A eXp Realty coloca os seus melhores agentes em destaque na EXPCON 2023

BELLINGHAM, Oct. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, “a corretagem imobiliária mais centrada nos agentes imobiliários no planeta” (the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™) e a principal subsidiária da eXp World Holdings, Inc.(Nasdaq: EXPI), reconheceu 39 dos melhores agentes e equipes na EXPCON 2023, evento anual da empresa.

A EXPCON 2023, que foi realizada de 2 a 5 de outubro em Las Vegas, é o encontro exclusivo da empresa que reúne os melhores profissionais do setor imobiliário do mundo. O evento deste ano focou na inovação e no aproveitamento da inteligência artificial para impulsionar os negócios.

Glenn Sanford, fundador e CEO da eXp Realty, juntamente com Michael Valdes, Diretor de Crescimento (CGO) e Leo Pareja, Diretor de Estratégia (CSO), reconheceu com orgulho as extraordinárias conquistas e contribuições de 39 agentes e da equipe da eXp Realty em 2022. Esses agentes excepcionais foram reconhecidos em diversas categorias, abrangendo os melhores indivíduos e equipes com base no número de transações, volume de transações e receita bruta de comissões (GCI) nos EUA, Canadá e internacionalmente.

“O sucesso não diz respeito a uma pessoa ou uma empresa apenas; ele consiste em criar uma comunidade em que todos incentivam uns aos outros a atingirem o potencial máximo”, diz Sanford. “Tenho muito orgulho de prestigiar este grupo excepcional de agentes pelo seu excelente trabalho no ano passado. Como a corretagem mais centrada nos agentes imobiliários no planeta, focamos intensamente no apoio aos nossos agentes. Eu falo por toda a comunidade da eXp quando agradeço e parabenizo esses indivíduos por suas conquistas e contribuições incríveis”.

Os vencedores são:

  • Melhores indivíduos por número de transações, EUA
    • 1º – John Scalia, Flórida
    • 2º – Charles “Chuck” Williamson, Wilson, Carolina do Norte
    • 3º – Sheryl Houck, Flórida
  • Melhores Indivíduos por número de transações, Canadá
    • 1º – Mark Verzyl, Alberta
    • 2º – Shannon Runcie, Saskatchewan
    • 3º – Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
  • Melhores Indivíduos por número de transações, Internacional
    • 1º – Christopher Abraham — Grã-Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 2º – Claire Bilton — Grã-Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 3º – Mark Buchanan — Grã-Bretanha, Reino Unido
  • Melhores indivíduos por GCI, EUA
    • 1º – John Scalia, Flórida
    • 2º – Soomin Kim, Austin, Texas
    • 3º – Charles “Chuck” Williamson, Wilson, Carolina do Norte
  • Melhores indivíduos por GCI, Canadá
    • 1º – Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • 2º – Zhe Geng, Colúmbia Britânica
    • 3º – Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Melhores indivíduos por GCI, Internacional
    • 1º – Leigh Martinuzzi, Austrália
    • 2º – Christopher Abraham, Grã-Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 3º – Bjorn Kunzel, Austrália
  • Melhor indivíduo por GCI, eXp Commercial
    • Yoshimi Asano, Texas
  • Melhores indivíduos por volume de transações, EUA
    • 1º – John Scalia, Flórida
    • 2º – Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Bothell, Washington
    • 3º – Chad Hetherman, Huntersville, Carolina do Norte
  • Melhores indivíduos por volume de transações, Canadá
    • 1º – Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • 2º – Zhe Geng, Colúmbia Britânica
    • 3º – Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Melhores indivíduos por volume de transações, Internacional
    • 1º – Christopher Abraham, Grã-Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 2º – Thomas Howe, Grã-Bretanha, Reino Unido
    • 3º – Claire Bilton, Grã-Bretanha, Reino Unido
  • Melhores equipes por volume de transações, EUA
    • 1ª – The Short Term Shop, 15 mercados
    • 2ª – #TEAMFAST, Baía de São Francisco, Califórnia
    • 3ª – Beer Home Team, Sul da Califórnia
  • Melhores equipes por volume de transações, Canadá
    • 1ª – Affinity Real Estate, Ontário
    • 2ª – The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontário
    • 3ª – Infill Hub Group, Alberta
  • Melhores equipes por volume de transações, Internacional
    • 1ª – Consultan, Portugal
    • 2ª – One Sixteen Group, Porto Rico
    • 3ª – Nuno Venceslau – Luxury Real Estate, Portugal
  • Melhores Equipes por número de transações, EUA
    • 1ª – The Short Term Shop, 15 mercados
    • 2ª – #TEAMFAST, Baía de São Francisco, Califórnia
    • 3ª – Mark Z Home Selling Team, Região metropolitana de Detroit, Michigan
  • Melhores Equipes por número de transações, Canadá
    • 1ª – Atkinson Team, Alberta
    • 2ª – Infill Hub Group, Alberta
    • 3ª – Affinity Real Estate, Ontário
  • Melhores Equipes por número de transações, Internacional
    • 1ª – James Conyers Team, África do Sul
    • 2ª – Consultan, Portugal
    • 3ª – One Sixteen Group, Porto Rico
  • Melhores equipes por GCI, EUA
    • 1ª – The Short Term Shop, 15 mercados
    • 2ª – #TEAMFAST, Baía de São Francisco, Califórnia
    • 3ª – Beer Home Team, Sul da Califórnia
  • Melhores equipes por GCI, Canadá
    • 1ª – Affinity Real Estate, Ontário
    • 2ª – The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontário
    • 3ª – Atkinson Team, Alberta
  • Melhores equipes por GCI, Internacional
    • 1ª – One Sixteen Group, Porto Rico
    • 2ª – Team Arnaud Motreff Immobilier, França
    • 3ª – Consultan, Portugal
  • Estreantes do ano
    • eXp Realty: Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Washington
    • Internacional: Monica Rodriguez Garcia, Porto Rico
    • eXp Canada: Jake Nicolle, Ancaster, Ontário
    • eXp Commercial: Sarah Cooley, Carolina do Sul e do Norte
  • Mentor do ano
    • Brett Bonner, Washington
  • ÍCONE do ano
    • Michael Weisman, Fundador e Team Leader da Real Property Team na eXp Realty em Portland, Maine
  • Prêmio Jeffrey Buettner de Filantropia
    • Luna Mariah Dietz, Óregon
  • Humanitário do ano
    • Jon Pugh, Califórnia
  • Mulher de influência
    • Veronica Figueroa, Flórida

Sobre a eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) é a empresa controladora para eXp Realty®, Virbela® e SUCESS® Enterprises.

A eXp Realty é a maior empresa imobiliária independente do mundo, com mais de 89.000 agentes nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Austrália, África do Sul, Índia, México, Portugal, França, Porto Rico, Brasil, Itália, Hong Kong, Colômbia, Espanha, Israel, Panamá, Alemanha, República Dominicana, Grécia, Nova Zelândia, Chile, Polônia e Dubai e continua crescendo internacionalmente. Como uma empresa de capital aberto, a eXp World Holdings oferece aos profissionais do setor imobiliário a oportunidade única de ganhar prêmios em ações pelas metas de produção e contribuições para o crescimento geral da empresa. A eXp World Holdings e suas empresas oferecem um conjunto completo de soluções tecnológicas de corretagem e imóveis, incluindo o seu modelo inovador de corretagem residencial e comercial, serviços profissionais, ferramentas colaborativas e desenvolvimento pessoal. A corretagem baseada na nuvem é realizada pela Virbela, uma plataforma 3D imersiva profundamente social e colaborativa, permitindo que os agentes sejam mais conectados e produtivos. A SUCCESS® Enterprises, ancorada pela revista SUCCESS® e suas propriedades de mídia associadas, foi fundada em 1897 e é uma marca e publicação líder em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.

Para mais informações, acesse https://expworldholdings.com.

Declaração de Porto Seguro

As declarações aqui contidas podem incluir declarações de expectativas futuras e outras declarações prospectivas que se baseiam nas visões e suposições atuais da gerência e envolvem riscos e incertezas conhecidos e desconhecidos que podem fazer com que os resultados, o desempenho ou os eventos reais sejam substancialmente diferentes daqueles expressos ou implícitos nessas declarações. Tais declarações prospectivas referem-se apenas à data do presente documento, e a empresa não assume nenhuma obrigação de revisá-las ou atualizá-las. Tais declarações não são garantias de desempenho futuro. Fatores importantes que podem fazer com que os resultados reais se diferenciem materialmente e de forma adversa daqueles expressos nas declarações prospectivas incluem mudanças nos negócios ou em outras condições de mercado; a dificuldade de manter o crescimento das despesas em níveis modestos e, ao mesmo tempo, aumentar as receitas; e outros riscos detalhados periodicamente nos arquivos da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários da empresa, incluindo, entre outros, o Relatório trimestral mais recente no Formulário 10-Q e o Relatório anual no Formulário 10-K.

Contato de Relações com a Mídia:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Contato para Relações com Investidores:

Denise Garcia

[email protected]

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eXp Realty Spotlights Top Agents at EXPCON 2023

eXp Realty Spotlights Top Agents at EXPCON 2023

eXp Realty recognized 39 top agents and teams at the company’s annual EXPCON 2023.

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Oct. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, “the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” and the core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), recognized 39 top agents and teams at the company’s annual EXPCON 2023.

EXPCON 2023, being held Oct. 2-5 in Las Vegas, is the company’s exclusive gathering of the world’s top real estate professionals. This year’s event focused on innovation and leveraging artificial intelligence to drive business.

Glenn Sanford, Founder and CEO of eXp Realty, along with Michael Valdes, Chief Growth Officer, and Leo Pareja, Chief Strategy Officer, proudly acknowledged the outstanding production achievements and contributions of 39 eXp Realty agents and team in 2022. These exceptional agents were recognized across diverse categories, encompassing top individuals and teams based on sides, GCI and volume in the U.S., Canada and internationally.

“Success is not just about one person or one company; it’s about creating a community that empowers one another to reach their full potential,” said Sanford. “I am so proud to honor this exceptional group of agents for their outstanding work from last year. As the most agent-centric brokerage on the planet, we are laser-focused on supporting our agents. I speak for the entire eXp community when I thank and congratulate these individuals for their incredible achievements and contributions.”

The winners are:

  • Top Individuals by Sides, U.S.
    • #1 – John Scalia, Florida
    • #2 – Charles “Chuck” Williamson, Wilson, North Carolina
    • #3 – Sheryl Houck, Florida
  • Top Individuals By Sides, Canada
    • #1 – Mark Verzyl, Alberta
    • #2 – Shannon Runcie, Saskatchewan
    • #3 – Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
  • Top Individuals By Sides, International
    • #1 – Christopher Abraham – Great Britain, UK
    • #2 – Claire Bilton – Great Britain, UK
    • #3 – Mark Buchanan – Great Britain, UK
  • Top Individuals by GCI, U.S.
    • #1 – John Scalia, Florida
    • #2 – Soomin Kim, Austin, Texas
    • #3 – Charles “Chuck” Williamson, Wilson, North Carolina
  • Top Individuals by GCI, Canada
    • #1 –Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • #2 – Zhe Geng, British Columbia
    • #3 – Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Top Individuals by GCI, International
    • #1 – Leigh Martinuzzi, Australia
    • #2 – Christopher Abraham, Great Britain, UK
    • #3 – Bjorn Kunzel, Australia
  • Top Individual by GCI, eXp Commercial
    • Yoshimi Asano, Texas
  • Top Individuals by Volume, U.S.
    • #1 – John Scalia, Florida
    • #2 – Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Bothell, Washington
    • #3 – Chad Hetherman, Huntersville, North Carolina
  • Top Individuals by Volume, Canada
    • #1 –Rachel Vanderveen, Alberta
    • #2 – Zhe Geng, British Columbia
    • #3 – Mark Verzyl, Alberta
  • Top Individuals by Volume, International
    • #1 – Christopher Abraham, Great Britain, UK
    • #2 – Thomas Howe, Great Britain, UK
    • #3 – Claire Bilton, Great Britain, UK
  • Top Teams by Volume, U.S.
    • #1 – The Short Term Shop, 15 markets
    • #2 – #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, California
    • #3 – Beer Home Team, Southern California
  • Top Teams by Volume, Canada
    • #1 –Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
    • #2 – The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontario
    • #3 – Infill Hub Group, Alberta
  • Top Teams by Volume, International
    • #1 – Consultan, Portugal
    • #2 – One Sixteen Group, Puerto Rico
    • #3 – Nuno Venceslau – Luxury Real Estate, Portugal
  • Top Teams by Sides, U.S.
    • #1 – The Short Term Shop, 15 markets
    • #2 – #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, California
    • #3 – Mark Z Home Selling Team, Metro Detroit, Michigan
  • Top Teams by Sides, Canada
    • #1 – Atkinson Team, Alberta
    • #2 – Infill Hub Group, Alberta
    • #3 – Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
  • Top Teams by Sides, International
    • #1 – James Conyers Team, South Africa
    • #2 – Consultan, Portugal
    • #3 – One Sixteen Group, Puerto Rico
  • Top Teams by GCI, U.S.
    • #1 – The Short Term Shop, 15 markets
    • #2 – #TEAMFAST, Bay Area, California
    • #3 – Beer Home Team, Southern California
  • Top Teams by GCI, Canada
    • #1 – Affinity Real Estate, Ontario
    • #2 – The Jennifer Jones Team, Ontario
    • #3 – Atkinson Team, Alberta
  • Top Teams by GCI, International
    • #1 – One Sixteen Group, Puerto Rico
    • #2 – Team Arnaud Motreff Immobilier, France
    • #3 – Consultan, Portugal
  • Rookies of the Year
    • eXp Realty: Chandra Kaladhar Reddy Vennapusa, Washington
    • International: Monica Rodriguez Garcia, Puerto Rico
    • eXp Canada: Jake Nicolle, Ancaster, Ontario
    • eXp Commercial: Sarah Cooley, North and South Carolina
  • Mentor of the Year
    • Brett Bonner, Washington
  • ICON of Year
    • Michael Weisman, Founder and Team Leader of the Real Property Team at eXp Realty in Portland, Maine
  • Jeffrey Buettner Philanthropist Award
    • Luna Mariah Dietz, Oregon
  • Humanitarian of the Year
    • Jon Pugh, California
  • Woman of Influence
    • Veronica Figueroa, Florida

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, Virbela® and SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 89,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud-based brokerage is powered by Virbela, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit https://expworldholdings.com

Safe Harbor Statement

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward-looking statements include changes in business or other market conditions; the difficulty of keeping expense growth at modest levels while increasing revenues; and other risks detailed from time to time in the company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Media Relations Contact:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.


Investor Relations Contact:

Denise Garcia

[email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/bb1b7b78-971e-4dc0-8007-f238856d6193.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8943275

Gov. Oyebanji pledges cash gifts to Ekiti athletes

kiti Governor, Mr. Biodun Oyebanji, has announced cash gifts for the state’s athletes who participated in the just concluded National Youth Games in Asaba, Delta.

Oyebanji made the announcement during a reception ceremony for the athletes at the Governor’s Office in Ado-Ekiti on Thursday.

At the reception, he disclosed government’s plan to upgrade training facilities and that government is already investigating the circumstances that led to the poor kitting of the state contingent at opening ceremony of the games, promising to ensure that erring officials do not go unpunished.

The reception was attended by the Deputy Governor, Chief (Mrs) Monisade Afuye, Secretary to the State Government, Dr (Mrs) Habibat Adubiaro, Head of Service, Sunday Kokolafe, as well as members of the state executive council and officials of the state’s sports council.

Oyebanji who lauded the young athletes for their “impressive performances” , apologised to them and all Ekiti indigenes for the embarrassment caused by inappropriate behavior of the officials of the Sports Council during the competition.

He added that there would be dire consequences for officials who caused the harrowing experience for the athletes.

He, however, praised the athletes for defying all odds to win medals for the state, assuring them of government’s support to attain greater heights in their respective areas of specialisations.

Oyebanji, who pledged cash gifts to each of the athletes, called on relevant stakeholders to join government in making sports a lucrative business, as government cannot do it alone.

Oyebanji also assured that government would continue to pay more attention to sports development with a promise to sign the bill establishing the State Sports Commission within the next two weeks.

He said that efforts were in top gear to set up indoor games centers in the state next year.

The governor said the Oluyemi Kayode Stadium in Ado Ekiti as well as other stadia in Ikere, Ijero and Ikole would soon be given facelift.

He said his administration would leave no stone unturned in the quest to maximise the potential of young talents in sports and other areas.

“Let me start on the note of apology to you for the indiscretion and the inappropriate behavior of the officials of the sports council, as a government, we tried our best to provide for you, but the officials for reasons best known to them decided to act inappropriately.

“As a government, I accept responsibility for this not because I support those that decided to act in a way and manners that has brought embarrassment to you and to all Ekiti indigenes all over the world but as the Governor of Ekiti state.

“I apologise to all Ekiti indigenes for the embarrassment caused by sports council officials to all of us and I hope you accept my apology but I can assure you that justice will be served.

“My take away from what happened is that it has strengthened our resolve to pay more attention to sports development, you will realise that in one of our campaign promises, I said we will take sports away from the ministry, we did that because we realised that people are pushing sports development to the background.

“So, we took sports management away from the ministry, we have sent the bill to the House of Assembly to put in place the Ekiti State Sports Commission, the House has passed the bill and within the next two weeks we are going to sign the bill into law,” the governor added.

The elated young athletes responded intermittently to the governor with loud applauses and songs.

Speaking on behalf of the team, Aisha Ololade, said they are happy at the governor’s prompt intervention during the games as well as hosting them upon their return to the state.

She said they were all fully motivated to do more for the state in future tournaments

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Why Nigeria needs to intensify support, invest in data centres – NCC

The Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) says it is imperative for the country to sharpen its focus on broadband development and intensify support for data centre services to boost digital sovereignty.

The Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, Prof. Umaru Danbatta, said this on Thursday during the Telecoms Sector Sustainability Forum (TSSF) 4.0 organised by Business Remarks in Lagos.

The theme of the event was: “Mainstreaming Data Centres in the Nigerian Digital Economy.”

Danbatta, who was represented by Dr Sunday Atu, Head, Tariff Administration NCC, said mainstreaming data centres required collective efforts.

According to him, there is need for support to ensure data centres not only operate to guarantee national digital sovereignty, but also prioritise contents reflecting the country’s cultural norms, contexts and ideological values.

He said data was regarded as the new oil globally with increasing intensity in the context of the emerging digital economy.

For that reason, Danbatta explained that data had become a subject of special consideration by regimes, requiring appropriate structures and frameworks to truly tap and optimise the opportunities provided by this new order.

Danbatta noted that data centre services, no doubt, held the keys to the ultimate crystallisation of the new line of thinking within the ICT sector and by extension to the greater national economy of nations in so many ways.

“Recent developments point to the limitless treasure within this space. Africa has recently assumed a new frontier and compelling destination for global big tech players.

“Tech giants, like Google with its Equiano subsea fibre cable spanning 15,000 km from Portugal to South Africa and strategic landing points in Nigeria and Namibia, are expected to increase connectivity more than five-fold within Nigeria while creating an expected 1.6 million jobs.

“Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is equally on the threshold of launching its own subsea cable called 2Africa in 2024 to connect 16 African countries at an estimated cost of 1 billion dollars.

“It is targeted to generate close to 36 billion dollars of economic output within two to three years of operation.

“While these, no doubt, portend significant socio-economic impacts for Nigeria, they bring to the fore the debate around digital sovereignty and the need for national policy and regulatory frameworks to further localise traffic and data,” he said.

According to Danbatta, the global data centre market is worth billions of dollars, and Nigeria is well-positioned to attract a fair share of this investment.

He explained that by providing a reliable and secure environment for the services they offer within a well nurtured policy and regulatory framework, Nigeria would represent an attractive destination for more investment in data centre services and operations.

“With the commencement of the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the role and critical nature of data centres become increasing overwhelming.

“This is underscored by the kind of efficiency derivable when critical resources are shared at costs far significantly smaller than the actual costs of setting up such resources from scratch,” Danbatta said.

He said this would provide a veritable platform for greater productivity for businesses and public sector entities to effectively harness the opportunities to be unlocked from the estimated 1.2 trillion dollars latent treasure within the AfCFTA block through its 1.3 billion people.

In his remark, the Chief Executive Officer of Medallion Data Centre Ltd., Ikechukwu Nnamani, said: “If we look at other parametres

Nigeria should be at the fore front of data centre industry in Africa.

“Unfortunately we are lagging behind and surprisingly African countries like South Africa and Egypt are way ahead of Nigeria.

He explained that from the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) point, broadband connectivity, and in terms of mobile subscription, Nigeria had significantly lower figures than other African countries.

Nnamani stressed the need for Nigeria to be put in its rightful position as the giant of Africa, not just in terms of population, but also in the area of quality of life of citizens, GDP and the digital benefits.

Also speaking , Bukola Olanrewaju, the convener of TSSF stressed the pivotal role data centres played in the digital era, saying beyond data storage and accessibility, they underpinned the digital world, fuelling economic growth, environmental sustainability and data security.

Olanrewaju said currently, there were only 86 colocation data centres in 15 African countries, with the majority concentrated in the big four African countries, which included South -Africa , Egypt, Nigeria and Kenya.

She said according to Allied Market Research, the global data centre market was valued at 187.35 billion dollars in 2020 and was anticipated to reach 517.17 billion by 2030.

According to Olanrewaju, data centres, alongside fibre optic broadband expansion and telecom towers, are poised to become the new backbone of Africa’s economic growth. (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FG committed to reposition teaching profession – Mamman

As Nigeria today joins the world to commemorate the 2023 World Teachers’ Day celebration, teachers have been advised to be appreciative of efforts by the Federal Government to reposition the teaching profession.

The Minister of Education, Tahir Mamman at the 2023 commemoration in Abuja on Thursday,said the day is set aside to honour teachers for their invaluable roles in the development of humanity and society.

The theme for this year’s commemorate is : “The teachers we need for the Education we want: Global imperative to reverse teachers shortage.”

Mamman said some of the promises made to teachers had been fulfilled as they can now retire at either 65 years of age or 40 years of service; whichever that comes first.

He added that teachers’ salary had since been placed on the first line charge for timely payment.

“Today, we have come together not merely as individuals but as a global community to celebrate the unsung heroes of our society. World Teachers Day is not just an annual observance but a testament to the transformative power of education and the dedication of those who facilitate it.

“As we embark on this event with the theme “The Teacher We Need for the Education We Want: The Global Trend to Reverse the Teacher Shortage” let us reflect on the impediments that teachers encounter while instilling knowledge, values, and hope.

“We have to re-evaluate our approach to teacher training, recruitment, welfare and equip teachers with the skills, resources and the recognition they deserve to meet the evolving demands of education in the 21st Century.

“It is, therefore, paramount that while reaffirming the importance of their invaluable role in shaping a brighter tomorrow every year, there is dire need to clear the hurdles that prevents the optimal realisation of their roles and targets,” he said.

Mamman explained that the travail of educating young minds goes beyond the confines of the classroom.

According to him, it is a continuous effort to inspire, motivate and guide students towards their full potential.

“Teachers should note that their words resonate deeply with their students and pupils thereby reaffirming the importance of the educator’s role in nurturing creativity or cluelessness and curiosity or apathy.

“We all know that teaching is more than imparting knowledge and involves instilling a lifelong love for learning, character building, inducting positive attitude and general relationship with people outside the classroom.

“All these are informally transmitted through the teachers conduct.

“As we celebrate teachers today, there is need for teachers in Nigeria to be appreciative of efforts by the Federal Government to reposition the teaching profession,” he said .

Meanwhile, the Minister of State for Education, Yusuf Sununu, explained that shortage of teachers in the country and in other parts of the world poises challenges.

Sununu said that it was time to reflect on the critical role teacher’s played by instilling knowledge, values, a thirst for learning in their students to transform them into responsible citizens.

“If all equipped teachers are passionate and ready to pursue excellence, the teachers we have in our schools can collectively revolutionise the basic and secondary education sub-sectors.

“In Nigeria, as in many other countries worldwide, the shortage of qualified teachers and the desired form of education pose a significant challenge.

“Ongoing international deliberations recommend changes that anchor on commitment, connections, communication and creativity in the prevailing traditional education methodology.

“Therefore, education is in a critical juncture and teachers in service require constant training and retraining to fit into the scheme of things.

“The teacher we want shall be creative, active listener, engaging, collaborative and has empathy. He also must be adaptive, focused on growth, patience, respectful and prepared to engage in lifelong learning,”he said.

Sununu added that the inability of some teachers who may be computer literate but unable to deploy Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning affects education outcome and the ability to achieve national development goals.

“It is, therefore, imperative that teachers in Nigeria should take advantage of the Open Education Resource (OER) and other online and in-person study centres to upgrade and become “the teachers we want”.

“This is for us to collectively ensure that every child in Nigeria has access to quality education,” he said.

The celebration witnessed match pass by teachers across the 36 states, including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) as well as presentation of President’s Teachers and Schools Excellence Awards.

Omolade Adeyemi, a teacher from the SUBEB Model Primary School, Ekiti came best in the public school categories, while St. Paul Academy, Jos is the best school in the private school categories.

Ijeoma Ekumankama of the Federal Government College, Nise, Anambra, is the Best Principal, Best Teacher in the Private School Categories is Ruth Oraekwu, Best Administrator in the Public Category is Oladimeji Bello, among others.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Army chief hails intelligence corps, other agencies for effective collaboration

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has commended the Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps (NAIC) for deepening collaboration with other intelligence agencies, which he said had resulted in remarkable successes.

Lagbaja, who was represented by the Chief of Training (Army), Maj.-Gen. Sani Muhammed, gave the commendation at the opening of the NAIC Training Seminar 2023 in Abuja on Thursday.

The theme of the seminar is, “Improving Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps Proactiveness in Support of Nigerian Army Operations within a Joint Environment.”

He appreciated the sister intelligence agencies for their support to the corps, adding that the seminar would further deepen their partnership “as we all collectively confront the security challenges confronting the nation.”

The COAS said the seminar was one of the major training activities lined up for the year and was designed to enhance the intelligence corps’ capability to provide optimum intelligence in support of the operations of the army.

He said the theme of the seminar also emphasised the necessity for preemptive action, which remained the key factor for success in today’s constantly evolving threat environment.

“It is gratifying to note that the theme falls in line with my command philosophy, which is to transform the Nigerian Army into a well trained, equipped and highly motivated force towards achieving our constitutional responsibilities within a joint environment.

“The topics to be discussed during the seminar have been carefully selected to address the emerging intelligence related issues encountered in our operations.

“I am, therefore, pleased that the Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps is providing this important forum where some persons and members of the intelligence community will discuss critical issues of our intelligence efforts, which is due to improving them accordingly.

“I am optimistic that the lessons and solutions that will emanate from the deliberations will positively shape the future of our intelligence operations,” he said.

Lagbaja urged the participants to take advantage of the seminar to share ideas and also disseminate the knowledge gained to others at the end.

“I wish to use this opportunity to appreciate sister intelligence agencies for their support to Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps.

“I have received several briefs on collaborative efforts between the Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps and other intelligence agencies, which have resulted in a remarkable successes.

“I am glad this seminar will further deepen our partnership as we all collectively confront the security challenges confronting our dear nation,” he said.

The army chief thanked President Bola Tinubu for his strategic guidance and unwavering support to the Nigerian Army and reaffirmed the loyalty of the army to the Commander in Chief and the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The Acting Chief of Military Intelligence (Army), Brig.-Gen. Thompson Ugiagbe, said the seminar was designed to equip participants with the needed skills and mindset to better address the nation’s security challenges.

Ugiagbe said the move became necessary with the changing nature and character of threats to national security and military security in particular.

He said the topics for this seminar, which revolved around loyalty, information management and positive behaviours, had been carefully selected to reinforce the vision of the COAS to ensure that personnel gave their best while carrying out their duties.

The lectures, according to him, are in line with the pillars of the COAS command philosophy, which are leadership, operational effectiveness and sound administration.

He said the event was an opportunity to reinforce comradeship, collaboration and synergy and implored participants to maximise the opportunity provided by the seminar to become better informed.

Ugiagbe thanked the COAS for providing the resources needed for seminar and assured him of their unwavering commitment and support towards taking the army to greater heights

Source: News Agency of Nigeria