MoHSS working towards PPP in renovation of nurses’ homes

WINDHOEK: Executive Director in the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), Ben Nangombe, on Monday said that the government is working towards a Private Public Partnership (PPP) in the renovation process of the Windhoek Central nurses’ home.

Nangombe, in a recent interview with Nampa, said the commencement of the possible collaboration with the private sector for the renovations has begun, and could however not further disclose the possible private partner’s name.

He said a bid notice prior to the collaboration with the private sector will be advertised only when the government through legal advice is advised on the way forward.

Plans to renovate the nurses’ homes situated in the Windhoek Central hospital premises in the capital arose after recent complaints about their dilapidated state.

The MoHSS in September had announced that it has cleared two out of four blocks of the nurses’ homes at the central hospital in preparation for building renovations.

This follows the ministry’s previous stateme
nt that it would carry out general repairs on the nurses’ home and doctor’s quarters, as these buildings have been reported to be in a dilapidated state in recent years.

Nampa reported earlier that some of the cleanliness issues at the health facility are exacerbated by the nurses’ home residents, who allegedly litter outside their windows and balconies, as they are not monitored, leading to their ignorance about the environment.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

One of two missing children’s bodies discovered

SWAKOPMUND: The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in the Erongo Region have confirmed the discovery of one of the bodies of the two children who went missing at sea while swimming with others at Henties Bay last weekend.

According to NamPol’s Commander of the Erongo Community Affairs Subsection, Inspector Ileni Shapumba, on Tuesday, the body, which was was found offshore at Grysduin, about six kilometres north of Henties Bay, was identified as that of 11-year-old Marie France Brockerhoff Ngo Mbock.

Subsequent police reports indicated that the two children reportedly drowned at sea between 14h00 and 15h00 on 15 December after they left their home between 12h00 and 13h00 on the same day with a few other friends.

It was further alleged that while they were in the water with other children, a strong wave swept them away. The rest of the children allegedly managed to run out of the water, except for the two girls.

The recovered body will be transported to Walvis Bay Police Mortuary for an autopsy, while the searc
h for the other girl, who is presumed to have drowned, continues.

The deceased girl’s next of kin have been informed of her death.

Police investigations continue.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Namibian records decrease in rhino poaching: Shifeta

WINDHOEK: The Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, on Monday said in his end-of-year statement that poaching remains an issue in Namibia, despite the recorded decrease over the year 2023.

According to Shifeta, 48 rhinos were poached in 2023 compaered to 92 in the previous year, while eight elephants were poached in 2023, compared to four in 2022.

Wildlife conservation continues to face the challenges of poaching, habitat fragmentation, and human-wildlife-conflict, issues that continue to reverse the hard-earned achievements in safeguarding wildlife, Shifeta said.

‘To bring poaching under control, we need to stand and work together as stakeholders. Poaching is not the only challenge, but so is human-wildlife conflict, this is due to new smart conservation methods that lead to an increase of wildlife outside of national parks. The main reports are crop damage, livestock losses, injuries to people, and in certain circumstances, death. The ministry has paid over N.dollars 31.7 millio
n since 2019 in offsetting losses due to human-wildlife conflict. The stakeholders did have conferences to seek solutions to address to conflict,’ Shifeta said.

In 2023, the ministry recorded 85 per cent compliance of the Environmental Management Act, which was enacted to protect the natural environment. The ministry received 1600 applications for environmental clearance and 984 clearance certificates were issued. The most common being for infrastructure development, urban development and mining. The high number of applications, Shifeta said, is attributed to the newly introduced online application system, which will continue on in 2024.

The government also completed a number of constructions in national parks, such as Sesriem, Skeleton Coast and Cape Cross, with further plans to develop other national parks across the country in the pipelines.

‘The ministry has carried out a number of inspections and in order to prevent further illegal activities. The ministry will continue to work with stakeholders in or
der to combat challenges such as poaching, human wildlife conflict, and climate change issue as tourism remains the key economic factor in Namibia,’ Shifeta noted.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions sets the standard for 100% recycled platinum group metal (PGM) offering with Verdium™

  • With Verdium, customers can verify carbon reduction for recycled PGM purchases, including PGMs attributed to select end products
  • One kilogram of Verdium recycled metal saves over thirty metric tons of carbon1
  • UL Solutions provides independent, third-party validation of the physical chain of custody and mass balance accounting

ISELIN, N.J., Dec. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS), a global leader in precious metal services and catalysis, today launched Verdium™, a new approach to recycled metal based on mass balance. Recycled (secondary) PGMs are essential to the supply of platinum, palladium and rhodium, critical minerals used in catalysts, and can lower carbon emissions by up to 97 percent in comparison to mined (primary) materials. One kilogram of Verdium saves over thirty metric tons of carbon, enabling customers to verify their carbon reduction, track progress to their sustainability goals and help lower their Scope 3 emissions.

Verdium has been independently validated by UL Solutions, a leading global safety science company acting as an independent third party, to its mass balance chain of custody (CoC) standard UL 2809-1, the Environmental Claim Validation Procedure for Defined Source Content, which is in accordance with CoC design and models specified in ISO 22095. The validation process includes annual CoC audits and site visits by UL Solutions.

“Independent validation by UL Solutions is a testament to our recycled metal approach that sets the standard in the PGM space,” said Tim Ingle, Senior Vice President, Precious Metal Services and Recycling, ECMS. “It also brings transparency to the PGM value chain, enabling customers to track carbon reduction with accuracy and confidence.”

Verdium will be available to Europe and U.S.-based PGM customers starting in January 2024. Customers will receive the same quality recycled metal from ECMS, but with Verdium, they can verify their carbon reduction. Documented verification will confirm the amount of recycled metals purchased and applied to select end products, which can be traced to a concrete carbon metric.

“We have long been a leader in advancing circularity and sustainability through our metals expertise,” said Dirk Bremm, President and CEO, ECMS. “Recognizing the pressing demand for tangible sustainability progress, we worked in close consultation with our customers to design Verdium as a traceable, audited solution that helps customers make measurable strides toward their goals.”

“We commend ECMS for their carbon reduction efforts. We hope the UL certification of Verdium will help pave the way for ECMS and its customers to achieve their environmental goals and a more sustainable future for all,” said Josh Warren, Vice President and General Manager of the Retail and Consumer Product group at UL Solutions.

1Sphera Solutions GmbH (2022): GaBi Database Edition 2022, SP37

About BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions
Leveraging its deep expertise as a global leader in catalysis and precious metals, BASF Environmental Catalyst and Metal Solutions (ECMS) serves customers in many industries including automotive, aerospace, indoor air quality, semiconductors and hydrogen economy, and provides full loop services with its precious metals trading and recycling offering. With a focus on circular solutions and sustainability, ECMS is committed to helping our customers create a cleaner, more sustainable world. Protecting the elements of life is our purpose and this inspires us to ever-new solutions. ECMS operates globally in 15 countries with over 4,500 employees and 20 production sites.

Media Relations contact
Betsy Arnone
Phone: 973-519-9808
25 Middlesex Essex Turnpike
Iselin, NJ 08830

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9006577

Deriv, an award-winning online broker’s eco pledge: Planting 2,000 saplings for a greener Cyprus

Elevating corporate social responsibility through the ‘You Reforest Cyprus’

Derivians and their family members come together to participate in the planting of trees.

Derivians planting 2,000 Saplings for a Greener Cyprus.

LIMASSOL, Cyprus, Dec. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — On 19 November, Deriv took the lead in donating and contributing to the planting of over 2,000 saplings at Palodia region, Limassol, through the ‘You Reforest Cyprus’ initiative, powered by Green Shield. Participating in this initiative represents a pivotal moment in Deriv’s CSR efforts.

Deriv, a leading online trading company with a global presence spanning 20 offices, announces its intensified commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from its Cyprus office. This commitment is a testament to the company’s dedication to making a tangible impact on society and the environment.

Geo Nicolaidis, Director at Deriv Cyprus, stated, “Tree planting transcends mere conservation; it is a significant investment in the future of our planet and a reflection of our dedication to sustainable growth for the world we all share. I am deeply inspired by the passion of my team and community, who have volunteered their time and efforts. In laying down these roots, we are restoring our forests and sowing hope for generations to come.”

Geo Nicolaidis receiving a plaque in recognition of Deriv’s eco pledge.

Geo Nicolaidis, Director, Deriv Cyprus, receives a commemorative plaque in acknowledgement of Deriv’s eco pledge.

Deriv’s CSR efforts are a continuous commitment. Following the initial success of planting 2,000 saplings, the company aims to plant an additional 3,000, reaffirming its environmental stewardship. Talent Acquisition Executive Anna Themistokleous remarked, “Each sapling we plant is a step towards a greener future, reflecting our commitment to environmental care and community well-being.”

The company is also personalising its environmental efforts by adopting a tree to celebrate its employees’ special life events, such as birthdays or anniversaries. Jean-Yves Sireau, CEO of Deriv, comments, “Our environmental efforts are intertwined with our team’s milestones. By combining ecological responsibility with employee recognition, we’re nurturing a culture of sustainability that extends beyond our company.”

Over the past year, Deriv’s CSR programme, ‘Deriv Life’, has been responsible for several significant initiatives, including sponsoring a prosthetic limb for Malaysia’s youngest elephant amputee. These actions reinforce Deriv’s dedication to CSR as a core aspect of its identity and mission.

To learn more, visit Deriv Life and the company website.

About Deriv

For over two decades, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across popular markets on its award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,300 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that celebrates achievements, encourages professional growth, and fosters talent development.

Aleksandra Zuzic
[email protected]

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:

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Deriv, un broker en ligne primé, s’engage à planter 2 000 jeunes arbres pour faire de Chypre un paradis écologique

Promouvoir la responsabilité sociale des entreprises grâce à l’initiative « You Reforest Cyprus »

Des membres du personnel de Deriv et leurs familles participent ensemble à la plantation de jeunes arbres.

Des membres du personnel de Deriv plantent 2 000 jeunes arbres pour rendre Chypre plus vert.

Le 19 novembre, Deriv a prêché par l’exemple en effectuant un don de 2 000 jeunes arbres et en contribuant à les planter dans la région de Palodia, à Limassol, dans le cadre de l’initiative « You Reforest Cyprus » mise en œuvre par Green Shield. La participation de Deriv à cette initiative a marqué un tournant décisif dans ses efforts en matière de responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE).

Deriv, une entreprise de trading en ligne représentée dans 20 bureaux à travers le monde, annonce son ferme engagement en matière de RSE à Chypre. Cet engagement démontre la détermination de l’entreprise à avoir un impact significatif sur la société et l’environnement.

« Planter des arbres n’a pas uniquement pour but la conservation », a fait savoir Geo Nicolaidis, le directeur de Deriv à Chypre, « C’est un important investissement pour l’avenir de notre planète et cela reflète notre ardent désir de soutenir la croissance durable de ce monde que nous partageons tous. La passion de mon équipe et de ma communauté qui n’a volontairement ménagé aucun effort est une source d’inspiration pour mon âme toute entière. Par ce geste, nous restaurons nos forêts et semons l’espoir pour les générations futures. »

Geo Nicolaidis reçoit une distinction pour l’engagement écologique de Deriv.

Geo Nicolaidis, Directeur de Deriv à Chypre, reçoit une plaque commémorative en reconnaissance de l’engagement écologique de Deriv.

L’engagement de Deriv en matière d’initiatives de RSE est continu. Suite à la réussite de l’initiative de départ visant à planter 2 000 jeunes arbres, Deriv entend planter 3 000 jeunes arbres supplémentaires, réaffirmant ainsi sa gérance environnementale. Anna Themistokleous, responsable de l’acquisition de talent, fait remarquer : « Chaque arbre que nous plantons est un pas en avant vers un futur plus vert, ce qui reflète notre engagement en matière de préservation de l’environnement et du bien-être des communautés. »

L’entreprise personnalise également ses initiatives environnementales en adoptant un arbre, lors des célébrations de moments spéciaux qui surviennent dans la vie de ses employés, tels que des anniversaires professionnels ou des naissances. Jean-Yves Sireau, PDG de Deriv, fait ce commentaire : « Nos initiatives environnementales font partie intégrante des accomplissements de notre équipe. Associer la responsabilité écologique à la reconnaissance de nos employés nous permet d’alimenter une culture du durable qui irradie notre entreprise toute entière. »

Au cours des années précédentes, « Deriv Life » (le programme de RSE de Deriv) a donné lieu à plusieurs initiatives importantes telles que le parrainage d’une prothèse pour le plus jeune éléphant amputé de Malaisie. De telles actions renforcent la détermination de Deriv en matière de RSE, qui constitue le socle de son identité et de sa mission.

Pour en savoir plus, visitez Deriv Life ainsi que le site Web de l’entreprise.

À propos de Deriv

Depuis plus de deux décennies, Deriv s’engage à rendre le trading en ligne accessible à tous, n’importe où. Plus de 2,5 millions de traders font confiance à notre entreprise, qui offre une large gamme de types de transactions et propose plus de 200 actifs sur des marchés populaires à partir de ses plateformes de trading primées et intuitives. Avec un effectif de plus de 1300 personnes réparties dans le monde, Deriv a instauré en son sein une culture qui célèbre les réussites, encourage la croissance professionnelle et favorise le développement des compétences.

Aleksandra Zuzic
[email protected]

Des photos accompagnant ce communiqué sont disponible au:

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000904603