service.

In an interview with the fact finding committee, an inmate in the production line confirmed that production capacity was about 500 bags of 50kg per day using a staff strength of 20 with 15 Inmates and five instructors working for less than six hours daily.

He said that higher production volume would have been achieved if three shifts were possible on site.

The site supervisor, SC O Clifford said: “Inmates undergo formal training daily by working in the factory to enable them re- integrate properly into the society after they regain their freedom.

“ MoU is designed to enable inmates earn daily, which would be a source for support for their families and dependents outside the Custodial Centres.

“Efforts are on top gear to certificate qualified inmates to work with BTNL fertiliser firms when they eventually get discharged out of custody.

“Furthermore, records show that the Nigerian Correctional Service commissioned the public – private partnership in Biogas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas operated kitchen at the Maximum Security Custodial Centre, Port-Harcourt in November 2020.

“And today it has graduated to the level of production of Bio- Fertilizers and gas for renewable energy option of the smart agric technology.

The statement said that those who were present at inspection visit included Assistant Controller General CN Ogwude, incharge of Agriculture and Controller of Corrections, DA Kupan incharge of Planning, Research and Statistics.

Also, the Controller of Corrections, RY Jatau from Works and Logistics and Deputy Controller of Corrections, KN Abubakar from Procurement unit.

The Incharge Maximum Security Custodial Centre, Port-Harcourt, Deputy Controller of Corrections, EO Etim gave the vote of thanks and wished the committee safe trip back to Abuja.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria