LEXI Captioning Tool Kit (Kit de Ferramentas de Legendagem) com Tecnologia IA da AI-Media Eleva o Nível

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Aug. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI-Media, fornecedora líder de tecnologia e infraestrutura de legendagem, tem o orgulho de apresentar seu inovador LEXI Captioning Tool Kit com tecnologia IA. Este conjunto abrangente de soluções de legendagem automatizada marca uma nova era na indústria com a combinação de tecnologias de IA de ponta para atender às necessidades integradas de criadores e distribuidores de conteúdo em todo o mundo.

O LEXI Captioning Tool Kit com Tecnologia IA aborda os desafios enfrentados por empresas de mídia, emissoras, produtores de eventos, instituições educacionais e outros produtores de conteúdo no fornecimento econômico e preciso de legendas de conteúdo ao vivo e pré-gravado que podem ser facilmente reutilizadas em outros aplicativos dos clientes.

“A AI-Media está empenhada em expandir os limites da tecnologia de legendagem. O nosso LEXI Captioning Tool Kit é resultado de anos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento. É com orgulho que oferecemos uma solução transformadora que aprimora a acessibilidade e a inclusão do conteúdo de mídia”, disse James Ward, Diretor de Vendas da AI-Media.

O Tool Kit é composto por seis soluções principais, todas projetadas para atender as diferentes necessidades de legendagem, permitindo que o consumidor misture e combine os principais componentes para atender às necessidades dos seus negócios. As soluções são compatíveis com a nossa série de codificadores da iCap Cloud Network, criando o melhor ecossistema de legendagem.

  1. LEXI Live Automatic Captioning (Legendagem Automática): Fornecendo legendas em tempo real com precisão incomparável, o LEXI alcança consistentemente mais de 98% de precisão. Oferecendo identificação do falante e posicionamento inteligente das legendas, a Legendagem Automática ao Vivo LEXI é a pedra angular do Kit de Ferramentas, oferecendo legendas que rivalizam com as legendas humanas – por uma fração do custo.
  2. LEXI Recorded (Gravado): Acelerando a legendagem de conteúdo de pós-produção, a LEXI Recorded integra-se perfeitamente aos Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Ativos de Mídia (MAM), garantindo tempos de resposta rápidos para a entrega de arquivos de legendas. Os usuários podem legendar em mais de 30 idiomas, escolher entre vários formatos de arquivo, incluindo SRT, VTT e TXT, para atender aos seus requisitos específicos; e fazer uso da função API e automação para uma solução de toque zero.
  3. LEXI Translate (Tradução): Quebrando as barreiras linguísticas, o LEXI Translate permite que os usuários traduzam facilmente legendas ao vivo de e para mais de 50 idiomas, com mais idiomas adicionados todos os meses. Perfeito para reuniões corporativas, eventos globais e transmissões de conteúdo multilíngue, a precisão do LEXI Translates garante que nuances importantes sejam traduzidas de forma eficaz.
  4. LEXI DR (Disaster Recovery – Recuperação de Desastre): Nunca saia do ar com a melhor solução de failover. O LEXI DR permite que os usuários hospedem seus servidores iCap e LEXI totalmente redundantes, garantindo legendas ininterruptas em situações desafiadoras, como interrupções na nuvem ou problemas de conectividade com a Internet. Não faltam mais legendas devido a interrupções na Internet!
  5. LEXI Local: O LEXI Local oferece legendas ao vivo e automáticas altamente seguras, no local e fora da nuvem, o que significa maior segurança e maior controle. O LEXI Local é ideal para qualquer organização, como corporações ou agências governamentais, que exijam maior segurança para o seu conteúdo.
  6. LEXI Library (Biblioteca): O LEXI Library arquiva seu conteúdo legendado, tornando-o facilmente pesquisável e acessível. Com permissões personalizáveis e Single Sign On, as legendas ao vivo com carimbo de hora podem ser acessadas com segurança em tempo real ou pós-sessão, simplificando o processo de transcrição e distribuição de sessões legendadas.

O Tool Kit é uma solução abrangente para maximizar os benefícios da legendagem e tradução. Totalmente compatível com os melhores codificadores de legendas SDI e IP da categoria da AI-Media, o Tool Kit simplifica os fluxos de trabalho do cliente, fornecendo interoperabilidade perfeita.

Para mais informação sobre o LEXI Captioning Tool Kit alimentado por IA, visite www.ai-media.tv. Para agendar uma demonstração ou falar com um representante, entre em contato com [email protected].

Sobre a AI-Media

Fundada na Austrália em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia AI-Media é líder global de soluções de legendagem, transcrição e tradução ao vivo e gravadas. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agências governamentais do mundo a garantir alta precisão, segurança e custo-benefício por meio da sua solução de legendagem LEXI com tecnologia de IA. As legendas LEXI são entregues a milhões de telas em todo o mundo através da gama de codificadores de legendas da AI-Media e sua iCap Cloud Network – a maior e mais segura rede de entrega de legendas do mundo. A AI-Media entrega mais de 9 milhões de minutos de mídia ao vivo e gravada mensalmente em todo o mundo. A AI-Media é negociada na Bolsa de Valores da Austrália (ASX: AIM). Para mais informação, visite Ai-Media.tv.

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/4763888e-6d55-490f-8749-0a5a76363f46 

Contato com a Mídia:
Fiona Habben
Gerente Sênior de Marketing – Global
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8901169

Business seminar to empower KZN entrepreneurs

The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) in collaboration with the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Economic Development, Tourism, and Environmental Affairs (KZN EDTEA) will on Tuesday host the eThekwini Business Seminar at the Durban Exhibition Centre.

According to the dtic, this event is specifically designed to provide valuable information and insights on funding opportunities within the agencies of the dtic and KZN EDTEA.

With a primary focus on supporting emerging and disadvantaged businesses, the eThekwini Business Seminar aims to equip local entrepreneurs with the tools and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s competitive business landscape.

Speakers at the seminar will include the Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Nomalugelo Gina, the KZN EDTEA Member of Executive Committee (MEC), Siboniso Duma and eThekwini Executive Mayor, Councillor Mxolisi Kaunda.

Their collective expertise and commitment to driving economic growth will undoubtedly contribute to the success of this event.

Deputy Minister Nomalungelo Gina explains that the eThekwini Business Seminar seeks to attract a diverse audience including local businessmen, representatives from various state entities and agencies of both the dtic and KZN EDTEA.

“We seek to foster knowledge sharing, collaboration, and partnership opportunities, to educate emerging and disadvantaged businesses about the range of funding opportunities available within the dtic and the KZN EDTEA, to facilitate knowledge sharing and to create a platform for meaningful interactions between state entities and local businesses,” Gina said.

The Deputy Minister said the purpose of the seminar is to enable entrepreneurs to leverage funding support packages for their identified projects and to facilitate networking and relationship-building between local businesses and state entities to promote collaboration and foster economic growth.

She said the forum presents a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to not only gain valuable insights into funding instruments within the agencies of the dtic and KZN EDTEA but also to forge meaningful connections with state entities and fellow business leaders.

Source: South African Government News Agency

DPE, China Development Bank sign agreement

The Department of Public Enterprises has entered into a Collaboration Framework Agreement with the China Development Bank (CBD) which the department says will enhance the sustainability of State Owned Companies (SOCs).

The CBD already has funding agreements with Eskom and Transnet for locomotives and the building of power stations, Medupi and Kusile.

“We are laying the foundation for a more sustainable path to ensure that our developmental goals as a country stay on track. This agreement is also a sign of our commitment as government to create an enabling environment for our SOCs. They are a critical lever to drive service delivery and economic opportunity to improve the lives of millions of South Africans,” DPE Minister Pravin Gordhan said.

He added that the agreement will open new paths for SOCs.

“This agreement is a culmination of the discussions and engagements that we conducted with the CDB during our visit to Beijing in May this year. The DPE is confident that this agreement will allow us to better position our SOCs for future growth as we leverage the exchange of expertise, technical skills and other strategic catalysts that this collaboration framework agreement makes possible,” Gordhan added.

The agreement was signed on the side lines of the 15th BRICS Summit held in Johannesburg and is one of the key initiatives to deepen China-South Africa relations following Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Official State Visit to Pretoria on Tuesday.

CBD Vice Chairman and President, Tan Jiong, said: “We view this agreement as one more step in our efforts to enhance cooperation across a range of key strategic sectors to enable further development that is underpinned by a strong relationship between our two countries”.

“The CDB already has a close relationship with Transnet and Eskom, but now we also have the opportunity to work with the DPE in other areas of mutual interest, including mining and forestry”.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Case against Enyobeni Tavern owners to resume in October

The case against owners of the infamous Enyobeni Tavern is expected to continue at the East London Regional Court in October for the beginning of the defence.

The owners, Siyakhangela and Vuyokazi Ndevu, were charged with selling or supplying alcohol to teenagers after some 21 young people – some as young as 15 – died while partying at the tavern in June 2022.

The two also face charges of “responsibility for conniving with and permitting employees and agents to sell or deliver intoxicating liquor to persons under the age of 18 years”.

National Prosecuting Authority Regional Spokesperson Luxolo Tyali said the prosecution has completed presenting its case to the court.

“The state has led its last witness in the case against the Enyobeni Tavern couple, Siyakhangela and Vuyokazi Ndevu, in the East London Regional Court. Police Detective Captain Gerhard Swart was the last witness to be led by senior state prosecutor Advocate Tango Pangalele during the trial.

“Among the evidence led was from a neighbour of the Ndevu couple, eyewitnesses who were present at the establishment when the incident occurred, Eastern Cape Liquor Board officials and the CCTV footage taken from the establishment on the fateful night,” he said.

Regarding the main case into the cause of death of the 21 youth, Tyali said an inquest is expected to resume in the East London Regional Court next week Thursday.

“The Eastern Cape Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Barry Madolo, decided that an inquest be held by a Regional Court Magistrate, to establish if anyone can be held criminally liable, by commission or omission, for the deaths. At this moment, it is unclear what caused the incident and hence the state declined to prosecute.

“The matter is referred for formal inquest, which is inquisitorial in nature, and will assist the state to establish the cause of death in order to reach the appropriate legal conclusion. More than 30 witnesses, including experts and eyewitnesses, are expected to give evidence,” Tyali said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

KOICA, others conduct exchange programmes to enhance eGovt. development

Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Office in Nigeria, in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy (FMCDE) and Galaxy Backbone (GBB) organized a knowledge exchange programme in Rwanda to promote eGovernment development.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Thursday reports that the collaboration that involves Nigeria, Rwanda, and the Republic of Korea via the South-South and Triangular Cooperation and is designed specifically for the Nigerian Government Service Portal (GSP) team.

According to Mr Kayode Adebisi, Assistant Manager/eGovt Project Manager KOICA, in a statement made available to NAN, said the event held in Kigali, Rwanda.

It featured study visits and discussions related to policies, strategies, and programmes for Rwanda’s digitalization journey.

Adebisi said: “During the study visit, the Nigerian GSP team embarked on a six-day working visit from August 21st to 26th, 2023.

“The study visit was organized as part of an effort to promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences between Nigeria and Rwanda through KOICA, with a specific focus on enhancing eGovernment development.

“The primary emphasis was on the efficient delivery of government digital services through a one-stop portal model.

“The delegation from Nigeria sought insights from Rwanda’s successful Irembo GSP, which serves as a prime example of GSP deployment.

“Notably, the timing of this study visit was well-suited, given that Nigeria’s GSP full deployment is still in its early stages.”

According to him, the study visit forms part of project activities under ‘the Project for Building Foundations Towards Digital Governance in Nigeria (2020 – 2026).’’

Adebisi added: “The project, which is fully funded by the Korean Government through grant aid is expected to enhance capacity for the further execution of key initiatives of the National eGovernment Master Plan, strengthen the deployment of government-wide Enterprise Architecture (EA),

“This study visit was made possible through the facilitation of Rwanda Cooperation in Kigali and Sangmyung University from the Republic of Korea.

“Improve competencies for eGovernment service delivery through capacity building programs, expand the delivery of government digital services.

“This is through the activation of the GSP www.services.gov.ng and create increased access for National Identity Number (NIN) enrolment through the establishment of additional NIN enrolment centres.”

Adebisi also said that during the study visit, the GSP team identified key factors that were crucial for successfully implementing a functional and effective Government Service Portal.

He added: “These factors include having a strong governance structure that enforces policies at the highest level and maintaining continuous engagement with stakeholders, including users (citizens and businesses) and service providers (government agencies).

“Additionally, it’s important to ensure inclusivity for seamless access, a robust digital infrastructure, and the development of necessary skills.

“A significant highlight of the study visit was the collaborative workshop involving the Smart Africa Alliance and the Nigerian GSP team.”

Prof. Muhammed Abubakar, the Managing Director of Nigeria’s Galaxy Backbone, expressed gratitude to Mr Minjae Kang, Deputy Country Director of KOICA, for his contributions to Nigeria’s eGovernment development.

He said that the success of the GSP hinged on hosting it on a national infrastructure to reach underserved areas and ensure system interoperability among various government agencies in Nigeria.

Adebisi added that the insights gained from the study visit in Rwanda would play a pivotal role in strengthening Nigeria’s ongoing digitization efforts, especially as the GSP achieved full functionality.

In his remarks, the Deputy Country Director of KOICA, Rwanda, Mr Kim Kwonho, who represented the Country Director commended it’s efforts in driving a convergence point between Rwanda and Nigeria, in the area of digital governance.

He re-echoed the importance and benefits of cooperative efforts among different countries through knowledge sharing and exchange programs.

NAN also reports that the Nigerian GSP team consisted of representatives from nine government agencies, some of whom will contribute their digital services to the GSP once it becomes operational.

The activation of Nigeria’s Government Service Portal is the central focus of this project and development of the portal is expected to be completed within an 18-month period.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Abuja-Kaduna road project to be completed by Q1 2024 – Umahi

The Minister of Works, Mr David Umahi, has assured that the reconstruction work on the Abuja-Kaduna-Kano highway would be completed by the first quarter of 2024.

Umahi made this known while inspecting the project on Thursday to assess the progress made so far by Julius Berger Nigeria Plc, the contractor handling the project.

The minister, however, frowned at the slow pace of work on the project awarded in 2017.

Umahi noted that insecurity and poor funding were the major challenges affecting the timely completion of the road.

”Work on the 375.9 km dual-carriage Abuja-Kaduna-Zaria-Kano road is in three phases, with phase three (Zaria-Kano) at 100 per cent completion.

”The phase two (Kaduna- Zaria) was at 60 per cent completion and phase one (Abuja-Kaduna) was only at 20 per cent completion level,” he said.

He said President Bola Tinubu was committed to sort out all impeding factors to ensure that the contractor delivers the project in 2024.

“I am here on the directive of Mr President, who has directed that I must be on site to see most of this ongoing projects before I can put figures together.

“Mr president has asked me to assure Kaduna people and everyone that this road is very important to him as part of his renewed hope agenda for Nigerians.

“He is committed to finishing the road, in 2024 and not 2025 as stated in the contract earlier, and we will match his word with action.

“We are satisfied with the quality of work but we are not satisfied with the pace of work, so we have to find out what are the problems.

“This road is very important, if it is security we will tackle it and provide security in each section where they are working and we also want to deploy solar lights on the roads,” the minister said.

The minister expressed satisfaction with the quality of work on the road but urged the contractor to increase the pace of work.

He directed the contractor to deploy more men and equipment to other sections of the road to ensure that work goes on simultaneously.

He also called on the contractor to introduce concrete in parts of the road to deliver a more durable and lasting road to Nigerians.

The minister, therefore, appealed to Nigerians to be patient with the government in its commitment to deliver a durable road that would stand the test of time.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria