Break chains of sycophancy, group urges Nigerians

Mr Shalom Olaseni, Executive Director, United Global Resolve For Peace (UGRFP), has urged Nigerians to break the chains of sycophancy and empower themselves to be active contributors to governance in the country. Olaseni stated this on Sunday in Akure, at the inauguration of G18 Group Executives, a pressure group in Ondo. The inauguration was preceded by a public lecture with the theme: ‘Good Governance and Responsive Leadership, Relevant Solution to Development and Good Followership’. Olaseni said the prevalence of sycophancy in the Nigerian political landscape appeared to be a curse which had created an insulated bubble around leaders who remained oblivious to the challenges facing the masses. He said sycophantic culture had since become a clog in the wheel of the country’s development, as good governance, leadership and followership were complicated issues that demanded collective attention and commitment. ‘Nigeria is currently at the crossroads; the current situation in the nation requires a mental shift where leaders and followers recognise their mutual responsibility for national development,’ he said. Olaseni, who is also the State Coordinator of Atunluse Initiatives, a socio-cultural group, said that establishing a crucial relationship between good leadership and followership was important, adding that effective leadership can never be achieved through a one-way approach. He said that time had come for Nigerians to stop misunderstanding followership for passive obedience, as collective action required active participation and contribution to shared goals. ‘Together we can embark on a journey that can transform our socio-political rhetoric into reality, paving the way for a future marked by prosperity, equity and sustainable progress,’ In his welcome address, the Ondo State Chairman of G18 Group, Otunba Akinsola Akinbobola, said the organisation would be apolitical. Akinbobola said that as a pressure group with various interests, they would always believe in good governance and right leadership that could deliver the best for all. He said their membership cut across the eighteen local government areas of the state. He added that the group was concerned about excellence in governance, with main focus on welfare of the people and their priority as well as the development of the land as key factors, irrespective of political leaning. According to him, leadership of impeccable character and status are main ingredients for sustainability of any policies of the government. ‘That is why we are not going to allow Ondo State which has been at the forefront of development, to suddenly nosedive into the murky mud of political jobbers and opportunists,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Christmas: Army chief hails courage, resilience of troops

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja, has lauded troops of Nigerian Army and commended them for their unwavering dedication and sacrifice in ensuring safety and security of Nigeria’s territorial integrity. This is contained in his Christmas message by the Director, Army Public Relations, Brig.-Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, on Sunday in Abuja. Lagbaja saluted the troops for their undying faith in the Nigerian State in the face of adversity. He congratulated troops for making it this far into the year and for weathering every storm that came their way. According to him, over 50 thousand troops of the Nigerian army will miss wishing their families and loved ones Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in person, during this yuletide. The COAS said that all personnel would want to be with or wish their families, but could not do so because they would be on duty across difficult-to-access towns, communities, villages and hamlets, across the country and beyond. He said that troops were duty-bound to be deployed, assuring them that the year ahead held good prospects for the nation and the army, judging by the policies and unfolding programmes of the Federal Government. The army chief revealed that the army expected to take delivery of its helicopters and other combat enablers that would enhance better security environment across the country in the coming year. He added that the army Headquarters had initiated several welfare projects that would directly impact the lives of soldiers and their families. He reiterated that the well-being of troops remained of utmost importance and assured that he would continue to work tirelessly to provide troops’ with the requisite resources to carry out their duties effectively. According to him, it is not oblivious that the Nigerian army is constantly confronted with some challenges as it strives to fulfill its constitutional obligations but are by no means insurmountable. Lagbaja expressed confidence in the commitment of the Federal Government to boost the physical, morale and conceptual components of the army’s fighting power toward becoming a more efficient force. He reassured that the army would continue to work with sister services, the Nigeria Police Force and other Security and Response agencies to create and maintain peaceful, safe and secure environment for socio-economic development of the country.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria