Focus on LG development for sustainable national growth – Adeshina

Director-General of UK-based Diaspora Grassroots for Better Governance in Nigeria, Mr Ade Adeshina

By Mariam Akande

The Federal Government has been urged to shift significant attention to empowering the local government system and operations, to ensure sustainable national development goals.

The Director-General of the UK-based Diaspora Grassroots for Better Governance in Nigeria, Mr Ade Adeshina, made the call on Sunday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

He said the primary purpose of the government, after ensuring the safety of life and property, was to guarantee improved conditions of the citizens wherever they live in the country.

According to him, many Local Government Areas (LGAs) have not witnessed the dividends of democracy.

He noted that rural communities had suffered the most due to poor governance.

“Simple road networks cannot be built to required standards.

“Local government council officials lack required scrutiny and, are in most cases, incapable of managing public pulse.

“Given Nigeria’s abundant natural and human resources, the current state of development is a source of concern.

“We must heed the words of former Premier of the defunct Western Region, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, who said that Nigeria should not be a poor nation given its vast resources,” Adeshina said.

Adeshina added that the removal of fuel subsidies and the resulting high inflation rate had exacerbated the challenges faced by ordinary Nigerians.

Similarly, he noted that the exchange rate of one dollar for N1,040 in the parallel market, as at Oct. 12, had also compounded the issue.

To address these challenges and set Nigeria on a path to sustainable growth, Adeshina said the federal government must focus on infrastructure development across the 774 LGAs.

He added that the President Bola Tinubu-led administration must reform the civil service to make every officer accountable for his actions and omissions.

“The transition from a production-oriented economy, as our founders envisioned, to a consumption-based economy in the 1970s has hindered our progress.

“We must return to a production-oriented path, growing and producing what we need locally and embracing our homegrown products.

“This approach will reduce the demand for foreign currencies and make our Naira attractive to foreign investors,” he said.

According to him, central to this transformation is the need for robust infrastructure development.

He called for a standardised road and rail network to open up rural communities for business to enable economic inclusion.

“The deplorable state of infrastructure across the 774 LGAs has hindered progress and economic growth.

“Basic road infrastructure and modern transport systems are essential to alleviate the challenges faced by our densely populated cities and to attract investment to rural areas,” he said.

Adeshina, who is also the Director General of Bola Tinubu Support Organisation, UK branch (BTSO-UK), noted that with improved infrastructure, agricultural products would no longer go to waste due to bad roads.

According to him, this will attract firms to set up production facilities, boost the economy, and provide employment opportunities.

The D-G said the focus on LGAs was pivotal as it was at the grassroots level that the country could begin the restoration of its glory.

“We must empower and hold local governments accountable for creating an enabling environment for investors and fostering development.

“The restructuring of the civil service at all level of governance is equally vital,” he said.

Adeshina explained that civil servants played a pivotal role in policy implementation, and their efficiency was paramount to achieving the goals of the Tinubu’s administration.

“Restoring Nigeria’s glory and rescuing its citizens from hopelessness requires practical steps. It demands more than empty promises.

“It necessitates the eradication of corruption, a commitment to grassroots governance, investment in infrastructure, and civil service reform.

“Nigerians deserve a better future, and it is our collective responsibility to build the Nigeria of our dreams,”Adeshina said.

He called on the Tinubu-led administration to focus on substantial infrastructure development, stressing that it was time for action.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Sourabh Chandrakar nega veementemente a acusação na fraude da aplicação Mahadev

Sourabh Chandrakar insiste que os meios de comunicação corrijam a narrativa predominante e oferece total cooperação para garantir que a justiça seja feita

DELI, Índia, Oct. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sourabh Chandrakar, que recentemente enfrentou graves acusações relacionadas com a Aplicação Mahadev, afirma veementemente que não tem qualquer envolvimento no suposto esquema de fraude financeira. Lamenta profundamente ter sido erroneamente implicado e retratado como o orquestrador por trás dessa operação.

Afirma firmemente que essas alegações carecem de qualquer fundamento e são um esforço para manchar a boa reputação de um cidadão íntegro. Sublinha que desfrutar de um estilo de vida confortável não deve ser mal interpretado como prova do seu envolvimento em atividades ilegais.

Insiste que todos os meios de comunicação considerem estes factos, corrijam a narrativa predominante e direcionem os recursos para os verdadeiros infratores. Está empenhado em oferecer a sua total cooperação às autoridades para garantir que a justiça seja feita e a verdade prevaleça sem manchas.
Apela a uma investigação justa e imparcial sobre o assunto, sublinhando o seu compromisso de cooperar plenamente para levar os verdadeiros autores à justiça.

Sobre Sourabh Chandrakar

Na Índia, a empresa de Sourabh Chandrakar, “Juice Factory”, tem 25 filiais em Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

Vem de uma origem humilde e tem gerido vários negócios relacionados com FMCG, construção, subcontratação e desenvolvimento no Médio Oriente, juntamente com vários parceiros e marcas.

A sua experiência de empreendedor no Médio Oriente é a “Empire One Global Real Estate”, onde detém o cargo de Codiretor-geral. Tanto o Sr. Uppal como o Sr. Chandrakar têm criado valor além do setor imobiliário para os seus clientes do Médio Oriente Médio e em todo o mundo.

Fonte: AETOSWire

Saurabh Chandrakar

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000854131

Sourabh Chandrakar nie avec véhémence les accusations liées à l’arnaque de l’application Mahadev

Sourabh Chandrakar exhorte les médias à rectifier le discours dominant et s’engage à coopérer pleinement pour garantir que justice soit rendue

DELHI, Inde, 13 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — M. Sourabh Chandrakar, qui a récemment fait face à de graves accusations liées à l’application Mahadev, affirme fermement qu’il n’est en aucune façon impliqué dans le stratagème de fraude financière présumé. Il regrette profondément d’avoir été impliqué à tort et accusé d’être le cerveau de cette opération.

Il affirme fermement que ces allégations sont dénuées de tout fondement et constituent une tentative visant à ternir la réputation d’honnêtes citoyens. Il souligne que le fait de jouir d’un style de vie confortable ne doit pas être interprété à tort comme une preuve de son implication dans des activités illégales.

M. Chandrakar exhorte tous les médias à prendre en compte ces faits, à rectifier le discours dominant et à orienter les ressources vers les véritables fautifs. Il s’engage à offrir sa pleine coopération aux autorités pour garantir que justice soit rendue et que la vérité prévale sans tache. Il appelle également à une enquête juste et impartiale sur cette affaire, soulignant son engagement à coopérer pleinement pour traduire les véritables auteurs en justice.

À propos Sourabh Chandrakar

En Inde, l’entreprise « Juice Factory » propre à Sourabh Chandrakar compte 25 succursales dans tout Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

Issu d’un milieu modeste, il a dirigé plusieurs entreprises liées aux produits de grande consommation, à la construction, à la sous-traitance et au développement au Moyen-Orient.

La principale station tout au long de son parcours entrepreneurial au Moyen-Orient est « Empire One Global Real Estate », où il occupe le poste de co-directeur général. M. Uppal et M. Chandrakar ont tous deux créé de la valeur au-delà de l’immobilier pour leurs clients basés au Moyen-Orient et dans le monde.

Le texte du communiqué issu d’une traduction ne doit d’aucune manière être considéré comme officiel. La seule version du communiqué qui fasse foi est celle du communiqué dans sa langue d’origine. La traduction devra toujours être confrontée au texte source, qui fera jurisprudence.

Source: AETOSWire

Saurabh Chandrakar

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000854131

NUC says top-up degree programme by NBTE not recognised

The National Universities Commission (NUC) has disowned the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) top-up programme claiming to bridge the gap between polytechnic and university degrees.

This is contained in a statement made available to newsmen in Abuja on Saturday by the Acting Executive Secretary of the commission, Chris Maiyaki.

Recalls that for years, there have been calls from stakeholders to end the disparity between Higher National Diplomas (HND) offered by polytechnics and Bachelor degrees offered by universities.

This brought about a bill passed at the ninth National Assembly in 2021 to end the dichotomy but it was not signed into law by the last administration.

The NBTE which regulates technical and vocational education has unveiled what it describes as a one-year top-up programme which offers a platform for HND holders to level up towards obtaining a bachelor’s degree.

Maiyaki, however, called on the general public and all relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) to note that the NUC is not a party to the top-up scheme.

“Even though agitation continues to grow for the abolition of the dichotomy in Nigeria, there is, at the moment, no law that has removed the dichotomy between a university degree and the HND.

“The place of technical education, the world over is unique.

“The university degree awarded by the Nigerian university system or any cognate institution is not the same as the HND awarded by polytechnics in Nigeria.

“In the Nigerian higher education space, the processes, contents and methods required for the acquisition of a university degree are substantially different from those needed for HND programmes,” he said.

He noted that at the post-graduate level, the requirements for admission into any masters degree programme for HND holders are, among others, the acquisition of a relevant postgraduate diploma (PGD) from a recognised university.

“The unsuspecting general public and all relevant ministries, departments, and agencies should note that the NUC is not a party to and, indeed, disavows the so-called top-up scheme, being concocted by the NBTE.

“In light of the above, the advice of the NUC is that the NBTE should focus on its core mandate and desist from introducing programmes outside its jurisdiction, and not supported by any law in Nigeria.

“The NUC wishes to inform the Management of the NBTE and the general public that the “Bill for an Act to abolish and prohibit dichotomy and discrimination between First Degree and Higher National Diploma in the same Profession/Field for the Purpose of Employment, and for Related Matters.

“The bill passed by the 9th National Assembly in 2021, is yet to be assented to by Mr President and Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

” So, eventhough agitation continues to grow for the abolition of the dichotomy in Nigeria, there is, at the moment, no law that has removed the dichotomy between a university degree and the HND.

“Both the NUC Establishment Law (CA-P N81, LFN, 2004) and its Operational Law: Education (National Minimum Standards and Establishment of Institutions) Act, CA-P E3 LFN, 2004) vest in the Commission the powers to superintend and regulate university education in Nigeria.

“Lay down minimum academic standards in the nation’s universities and other degree-awarding institutions, and accredit their programmes. Thus, the commission is the only constitutionally empowered regulatory agency for university education in Nigeria,” he said.

Maiyaki argued that in most higher education systems, polytechnics coexist side by side with universities for the purposes of producing critical human resources, based on their peculiarities and in tandem with the goals for which they were established. (NAN)(

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FG sets up integrated border governance committee

The Minister of Interior, Dr Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, has set up an Integrated Border Governance Committee, a 13-man committee to identify the needs assessment of the nation’s borders.

This is contained in a statement by the Deputy Director of Press and Public Relations in the ministry, Mr Afonja Ajibola, on Saturday in Abuja.

According to him, Tunji-Ojo set up the committee during a presentation on border management and control by a consultant in Abuja.

Afonja said that the minister instructed that the committee should endeavour to have a robust deliberation and create an implementable border management plan to secure the country.

Membership of the committee is composed of 13 people drawn from the ministry as well as its agencies.

The committee has the Director, Joint Services in the ministry, as the Chairman, Director, Planing Research and Statistics and the Director, Legal.

Other members include: the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC), the Federal Fire Service (FFS), Border Community Development Agency, Community Boundary Commission and its consultant.

The minister explained that the most important thing to him about border management is the aspect of internal security which he said is a massive task that requires the synergy of all critical stakeholders.

He painted a scenario of Nigerians at borderlines attending schools in the neighboring foreign countries.

Tunji-Ojo said that the loyalty of those Nigerians would naturally be with the foreign countries, adding that how then would anyone expect Nigeria to achieve the desired security.

“It is high time the country stopped paying a lip service to border management. I therefore, converse that enough budgetary allocation be made available for the provision of social infrastructure” he said.

The minister added that enough budgetary allocation must be provided to these contiguous border communities to enable them have a sense of belonging.

Meanwhile, the committee has 18 weeks to conclude its assignment.(NAN)(

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

AfDB grants Burundi over $13m to tackle climate change impacts

The Board of Directors of the African Development Bank(AfDB) Group had granted funding of $13.15 million to Burundi.

The bank, in a statement on its website, said that the fund would help the country implement phase one of its ‘Water Sector and Climate Resilience Building Support Programme’.

It said the funding came from the Transition Support Facility, one of the bank’s funding mechanisms aimed at building stability in countries in transition.

According to the statement, Burundian government is providing counterpart funding of $1.75 million , with the Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA) contributing $170,947million.

It said the project, aimed at strengthening Burundi’s resilience, was the result of close collaboration between the AfDB Group and the GCA.

It said the project was an effective response to strengthening Burundi’s resilience in light of the effects of climate change.

The statement further said it would help to improve the socio-economic living conditions of rural populations in several provinces.

According to the statement, the project is scheduled to be launched in January 2024 and marks the bank’s return to the water sector in Burundi.

Meanwhile, the Burundian Minister of Water, Energy and Mines, Ibrahim Uwizeye, said the country’s water sector had been neglected by partners for a long time while needs had increased.

According to the minister, this support from the bank had been long awaited.

He said the project would not only tackle the people’s challenges but it had the potential to stimulate more investments and commitments in the water sector by other partners.

“The project will help create 18 latest-generation water supply systems powered by sustainable energy sources and raise the awareness among over 315,000 inhabitants.

“It will support the development of climate-resilient drinking water supplies and sanitation investment projects in the provinces of Gitega, Mwaro and Kayanza.

“As well as an investment plan with the technical, environmental and social impact studies needed to research a possible phase II of the programme “he said.

Uwizeye said the project would benefit over 1.27 million people, 50 per cent of them women.

He said it would it ensure easier access to secure, climate-resilient drinking water, sustainable sanitation and hygiene services.

Similarly, Pascal Yembiline, the AfDB’s Country Manager in Burundi, said the bank was excited by the prospect of working alongside the Burundian government.

He said the bank was happy to support the country’s ongoing efforts to create the conditions for a better quality of life and economic development opportunities for all.

“And we will spare no efforts to achieve this,” he added.(NAN)(

Source: News Agency of Nigeria