Market boost for OR Tambo sheep farmers

Her love for agriculture and interest in producing food for her late husband and seven children inspired Nowandile Mbana from Mafini village, outside Libode in the Eastern Cape, to start a sheep farming enterprise.

For Mbana, this was an opportunity to make money by selling her Hammels sheep to local buyers for slaughtering and to sell wool.

Mbana, 60, was one of the sheep farmers from OR Tambo District Municipality who received 144 Dohne Merino rams from the Eastern Cape Rural Development and Agrarian Reform (DRDAR) MEC, Nonkqubela Pieters, during a handing over ceremony held at Hlanganani shearing shed in Mafini.

The handover of the rams is part of the department’s ongoing programmes to commercialise agriculture in the province, with a special focus on farmers in communal land, smallholding farms and farmers who received farms through government’s land reform programmes and other previously disadvantaged farmers.

The department hands over Dohne Merino rams with superior genetics to farmers who already have sheep so that the rams improve the genetics of their animals, the quality of their wool and meat.

Mbana, who has 14 sheep in her kraal, said her flock is full of nondescript rams and ewes, which limits the quality of her wool clip, and reduces the amount of money she gets from wool sales.

She said the Dohne Merino ram she received from the department will improve the genetics of her flock from nondescript to a better quality than she had before.

“I am excited because it feels like God has Blessed me. I say so because acquiring this ram has been one of my desires because my flock was nondescript.

“I expect the ram to mate with my ewes to produce a flock of lambs with superior genetics that will help expand my farming enterprise and increase my profit margins,” said an elated Mbana.

Papama Madyibi from Vidgiesville, outside Mthatha, who also received rams, said as emerging farmers, getting the rams will bring a huge difference to their farming businesses because they have nondescript sheep.

“By mating them with these rams, we will see the difference. Some local farmers had these rams and we see the quality of their lambs and we are confident that the rams we are getting from DRDAR will make a difference.”

Madyibi, who is hoping to get better income from wool sales, said to sustain effective mating for rams, they will focus on grass and grain feeding, providing medicines and keep rams separate from ewes, until the mating season.

Pieters, who also handed over eight shearing sheds to local wool growers, said the department delivered the 144 Dohne Merino rams in order to improve the quality and volume of the farmers’ wool clip.

Pieters said the Eastern Cape government is investing in the construction of shearing sheds to take woolgrowers out of the mud huts they use for shearing.

The MEC said the department is investing in farmers in rural areas so that they compete with commercial farmers.

“Foreign countries need meat because they don’t have livestock and OR Tambo is one region that has the highest livestock population in the province. We want to improve the breed of their animals so that it is suitable for the markets, and they can also export it to other countries and earn money.

“We know that in South Africa, it is only the East London harbour that has capability to load live animals on a ship for export markets. Government wants to ensure that when livestock is sold, farmers from OR Tambo… also benefit from exporting their animals and be paid in dollars so that they can make meaningful profit,” said Pieters.

The department’s veterinary services also trained farmers to take care of their sheep, feed them and prevent disease. The department strongly urged members of the public and farmers not to eat animals killed by diseases.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Free Gautrain bus service for Springboks rugby match against Argentina

The Gautrain has announced the provision of a free bus service for ticket holders attending the Springboks Rugby Championship match against Argentina at Emirates Airline Park in Johannesburg on Saturday, 29 July 2023.

Gautrain Management Agency Chief Operating Officer, Tshepo Kgobe, said the provision of free bus service to rugby fans this weekend, follows a similar initiative during the Nedbank Cup Final, when Gautrain trains and busses were released to ferry spectators to Loftus Versfeld Stadium in Hatfield, free of charge.

“Our provision of these free services is in tandem with and support of the province’s strategy of rebuilding the economy of Gauteng, with big sporting events as a great tool to boost the economy of the province. Gautrain would like to reposition itself as a mobility of choice in the province as we transport people in the province to work, but also places of fun and entertainment,” Kgobe said.

Kgobe emphasised that the free bus transfer from Gautrain Park Station to Emirates Airline Park is only for match ticket holders who travel by Gautrain, and standard train and parking fees will apply.

“The first bus will leave Gautrain Park Station for Emirates Airline Park at 1pm. The last bus will leave Emirates Airline Park for Gautrain Park Station at 8pm. Standard Gautrain rules will apply, including no eating or drinking on the train, bus or at stations,” Kgobe said.

The build-up to match will start at 4pm, with the match starting at 5pm

Source: South African Government News Agency

Minister Creecy reiterates SA’s commitment to addressing global challenges

Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, has reaffirmed South Africa’s commitment to addressing global challenges, particularly in the areas of climate change and sustainability.

Addressing the G20 Environment and Climate Sustainability Ministerial meeting in India, she said South Africa is currently engaged in a marine spatial planning process to guide future marine conservation and sustainable use of the ocean resources.

“South Africa has jurisdiction over one of the world’s largest exclusive marine economic zones in the world. This represents a significant asset for current and future generations, with enormous environmental significance and socio- economic potential,” Creecy said on Friday.

The Minister also reiterated South Africa’s commitment to the sustainable regulated use of fishing resources; the active prevention of illegal and unregulated fishing and the incorporation of traditional small-scale fishers into the fishing sector through the allocation of fifteen-year rights to qualifying applicants.

“We remain committed to the international agreement of a legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment. To counteract marine plastic pollution we are actively engaged in supporting municipalities to improve household waste collection and landfill compliance as well as building an active waste reclaiming and recycling industry.

“As we tackle climate change we must continue to strive for greater balance and ambition and action on all three aspects of the Paris Agreement, namely mitigation, adaptation and the means of implementation. We must also adhere to the Rio Principles, in particular equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, which are also applicable within the G20 context,” the Minister said.

Creecy explained the importance of the G20 tackling existential challenges for humanity.

“No single country can on its own address climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution. The importance of the G20 is the momentum it can create for common ambition in tackling these existential challenges for humanity. However, as we sit here today, we must maintain momentum behind the United Nations system and not pre-empt or revisit negotiated outcomes,” the Minister said.

The Ministerial meeting will consider recommendations prepared by senior officials in the G20’s Environment and Climate Sustainability Working Group (ECSWG).

The Indian G20 Presidency has focused on three priority issues under the ECSWG, namely:

Arresting land degradation and accelerating ecosystem restoration via an ecosystem-based approach, and enriching biodiversity;

Promoting a sustainable and climate-resilient blue economy to protect the natural environment and the lives and livelihoods dependent on marine resources;

Encouraging resource efficiency and circular economy to move towards sustainable production and consumption systems.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Department welcomes decision in road maintenance contracts dispute

The Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport has welcomed the ruling in a case involving a dispute between several contractors and the department’s Routine Road Maintenance (RRM).

The adjudicator in the matter dismissed the case of the claimants (the contractors) in respect of the RRM’s alleged breach of contract between the department and the contractors.

The decision was handed down by Advocate FJ Nalane-SC as the adjudicator.

Contractual disputes arose out of claims by 69 claimants, lodged in 2008 by Babazani Trading and Projects CC and 24 others, for alleged breach of contract.

The claimants were awarded contracts to perform routine road maintenance in Gauteng. Claimants were seeking payment for damages with interest collectively amounting to approximately R400 million.

These were contracted projects executed under the auspices of the Roads Infrastructure Strategic Framework for South Africa (RISFSA) routine road maintenance contracts. They are tendered contracts and winners are bound to facilitate active participation by small and emerging contractors.

Roads and Transport MEC Kedibone Diale-Tlabela welcomed the judgment in this matter.

“The department is pleased this judgment not only removes the uncertainty created by this legal challenge. The judgment further enables the department to focus its energies on pursuing its mandate of delivering a world-class road infrastructure that facilitates economic participation and growth, inclusivity as well as improve the lives of people in Gauteng,” the MEC said on Thursday.

The claimants had referred the matter for adjudication against the department, the Accounting Officer (HoD) and the MEC.

In lodging the claim, the claimants relied on material terms and conditions, which included that:

Each would perform routine road maintenance in various areas and routes allocated to them within the province.

Commencement date of the contract was set for 1 December 2008.

The duration of the contract was for a period of two years.

The agreed contract price was fixed and to be paid monthly to claimants by the department.

They further claimed the department was in breach in that it failed to, amongst others, issue work orders they were entitled to, pay certain invoices, plus interest and pay escalation costs.

The adjudicator dismissed the claims on procedural grounds and these were:

Some claimants did not refer their claims either timeously or at all.

The adjudicator did not have powers to adjudicate disputes as some claimants referred their claims for adjudication to Mogotsi (not an appointed adjudicator), who decided and issued awards.

Some of the claimants never referred their claims to the appointed adjudicator at all and are time barred.

Some claimants never referred claims to the appointed adjudicator and instead approached the Office of the Public Protector. The contract, NEC3 (New Engineering Term Service Contract), explicitly prescribed that “in the event of a dispute, this would be initially referred to the adjudicator for adjudication”. This group is also accordingly time barred.

Source: South African Government News Agency

SA takes on Wales at Netball World Cup

All eyes will be on the SPAR Proteas as South Africa takes on Wales in their first match at the 2023 Netball World Cup, set to get underway in Cape Town later today.

South Africa will be competing against 16 countries for the prestigious trophy to become world champions.

“All the best to the SPAR Proteas. I know you will do the nation proud, as you have always done. Go out on the court and give it your best. Play in the spirit of true sport and enjoy every moment,” Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Zizi Kodwa, said on Thursday evening.

The much anticipated match this evening will begin at 6pm.

The game will be broadcast live on SABC Sport Channel, SABC 2, SABC Radio Stations and SABC plus.

Addressing the 2023 Netball World Cup welcome dinner in Cape Town, the Minister encouraged the netball teams from around the world to enjoy the beauty of South Africa and its cultures.

“While your focus will be firmly fixed on the tournament, I’m sure you can make room for some fun activities as well. Let us take this opportunity tonight to meet new people and make new friends.

“Tomorrow is a new day, where the battle lines will be drawn as the teams get onto the courts and showcase their skills and talent,” Kodwa said.

The highly anticipated tournament is taking place on African soil for the first time ever, starting on 28 July, and ending on 6 August at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

Kodwa has encouraged South Africans to support the national netball team.

“Let us cherish and appreciate the power of sport to bring us all together, to provide us with lessons in tolerance, discipline and respect, amongst others. I would like to wish Netball South Africa and the World Cup Local Organising Committee a successful tournament.

“More so, I would like to pay tribute to the SPAR Proteas, South Africa’s national netball team, who head to the World Cup as the highest ranked African team, and one of the top five ranked netball teams in the world.

“The SPAR Proteas have shown world class standards and enter the Netball World Cup as one of the tournament favourites,” he said.

Kodwa said netball continues to grow and develop at an extraordinary pace.

“There is so much potential in bringing the World Cup to South Africa. I encourage world netball to make strides to grow netball in this region, which has so much talent in the sport.

“South Africa has had such an incredible year in showcasing its sporting talent, with these sportswomen in particularly achieving many firsts.

“We successfully hosted the Under-19 and T20 Women’s Cricket World Cups for the first time in South Africa,” the Minister said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

St Kitts and Nevis announces further monumental changes to its Citizenship by Investment Programme

Basseterre, July 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, the Government of St Kitts and Nevis proudly announces further groundbreaking changes to its Citizenship by Investment Programme, a move that signals the country’s intention to remain as the reference point for the international investment migration industry. The monumental changes have been made to ensure that only high net worth investors and persons who value the citizenship of St Kitts and Nevis are attracted to the Programme.

For nearly 40 years, St Kitts and Nevis has been the pioneer of the global investor immigration industry, charting new territory with forward-looking solutions based on solid legislative principles and strict due diligence policies. The Programme has allowed the nation to thrive, giving Kittitians and Nevisians the opportunity to advance without overreliance on international financial aid.

The new changes, further to those made in December 2022, are aimed at safeguarding the nation’s integrity, making the Programme sustainable and preserving the privileged status of being a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis.

“Today, St Kitts and Nevis takes another bold step in reaffirming our intention to not only offer the best Citizenship by Investment Programme in the world, but also to offer a programme held together by a tight regulatory system designed to be a best-in-practice defence mechanism against illicit actors and those who try to bypass our high-end investment and contribution options. We are continuously committed to preserving the exclusivity and prestige associated with being a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis,” said Prime Minister the Hon. Dr. Terrence Drew.

“This Government has always taken a considered approach when making decisions that impact not only the people of St Kitts and Nevis, but the international community as well. We have done some deep introspection, analysed the Programme, spoken to our international partners and have decided that now is the right time to show the world, as we did in December 2022, that our citizenship is not accessible to those who do not value our citizenship or understand what St Kitts and Nevis has to offer the world. We will continue to engage with the international community to provide clarity and assurance to investors that St Kitts and Nevis is a safe destination for long term investments,” continued Prime Minister Drew.

“Since coming into office less than a year ago, I have sought to work with well-intentioned partners who share my vision of where we can take our island nation on the global stage. We have done everything in our power to protect and advocate for the good name of St Kitts and Nevis. We have continuously instituted changes that will not only alleviate the concerns of our international stakeholders and position us as a compelling emerging market destination for authentic foreign direct investment, but these changes are also aimed at ensuring that our people continue to be proud to be called a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis.”

The Government of St Kitts and Nevis has made further sweeping changes to its Citizenship by Investment Programme, which include the introduction of a new investment option called the Sustainable Island State Contribution (SISC). The SISC replaces the previous Sustainable Growth Fund (SGF) and investors contributing towards this option will be advancing St Kitts and Nevis into a Sustainable Island State based on the following seven pillars:


  1. Increasing local food production;

2. Transitioning to Green Energy;

3. Diversifying the economy;

4. Attracting and supporting sustainable industries;

5. Evolving the Creative Economy;

6. Recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic; and

7. Expanding social protection and safety nets to protect the most vulnerable.


Contributions start from US$250,000 for one applicant only and increase as a spouse or dependants are added. For a family of two, the contribution amount increases to US$300,000 and for a family of three or four, the minimum Sustainable Island State Contribution is US$350,000.

The minimum amount for investing in the Developer’s Real Estate Option is now US$400,000. The property must be held for a period of seven years and can be re-sold, once, to another purchaser who wants to apply for Citizenship by Investment.

An Approved Private Home, which can be a condominium or single-family dwelling, qualifies to be sold as a Citizenship by Investment option if a minimum investment of US$400,000 is paid to the condominium owner or US$800,000 is paid to the single-family dwelling owner, by the main applicant.

Again, the private home must be held for a period of seven years and cannot be sold to another purchaser who wants to apply for Citizenship by Investment unless the Federal Cabinet is satisfied that substantial further investment was injected into the real estate by way of further construction, renovation or otherwise.

A public benefit unit in an Approved Public Benefit Project will qualify for Citizenship by Investment, if a minimum contribution of US$250,000 is paid to the Approved Public Benefactor by the main applicant. This option is limited to Approved Public Benefactors who, by their projects, maximise local employment; embark upon programmes including transfer of technology and local capacity building; transfer all real estate to the State on substantial completion; and assume all financial risks.

Investors applying for Citizenship by Investment are now required to have a mandatory interview either virtually or in person at a location specified by the Citizenship by Investment Unit and approved by the Board of Governors. Interviews will be conducted by an independent professional firm commissioned by the Citizenship by Investment Unit, who will also perform background due diligence checks, or the Unit itself.

All background due diligence checks will be commissioned by the Citizenship by Investment Unit and will be conducted by independent professional firms from the United Kingdom, USA and Europe, and in accordance with the requirements set by the Board of Governors.

Once the Citizenship by Investment application has been approved, all processes and due diligence checks are finalised and the investment is made, a Certificate of Registration will be issued to the main applicant. The Certificate of Registration must be collected in person in St Kitts and Nevis or at an Embassy or Consulate specified by the Citizenship by Investment Unit as approved by the Board of Governors.

Further, the Board of Governors have been empowered to regulate all Authorised Agents and International Marketing Agents, who must have their businesses registered under the laws of St Kitts and Nevis. Major limitations have also been included with respect to the methods by which the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme is to be advertised internationally.

“In this ever-changing and unpredictable world, it is imperative that the Government of St Kitts and Nevis and its Citizenship by Investment Programme continue to adapt to the needs of our people and to attract the right kind of international investment necessary to uplift our country. While we have always been the benchmark of the global investor immigration industry, we understand that in order to remain as one of the most sought-after economic citizenship programmes in the world, we need to continue to evolve and forge a path for ourselves that is sustainable in the long term,” added Mr. Michael Martin, Head of the country’s Citizenship by Investment Unit.

The changes aim to boost international investor confidence and bolster St Kitts and Nevis’ reputation globally.

St Kitts and Nevis continues to demonstrate the traits that underpin its resilience, growth ambitions and willingness to cooperate with international counterparts. These include a competent, responsive, skilled and credible Citizenship by Investment Unit with several layers to solidify the integrity of the Unit including a Board of Governors and a Technical Committee. The country also has a stable political system and macroeconomic framework, consistency in the enforcement of law by the independent judiciary, a vibrant and resourceful private sector and a free and independent media.

St Kitts and Nevis wish to attract distinguished applicants who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments, possess substantial investment capabilities, and are committed to making significant contributions to the country’s growth and development.

The primary objective of this approach is to ensure that St Kitts and Nevis maintains the highest standards of citizenship and fosters a vibrant community of nationals who share a common vision for the nation’s advancement. St Kitts and Nevis is on a path toward sustainable growth and the changes to the Citizenship by Investment Programme show a clear direction that the country is setting itself apart.

High net worth persons looking to invest in professionally regulated projects or contribute meaningfully towards societal advancement, should choose St Kitts and Nevis.

Secretary of St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
001 (868) 467 1474
[email protected]

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