Sport, Arts and Culture invites media to apply for media accreditation for the 2023 National Women’s Day commemoration

Members of the media are invited to apply for accreditation to cover the 2023 National Women’s Day Commemoration taking place on the 09th of August 2023 at Khayelitsha Rugby Stadium in the Western Cape Province.

Members who wish to cover this Commemorations are therefore advised to complete the attached accreditation form & send it back to [email protected](link sends e-mail). The deadline for submission is Friday, 28 July 2023@16:00.

For further enquiries contact:

Mr Mthuthuzeli Nqumba

Cell: 066 302 5397

Source: Government of South Africa

Curia étend ses capacités dans le domaine des produits biologiques en accédant à l’ADN doggybone de Touchlight

Curia collabore avec Touchlight afin d’élargir son offre de fabrication d’ARNm pour permettre l’accès à l’ADN enzymatique doggybone (dbDNA™)

ALBANY, New York, et Hampton, Royaume-Uni, 25 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, une organisation de premier plan dans le domaine de la recherche, du développement et de la fabrication en sous-traitance, et Touchlight, une société pionnière dans la production enzymatique d’ADN, ont annoncé aujourd’hui un accord qui fournira à Curia ainsi qu’à ses clients un moyen simplifié d’accès à l’ADN doggybone de Touchlight (dbDNA). L’arrangement étend les offres de fabrication d’ARNm de Curia avec une source supplémentaire et différenciée de matière première d’ADN qui est immédiatement accessible par les clients de Curia. Dans le cadre de l’accord, Touchlight fabriquera directement dbDNA pour le compte des clients de Curia.

« Curia reste déterminée à renforcer ses offres de produits biologiques et ses capacités de fabrication d’ARNm de bout en bout », a déclaré Christopher Conway, président de la R&D chez Curia. « Avec l’ajout de l’ADN enzymatique grâce à notre partenariat avec Touchlight, nos clients bénéficieront d’un avantage décisif en termes d’évolutivité et de rapidité de commercialisation. »

dbDNA de Touchlight est un vecteur d’ADN linéaire, à double brin, fermé de manière covalente. L’ADN sert de modèle pour l’élaboration des traitements à base d’ARNm. Grâce à un processus enzymatique simple appelé transcription in vitro, les informations génétiques sont copiées de l’ADN à l’ARNm. Cet ARNm est alors capable d’apprendre aux cellules à fabriquer des protéines spécifiques qui sont utilisées pour soigner ou prévenir des maladies. L’ADN enzymatique de Touchlight est produit par un processus enzymatique acellulaire qui offre des avantages inégalés en termes de rapidité, de qualité et de capacité par rapport à la production traditionnelle d’ADN plasmidique.

Karen Fallen, PDG de Touchlight, a commenté : « Nous sommes ravis de travailler avec Curia afin d’élargir l’accès à dbDNA en tant que matière de départ essentielle. Travailler en parallèle avec d’autres CDMO est un élément clé de notre volonté de permettre un large accès du marché à dbDNA. Curia met en place une solution complète pour l’ARNm, et cet accord permet aux deux entreprises d’étendre leur offre à un public plus large. »

dbDNA de Touchlight est une solution nouvelle, largement applicable et polyvalente, qui permet à Curia de renforcer ses capacités de fabrication d’ARNm en complément de son offre de plasmides de qualité bioprocédurale.

À propos de Curia

Curia est une une organisation de recherche, développement et fabrication en sous-traitance de premier plan qui fournit des produits et services allant de la R&D aux clients pharmaceutiques et biopharmaceutiques en passant par la fabrication commerciale. Basés sur 29 sites à travers les États-Unis, l’Europe et l’Asie, les près de 4 000 employés de Curia aident les clients de l’entreprise à passer de la curiosité à la guérison. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur

À propos de Touchlight

Touchlight est une CDMO privée basée à Londres, au Royaume-Uni, qui se concentre sur la prestation de services d’ADN et la fabrication d’ADN doggybone (dbDNA™) produit de manière enzymatique pour permettre le développement de médicaments génétiques. Touchlight assure le développement et la fabrication rapides et enzymatiques d’ADN pour la production de tous les traitements avancés, comprenant l’ARNm, la thérapie génique virale et non virale, et l’API d’ADN. dbDNA est une structure minimale, linéaire et fermée de façon covalente, qui élimine les séquences bactériennes. La plateforme révolutionnaire de production enzymatique de Touchlight permet une vitesse et une échelle sans précédent, et offre la possibilité de cibler des gènes d’une taille et d’une complexité impossibles à atteindre avec les technologies actuelles. Les clients peuvent bénéficier d’une assistance depuis la phase préclinique jusqu’à l’octroi de licence et au transfert de technologie pour une utilisation en interne, en passant par le développement et l’approvisionnement.

Contact chez Curia :
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

Contact chez Touchlight :

Karen Fallen, présidente-directrice générale
Robin Bodicoat, directeur du marketing
E : [email protected]
T : +44 20 8481 9200

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8880042

Curia expande sua capacidade biológica com acesso ao DNA doggybone da Touchlight

Curia colabora com a Touchlight para expandir sua oferta de produção de mRNA para permitir o acesso ao DNA enzimático de doggybone (dbDNA™)

ALBANY, N.Y. e HAMPTON, Reino Unido, July 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Curia, uma organização líder em contratação de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação, e a Touchlight, uma empresa pioneira na produção de DNA enzimático, anunciou hoje um acordo de fornecimento para a Curia e seus clientes de um acesso arrojado ao DNA doggybone (dbDNA) da Touchlight. O acordo expande as ofertas de produção de mRNA da Curia com uma fonte adicional diferenciada de matéria-prima de DNA imediatamente disponível para ser acessada pelos clientes da Curia. Sob o acordo, a Touchlight passará a produzir o dbDNA diretamente em nome dos clientes da Curia.

“A Curia continua empenhada a aprimorar nossas ofertas biológicas e capacidade de manufatura completa de mRNA”, disse Christopher Conway, presidente de P&D da Curia. “Com a adição do DNA enzimático por meio da nossa parceria com a Touchlight, nossos clientes terão uma vantagem essencial em termos de escalabilidade e velocidade no mercado.”

O dbDNA da Touchlight é um vetor de DNA linear, de fita dupla e fechado covalentemente. O DNA serve como modelo para terapias de mRNA. Através de um processo enzimático simples chamado transcrição in vitro, a informação genética é copiada do DNA para o mRNA. Este mRNA é então capaz de ensinar as células a produzir proteínas precisas que são usadas para tratar ou prevenir doenças. O DNA enzimático da Touchlight é produzido com um processo enzimático livre de células que oferece benefícios incomparáveis em velocidade, qualidade e capacidade quando comparado à produção tradicional de DNA de plasmídeo.

Karen Fallen, CEO da Touchlight, comentou: “É um grande prazer trabalhar com a Curia na maior expansão do acesso ao dbDNA como um material inicial essencial. O trabalho junto aos outros CDMOs é um componente essencial do nosso foco em permitir amplo acesso ao mercado de dbDNA. A Curia está criando uma solução abrangente de mRNA, e esse acordo permite que ambas as empresas ampliem sua oferta para um público mais amplo.”

O dbDNA da Touchlight é uma nova solução amplamente aplicável e versátil, avançando a capacidade de produção de mRNA da Curia como um complemento à sua oferta de plasmídeo de grau de bioprocessamento.

Sobre a Curia

A Curia é uma organização líder em contratos de pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação que fornece produtos e serviços de P&D por meio da fabricação comercial para clientes farmacêuticos e biofarmacêuticos. Os quase 4.000 funcionários da Curia em 29 locais nos EUA, Europa e Ásia ajudam seus clientes a avançar da curiosidade para a cura. Saiba mais em

Sobre a Touchlight

A Touchlight é uma CDMO de propriedade privada com sede em Londres, Reino Unido, focada no fornecimento de serviços de DNA e na fabricação de produtos enzimáticos doggybone DNA (dbDNA™) para permitir o desenvolvimento de medicamentos genéticos. A Touchlight fornece desenvolvimento e fabricação rápidos e enzimáticos de DNA para toda a produção de terapia avançada, incluindo mRNA, terapia gênica viral e não viral e API de DNA. O dbDNA é uma estrutura mínima, linear e covalentemente fechada, que elimina sequências bacterianas. A revolucionária plataforma de produção enzimática da Touchlight permite velocidade, escala e capacidade sem precedentes para o direcionamento de genes com um tamanho e complexidade impossíveis com as tecnologias atuais. Os clientes podem ser apoiados durante a fase pré-clínica, desenvolvimento e fornecimento, até o licenciamento e transferência de tecnologia para uso interno.

Contato da Curia:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

Contato da Touchlight:

Karen Fallen, Diretora Executiva
Robin Bodicoat, Diretor de Marketing
E: [email protected]
T: +44 (20) 8481 9200

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8880042

Men challenged to work on developing new forms of masculinity

For gender equality to be achieved, it is important that men work on developing new forms of masculinity.

Professor Malehoko Tshoaedi made the remarks during a webinar on the role of young people in preventing gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF).

The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS), in partnership with Agape Youth Movement, joined by the conveners of the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (NSP on GBVF), hosted the webinar on Tuesday, which aims to educate youth about the role they can play as future leaders of communities, in preventing GBVF.

This is in response to NSP Pillar 2, which aims to turn the tide of GBVF by focusing on prevention and rebuilding social cohesion.

In her presentation, Tshoaedi, who is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg, said some of the biggest issues that need to be addressed include violence and aggression directed towards women, wage disparities, unequal opportunities, harmful stereotypes and responsibility for the main burden of care work.

“Dominating, aggressive forms of hegemonic masculinity are not meeting the needs of men or women to live nurtured, emotive and interconnected lives. Because both women and men suffer under hegemonic masculinities, it is pivotal that men work toward gender equality and developing new forms of masculinities,” Tshoaedi said.

Hegemonic masculinity is defined as a practice that legitimises men’s dominant position in society, while justifying the subordination of marginalised groups and women.

Tshoaedi argued that men’s involvement in gender equality will have a “humanising effect”.

“The concept of ‘caring masculinities’ encourages men to participate in projects on gender equality. It calls for the adoption of values and characteristics of care, which negate hegemonic masculinities.

“Caring masculinities requires men to rethink ideas of power and how we use that power. It calls for using one’s power to engage in resistance against patriarchal domination and control that is harmful,” Tshoaedi said.

Chairperson of Youth Crime Prevention Committee, Sipho Rataza, said when it comes to crime prevention, society must accept that crime comes across all sectors.

He said during the State of the Nation Address, President Cyril Ramaphosa pointed out that prisons are full of young men.

Rataza said the Integrated Youth Crime Prevention Strategy focuses on five pillars, including community policing; moral fibre investment; youth empowerment and development; disabled and vulnerable youth empowerment, and international relations.

Rataza said Pillar 2 of the strategy focuses more on what needs to be done to combat GBVF.

He said during the Youth Crime Prevention Indaba hosted last year, young people voiced the need to come up with programmes that focus on men and boys for change.

He said last month, the organisation hosted the first programme under Pillar 2, which created a safe space for young men to speak freely about issues regarding GBVF.

“We’ve realised that young men have been boxed in a corner for the longest time and we’re happy to make a space for them to speak freely. The most challenging thing is that we speak about all these good concepts but don’t have sufficient time to understand young people,” Rataza said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs on state of readiness to host BRICS Urbanisation Forum

All systems go for the BRICS Urbanisation Forum

With just one day to go before the start of the BRICS Urbanisation Forum, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) led by Minister Thembi Nkadimeng is ready to receive the more than 600 delegates that will gather at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre.

The Forum will bring together visionaries and experts to discuss key urban development issues and share insights on how cities can become more resilient in the face of global challenges. The first day of the BRICS Urbanisation Forum will focus on the various aspects of urban resilience and discuss ways to advance and strengthen it in the face of challenges such as climate change, rapid urbanisation, social vulnerabilities, and natural disasters.

Expected to participate on day one is Minister Nkadimeng and her counterparts from the BRICS nations; Premier of KwaZulu-Natal, Ms Nomusa Dube-Ncube; the President of the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), Cllr Bheke Stofile as well as the Executive Director UN Habitat – Ms. Maimunah Mohd Sharif.

Sessions from the first day will cover the role of effective governance and policy frameworks in advancing urban resilience; the localisation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in strengthening national priorities towards sustainable development and building urban resilience in the face of the myriad of shocks, stresses and risks cities face.

“We are honored and look forward to welcoming distinguished delegates from BRICS countries and other African countries. As we work hand in hand with our BRICS partners, we celebrate the diversity that each nation brings to the table. By collaborating, we amplify our collective impact and ensure that our cities become beacons of progress and prosperity for all,” Minister Nkadimeng said.

Source: Government of South Africa

Minister Lindiwe Zulu launches DSD’s Over-The-Top Platform, 27 Jul

Over the years, the communication and media environment has taken different shapes and ordinary South Africans have a choice of receiving information and news via the internet, on their phones and on social media pages.

This has also helped consumers of information and news to be active participants, set the agenda on the news of the day, share opinions and speak directly to decision makers on their dissatisfaction on service delivery matters.

It is in this context that the Minister of Social Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, will on Thursday, July 27, launch the DSD’s ‘Over-the-Top’ platform to enhance access to social development portfolio programs.

OTT is an online service from which streaming is offered directly to viewers through the internet without the support of cable, broadcast and satellite television platforms.

It brings to the communication space a rapid expansion in the streaming media service and every form of entertainment which provides new orientation for telecommunication growth. This digital platform comes at a time when traditional methods of access and sharing of information are gradually taking new shape and giving a chance for people to consume content anywhere and everywhere.

In 2016, parliament was briefed by industry on how the OTT will dramatically shape the ICT sector in South Africa and many organisations seeing the benefits of this service began to develop their own platforms. Recognising the inevitability of the OTT, the CSIR assisted in the development of a streaming service which enables cost effective video downloads (Tuluntulu).

The DSD’s OTT platform aims to be a credible source of information of the Department of Social Development portfolio content for South Africans, public service officials and media alike and can be accessed on is external)

Source: Government of South Africa