Noordoewer border post closed due to flooding

The Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security (MHAISS) has dispatched a team of immigration officers to assist with immigration issues after the closure of the Noordoewer border post situated between Namibia and South Africa (Vioolsdrift).

MHAISS Public Relations Officer, Margaret Kalo told Nampa on Monday that people who wish to travel to South Africa should use the Oranjemund and Ariamsvlei border posts.

“Trucks carrying commercial products are parked at Ariamsvlei due to the closure of the Noordoewer border checkpoint,” Kalo said.

She further stated that all Namibian border posts are open, but the Vioolsdrift border post in South Africa is closed because of the flooding and heavy rainfall that impacted South Africa’s Northern Cape and south western Namibia.

She appealed to travellers going to South Africa to use alternative roads such as the Oranjemund border post, while commercial vehicle drivers are advised to use the Ariamsvlei-Nakop border post.

There is no report on when the Noordoewer border post will reopen.

Meanwhile, the Roads Authority (RA) temporarily closed the Rosh Pinah-Aussenkehr road (DR212) due to heavy rainfall received in some parts of the ||Kharas Region.

The RA’s Manager for Corporate Communication, Hileni Fillemon has confirmed to Nampa that the road is still closed and deemed unsafe for road users.

The RA is requesting the public to strictly adhere to the erected closure signs and to not attempt to use this road.

Road users were advised to use the alternative route (Aussenkehr-Noordoewer-Keetmanshoop-Aus-Rosh Pinah) until further notice.

The Roads Authority also urged the public to be extra cautious when driving in wet conditions on the national road network and said the public should follow the RA Namibia Facebook page for regular updates.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

No law for synthetic diamond sales under false pretence: Alweendo

Despite the global surge for sustainable lab-grown diamonds, Namibia currently has no regulations that prevent synthetic diamond manufacturers from marketing and selling lab-produced diamonds as natural diamonds.

This was revealed by Minister of Mines and Energy Tom Alweendo during the inauguration of the Diamond Board of Namibia here on Monday. The board of 12 members will serve from 01 June 2023 to 31 May 2026.

Alweendo said the biggest challenge the global diamond industry is facing is artificially produced diamonds that look exactly like natural diamonds, but Namibia does not have regulations that specifically deal with lab-grown diamonds in the market under false pretence of natural diamonds.

He explained that synthetic diamonds are produced at lower cost and are likely to attract a segment of diamond consumers, noting that the increased demand in consumers has a negative impact on countries’ economies producing natural diamonds.

“Currently we do not have specific regulations and we will probably want to assume that we do not have people that are selling lab diamonds in Namibia, although maybe they could well be,” he said.

Alweendo said it will not be possible to prevent the production of synthetic diamonds; however there is a need for a regulation that prevents lab-diamonds being sold under false pretence.

“As we go on, obviously we might have to come up with specific regulations that prevent such practices… However in itself already if you lie about something you are selling, you already know that you are probably offending one or other law,” he said.

He noted that diamonds play a very important role in Namibia’s economy. Of the total exports from the mining industry, more than 50 per cent comes from the diamond industry, he said, adding that in 2022, of the total taxes from the mining industry, 55 per cent came from the diamond sector.

Alweendo further noted that the biggest diamond producer in the country, Namdeb, which does land-based mining, has a 50/50 joint venture with Government, including its subsidiary De Beers that does offshore mining. He said 15 per cent of the total diamond production is allocated to State-owned Namibia Desert Diamonds (Namdia) and 35 per cent is allocated to the local cutting and polishing industry.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

Woman robbed at Okapika village

A 46-year-old woman was robbed and assaulted in her home at Okapika village in the Omusati Region Friday night.

The Namibian Police Force in a crime report on Monday said the incident occurred around 20h11, when the suspect allegedly broke the victim’s window with an unknown object and entered her room. He stabbed the victim in the neck and left arm.

“It is alleged that the suspect took the victim’s items of undetermined value and fled,” the report said.

The victim was taken to the Oshakati Intermediate Hospital after sustaining serious injuries and is in the intensive care unit.

Police investigations are ongoing.

In a similar event, an 18-year-old Namibian male was robbed on the Western Bypass at Brakwater outside Windhoek around 20h30 on Friday.

It is alleged that unknown suspects threatened the victim with an unknown object and robbed him of his belongings, which included two cellphones and a pair of Nike trainers.

No arrests had been made by Monday and police investigations are ongoing.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

Katamelo urges parliaments to address challenges in agriculture sector

The agriculture sector has the greatest potential to reduce unemployment and underemployment in sub-Saharan Africa, Namibia’s Head of Delegation to the Southern African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC-PF), Phillipus Katamelo has said.

Katamelo said this is due to the region’s growing youth population while speaking at the 53rd Plenary Assembly Session of the SADC Parliamentary Forum, which is taking place in Arusha, Tanzania, from 02 to 08 July.

“Despite increasing employment rates in non-agricultural sectors, the continent’s primary industry will remain a source of income for our citizens,” Katamelo said.

Katamelo stated that the agricultural sector can contribute to important continental and regional goals such as eradicating poverty and hunger, as well as promoting intra-African trade and investment.

“Our trade with each other is less than 15 per cent. We have set ourselves up for failure by design,” he stated.

Katamelo further added that the fact that African nations do not trade with each other, nor see it as a priority, is the reason why young people do not see the sector as profitable. He urged parliaments to address these challenges through inclusive legislation and frameworks that ensure young, able people have access to land, natural resources, infrastructure, finance, technology, and fair remuneration for workers and producers.

According to Roger Mancienne, the Speaker of the National Assembly of Seychelles, Africa has the highest percentage of unused arable land in the world, and southern Africa is a region rich in fertile soil and natural resources, with an inherent potential to generate agricultural products and food items.

“This is important in terms of agriculture and food security, as well as youth employment,” Mancienne said.

“In particular, recent years have been marked by high inflation, and since several food products in Africa are imported, the cost of living has risen for most households while the incomes of citizens have remained the same.”

Mancienne further said this has created imbalances in food availability, especially in remote areas where the cost of transportation is high and where merchants no longer find it viable to purchase products and food items.

The Plenary Assembly is a regional inter-parliamentary body that was established in 1997. Its member states are Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Seychelles, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

Goagoses happy with state of local netball

Netball Namibia (NN) president Rebekka Goagoses says for Namibia to keep its ranking with the International Netball Federation, it needs to be active to avoid being dropped off the log table.

Namibia is currently ranked 23rd out of the 44 netball-playing nations.

In an interview with Nampa on Monday, Goagoses said NN has worked hard in the last five to six years, and they do not want to see the national team lose its ranking status due to not playing matches.

“We currently have a challenge of funding for the national team. We have so many projects lined up but need financial resources. We plan to have camping week for the national teams and participation in international events,” she said, adding that they are hopeful of positive news soon for them to keep the netball teams occupied.

Goagoses added that credit should be given to the leadership of NN for managing to have most of the regional structures active this season.

“Currently, eight regions are active compared to the four regions we had in the past. We can now with pride say Kavango East and West, Omaheke, ||Kharas, Ohangwena, Oshikoto, Khomas and Erongo are playing netball. All this is due to the MTC Premier League’s activeness,” she said.

The NN president also said that despite having action on the field of play, there are challenges at the board level that need to be addressed.

“It is unfortunate that we had to accept the resignation of the vice president of development. It has emerged that the activities and workload in terms of development plans required might not have been the desired expectations, hence the position had to be filled and Juanitha Witbeen has already found her feet,” Goagoses said.

She added that NN secretary-general Iyaloo Mutumubulua also stepped down from her position due to the workload at her full-time employment. She has since been replaced by Eliana Seibes.

“I believe that we are on the right track as the board. Each one is doing their best under the circumstances of financial inabilities. We are all volunteers, however for the love of the game we execute it with pride,” she said.

Source: The Namibian Press Agency

Verifone lance une nouvelle marque

Verifone dévoile une nouvelle marque et un site Web d’entreprise inédit afin d’illustrer son offre de plateforme de paiements de premier ordre

CORAL SPRINGS, Floride, 01 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd’hui, Verifone change d’image de marque pour mettre en lumière ses solutions de paiement innovantes en introduisant un nouveau logo, une nouvelle identité de marque et un site Web mondial inédit de manière à s’aligner sur une vision actualisée. Verifone est désormais l’« expert en commerce et architecte des paiements » partenaire de toutes les entreprises dans le monde. Le portefeuille robuste de produits et services de Verifone tient cette promesse en couvrant les solutions de paiement numérique, les dispositifs de paiement sécurisés, les paiements en tant que service hébergés sur le cloud, l’acquisition de marchands, la technologie de point de vente, les connaissances commerciales avancées via la science des données, les pratiques de services gérés et plus encore.

Après avoir reconstitué l’intégralité de son offre et de sa culture d’entreprise sous un nouveau leadership, l’identité renouvelée de la marque correspond à l’innovation et la passion d’une nouvelle Verifone. La reconnaissance et la confiance que les consommateurs accordent au nom Verifone devaient être préservées tout en mettant simultanément en lumière la focalisation accrue de Verifone sur le numérique, son approche priorisant l’avenir et sa position de leader sur la place de marché. La nouvelle iconographie communique la nature connectée, modulaire et évolutive des paiements dans la vie moderne, et elle présente le rôle architectural que joue Verifone dans les paiements et le commerce. Tous ces éléments sont réunis sur le nouveau site Web mondial de Verifone où les consommateurs, marchands et autres parties prenantes se voient présenter une nouvelle expérience Verifone plus intuitive. La nouvelle marque est extensible à travers les unités commerciales et sur toute la planète.

Avec un demi-billion de dollars de transactions qui traversent son cloud via des dispositifs de paiement ou des sites Web et applications soutenus par Verifone, Verifone permet véritablement un commerce mondial. Verifone se démarque dans le domaine des paiements où la plupart des entreprises doivent toujours assembler des offres fragmentées de différents fournisseurs pour répondre aux besoins complexes de la clientèle. Verifone est le seul fournisseur à disposer d’un ensemble d’outils flexible et complet qui rationalise et réduit les coûts de toute entreprise pour l’acceptation de paiements.

« Le monde du commerce évolue constamment, et c’est cet environnement dynamique que nous avons simplifié et que nous continuons de révolutionner. Verifone s’est lancée dans l’espace des technologies financières il y a plus de 40 ans, faisant rapidement évoluer ses offres de services pour répondre aux besoins de toutes les petites et grandes entreprises », a déclaré Mike Pulli, PDG de Verifone. « Nous sommes le partenaire de commerce indispensable pour les entreprises du monde entier, car nous proposons des solutions avec une architecture préparée pour l’avenir. Notre nouvelle marque correspond à notre réflexion accordant la priorité au numérique, notre état d’esprit axé sur les employés et notre innovation accélérée. Nos clients, de même que leurs clients, comptent sur Verifone chaque jour. »

Ces dernières années, Verifone s’est intensément concentrée sur la création de nouvelles capacités et fonctions de paiement innovantes, étendant considérablement la pile de solutions et ouvrant de nouveaux marchés. En raison de l’expertise commerciale de la société, ses solutions peuvent facilement être adaptées sur presque tous les marchés verticaux. Depuis les détaillants complexes opérant dans l’omnicommerce à l’échelle mondiale jusqu’au moindre fournisseur local présentant ses produits lors d’un marché agricole, Verifone prépare les piles technologiques et les écosystèmes de paiement pour l’avenir.

Pour découvrir la nouvelle identité de Verifone, visionnez la vidéo de présentation et consultez son nouveau site Web mondial d’entreprise à l’adresse De nouveaux sites Web nationaux entreront en service au cours des semaines et mois à venir.

À propos de Verifone

Verifone est l’architecte de paiements façonnant les écosystèmes des expériences de commerce en personne et en ligne, comprenant tout ce dont les entreprises ont besoin, des dispositifs de paiement sécurisés aux outils d’e-commerce, en faisant l’acquisition de services, de connaissances commerciales avancées et bien plus encore. En tant que leader mondial des technologies financières, Verifone alimente la croissance de l’omnicommerce pour des sociétés dans plus de 165 pays et se voit accorder la confiance des institutions financières de premier plan, des petites entreprises et des marques les plus connues dans le monde. La plateforme Verifone se base sur quatre décennies d’innovation et de sécurité sans concession, gérant annuellement plus de 12 milliards de transactions équivalant à plus de 500 milliards de dollars sur les canaux physiques et numériques.

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