Duck Creek Technologies Adiciona Lloyd’s of London Integration à sua Plataforma de Nuvem de Resseguro

Duck Creek Reinsurance amplia suas capacidades líderes de mercado para apoiar seguradoras em todo o mundo

LONDON, Dec. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, anuncia o suporte à integração ao Lloyd’s Outwards Reinsurance Scheme (LORS) para seus clientes de resseguro cedidos que usam a Duck Creek Reinsurance. A Lloyd’s of London exige que seus membros tenham estratégias robustas de resseguro externo (cessão) com sistemas, controles, procedimentos e expertise apropriados para permitir a gestão eficaz das compras e recuperações de resseguro externo. Com esta mais recente funcionalidade, a Duck Creek Reinsurance continua a oferecer às operadoras globais as ferramentas necessárias para se integrarem no principal mercado de resseguros do mundo.

A capacidade do LORS dentro da Duck Creek Reinsurance oferece todos os conjuntos de códigos usados nas mensagens LORS e USM, permitindo que os membros da Lloyd’s e os clientes da Duck Creek se conectem e interajam Duck Creek Reinsurance com a plataforma e os processos de tecnologia da Lloyd’s. A Duck Creek Reinsurance está equipada com a estrutura de dados necessária para apoiar a Mensagem de Aconselhamento de Resseguro Externo da LORS para assessorar as subscritoras sobre transações novas, alteradas ou substituídas por corretoras, bem como as Mensagens de Resposta da Subscritora usadas para assessorar autorizações, objeções e alterações de dados da subscritora. A integração do LORS da Duck Creek também confirma o processamento em lote bem-sucedido ou relata erros e notifica automaticamente as seguradoras sobre os movimentos de cessão e o status do processamento. O módulo Duck Creek Reinsurance LORS inclui funcionalidade de rastreamento completo de auditoria, dando às seguradoras a capacidade de excluir itens pré-autorizados ou grupos de itens com erros e solicitar autorização para que itens assinados sejam cancelados.

“A integração do LORS da DUCK Creek demonstra o nosso compromisso com o mercado de resseguros de Londres. Juntamente com as mais de três décadas de capacidades de gestão de resseguros líderes de mercado, a Duck Creek Reinsurance oferece a principal funcionalidade e inovação para permitir o crescimento global dos nossos clientes de resseguros”, disse Julien Victor, diretor administrativo de gestão de resseguros. “A Duck Creek também está envolvida na iniciativa Lloyd’s Blue Print 2 e estamos orgulhosos de liderar o mercado com tecnologia baseada em nuvem que suporta muitos dos programas de resseguro das seguradoras mais proeminentes do mundo nos territórios de Londres, Europa, APAC, Bermudas e EUA.”

A Duck Creek Reinsurance é uma plataforma em nuvem baseada em SaaS que se conecta a qualquer política ou sistema de sinistros, data warehouse e registros gerais downstream para rastrear todas as informações relacionadas a contratos de resseguro (tratados e contratos facultativos), sinistros, dados contábeis, dados técnicos, dados auxiliares, dados financeiros e muito mais). A Duck Creek Reinsurance tem relatórios integrados e também pode se conectar a soluções de relatórios corporativos populares. A Duck Creek Reinsurance é uma solução flexível adaptada a organizações internacionais que usam várias moedas e vários requisitos GAAP.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies
A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand.

Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e Twitter.

Drake Manning
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9007265

Duck Creek Technologies Adds Lloyd’s of London Integration to its Reinsurance Cloud Platform

Duck Creek Reinsurance extends its market leading capabilities to support insurance carriers globally

LONDON, Dec. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announces support for and integration into Lloyd’s Outwards Reinsurance Scheme (LORS) for its ceding reinsurance customers using Duck Creek Reinsurance. Lloyd’s of London demands their members to have robust outwards (ceding) reinsurance strategies with appropriate systems, controls, procedures, and expertise to enable the effective management of outwards reinsurance purchasing and recoveries. With this latest functionality, Duck Creek Reinsurance continues to offer global carriers the necessary tools to integrate into the world’s leading reinsurance market.

The LORS capability within Duck Creek Reinsurance offers all the code sets used in LORS and USM messages, enabling Lloyd’s members and Duck Creek customers to directly connect to and interact with the Lloyd’s technology platform and processes. Duck Creek Reinsurance is equipped with the required data structure to support LORS Outward Reinsurance Advice Message to advise underwriters of transactions which are new, amended, or replaced by brokers, as well as Underwriter Response Messages which are used to advise underwriter authorisations, objections, and data changes. Duck Creek’s LORS integration also will confirm successful batch processing or report errors and will automatically notify insurance carriers regarding ceding movements and processing status. The Duck Creek Reinsurance LORS module includes full audit trail functionality giving insurers the ability to delete pre-authorised items or groups of items where they are in error and to request authorisation for signed items to be cancelled.

“Duck Creek’s LORS integration demonstrates our commitment to the London reinsurance market. As we build upon over three decades of market-leading reinsurance management capabilities, Duck Creek Reinsurance is delivering the core functionality and innovation to enable global growth for our reinsurance customers,” says Julien Victor, managing director, reinsurance management. “Duck Creek is also involved in the Lloyd’s Blue Print 2 initiative and we are proud to lead the market with cloud-based technology that supports many of the world’s most prominent insurance carriers’ reinsurance programs spanning the London, European, APAC, Bermuda, and USA territories.”

Duck Creek Reinsurance is a SaaS-based cloud platform that connects with any policy or claims system, data warehouse, and downstream general ledgers to track all the information related to reinsurance contracts (treaties and facultative contracts), claims, accounting data, technical data, auxiliary data, financial data, and more). Duck Creek Reinsurance has built-in reporting and can also connect to popular corporate reporting solutions. Duck Creek Reinsurance is a flexible solution tailored to international organizations using multiple currencies and multiple GAAP requirements.

About Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand.

Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and Twitter.

Drake Manning
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9006572

MODVA warns against scammers

WINDHOEK: The Ministry of Defence and Veterans affairs (MODVA) has cautioned war veterans about a fraudulent scheme involving individuals presenting themselves as ministry officials, specifically targeting veterans of the National Liberation struggle for their banking details.

The ministry said in a press statement issued on Monday that the scammers are claiming to pay out pending individual veteran projects. The ministry’s Head of Public Relations, Petrus Shalumbu, has since urged veterans to not provide their personal banking details or information to anybody making such claims.

All information required by the ministry should be only submitted strictly at the MODVA’s 14 regional offices countrywide,’ he said.

Furthermore, MODVA urged that veterans of the national liberation struggle to report any individual pretending to be an official from MODVA requesting their private banking details to their nearest police station.

‘MODVA reminds veterans of the national liberation struggle that as of now payouts of
projects for veterans of the liberation struggle will continue with the same prices as communicated to the veterans at the beginning of the cash payment program,’ Shalumbu said.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Nurse allegedly rapes woman at Onyaanya

OKATOPE: A 27-year-old male nurse allegedly raped a 36-year-old female on Sunday at around 00h00 at Onyaanya village in the Oshikoto Region.

According to a crime update issued on Monday by Commissioner Theopoline Kalompo-Nashikaku of the Namibian Police Force, it is alleged that the suspect snuck into the complainant’s sleeping room and had sexual intercourse with her without her consent.

‘According to the complainant, they were drinking together with the suspect at the bar at Wakema complex. The complainant then left the suspect at the bar to go and sleep, later on, while in bed, the complainant only saw the suspect on top of her and she did not know how the suspect entered her sleeping room,’ the update states.

She further reported that there is no known intimate relationship between the complainant and suspect, who is also a nurse at the Okatope Health Centre.

The suspect was arrested and investigations continues.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Otjinene Village Council service 17 plots in 2023

OTJINENE: The Otjinene Village Council has serviced only 17 plots worth N.dollars 1.7 million in the prime area of that village during this year due to a lack of funds.

This is according to the village council chairperson, Sylvester Kavita, who in an interview with Nampa on Monday said they only serviced a few plots because they do not have enough capital as the servicing of plots is an expensive exercise.

Kavita also said Otjinene has attracted a lot of investors such as Shoprite, Bargains building suppliers among others.

Thus, according to Kavita most of the infrastructural development comes from these investors and not from the village council.

‘When it comes to developmental projects this year, it was more from the investors, like Shoprite, Agri-mark and bargain building suppliers which were also build this year. Those are the buildings that we are seeing in our village.

Our focus was on road infrastructure, where we have constructed low bitumen in a few of our streets. This is part of a five-year pl
an to ensure that all our streets are bitumen and move away from the gravel roads,’ he said.

Kavita further revealed to this agency that the village council has availed land for the establishment of a Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Park and urged those who are into small businesses to apply in order to be placed in the new market place that will be done late next year.

This, he said, is part of the council’s efforts to remove those who are operating in open spaces in the village, adding that these vendors obstruct the movement of people around the village.

‘We have set aside an amount of N.dollars 100 000 earmarked for the SME Park. There is already a toilet there, the place is fenced off and we have received more than 200 applications from interested vendors who want to move into the new business space,’ he said.

Kavita further urged people in the village to be more welcoming to visitors and respect each other during the festive season.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Otjiungukua wins inaugural Nanaki Kandjii Cup

OPUWO: The Otjiungukua netball and football teams maintained their dominance in Omongua Sports Events after winning the Nanaki Kandjii Cup on Monday at Okomukaru.

The tournament, which ran from Saturday to Monday, was held in memory of the late Nanaki Kandjii, who was the president of the Omongua Netball and Football Association.

According to the tournament’s organiser, Metarere Kazeurua, the late Kandjii played a significant role in the association’s activities, and they honour him for his devotion and support.

On Tuesday, Kazeurua told Nampa that the competition went well and that the top eight teams in the football categories were all honoured.

In the netball category, the Otjiungukua netball team defeated Ombero by 16 goals to 10 in the semi-final before defeating Four Stars netball team from Omitivine by 24 goals to 21 in the final game of the tournament to win the maiden edition of the annual tournament.

Four Stars defeated Kajalami 36-18 on their way to the final.

As victors, the Otjiungukua netb
all team received N.dollars 5 000 and a trophy, while the runner-up, Four Stars, received N.dollars 2 500. As losing semifinalists, the Ombero and Kajalami netball teams each received N.dollars 1 250.

The football category witnessed some mouthwatering performances with more than 40 teams vying for the top spot.

However, it was Otjiungukua Football Club that came out victorious after beating Gauteng FC by a 1-0 scoreline.

As champions, Otjiungukua FC walked away with N.dollars 11 000 and a trophy, Gauteng FC as runner-up pocketed N.dollars 6 500, while Otjituve FC and Otjeue City FC both received N.dollars 3 500 as losing semi-finalists.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency