Former Swanu president and academic dies

WINDHOEK: Former South West Africa National Union (Swanu) president and academic, Dr Rihupisa Kandando has died.

A relative confirmed to Nampa that Kandando died in the early morning hours of Sunday at a hospital in Windhoek where he was hospitalised following a stroke a few weeks ago.

He was 60 years old.

Kandando, who was born in Gobabis in the Omaheke Region in 1963, was the leader of Swanu from 1998 till 2007.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Man drowns at Divundu while collecting water

RUNDU: A 38-year-old man drowned in the Kavango River at Divundu in the Kavango East Region on Sunday after he had gone to collect water.

Namibian Police Force Acting Regional Commander, Deputy Commissioner Eino Nambahu told Nampa on Monday that the deceased was identified as Anton Haingura.

His body was taken to the Andara District Hospital mortuary and police investigations into the matter continue.

Nambahu said the river is rising due to the rainy season, and that the speed of water flow is equally picking up, hence community members are cautioned to use the right points when fetching water for their households.

He also advised parents to take care of minors and restrict them from going to the river.

Nambahu said it is during this time that many drowning cases are normally reported.

In an unrelated incident, a woman whose age is unknown attempted to commit suicide by hanging while reportedly under the influence of alcohol.

The incident took place at Shikoro village where local people managed to cut
the rope, and saved her.

‘Community members are warned to drink responsibly as irresponsible drinking leads to uncontrolled decisions and actions. We must remember that death is an irreversible action and the life of every person is of equal importance,’ Nambahu said.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Minor raped in Omusati

WINDHOEK: A four-year-old girl was allegedly raped by a known suspect at Onheleiwa village in Oshikuku in the Omusati Region on Friday.

In a crime report issued by the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) on Sunday, it is alleged that the suspect assaulted the minor with an unknown object all over her body and she sustained serious injuries.

The suspect was not arrested yet, and police investigations continue.

In a similar incident, a 35-year-old woman was allegedly gang raped by three unknown male suspects in Groot Aub in a riverbed in the early morning hours on Saturday.

According to NamPol spokesperson Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, the victim was on her way back from a club, walked through a riverbed and got attacked by three male suspects who took turns to rape her. It is reported that a male person intervened when he heard a woman screaming. The suspects saw his flashing torch and ran into the dark.

No arrests were made, and police investigations continue.

Elsewhere, a 15-year-old girl was alleged
ly raped at Omanga farm in the Grootfontein district during November and December at an unknown time and date.

Allegations are that the victim went to visit her sister at the farm, were she was allegedly raped by the suspect who reportedly gave her alcohol and forcefully had sexual intercourse with her on three different dates. Police investigations are underway.

In a separate incident, a 73-year-old Namibian male pensioner was found in possession of 18 parcels of skunk cannabis on Saturday at around 12h00 at Kap and Bou in Etoshapoort, Outjo.

It is reported that the cannabis was found at the pensioner’s house during a police search, the street value of the cannabis is yet unknown and the suspect was arrested. Police investigations continue.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Mbumba calls for peace during Christmas

WINDHOEK: Vice President Nangolo Mbumba on Monday said that Namibians should use this festive season to share their Christmas with their less fortunate brothers, sisters, the elderly and children.

In a statement issued by the Presidency as part of the annual Christmas briefing, Mbumba noted that it is ironic and saddening that this year the land where Jesus Christ was born in is in the middle of a terrible war, and that fewer Christians will be able to visit Bethlehem this festive season.

‘At the same time, we call upon those involved in wars to uphold the fundamental values of human rights, love for mankind and justice. Let us therefore spread the message of peace around the world. On this day of Christmas 2023, we need peace in our country as well as all over the world,’ the vice president noted.

‘As we celebrate Christmas, some of our fellow citizens are bracing for the mammoth task of national responsibilities. Our national nurses, medical doctors, and many other health specialists are ensuring that ou
r hospitals are open and ready to provide adequate care to all those who most need them,’ he continued.

‘Security cluster members such as the Namibian Police, Namibian Defence Force and Central Intelligence Service are on alert to ensure that all Namibians enjoy the festive season in an atmosphere of peace and harmony,’ Mbumba said.

He said that though Christmas is a time of celebration, ‘we should never relent on our responsibilities that we should avoid the abuse of alcohol and its associated negative vices such as gender-based violence. Let us abide by the road regulations so that we can avoid unnecessary accidents and deaths’.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency