Getmyboat Helps Boat Businesses Grow with a Powerful Direct Booking Feature

The world’s leading boat rental platform launches a new solution for charter businesses to streamline payments and scheduling for just 1.5%

Getmyboat Launches Direct Booking Feature

The world’s leading boat rental platform launches a new solution for charter businesses to streamline payments and scheduling for just 1.5%

MENLO PARK, Calif., Dec. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Getmyboat, the world’s leading booking platform for yacht charters and boat rentals, is thrilled to announce the launch of its Direct Booking feature.

While consulting with partners of boating businesses of all sizes, Getmyboat discovered that many owners shared struggles in managing bookings from off-platform sources, including payment processing issues like fraud and chargebacks, claims management, fees for accepting credit payments, scheduling, renter communication and more which led to organizational headaches. To remedy these challenges, Getmyboat is focused on building a comprehensive software solution specifically designed for boat rental, yacht charter, and boat tour companies, and is constantly introducing new ways for owners to manage their entire business. The launch of Direct Booking on the Getmyboat app is a major first step in streamlining booking management, all for just 1.5%, which is among the lowest rates in the industry. Whether through their own websites, by email, Facebook, phone calls, or in person – Getmyboat owners can now take all leads and seamlessly turn them into bookings making it easier for them and their customers.

Key Benefits of Getmyboat’s Direct Booking

Unified Management: Boat owners can now consolidate all bookings, regardless of the source, into one comprehensive platform, eliminating the need for multiple software solutions and calendars.

Simplified Offers and Payment Processing: With a few simple steps, owners can send out offers, securely collect payments including credit cards, and automatically synchronize bookings with their overall calendar, ensuring a hassle-free transaction process for both the owner and renter.

Fraud Protection and Dispute Resolution: Direct Booking benefits from Getmyboat’s robust software, providing owners with fraud protection, claims process management, and efficient dispute resolution for all transactions.

Low Cost: Boating businesses only pay 1.5% per transaction to use the service. Not only does this cover credit card fees, but includes all the other integration features above.

Frank D, a fleet owner in Miami, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “I’m really excited to use this new feature. Now, I will be able to see everything in one place, communicate with my clients on a single platform, and collect payments simply. And I’ll know where all my boats are supposed to be no matter where the customer came from originally.”

Bryan Petro, Getmyboat President, shared “We’re thrilled to bring Direct Booking to our partners. We know they have a tremendously hard job on the logistics side of the business, and we can take what we’ve built and extend it to everyone to help their businesses grow.”

Getmyboat owners can easily get started by opening the app or website, navigating to their inbox, and clicking on the “Add a Direct Booking” option. From there, they can enter customer and trip information, streamlining their management processes directly within their Getmyboat account.

As the top source of customers for boating businesses globally, Getmyboat continues to innovate to address the challenges faced by owners in managing their business across various platforms and is on a mission to provide the best growth tools in the industry.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

For further information, please contact:

Val Streif
[email protected]
+1 612-298-2535

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8994552

Getmyboat Helps Boat Businesses Grow with a Powerful Direct Booking Feature

The world’s leading boat rental platform launches a new solution for charter businesses to streamline payments and scheduling for just 1.5%

Getmyboat Launches Direct Booking Feature

The world’s leading boat rental platform launches a new solution for charter businesses to streamline payments and scheduling for just 1.5%

MENLO PARK, Calif., Dec. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Getmyboat, the world’s leading booking platform for yacht charters and boat rentals, is thrilled to announce the launch of its Direct Booking feature.

While consulting with partners of boating businesses of all sizes, Getmyboat discovered that many owners shared struggles in managing bookings from off-platform sources, including payment processing issues like fraud and chargebacks, claims management, fees for accepting credit payments, scheduling, renter communication and more which led to organizational headaches. To remedy these challenges, Getmyboat is focused on building a comprehensive software solution specifically designed for boat rental, yacht charter, and boat tour companies, and is constantly introducing new ways for owners to manage their entire business. The launch of Direct Booking on the Getmyboat app is a major first step in streamlining booking management, all for just 1.5%, which is among the lowest rates in the industry. Whether through their own websites, by email, Facebook, phone calls, or in person – Getmyboat owners can now take all leads and seamlessly turn them into bookings making it easier for them and their customers.

Key Benefits of Getmyboat’s Direct Booking

Unified Management: Boat owners can now consolidate all bookings, regardless of the source, into one comprehensive platform, eliminating the need for multiple software solutions and calendars.

Simplified Offers and Payment Processing: With a few simple steps, owners can send out offers, securely collect payments including credit cards, and automatically synchronize bookings with their overall calendar, ensuring a hassle-free transaction process for both the owner and renter.

Fraud Protection and Dispute Resolution: Direct Booking benefits from Getmyboat’s robust software, providing owners with fraud protection, claims process management, and efficient dispute resolution for all transactions.

Low Cost: Boating businesses only pay 1.5% per transaction to use the service. Not only does this cover credit card fees, but includes all the other integration features above.

Frank D, a fleet owner in Miami, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “I’m really excited to use this new feature. Now, I will be able to see everything in one place, communicate with my clients on a single platform, and collect payments simply. And I’ll know where all my boats are supposed to be no matter where the customer came from originally.”

Bryan Petro, Getmyboat President, shared “We’re thrilled to bring Direct Booking to our partners. We know they have a tremendously hard job on the logistics side of the business, and we can take what we’ve built and extend it to everyone to help their businesses grow.”

Getmyboat owners can easily get started by opening the app or website, navigating to their inbox, and clicking on the “Add a Direct Booking” option. From there, they can enter customer and trip information, streamlining their management processes directly within their Getmyboat account.

As the top source of customers for boating businesses globally, Getmyboat continues to innovate to address the challenges faced by owners in managing their business across various platforms and is on a mission to provide the best growth tools in the industry.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

For further information, please contact:

Val Streif
[email protected]
+1 612-298-2535

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8994552

Un nouveau comité consultatif de centre pour Fortrea

Ce comité consultatif rassemble des leaders de la recherche autour de l’évolution des relations entre les centres, les promoteurs et les patients

DURHAM, État de Caroline du Nord, 14 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE), ci-après la « Société », une organisation mondiale de recherche contractuelle de premier plan (ou CRO, de l’anglais Contract Research Organization), annonce ce jour que la première réunion de son comité consultatif de centre s’est tenue la semaine dernière. L’ordre du jour visait la collaboration entre les centres de recherche clinique, ci-après « les centres » et les leaders de l’industrie dans le but de créer une expérience améliorée en matière d’essai clinique au bénéfice des centres, des patients et des promoteurs d’études, ci-après « les promoteurs », ciblés sur les évolutions technologiques, la planification opérationnelle et la prestation, les modalités commerciales et l’engagement communautaire.

Fortrea place les centres et les investigateurs au cœur de la planification des essais cliniques, exploitant leurs perspectives pour amener des changements orientés vers l’accélération des essais, la simplification du démarrage des études, mais aussi l’optimisation du recrutement. Ces évolutions constituent une réponse aux enjeux des essais cliniques, posés de longue date, et induiront une meilleure expérience pour les centres, les patients et les promoteurs. Le comité consultatif de centre sera chargé d’apporter des éclairages et des commentaires en lien avec les stratégies et les solutions proposées pour les centres, les patients, les essais et la technologie applicable.

« Centres et investigateurs sont essentiels à chaque étape du développement clinique ; ils font habituellement face à des enjeux complexes rien qu’en matière d’essais cliniques. Nous recueillons favorablement leurs avis lors de la conception des protocoles, et les faisons activement participer aux premiers débats entre nos équipes opérationnelles et nos promoteurs pour déterminer rapidement la planification d’essais cliniques les plus efficaces et les mieux axés sur les patients » observe Mike Clay, Vice-président de la stratégie de développement et de croissance chez Fortrea. Et de poursuivre : « La formation du comité consultatif de centre marque l’accélération de notre stratégie envers les centres, et rassemble autour de la table un groupe de réflexion sur notre industrie, composé d’éminents leaders. Ce comité sera le pilier de notre aptitude à répondre aux promoteurs avec des concepts orientés vers la prévisibilité de leurs essais. Nous travaillerons ensemble à l’élaboration de calendriers d’essais pertinents, et nous renforcerons leur confiance en accélérant à la fois le processus de recrutement des patients et la conclusion globale des essais ».

Les premiers membres du comité consultatif de centre de Fortrea comptent des leaders et des experts de Circuit Clinical, Elligo Health Research, FutureMeds, Javara, ObjectiveHealth, Pratia S.A., Velocity Clinical Research, et de la fondation espagnole et centre de recherche contre le cancer MD Anderson Cancer Center, soit 440 centres spécialisés dans plus de 25 domaines thérapeutiques, originaires de neuf pays, élargissant ainsi l’accès à toute une diversité de communautés de patients.

Opinions exprimées par les membres du comité consultatif de centre de Fortrea :

Selon Łukasz Bęczkowski, Directeur des opérations chez Pratia, « Cette approche collaborative, réunissant à la fois les CRO et les centres, permettra un meilleur alignement de tous les acteurs de la recherche clinique envers les perspectives du marché des essais cliniques, et nous donnera incontestablement une meilleure force de frappe. De telles initiatives sont capitales pour induire de rapides évolutions positives ».

Nick Spittal, Directeur des opérations de Velocity Clinical Research, estime que « Fortrea a opté pour une approche privilégiant l’écoute en conférant aux centres la possibilité de s’exprimer légitimement sur les meilleures pratiques de travail pour dynamiser à la fois les communautés de patients et les acteurs concernés de ces centres. Il en résulte un meilleur service pour les promoteurs des essais cliniques ».

D’après Barry Simms, Directeur des opérations d’Elligo Health Research, « Fortrea se place à la pointe de l’industrie en améliorant la productivité et l’efficacité des partenariats du processus d’essai jusqu’aux relations commerciales, tout en s’efforçant d’accélérer la mise en marché de nouveaux produits ».

Pour la Directrice générale d’ObjectiveHealth, Colleen Hoke, « Fournir une solution d’accès aux patients appropriée est indispensable au succès d’un essai clinique. Les prestataires de soins de santé n’ont jusqu’ici pas été impliqués dans les premiers débats visant la planification et la stratégie de recherche ». Radek Janiak, Directeur général de FutureMeds, déclare « Saluer l’approche innovante de Fortrea, axée sur l’échange avec les organisateurs de partenariats des établissements de santé, essentiels à la réussite précoce des résultats de recherche dans le processus de planification.

FutureMeds se réjouit de rejoindre le comité consultatif de centre de Fortrea pour contribuer à la meilleure compréhension entre les acteurs clés de la recherche clinique ». Enfin, pour Michelle Rule, Vice-présidente en chef de l’optimisation professionnelle chez Javara, « Entendre la voix des patients, des investigateurs et des centres placera Fortrea en pole position pour introduire de nouveaux traitements sur le marché.

Naviguer le gigantesque écosystème des essais cliniques est complexe et nécessite des partenariats très fonctionnels, centrés sur la confiance et la compétence. Fortrea s’engage véritablement en faveur du dialogue et des relations de travail à travers son comité consultatif de centre, qui témoigne de son dévouement envers le progrès visant toutes les parties prenantes de la recherche, et surtout les patients ».

À propos de Fortrea

Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE) figure parmi les principaux fournisseurs de solutions de développement clinique et d’accès aux soins pour les patients dans le secteur mondial des sciences de la vie. Fortrea s’associe à des sociétés établies et émergentes du domaine biopharmaceutique, des dispositifs médicaux et des diagnostics pour stimuler l’innovation en matière de santé, et accélérer la mise au point de traitements révolutionnaires pour les patients qui en ont besoin. Nous proposons des services de gestion d’essais cliniques de phase I à IV, de pharmacologie clinique, d’essais différenciés axés sur des technologies habilitantes, et des services post-autorisation. Nos solutions s’appuient sur 30 ans d’expérience dans 20 domaines thérapeutiques, une passion pour la rigueur scientifique, des connaissances exceptionnelles et un solide réseau de centres de recherche. Notre équipe talentueuse et diversifiée d’environ 19 000 collaborateurs répartis sur plus de 90 pays est dimensionnée pour fournir des solutions ciblées et agiles à nos clients, partout dans le monde. Pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont Fortrea est moteur d’influence du pipeline au patient, rendez-vous sur et suivez-nous sur LinkedIn et X (anciennement Twitter) @Fortrea.

Coordonnées de Fortrea :
Relations médias auprès de Fortrea : Galen Wilson – 703-298-0802,
Médias : Kate Dillon – 646-818-9115,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8994772

Fortrea Convoca Novo Conselho Consultivo de Locais

Conselho Consultivo de Locais da Fortrea reúne líderes de pesquisa focados na evolução das relações com os locais, patrocinadores e pacientes

DURHAM, N.C., Dec. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (a “Empresa”), uma organização líder global de pesquisa por contrato (CRO), anunciou hoje que convocou na semana passada a reunião inaugural do seu Conselho Consultivo de Locais, uma colaboração entre locais de pesquisa clínica (“locais”) e líderes da indústria para criar uma melhor experiência de ensaio clínico para locais, pacientes e patrocinadores de estudos clínicos (“patrocinadores”), visando mudanças na tecnologia, planejamento e entrega operacional, termos comerciais e envolvimento da comunidade.

A Fortrea coloca as unidades e os investigadores na vanguarda do planejamento de ensaios clínicos, utilizando suas perspectivas para impulsionar mudanças para o aprimoramento da velocidade da execução do ensaio, facilidade do início do estudo e aumento da eficiência do recrutamento. Essas mudanças abordam desafios de longa data para os ensaios clínicos e resultarão em uma melhor experiência do estudo no local, no paciente e no patrocinador. O Conselho Consultivo de Locais será responsável por fornecer informações e feedback sobre estratégias e soluções propostas em relação aos locais, pacientes, operações de teste e tecnologia relevante.

“Os locais e os pesquisadores são fundamentais para a indústria em todas as fases do desenvolvimento clínico, e tradicionalmente enfrentam desafios difíceis de resolver apenas em ensaios clínicos. Damos as boas-vindas aos seus insights sobre o design do protocolo e os convidamos a participarem ativamente das conversas iniciais com nossas equipes operacionais e patrocinadores para o rápido estabelecimento dos planos de estudo mais eficientes e focados no paciente”, disse Mike Clay, vice-presidente de Estratégia de Desenvolvimento e Crescimento da Fortrea. “A formação do Conselho Consultivo de Locais acelera a nossa estratégia focada nos Locais e inclui a representação de líderes incrivelmente impressionantes, criando um think tank para a nossa indústria. O Conselho também servirá como uma pedra angular para a nossa capacidade de responder aos patrocinadores com insights que melhorem a previsibilidade dos seus ensaios, trabalhando juntos para desenvolver planos operacionais eficientes e fornecer aos patrocinadores um alto grau de confiança na velocidade do recrutamento de pacientes e na entrega geral do ensaio.”

Os membros inaugurais do Conselho Consultivo de Locais da Fortrea incluem líderes e especialistas da Circuit Clinical, Elligo Health Research, FutureMeds, Javara, MD Anderson Cancer Center Foundation Spain, ObjectiveHealth, Pratia S.A. e Velocity Clinical Research, representando 440 locais em mais de 25 áreas terapêuticas e nove países, e fornecendo acesso a diversas comunidades de pacientes.

O que os membros do Conselho Consultivo de Locais da Fortrea estão dizendo…

“Acreditamos firmemente que essa abordagem colaborativa, reunindo o CRO e as unidades, permitirá que todas as partes interessadas se alinhem de forma mais eficaz às perspectivas do mercado de ensaios clínicos”, disse Łukasz Bęczkowski, diretor de operações da Pratia. “Isso, sem dúvida, nos capacita a agir juntos de maneira mais eficiente. Iniciativas como essas são essenciais para impulsionar todos nós em direção a mudanças positivas e rápidas.”

“A Fortrea está adotando uma abordagem de “ouvir primeiro”, dando aos locais uma voz igual para as práticas de trabalho mais eficazes para comunidades dinâmicas de pacientes e partes interessadas no local, resultando em um melhor serviço para os patrocinadores de ensaios clínicos”, disse Nick Spittal, diretor de operações da Velocity Clinical Research.

“A Fortrea está liderando o setor para tornar as parcerias mais produtivas e eficientes, desde o processo de teste até as relações comerciais, tudo no esforço de acelerar o lançamento de novos produtos no mercado”, disse Barry Simms, diretor de operações da Elligo Health Research.

“Uma solução de acesso ao paciente apropriada é essencial para determinar o sucesso final de um ensaio clínico. Historicamente, os prestadores de cuidados não participam do desenvolvimento inicial do planejamento e da estratégia da pesquisa”, disse Colleen Hoke, diretora executiva da ObjectiveHealth. “Apoiamos muito a Fortrea no emprego de uma nova abordagem inovadora para envolvimento com os provedores de parcerias de locais de saúde, que são fundamentais para a obtenção de resultados de pesquisa bem-sucedidos, desde o início do processo de planejamento.”

“A FutureMeds tem o prazer de fazer parte do Conselho Consultivo de Locais da Fortrea para criar um melhor entendimento entre as principais partes interessadas no setor de pesquisa clínica”, disse Radek Janiak, diretor executivo da FutureMeds. “Ao ouvir os pacientes, pesquisadores e locais a Fortrea passa a ter uma posição de destaque para a oferta de novas terapias no mercado.”

“O trabalho com o vasto ecossistema de ensaios clínicos é complexo e requer parcerias altamente funcionais centradas na confiança e na competência”, disse Michelle Rule, vice-presidente sênior de otimização empresarial da Javara. “O compromisso genuíno da Fortrea com a criação de um fórum e relações de trabalho por meio do Conselho Consultivo de Locais é um exemplo da dedicação ao progresso de todas as partes interessadas na pesquisa e, acima de tudo, dos pacientes.”

Sobre a Fortrea

A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) é fornecedora líder global de soluções para o desenvolvimento clínico e acesso ao paciente para a indústria de ciências da vida. Fazemos parcerias com grandes e emergentes empresas biofarmacêuticas, de dispositivos médicos e de diagnóstico para impulsionar a inovação na saúde que acelera terapias que mudam a vida dos pacientes que precisam delas. A Fortrea fornece gerenciamento de testes clínicos de fase I-IV, farmacologia clínica, soluções de testes com tecnologia diferenciada e serviços pós-aprovação. As soluções da Fortrea utilizam suas três décadas de experiência abrangendo mais de 20 áreas terapêuticas, sua dedicação ao rigor científico, insights excepcionais e uma forte rede de pesquisadores. Nossa equipe talentosa e diversificada de aproximadamente 19.000 pessoas que trabalham em mais de 90 países é dimensionada para fornecer soluções focadas e ágeis para clientes de todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre como a Fortrea está se tornando uma força transformadora de pipeline para paciente na e siga-nos no LinkedIn e X (antigo Twitter) @Fortrea.

Contatos da Fortrea:
Fortrea para Mídia: Galen Wilson – 703-298-0802,
Fortrea para Mídia: Kate Dillon – 646-818-9115,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8994772

Lack of mobility hinder police work

ONDANGWA: The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in the Oshana Region continue to face challenges of mobility to attend timely to reports.

Hence the Regional Commander, Commissioner Naftal Lungameni Sakaria is now availing his designated vehicle to be used by police officers when there are no vehicles available.

Sakaria revealed this in an interview with Nampa on Wednesday, saying that officers need to be honest with the public members, if there are no vehicles available they should be honest about it and tell the current situation on the ground, rather than having people saying they are not doing their work.

According to Sakaria, the region has only about eight vehicles that are functioning with most of them grounded due to minor issues.

‘If there are no vehicles consult me, if I am not doing anything or attending meetings then my vehicle can be available to attend to a report,’ he said.

He stressed that they need mobility if they are to effectively combat crime in the region, and this requires the assistan
ce of local business people and stakeholders to play their part in assisting the force.

Sakaria indicated that the police vehicles in Oshana were given in 2015, making it the last time they received vehicles, and the mileage on those vehicles are about 500 000kms on a vehicle.

‘This means that the vehicle is so old and even if one turns to fix it today, in a week’s time it will break down as a police vehicle runs 24 hours,’ he stated.

Sakaria then applauded a local businessman based at Oniipa, Johannes Sakaria of JSN Automotive Group, who on Wednesday handed over a vehicle at the Ondangwa Police Station that he fixed as part of assisting NamPol in the fight against crime.

Johannes indicated that the fixing of the vehicle cost him about N.dollars 17 000, and an investment he is glad he has made.

‘There is no way the members of the police can be seen driving vehicles that are in a bad state when something can be done,’ he said.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Germany to fund expansion of water treatment plants in Windhoek

WINDHOEK: The German Government continues to support Namibia’s sustainable development efforts in the water sector.

German development bank KfW on Wednesday signed a N.dollar 1.26 billion financing agreement with the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises to rehabilitate and extend the Gammams and Otjomuise water treatment plants.

The Ministry of Finance said in a statement that the project is funded with financing from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented through the KfW Development Bank.

‘The objective of the project is to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment capacities and improve Windhoek’s potable water supply,’ the ministry said.

It noted that the financing is in line with the long-term strategies to ensure water security in Windhoek.

Once completed, the project will enhance the capacity of the Gammams and Otjomuise treatment plants, especially concerning water quality.

‘This is intended to safeguard the provision of additional feedwater for
a second direct potable reclamation plant, which will contribute to the water supply security of Windhoek as well as protect water resources in the entire central area of Namibia,’ the ministry said.

The concessional financing agreement was signed by Finance Minister Ipumbu Shiimi and KfW Country Director Beatrice Lucke and witnessed by Urban and Rural Development Minister Erastus Uutoni and NamWater Chief Executive Officer Abraham Nehemia.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency