Prosecuting Authority on sentencing of Dr Dion Theys for contravening PFMA processes

The Specialised Commercial Crimes Court finds Dr Dion Theys guilty of contravening PFMA processes

The Specialised Commercial Crimes Court in Kimberley has sentenced Dr. Dion Theys, Head of the Department of Health in the Northern Cape after he was found guilty of contravening Section 86(1) of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA). Theys was the Acting HOD and accounting officer during the commissioning of the crime, is accused of having concluded three lease agreements with JP Hugo Trading, amounting to more than R13 million, without following proper PFMA prescripts and procurement processes.

The trial which started on 29 March 2022, and concluded on 16 August 2023, saw the prosecution led by Senior Advocate Isaac Mphela, from the Specialised Commercial Crimes Unit(SCCU), calling on several witnesses, to come and testify during the trial against the accused. One of the first witnesses called was the Director-General of the Northern Cape Provincial Government Justice Bekebeke, who outlined the processes of PFMA and how government personnel should toil when utilising the public purse, specifically applying the procurement processes. The accused was out on bail of R30 000, and one of the bail conditions was that he should surrender his passport.

The trial which took more than a year, details the seriousness the prosecution team took in ensuring that it prosecutes the case successfully, was finalised when the court sentenced the accused to a fine of R150 000 or three years imprisonment, of which R100 000 or two years imprisonment is suspended for five years, on condition that the accused is not found guilty of the same offence during the time of suspension. The fine is payable as follows to the Clerk of the Court, R10 000, should be paid before or on 07 September 2023, and after that R2 000 should be paid before or on the seventh of each consecutive months until the fine is fully paid up.

The Director of Public Prosecution in the Northern Cape (DPP), Livingstone Sakata applauds the prosecution led by Head of the SCCU Advocate Brian Mdlalose and Senior State Advocate Isaac Mphela, and our colleagues in the DPCI(The Hawks) in getting a conviction on this complicated matter. The DPP hopes this sentence will send a clear message to other perpetrators of corruption and fraud, that indeed the NPA and law enforcement agencies are serious about fighting crime.


Mojalefa Senokoatsane

NPA Regional Spokesperson

Northern Cape Division

E-mail: [email protected](link sends e-mail)

Cell: 073 423 3539

Source: Government of South Africa

Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams leads small business development portfolio Imbizo, 18 Aug

The Minister for Small Business Development, Ms Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams to lead the small business development portfolio Imbizo in Umhlabuyalingana, KwaZulu-Natal Province

Minister Stella Ndabeni is scheduled to lead the delegation of senior officials at the upcoming Ministerial Imbizo in Umhlabuyalingana, Kwa-Zulu-Natal province, to commemorate 2023 Women’s Month under the theme “Women’s Empowerment Week – Breaking Barriers, Inspiring Change” in line with the National Theme “Women’s Socio-Economic Rights, Empowerment and Resilience.”

The Imbizo will be preceded by an inspection in loco of the Shared Economic Infrastructure Facility (SEIF) built for the micro and informal traders from Umhlabuyalingana and the surrounding areas.

The Department and its entities Seda and sefa as well as external partners will focus on activities designed to introduce transformative concepts that will shift the focus from a one-day celebration of Women’s Day to a comprehensive and empowering “Women’s Empowerment Month.”

This eventful day will also introduce a variety of meaningful activities and initiatives that will be undertaken to address women’s issues, promote gender equality, instigate positive societal changes, strengthen women’s resilience in business, and highlight the department’s significant contributions to business development across the country.

In addition, the Minister will also be handing out machinery and equipment to informal traders from Umkhanyakude District and Umhlabuyalingana Municipality.

This occasion will be dedicated to celebrating the remarkable achievements and progress made by the portfolio whilst making a clarion call to speedily provide services to communities, aspiring and existing entrepreneurs.

Members of the media are invited to cover the event as follows:

Date: 18 August 2023

Time: 09h00

Venue: Tembe Tribal Hall


Moira Mogomotsi

Cell: 082 749 1558

E-mail: [email protected](link sends e-mail)

Noko Manyelo

E-mail: [email protected]

Source: Government of South Africa

NATJOINTS briefs media on safety and security related plans in place for the BRICS Summit, 17 Aug

The National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) will brief the media on safety and security related plans in place for the BRICS Summit to be held in Sandton from 22 – 24 August 2023.

Details of the briefing are as follows:

Time: 10:00am

Date: Thursday, 17 August 2023

Venue: GCIS, Tshedimosetso House, Pretoria, 0001

Media RSVP: Brigadier Athlenda Mathe 0820408808


Mr William Baloyi

GCIS: Chief Director Media Engagement

+27 (83) 390-7147

Source: Government of South Africa