Gov. Alia seeks increased military presence in Benue

Gov. Hyacinth Alia of Benue, has called for the deployment of more troops and more army Forward Operating Bases in some parts of Benue to address the security challenges bedeviling the state.

Alia made the call when he paid a courtesy call on the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, on Tuesday in Abuja.

He requested that the forward operating bases (FOBs) be established in Guma, Logo, Ukum and Kwande local government areas to help stem insecurity in the areas.

He said that the people of Benue were agrarian people with farming as their main stay, adding that most fertile parts of the Benue Valley had become inaccessible to farmers due to threats by bandits and violence from armed herders.

According to him, two to five or more people are killed every week as a result of violence from these gangs and groups, which in a few number of cases, the media do not capture.

“The 4O1 Special Forces Brigade is trying its best with its deployment mostly on the main roads while killings continue to take place in the hinterland.

“They are also hampered by insufficient manpower, the APCs and patrol vehicles.

“Sir, my prayer to you is for the forward operating bases to be established in Anyiin in Logo local local government area, Zaki-Biam in Ukum local Government Area and Udei and Gbajimba in Guma local government area.

“It should be established also at Naka in Gwer West local government area, Pontar in Konshisha local government area and Adikpo in Kwande local government areas.

“In the immediate term, while hoping that a full-fledged battalion can be established at Ugbema, our second prayer is for the 401 special force brigade and operation Whirl Stroke should be provided with additional manpower and patrol vehicles to improve their reach,” he said.

The governor said the state government was willing to provide the army with the needed shelters for the forward operating bases and some logistics.

He said that some local governments in Benue also share boundaries with the Cameroon, adding that the discovery of solid minerals in those areas was likely to exacerbate the security situation there.

According to him, it is therefore important that proactive steps be taken by establishing an infantry battalion to cover the general area.

Alia also pledged to ensure support and cooperation of the communities and locals to ensure an end to the challenges.

In his remarks, the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Lagbaja, said he had been reviewing the situation in Benue and pledged to do what is best to restore peace to the Benue valley.

He promised to deploy more troops and combat enablers to 104 forward operating base (FOB), adding that the establishment of more FOBs is subject to budgetary provisions.

He assured the governor of the commitment of the army to ensure the return of peace to the state to enable farmers to return to their farms and boost the economy of the state and the nation at large.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Foundation urges students to imbibe good moral values

Open African Foundation, an NGO, has called on the youth to imbibe good moral values and renewed hope, anchored on patriotism, equality and love to build a new Nigeria.

The Chairman of the foundation, Mr Tunji Aworinde, made the call during an annual conference and essay writing competition, held in Abuja.

The competition was organised for secondary school students in FCT as part of s catch- them-young initiative on Monday in Abuja.

Aworinde said the initiative was to invigorate the spirit of patriotism in the minds of the children and to encourage them to toe the path of integrity, love and hard work.

He added that it was also to ensure that the children shunned corruption, social vices and all forms of immoral behaviour retrogressive to Nigeria as a nation.

According to Tunji, moral and other good values have so much been eroded in the present day society, adding that people no longer call crime by its name.

He added that the youth now engage in all sorts of immoralities, inhaling illicit substances and contributing to the heights of insecurity in the country.

Aworinde, a United Kingdom-based Forensic Expert, admonished the students “to inculcate the right values that are anchored by love, with love, and for love, where everyone is more equal than they are now.

“If we must secure the future of the Nigerian society, there is the urgent need to locate and raise the young students who are often referred to as leaders of tomorrow with the values and principles of effective leadership.

“This is because our future lies on the shoulders of the young students in secondary and tertiary institutions.

“We need to build a new Nigeria that values the goodness of our hearts over the depth of our pockets.

“We need a Nigeria where wealth is not what is inherited by our children but the capacity to do well and stand up for our fellow brothers and sisters,” he said.

Aworinde encouraged them to imbibe hard work, commitment, integrity and love for a better Nigeria.

The Director-General of Nigeria Institute of Police Study, Abuja, Mr Olu Ogunsakin, said the conference was not only apt but very necessary, considering the level of moral decadence in the country.

Ogunsakin added that any life without good character was like a vehicle without tyre; “you can hardly succeed in life, so there’s need to inculcate into the young minds integrity, accountability and sense of responsibility’’.

He, however, charged parents to be of good example to their wards and teach them how to be responsible citizens.

“When the right values are inculcated into them at early stage, they will grow to become better people in the future and give back to the society,’’

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that high point of the event was the presentation of awards to students who took part in the essay competition.

The title of the easy was “The kind of Nigeria I want and what I would do if I was the Nigerian President’’.

Twelve secondary schools in FCT participated.

The event attracted officials from the Federal Ministry of Information and other relevant stakeholders.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Loan recovery: SMEDAN to reward top performing MFBs

The Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN) says it will reward top MicroFinance Banks (MFBs) in loan recovery under the One Local Government One Product (OLOP) scheme.

The Director-General of SMEDAN, Mr Charles Odii, said this during the Stakeholders Meeting/Signing of Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on the implementation of the programme on Tuesday in Abuja.

The OLOP scheme is a bottom-top approach designed to promote Micro Small and Medium Enterprises development in communities by focusing on products distinctive to each locality where they have comparative advantage, and cultivating the same through value-addition into a national and global brand.

He said the aim of the meeting was to encourage MFBs and their representatives to take loan recovery seriously for economic growth and development.

Odii who acknowledged the importance of MFBs for the growth of small businesses urged the managers to embrace innovative ways of loan recovery.

”I want you all to go with this assignment. Look for innovative ways of collecting that money back, and in innovative ways, I don’t want you to harass the small businesses.

”But we will start tracking, the sooner we get results we will take it up and continue to develop on it.

”So monitor, and even evaluate the process and I am very certain that at the end of it all we will come back here smiling.

”I am going to promise you this, we are going to continue this dialogue; and I’m going to set up a reward system for the top performing banks,” he said.

The director-general commended some of the banks that were already performing well and urged others to take a queue from them.

He said: ”It is not enough to be partners if we cannot once in a while be frank about the situation on ground and we cannot achieve our purpose without everyone’s commitment.

”That is why I have given you that charge to please go and deliver your duties to the best of your abilities.

”And we will be visiting some of the states to see first hand how you are working.”

Speaking on behalf of other representatives, Mr Abdullahi Umar, Hamada MFB Kaduna, assured the director-general that they would continue to put in their best and ensure recovery of the loans.

“One of the major challenges is the mindset of the people, who think the loan is their share of the ”national cake,” Umar said.

He called for enhanced collaboration between SMEDAN and MFBs managers and meetings where all parties would deliberate on issues.

Umar also enjoined the agency to ameliorate the cost incurred by MFBs in loan recovery.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Economy diversification: FG inaugurates mentorship programme to enhance non-oil exports

The Federal Government has inaugurated an Export Mentorship Programme (EMP) to boost the non-oil export sector of the country.

The Executive Director of NEPC, Nonye Ayeni, while inaugurating the programme in Abuja, said the development and promotion of non-oil exports was one of NEPC’s key mandates.

Ayeni said the programme would attach budding exporters to manufacturing exporters for an agreed period for the purpose of learning the rudiments of non-oil export business.

She said that EMP was borne out of the need to enhance the performance of Nigeria’s non-oil export sector.

She said: ‘through provision of a veritable platform for learning, unlearning, and relearning of new exporters from the established ones in a practical manner.

”NEPC has over the years worked proactively to fulfill her mandate through the execution of numerous programmes and activities.

”All with the main aim of diversifying the nation’s economy away from reliance on crude oil as the mono product of the economy.”

Ayeni said the inauguration of EMP was a proactive step at ensuring that skill gaps and other obstacles affecting export performance were reduced to the barest minimum.

She said EMP was unique because it adopted a practical hands-on approach, whereby willing mentees were attached to performing exporters for tutelage on the entire process of non-oil export business.

”The Council’s decision to adopt EMP strategy in raising a new crop of skilled exporters is based on global statistics.

”It shows that less than 10 per cent of beginner exporters can successfully transit from prospective to performing exporters within their first three – five years of establishment.

”The reasons for failure to survive the early stage of business formation are largely attributed to the inability of the beginners to master the complex terrain of export business,” Ayeni said.

The executive director commended the mentors, saying their efforts would enable the trainees to become contributors to the food security index in Nigeria.

She sought for more volunteers in raising a crop of indigenous exporters to create jobs and boost foreign earnings for the nation.

Ayeni also called on other stakeholders to support the exporters, while assuring of NEPC’s continued commitment to the diversification of Nigeria’s export trade.

”We are open to ideas on how to continually improve the EMP we have started. Feel free to reach out as we are partners in progress on this journey,” she said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal présente les avancées de ses recherches biomédicales spatiales à la Global Health Exhibition

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 30 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ci-après « KFSH&RC ») s’affiche en pionnier et présente à la fois ses perspectives en matière de recherche biomédicale spatiale et son rôle dans l’amélioration de la santé à la Global Health Exhibition, à laquelle l’hôpital participe au titre de partenaire santé stratégique.

Durant l’exposition, le KFSH&RC revient sur le côté inédit de ses quatre conduites de recherche en sciences cellulaires dans l’espace. Ces expériences englobent des tests de réponse des cellules immunitaires à l’inflammation dans l’espace, le suivi de l’activité des milliers de gènes des cellules immunitaires exposées à l’inflammation au fil du temps, et la surveillance des mutations de la durée de vie de l’acide ribonucléique (ARNm) entre l’espace et la Terre. De plus, le pavillon KFSH&RC propose une simulation de réponse inflammatoire au traitement médicamenteux au moyen d’un modèle de cellule immunitaire visant à explorer ses applications potentielles en prévention et en traitement précoce.

Ces recherches menées en collaboration avec l’autorité spatiale saoudienne s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la mission scientifique des astronautes saoudiens Rayyanah Barnawi et Ali Al-Qarni vers la Station spatiale internationale (ou SSI). Elles ont pour but de contribuer à la recherche prospective et son champ d’application en médecine spatiale pour renforcer la sécurité des chercheurs de l’espace et exploiter ces connaissances au profit de la communauté mondiale des patients.

L’équipe de recherche dirigée par le Dr Khaled Saad Abu Khubrah, responsable du département de la biomédicine moléculaire et de la recherche au KFSH&RC, le Dr Wijdan Al-Ahmadi du KFSH&RC, et le Dr Edward Hattie du centre des technologies spatiales américain BioServe, situé dans l’état du Colorado, a piloté les expériences scientifiques pendant quatre jours.

Le KFSH&RC poursuit activement ses recherches en sciences biomédicales spatiales dans le but d’atteindre une meilleure compréhension des effets de la déficience en gravité et des radiations cosmiques sur le corps humain. Ces recherches exploitent un environnement spatial unique, et ouvrent la voie à des expériences médicales qui ne sont pas réalisables sur Terre, et notamment l’étude de la croissance des cellules et des tissus dans des conditions de microgravité. Cette analyse pourrait conduire à des découvertes révolutionnaires dans le traitement des maladies, ainsi qu’à de nouveaux champs d’application de la médecine spatiale.

Le KFSH&RC est mondialement reconnu pour ses services de soins de santé spécialisés et son leadership en matière d’innovation. L’hôpital est un centre de recherche et d’éducation médicale avancé, qui s’efforce de développer des technologies médicales et de faire évoluer les soins de santé à l’échelle mondiale en partenariat avec de grandes institutions locales, régionales et internationales dans les domaines cliniques, de recherche et d’éducation.

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King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Apresenta Suas Inovações e Soluções de Saúde na Global Health Exhibition

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) apresenta sua jornada pioneira e perspectiva na área de pesquisa biomédica no espaço e seu papel no aprimoramento da saúde humana na Global Health Exhibition 2023 onde o KFSH&RC também participará como parceiro estratégico de cuidado da saúde.

Na Exposição, o KFSH&RC fala sobre sua experiência inovadora na condução de quatro experimentos de pesquisa em ciências celulares no espaço. Esses experimentos incluem o teste da resposta das células imunes à inflamação no espaço, monitoramento da atividade de milhares de genes nas células imunes expostas à inflamação ao longo do tempo e o rastreamento das mudanças na vida útil do ácido ribonucleico (mRNA) entre o espaço e a Terra. Além disso, o pavilhão simula a resposta inflamatória ao tratamento com drogas usando um modelo de células imunes para explorar suas aplicações potenciais para prevenção e tratamento antecipado.

O objetivo dessas experiências de pesquisa, conduzidas em colaboração com a Autoridade Espacial Saudita, como parte da missão científica dos astronautas sauditas Rayyanah Barnawi e Ali Al-Qarni na Estação Espacial Internacional (ISS), é contribuir para a pesquisa exploratória e suas aplicações na medicina espacial para aumentar a segurança dos exploradores espaciais e utilizar o conhecimento adquirido para o benefício da comunidade de pacientes em todo o mundo.

Os experimentos científicos duraram quatro dias e foram supervisionados pela equipe de pesquisa liderada pelo Dr. Khaled Saad Abu Khubrah, Chefe do Departamento de Biomedicina Molecular e Pesquisa do KFSH&RC, juntamente com o Dr. Wijdan Al-Ahmadi da KFSH&RC e o Dr. Edward Hattie do BioServe Space Technologies Center no Colorado, EUA.

O KFSH&RC está ativamente buscando se aprofundar mais nas pesquisas de ciência biomédica espacial para obter uma compreensão mais abrangente dos efeitos da deficiência da gravidade e da radiação cósmica no corpo humano. Eles visam alavancar o ambiente espacial único, que oferece oportunidades para experimentos médicos que não são viáveis na Terra. Incluindo o estudo de como as células e os tecidos crescem em condições de microgravidade, potencialmente levando a descobertas inovadoras para tratamentos de doenças e abrindo novos caminhos na medicina espacial.

O KFSH&RC é reconhecido mundialmente por seus serviços de saúde especializados e sua liderança na inovação. Ele se destaca como um centro avançado de pesquisa e educação médica, visando o avanço das tecnologias médicas e a elevação do padrão de assistência médica em escala em todo o mundo, por meio de parcerias com instituições locais, regionais e internacionais nas áreas de clínica, pesquisa e educacional.

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