King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Announces Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing Service

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KFSH&RC Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing _ 01

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a groundbreaking development for the Middle East, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has introduced a service called Rapid Whole-Genome Sequencing (rWGS) as part of its healthcare solutions. This service is designed to help doctors diagnose rare and genetic disorders, particularly in critically ill newborns, who require fast and precise identification of their conditions.

The Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing service is invaluable for newborns with rare diseases, as it helps them avoid the often lengthy process of tests and treatments that can stretch for months or even years without a precise diagnosis. This increases the chances of survival and reduces the overall healthcare cost by minimizing hospital admissions, unnecessary tests, and medical care.

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Remarkably, the hospital has reduced the time required for this genetic testing from the typical two-month duration to less than 35 hours. Response time is paramount when planning healthcare for critically ill newborns, and swift delivery of test results ensures a prompt and tailored medical response, preventing delays that could otherwise lead to worsening the patient’s condition or even death.

As part of its participation in the Global Health Summit, where KFSH&RC plays a vital role as a strategic healthcare partner, the hospital shares details about the Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing service at its exhibition booth. The hospital’s cutting-edge capabilities include analyzing up to 99% of DNA sequences from patient blood samples, along with several innovative healthcare solutions.

The comprehensive genetic composition examination involves a streamlined four-step process. First, the DNA is broken down into manageable segments. Then, it is encoded with a barcode-like symbol for easy identification, similar to tracking products in a store. The examination itself is conducted using specialized equipment. Finally, advanced computer systems and software compare these sequences, identifying differences in DNA sequences and pinpointing the genetic mutations responsible for diseases.

KFSH&RC provides the highest level of healthcare and offers the best possible patient experience within an integrated educational and research environment. It collaborates and shares expertise with leading local, regional, and international institutions to provide a globally competitive service in clinical, research, and educational fields.

Globally renowned for its specialized healthcare, KFSH&RC is a pioneer in medical innovation and a hub for advanced medical research and education. It is committed to advancing medical technologies and raising the standard of healthcare worldwide through partnerships with top local, regional, and international institutions in clinical, research, and educational sectors.

Contact information:
[email protected]

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8968201

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Announces Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing Service

KFSH&RC Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing _ 01

KFSH&RC Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing _ 01

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a groundbreaking development for the Middle East, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has introduced a service called Rapid Whole-Genome Sequencing (rWGS) as part of its healthcare solutions. This service is designed to help doctors diagnose rare and genetic disorders, particularly in critically ill newborns, who require fast and precise identification of their conditions.

The Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing service is invaluable for newborns with rare diseases, as it helps them avoid the often lengthy process of tests and treatments that can stretch for months or even years without a precise diagnosis. This increases the chances of survival and reduces the overall healthcare cost by minimizing hospital admissions, unnecessary tests, and medical care.

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Remarkably, the hospital has reduced the time required for this genetic testing from the typical two-month duration to less than 35 hours. Response time is paramount when planning healthcare for critically ill newborns, and swift delivery of test results ensures a prompt and tailored medical response, preventing delays that could otherwise lead to worsening the patient’s condition or even death.

As part of its participation in the Global Health Summit, where KFSH&RC plays a vital role as a strategic healthcare partner, the hospital shares details about the Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing service at its exhibition booth. The hospital’s cutting-edge capabilities include analyzing up to 99% of DNA sequences from patient blood samples, along with several innovative healthcare solutions.

The comprehensive genetic composition examination involves a streamlined four-step process. First, the DNA is broken down into manageable segments. Then, it is encoded with a barcode-like symbol for easy identification, similar to tracking products in a store. The examination itself is conducted using specialized equipment. Finally, advanced computer systems and software compare these sequences, identifying differences in DNA sequences and pinpointing the genetic mutations responsible for diseases.

KFSH&RC provides the highest level of healthcare and offers the best possible patient experience within an integrated educational and research environment. It collaborates and shares expertise with leading local, regional, and international institutions to provide a globally competitive service in clinical, research, and educational fields.

Globally renowned for its specialized healthcare, KFSH&RC is a pioneer in medical innovation and a hub for advanced medical research and education. It is committed to advancing medical technologies and raising the standard of healthcare worldwide through partnerships with top local, regional, and international institutions in clinical, research, and educational sectors.

Contact information:
[email protected]

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8968201

KFSH&RC’s Capacity Command Center is a Pioneering Model for Achieving Maximum Operational Efficiency

Bed waiting time reduced from 32 hours to 6 hours

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KFSH&RC’s Capacity Command Center is a Pioneering Model for Achieving Maximum Operational Efficiency_02

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Healthcare providers are facing a continuous increase in the demand for healthcare services, necessitating a redirection of efforts towards improving the operational efficiency of healthcare institutions. In response to this challenge that healthcare providers worldwide face, the Capacity Command Center in King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has emerged as a pioneer in enhancing operational efficiency by implementing globally recognized procedures. It essentially aims to improve overall healthcare outcomes in alignment with the goals of Saudi Vision 2030.

Since its launch in September 2021, the Center has executed over 170,000 intervention procedures, significantly reducing bed waiting times from 32 hours to 6 hours. The emergency department has also seen a 14% reduction in waiting times. Furthermore, waiting times in the pharmacy and laboratory have improved, with over 90% of beneficiaries receiving services in less than 15 minutes.

Since its establishment, the Center has become the primary source for data-driven decision-making, it continuously monitors patient movements to maintain care quality, adhere to standard operating procedures, and predict demand volumes to mitigate risks and address potential challenges.

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KFSH&RC’s Capacity Command Center is a Pioneering Model for Achieving Maximum Operational Efficiency_01

Simultaneously, as a strategic health partner at the Global Health Exhibition in Riyadh from October 29-31, KFSH&RC showcases its mechanisms for improving operational efficiency, healthcare outcomes, and the patient experience, positioning itself as a leading healthcare solution in the region.

The Capacity Command Center relies on a strategy that adjusts business plans and interventions based on evidence-based practices driven by artificial intelligence to improve workflow mapping and planning. The Center’s services include technical reporting, data mining, operational performance enhancement, and review processes and plans, culminating in regular report issuance.

This Center is part of KFSH&RC’s ongoing efforts to harness all resources and bring the latest technologies to improve outcomes and operational efficiency. It aims to be the optimal choice for every patient seeking specialized healthcare services, making these services accessible to a broader range of beneficiaries.

KFSH&RC is globally renowned for providing specialized healthcare and is a pioneer in innovation, advanced medical research, and medical education. The institution actively seeks to develop medical technologies and enhance the standard of healthcare worldwide, collaborating with leading local, regional, and international organizations to deliver world-class services in clinical, research, and educational domains.

Contact information:
[email protected]

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8968149

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal présente ses dernières innovations et solutions de santé à l’occasion de la Global Health Exhibition

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 29 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ci-après « KFSH&RC ») est un partenaire santé stratégique de l’édition 2023 de la Global Health Exhibition qui débute demain à Riyad pour une durée de trois jours.

Dans l’espace d’exposition qui lui est réservé, le pavillon KFSH&RC mettra en vitrine les dernières innovations majeures de l’hôpital, et ses plus importantes solutions de santé. L’événement s’inscrit dans la droite ligne des orientations stratégiques du KFSH&RC visant à renforcer sa marque de pionnier du savoir acquis par l’éducation, la recherche, et l’innovation, mais aussi à fournir les soins de santé les plus qualitatifs et les plus sécurisés.

Son Excellence le Dr Majid Ibrahim Al Fayyadh, directeur de l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal, a déclaré à cette occasion que : « Le Royaume d’Arabie Saoudite s’efforce de consolider sa position de leader mondial de l’innovation à travers le développement d’un écosystème dynamique en privilégiant les technologies les plus récentes pour participer à l’avenir des soins de santé et devenir une destination mondiale incontournable ».

Le Dr Majid Ibrahim Al Fayyadh a souligné que la participation du KFSH&RC à la Global Health Exhibition fait écho à son engagement à faire évoluer l’innovation en santé du plan national à l’échelle mondiale, et à soutenir tout ce qui contribue à établir les meilleurs soins de santé et une expérience optimale pour les patients.

KFSH&RC présente ses différentes innovations et solutions santé aux visiteurs de l’exposition, ainsi que leurs effets positifs sur l’amélioration des résultats en matière de soins de santé et d’expérience des patients. KFSH&RC démontre également les bienfaits de ses solutions sur l’efficacité opérationnelle de nombreux domaines thérapeutiques, et notamment le vécu des patients, la recherche biomédicale spatiale, la médecine génomique, la gestion des capacités de prise en charge, la production de médicaments radiopharmaceutiques, et la thérapie par lymphocytes T (cellules CAR-T).

Le KFSH&RC est prêt à présenter ses innovations et à démontrer son leadership en recherche biomédicale spatiale, qui s’illustre notamment par la supervision de quatre conduites de recherche en sciences cellulaires dans l’espace, et qui accentue le rôle précurseur de l’hôpital dans la promotion de l’innovation internationale. Par ailleurs, l’hôpital présentera son programme de réingénierie des lymphocytes T pour les patients atteints de cancer, qui améliore considérablement les soins médicaux spécialisés dispensés au sein du Royaume. Cette avancée se traduit également par une réduction des charges financières et sanitaires, les patients n’ayant ainsi plus besoin de se faire soigner à l’étranger.

KFSH&RC compte parmi les plus éminentes institutions du monde en matière de prestation de soins de santé spécialisés. Pionnier de l’innovation, l’hôpital est également un centre de recherche et d’éducation médicale avancé. Il s’efforce également de développer des technologies médicales et de faire évoluer les soins de santé à l’échelle mondiale en partenariat avec de grandes institutions locales, régionales, et internationales, pour atteindre un service hors pair dans les domaines cliniques, de recherche et d’éducation.

Coordonnées :
[email protected]

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8967950

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Apresenta Suas Inovações e Soluções de Saúde na Global Health Exhibition

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) está participando como parceiro de saúde estratégico na Global Health Exhibition 2023 de três dias, com início amanhã em Riade.

O hospital, no seu pavilhão da exposição que acompanha o fórum, mostrará suas inovações e soluções de saúde mais proeminentes no âmbito das suas direções estratégicas destinadas a fortalecer sua posição como pioneiro do conhecimento por meio da educação, pesquisa, inovação e prestação de cuidados de saúde com os mais altos níveis de qualidade e segurança.

Sua Excelência Dr. Majid Ibrahim Al Fayyadh, CEO do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, falou sobre o evento: O Reino da Arábia Saudita está trabalhando para consolidar a sua posição como líder global no campo da inovação, promovendo um ecossistema dinâmico que abraça as mais recentes tecnologias, apoiando o futuro dos cuidados de saúde e se estabelecendo como um destino mundial.

O Dr. Majid Ibrahim Al Fayyadh salientou que a participação do KFSH&RC na exposição está alinhada ao contexto do seu compromisso de promover a inovação no setor da saúde, do nível nacional ao global, e de apoiar tudo o que contribui para proporcionar os mais altos níveis de cuidados de saúde e a melhor experiência para o paciente.

O KFSH&RC apresenta aos visitantes da exposição suas várias inovações e soluções de saúde e seu impacto na melhoria dos resultados dos cuidados de saúde e da experiência do paciente, e na melhoria da eficiência operacional em vários campos médicos, incluindo a jornada do paciente, pesquisa biomédica espacial, medicina genômica, gerenciamento de capacidade, produção de medicamentos radio farmacêuticos e tratamento com células T (células CAR-T).

O KFSH&RC está pronto para exibir suas inovações, demonstrando sua liderança na pesquisa espacial biomédica. Isso é ressaltado pela sua liderança na supervisão de quatro experimentos de pesquisa em ciências celulares conduzidos no espaço, solidificando o papel pioneiro do hospital na promoção da inovação internacional. Além disso, o hospital apresentará seu programa de tratamento com reengenharia de células T para pacientes com câncer, um aprimoramento significativo no atendimento médico especializado dentro do Reino. Esse avanço também se traduz na redução dos encargos financeiros e de saúde, uma vez que os pacientes não são mais obrigados a procurar tratamento no exterior.

O KFSH&RC é considerado um dos mais proeminentes do mundo na prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados, um pioneiro em inovação e um centro avançado de pesquisa e educação médica. O hospital também trabalha no desenvolvimento tecnologias médicas e disseminação dos cuidados de saúde em todo o mundo em parceria com as principais instituições locais, regionais e internacionais, para alcançar um serviço de classe mundial nos campos clínico, de pesquisa e educacional.

Informações de Contato:
[email protected]

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8967950

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition_02

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition_02

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) is presenting its pioneering journey and prospects in space biomedical research and its role in enhancing human health at the Global Health Exhibition, where KFSH&RC is also participating as a strategic healthcare partner.

At the Exhibition, KFSH&RC delves into its groundbreaking experience leading four research experiments in cell sciences in space. These experiments encompass testing the immune cell response to inflammation in space, monitoring the activity of thousands of genes in immune cells exposed to inflammation over time, and tracking the changes in the lifespan of ribonucleic acid (mRNA) between space and Earth. Additionally, the pavilion simulates the inflammatory response to drug treatment using an immune cell model to explore its potential applications for prevention and early treatment.

The aim of these research experiments, conducted in collaboration with the Saudi Space Authority, as part of the scientific mission of Saudi astronauts Rayyanah Barnawi and Ali Al-Qarni to the International Space Station (ISS), is to contribute to exploratory research and its applications in space medicine to enhance the safety of space explorers and utilize the knowledge gained for the benefit the patient community globally.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Highlights its Space Biomedical Research Journey at the Global Health Exhibition

The scientific experiments lasted for four days and were overseen by the research team led by Dr. Khaled Saad Abu Khubrah, Head of the Department of Molecular Biomedicine and Research at KFSH&RC, along with Dr. Wijdan Al-Ahmadi from KFSH&RC and Dr. Edward Hattie from the BioServe Space Technologies Center in Colorado, USA.

KFSH&RC is actively pursuing further research in space biomedical science to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the effects of gravity deficiency and cosmic radiation on the human body. They aim to leverage the unique space environment, which provides opportunities for medical experiments that are not feasible on Earth. This includes studying how cells and tissues grow in microgravity conditions, potentially leading to groundbreaking discoveries in disease treatments and opening new avenues in space medicine.

KFSH&RC is globally renowned for its specialized healthcare services and its leadership in innovation. It stands as an advanced centre for medical research and education, aiming to advance medical technologies and raise the standard of healthcare worldwide through partnerships with prominent local, regional, and international institutions in clinical, research, and educational fields.

Contact information:
[email protected]

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8967907