Quantexa nomme de grands noms du secteur à son comité consultatif pour accélérer ses plans de croissance

L’ancien président de BlackRock, l’ancien PDG de NHSX et l’ancien directeur du GCHQ lui apporteront leur précieuse expérience dans les domaines de la finance, de la santé et de la sécurité nationale

LONDRES, 25 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, leader mondial des solutions d’intelligence décisionnelle pour les secteurs privé et public, a annoncé aujourd’hui la nomination de trois grands noms du secteur au sein de son comité consultatif. Il s’agit de Ralph Schlosstein, ancien PDG d’Evercore et ancien président de BlackRock, Matthew Gould, ancien PDG de NHSX, et Sir Jeremy Fleming, ancien directeur du GCHQ. Ces leaders de renom apporteront à Quantexa leur précieuse expérience dans les domaines de la finance, des soins de santé et de la sécurité nationale.

L’élargissement du comité consultatif de Quantexa survient à un moment crucial pour la société, puisqu’elle a achevé un cycle de financement de série E de 129 millions de dollars, mené par GIC, au cours duquel Quantexa a rejoint un groupe privilégié d’entreprises technologiques britanniques sur le point de devenir des licornes. Il a également été annoncé cette année que Quantexa investira plus de 155 millions de dollars dans le secteur mondial de l’IA au cours des trois prochaines années afin d’aider les clients à promouvoir l’utilisation de l’IA pour protéger, optimiser et développer leurs organisations. D’ici 2027, l’investissement mondial total de Quantexa dans l’IA atteindra plus de 250 millions de dollars.

Ralph Schlosstein, ancien PDG d’Evercore et ancien président de BlackRock, apportera au comité consultatif de Quantexa ses décennies d’expérience dans le domaine des investissements bancaires. Au cours de sa carrière, il a notamment joué un rôle stratégique dans l’introduction en bourse de la plus grande société de gestion d’actifs au monde. La perspicacité financière de Ralph Schlosstein sera déterminante pour l’élaboration des initiatives stratégiques de l’entreprise.

Matthew Gould, ancien PDG de NHSX, rejoint le comité consultatif de Quantexa après avoir été ambassadeur britannique en Israël entre 2010 et 2015, où il a contribué au lancement du UK-Israel Technologies Hub, une initiative menée à Tel-Aviv visant à forger des partenariats technologiques entre des entreprises britanniques et israéliennes. Plus récemment, Matthew Gould a mis à profit sa vaste expérience dans le domaine des soins de santé pour conseiller le NHS sur les initiatives à prendre pendant la pandémie de Covid-19. Chez NHSX, Matthew Gould a eu pour mission d’exploiter la puissance des données et de la technologie pour améliorer la prestation des soins de santé. Sa grande expérience aidera Quantexa à identifier les marchés et les secteurs d’activité à privilégier, ainsi qu’à prendre des décisions en matière de stratégie commerciale.

Sir Jeremy Fleming, ancien directeur du GCHQ et ancien directeur adjoint du MI5, rejoint le comité consultatif, fort de plus de 30 ans d’expérience dans le domaine du renseignement et de la technologie. Sa vaste expérience comprend notamment le développement du Centre national de cybersécurité, où il s’est donné pour mission de faire du Royaume-Uni le pays le plus sûr où vivre et entreprendre en ligne. Ayant à cœur de rendre l’utilisation des technologies au sein des gouvernements plus transparente, Sir Fleming aidera Quantexa à tirer profit des nouvelles opportunités et à faire face aux menaces émergentes.

« Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir Ralph Schlosstein, Matthew Gould et Sir Jeremy Fleming au sein de notre comité consultatif », a déclaré Vishal Marria, PDG de Quantexa. « Leur expertise conjointe dans les domaines de la finance, des soins de santé et de la sécurité nationale sera un atout inestimable pour continuer à élaborer des solutions de pointe en matière d’intelligence décisionnelle qui répondent aux besoins du marché en constante évolution. »

« La technologie de Quantexa basée sur l’IA permet à ses clients de protéger, d’optimiser et de développer leurs organisations avec efficacité et transparence », a déclaré Ralph Schlosstein, ancien PDG d’Evercore et ancien président de BlackRock. « Je pense que Quantexa a toutes les cartes en main pour saisir les opportunités à venir et accroître sa présence dans la catégorie émergente qu’est l’intelligence décisionnelle. Je suis ravi de pouvoir aider l’équipe de direction à accélérer sa stratégie de croissance organique et inorganique. » 

« C’est une étape passionnante pour moi que de rejoindre le comité consultatif de Quantexa, à ce stade si décisif de la croissance de l’entreprise », a ajouté Matthew Gould. « L’approche innovante de Quantexa, qui consiste à aider les clients des secteurs privé et public à faire des données leur principal outil, révolutionnera la prise de décision dans de nombreux secteurs d’activité. Je me réjouis de travailler avec l’équipe talentueuse de Quantexa pour interconnecter les données et aider les organisations à obtenir de meilleurs résultats. »

Sir Jeremy Fleming, ancien directeur du GCHQ, a déclaré : « Je suis ravi de faire partie d’une entreprise qui est à la pointe de l’innovation dans le domaine de l’IA. Je suis impatient de mettre mon expérience au service des capacités exceptionnelles de Quantexa, qui continueront à façonner la manière dont ses clients utilisent les données pour protéger les entreprises et les citoyens ».

Avec le soutien de son comité consultatif, Quantexa continuera d’aider les organisations à prendre des décisions opérationnelles fiables grâce à des solutions innovantes d’intelligence décisionnelle. Pour en savoir plus sur l’équipe de direction de Quantexa, cliquez ici.

À propos de Quantexa

Pionnière de l’intelligence décisionnelle, Quantexa est une société mondiale de logiciels de données et d’analyse qui permet aux organisations de prendre des décisions opérationnelles fiables en rendant les données significatives. En utilisant les dernières avancées en matière de Big Data et d’IA, la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa révèle les risques cachés et les nouvelles opportunités en fournissant une vision contextuelle et connectée des données internes et externes en un seul endroit. Elle résout des défis majeurs dans les domaines de la gestion des données, de la connaissance du client, de l’intelligence client, de la criminalité financière, des risques, de la fraude et de la sécurité, tout au long du cycle de vie client.

La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa améliore la performance opérationnelle avec une précision accrue de plus de 90 % et une résolution du modèle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Fondée en 2016, Quantexa compte aujourd’hui plus de 650 collaborateurs et des milliers d’utilisateurs travaillant avec des milliards de transactions et de points de données à travers le monde. Les bureaux de la société sont situés à Londres, Dublin, New York, Boston, Washington DC, Toronto, EAU, Malaga, Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Bruxelles, Melbourne, Sydney et Singapour. Pour en savoir plus, suivez-nous sur LinkedIn.

Contact presse :
Contact : Stephanie Crisp, directrice associée et stratège média, Fight or Flight
E-mail : Quantexa@fightflight.co.uk

Contact : Adam Jaffe, vice-président sénior du marketing d’entreprise
Téléphone : +1 609 502 6889
E-mail : adamjaffe@quantexa.com  

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000841125

We’ll ramp up efforts to curb child trafficking – Plateau Govt

Plateau Government says it will shore up efforts to check the increasing trend of child trafficking in the state.

The Plateau Commissioner for Information and Communication, Mr Musa Ashoms, said this at a press briefing at the end of the state executive council meeting presided by Gov. Caleb Mutfwang on Tuesday in Jos.

Ashoms said that the commitment was sequel to reports that described Plateau as a ‘point of source for domestic servitude’.

He said that the council resolved to strengthen relevant government agencies to perform their constitutional duties of checking the menace.

“There was a documentary in Ebonyi which stated that 40 per cent of those who were trafficked these days are from Plateau.

“We are putting in mechanisms to check all of these issues to stop this trend.

“ So, we are going to do a lot of sensitisation, we are going to meet gatekeepers, village heads, kings, and then community leaders and religious bodies.

“So that this menace will be nipped in the bud,” he said.

Ashoms said that the council also deliberated on the influx of commercial motorcyclists into Jos and Bukuru metropolis in spite of the ban on their activities as part of security measures.

“There is a law banning it, so we cannot afford in our own time to continue to have this.

“And, again on tricycles, the law is still intact, that they start at 6am and close at 6pm.

“So, there is going to be enforcement very soon,” he said.

According to him, the council also appraised their efforts on delivering the dividends of democracy to the people aimed at strengthening its modalities.

Ashoms said that the council had set up a committee to review the nomenclatures of matched ministries to ensure they reflect modern trends and issues.

He further explained that some ministries such as that of agriculture would be unbundled in to ministries of Plant and livestock.(NAN)(www.nannews.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Tinubu approves payment for 12 attack helicopters for army aviation – COAS

President Bola Tinubu has approved payment for the procurement of 12 attack helicopters for the Nigerian Army.

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, made this known at the opening of the maiden Nigerian Army Aviation Seminar, on Tuesday in Abuja.

He said that the 12 MD 530F Cayuse attack helicopters would operationalise the Nigerian army aviation unit, which was set up to improve ground troops’ agility, responsiveness, and efficacy during operations.

The COAS added that it would also contribute to the overall operational success of joint and coalition troops.

Lagbaja explained that the army aviation was generally separate from a nation’s dedicated air force, but usually equipped with helicopters and light support fixed-wing aircraft.

He appreciated the president for buying into the aspiration of the Nigerian army to have an equipped aviation unit, which would support ground troops as they focus on tactical and operational engagements.

According to him, the experiences of nations like the United States, Pakistan, Colombia, Egypt, Kenya, Ethiopia, and Uganda are instructive in this area.

“The army aviation arms of these countries have shown effectiveness in countering contemporary security threats and providing vital support to ground forces.

“In view of the need to realize this, and in its bid to appropriately respond to contemporary and emerging security threats, the Nigerian Army resuscitated its aviation aspiration in 2014.

“I am happy to inform this gathering that the Nigerian army is willing to learn from the army aviation journeys of the countries mentioned earlier.

“Our willingness to learn from them is to adapt their best practices to suit our unique operational environment and avoid their mistakes.

“I can proudly report that since 2014, the Nigerian Army has made commendable progress in training pilots, aircraft engineers, technicians, and other ground support crew,” he said.

The COAS said that the army had submitted the aviation outfit to the Nigerian Air Force for proper mentoring.

On the seminar, Lagbaja said it was to discuss likely challenges the unit may face and proffer innovative solutions.

“Therefore, this seminar is a platform for us to deliberate on critical issues and share invaluable insights regarding the future of the Nigerian army aviation, even before that future comes upon us.

“Ideas generated from our deliberations are expected to help strengthen the capabilities through capacity building, infrastructure development and guide further acquisition of cutting-edge platforms and technologies,” he added.

The Acting Coordinator, Nigerian Army Aviation, Brig.-Gen. Musa Alkali, said the unit would play pivotal role in bolstering ground operations and addressing the current security challenges confronting the nation.

Alkali said the reestablishment of army aviation was a decisive step towards enhancing operational reach and effectiveness in countering contemporary threats to Nigeria’s sovereignty and national security.

He added that the seminar was significant to the continuous efforts to operationalise the aviation unit. (NAN) (www.nannews.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Bagudu urges ICAN to avail self with Nigeria Agenda 2050 documents

The Minister of Budget and Economic Planning, Sen. Atiku Bagudu, has urged the Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN) to avail itself with the documents of Nigeria Agenda 2050.

A statement by Chinem Pressley, Media Consultant to the minister, indicated that Bagudu gave the advice when ICAN officials paid him a courtesy call in Abuja.

The minister also urged the institute to align itself with the country’s national development plan so that provisions made could be included in training programmes and other activities of the institute for greater achievement.

Bagudu said the ministry had a clear mandate to cooperate with all groups to seek their help in interrogating what the ministry did so that it could do better.

According to him, one element of the mandate is a periodic assessment of the skills gap in the country; which to an extent, showed the relevance of ICAN, as the institute had the responsibility of ensuring that accountants possessed the required skills to practice in Nigeria.

He added that ICAN has a prominent role to play in supporting the government in terms of building consensus for greater mileage.

Earlier, the President of ICAN, Mr Innocent Okwuosa noted that the institute has consistently provided a professional viewpoint on various government economic policies and the prospects of such policies.

He also said that it was ready to work closely with the government to redefine national values, set economic priorities, and resource utilisation strategies with the aim of lifting Nigerians out of poverty.

Okwuosa drew the attention of the minister to the two initiatives of the institute that had impacted significantly, in shaping fiscal policy in Nigeria, namely: The ICAN Budget Symposium and the Mid-Year Economic Discourse.

He highlighted the significant impact of previous symposia and economic discourses, which have resulted in notable fiscal policy changes in the country.

The ICAN president explained that his delegation was at the ministry to appeal to the minister to declare their upcoming budget symposium open, and for him to appoint a contact person within the ministry to be the liaison officer on the budget symposium and economic discourse.

He added that the visit was to make the minister see reasons why its members should be considered for appointments into the boards of ministries, departments, and agencies under the ministry.

He said doing so would help the present administration deliver on its Renewed Hope Initiative.

The ICAN president expressed keen interest in entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the ministry to enable the institute to offer technical assistance to enhance the nation’s budgeting process.

He added that the visit was to extend an invitation to the minister to the 53rd Annual Accountant’s Conference with the theme, ‘Nigeria: Imparatives for Inclusive Development, which will be held from Oct. 9 to 13, 2023 in Abuja. (NAN) (www.nannews.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Bagudu stresses need for collaboration in advancing women empowerment

The Minister of Budget and National Planning, Sen. Abubakar Bagudu has emphasised the need to work collaboratively to ensure global recognition and empowerment of Nigerian women.

A statement by Mr Chinem Pressley, the Media Consultant to the minister, said that Bagudu expressed this thought when he received in Abuja, a UN Women delegation, led by Dr Maxine Houinato, the UN Women Regional Director, West and Central Africa.

The minister explained that the UN Women was the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women.

He added that it was globally regarded as a champion for women and girls.

According to the minister, the organisation was established in 2010 to accelerate progress on meeting the needs of Women worldwide.

Speaking further, Bagudu said that the UN-Women worked globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals a reality for women and girls and stood behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life.

He added that the UN Women also coordinated and promoted the UN System’s activities in advancing gender equality, deliberation, and agreements linked to the 2030 Agenda.

Earlier in his remarks, Houinato urged the government to be ready to support the non-governmental sector and the planning of the budget of the country should also be implemented promptly.

Initiatives such as “Nigeria for Women” and “Agile Adolescent Girls in Learning” are making a difference. Together, we can accelerate progress towards gender equality and ensure every woman has equal opportunities

“Resource allocation is a challenge we face globally. While many women in our country are taking the initiative to empower themselves through loans, we recognise that there are limits to what the government can provide.

“This is why there’s a call for greater global recognition and appreciation for the crucial work being done by women.

“Women often face unique challenges, including cultural norms, limited mobility, and restricted access to opportunities.

“To address these issues, we’re proud to have initiatives like the World Bank’s “Nigeria for Women,” targeting 18,000 women in at least 3 local governments across all the 36 states of the federation,” he said.

According to him, this programme aims to provide financial support and entrepreneurship training to women, enabling them to start and expand their businesses,” he said.

He said that by empowering women economically, “we can break the cycle of poverty and promote gender equality.

“Additionally, the “Agile Adolescent Girls in Learning” program is enriching school environments to nurture women’s skills.

“This initiative focuses on improving the quality of education for young girls, ensuring they have equal opportunities to pursue their dreams and develop their talents.”

According to him, by investing in education, we are investing in the future of our nation, creating a society where women can thrive and contribute to the progress of Nigeria.

He said that the progress made thus far was commendable, but there was still much work to be done.

“Our goal for Nigeria is clear: under our President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, we must accelerate our progress toward gender equality and equity.

“We believe that every woman has the right to access the same opportunities as men, to be treated with dignity and respect, and to have a voice in decision-making processes,” she said.

He said that promoting gender equality and empowering women “is crucial to creating a more inclusive and just society.

“However, it is not a task that can be accomplished by one organisation or government alone.

“It requires a collective effort from governments, civil society, private sector, and individuals around the world. The world has the wealth and resources to ensure that every woman seeking an opportunity can have one.

“It is not only a matter of justice but also a matter of unlocking the immense potential that women hold.

“When women are given equal opportunities, they become drivers of economic growth, agents of positive change, and leaders in their communities’’. (NAN) (www.nannews.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FRSC records 204 deaths in Bauchi in 9 months

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Bauchi State Command, says no fewer than 204 persons have been killed in various Road Traffic Crashes (RTCs), in the state from January till date.

Mr Joel Dagwa, the Zonal Commanding Officer in charge of Bauchi, Yobe and Gombe, disclosed this on Tuesday in Bauchi, at 2023 ember-months sensitisation programme organised by the command.

Dagwa said that within the period under review, 679 people also sustained various degrees of injury in the 214 crashes that occured.

Breaking down the figures, he said that between January and March, the command recorded 108 RTCs with 126 people killed and 259 injured.

“In the second quarter, we recorded 79 total RTCs, with 66 killed and 309 injured. However, in the third quarter, 27 RTCs were recorded with 12 deaths and 111 injured,” he said.

According to him, ember-months which span between September and December, usually witness a surge in road traffic crashes and fatalities.

“This alarming trend has prompted us to come together as a community and responsible citizens to address this critical issue and make our roads safer for the good people of Bauchi and Nigeria at large.

“It is unfortunate that we could see the trend at which precious lives and properties were lost and this is telling us that road safety is not just a governmental responsibility.

“It is a shared responsibility that rests on the shoulders of every one of us from the government agencies, the royal fathers, society, sister agencies, drivers and passengers,” he said.

Dagwa reiterated that irresponsible action on the roads could have far-reaching negative consequences adding that it is the duty of all to ensure that behaviours on the roads are exemplary, (NAN) (www.nannews.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria