Transport Minister leads traffic law enforcement operations in Mthatha

Transport Minister Sindisiwe Chikunga, together with Eastern Cape Transport MEC, Xolile Nqatha, will today lead traffic law enforcement activations in Mthatha.

The aim of the operations is to check the fitness of drivers and roadworthiness of vehicles on the N2 in Mthatha, Eastern Cape.

The operations, which are coordinated by the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC), are intended to improve safety and ensure compliance with the law by road users.

Already, more than 4160 motorists have been arrested for drunken driving, while others have been detained for producing false documents and driving public transport without valid documents.

Provincial, metro and municipal traffic authorities have been given instructions to be strict with law enforcement.

Last year’s statistics showed that road traffic crashes decreased during the six weeks of the festive season, from the previous year, dropping by 7% from 1395 crashes to 1299. On the other hand, fatalities decreased from 1808 to 1560.

‘Everyone is call
ed upon to put shoulders to the wheel to ensure a better outcome this season and throughout our 365 Day Road Safety Campaign. It is against this backdrop that we will be intensifying our efforts and interventions in the five provinces that contribute more than 80% of road crashes and fatalities,’ the Minister said last week.

Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Limpopo and Mpumalanga will receive focused attention this year with nighttime deployment of traffic officers and road safety activations that are intended to improve pedestrian safety.
Source: South African Government News Agency

Police crackdown on illegal mining operations

More than 90 people suspected of illegal mining have been arrested in various parts of Gauteng.

In a statement on Friday, the SAPS in Gauteng said integrated law enforcement operations against disruptive illegal mining are conducted weekly, focusing on districts such as Johannesburg, Ekurhuleni and the West Rand.

These, it said, continue to yield positive results as ‘more than 90 undocumented foreign nationals who are suspected to be illegal miners were arrested this week, from Wednesday, 27 December 2023 to date.’

During the operations, police seized illegal mining tools that included generators, gas cylinders, jack hammers, steel balls, gold bearing material, water pump motors and two live ammunition of a rifle.

Illegal mining sites were also disrupted and dismantled.

‘The law enforcement agencies will continue with these disruptive operations in the province and members of the community are called on to work together with the police in fighting crime by reporting any criminal activities to Crime Stop
at 08600 10111 or anonymously give tip-offs on MySapsApp,’ said the police.

Safer Festive Season

Meanwhile, police in the North West, together with other law enforcement agencies, are continuing with the Safer Festive Season Operation Shanela campaign.

The operation resulted in the arrest of 1 250 suspects between Thursday, 21 and Wednesday, 27 December 2023.

The suspects were amongst others, arrested for rape, murder, malicious damage to property, burglary of residential and business premises, theft of motor vehicles and motorcycles and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Of the 1 250 suspects, 399 were wanted for contact crimes such as murder, attempted murder, rape, assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, house robbery and business robbery. Furthermore, 169 suspected undocumented persons were taken in for processing.

The arrests were made through the execution of several actions, which included stop and searches, road blocks, vehicle check points, visiting and inspecting of lice
nsed liquor premises, second-hand goods dealers, tracing of wanted suspects and many others.

The operation also resulted in the confiscation of mandrax tablets, crystal meth, five dangerous weapons and six handguns, among others.

Meanwhile, 52 suspects were also arrested during the illegal mining Operation ‘Vala Umgodi’ campaign, between Monday, 18 December and Sunday, 24 December 2023.

The suspects were nabbed during disruptive operations in Stilfontein and Witrandjie in the Dr Kenneth Kaunda and Bojanala Platinum Districts. The suspects include 18 Lesotho, eight Mozambique, two Malawi and two Bangladesh nationals as well as 16 South Africans.

During the arrest, the police seized gold bearing material, a truck, spade and two cell phones, among others.

North West provincial Police Commissioner, Lieutenant General Sello Kwena has congratulated the police for their sterling work and dedication they have shown throughout the festive season operations.
Source: South African Government News Agency

90 suspected illegal miners arrested this week

The South African Police Service (SAPS) have arrested more than 90 undocumented foreign nationals who are suspected to be illegal miners.

The police are conducting integrated operations against illegal mining, focusing on affected districts such as Johannesburg, Ekurhuleni and the West Rand.

These operations continue to yield positive results, the SAPS said.

‘During the operations the police seized illegal mining tools that included, pendukas, penduka stands, generators, gas cylinders, jack hammers, steel balls, gold bearing material, a welding machine, water pump motors and two live ammunition of a rifle. Illegal mining sites were also disrupted and dismantled.

‘The law enforcement agencies will continue with these operations in the province,’ said the police in a statement.

Members of the community are urged to work together with the police in fighting crime by reporting any criminal activities to Crime Stop at 08600 10111 or anonymously give tip offs on MySapsApp.
Source: South African Government New
s Agency

Le Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur fait progresser le débat mondial sur la transition vers une énergie propre

De nouveaux partenariats pour orienter les conversations sur le développement durable de l’industrie mondiale des métaux et des minéraux lors du Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur 2024

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 27 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur (ou FMF) qui doit se tenir du 9 au 11 janvier à Riyad, en Arabie saoudite, annonce aujourd’hui la conclusion de trois nouveaux partenariats stratégiques pour alimenter le discours mondial sur les minéraux et leur rôle essentiel dans le développement mondial durable, et aborder la nécessité d’une transition vers de nouvelles sources d’énergie. Les nouveaux partenariats avec CRU Group, Global AI et Wood Mackenzie fourniront des éclairages et des perspectives commerciales à travers une série d’études qui seront publiées en amont de l’événement. Ils complètent les actuels partenariats avec McKinsey & Company, le Payne Institute for Public Policy, Clareo-DPI et l’Institut Baker.

Wood Mackenzie se lance dans une étude cruciale pour définir le potentiel de la super région. Son livre blanc identifiera les principaux moteurs de la création de chaînes de valeur durables, et mettra en évidence les défis actuels des minéraux à l’échelle mondiale et leurs effets sur l’industrie des minéraux dans cette région riche en ressources. En jetant les bases de ce qui peut être réalisé grâce à la collaboration entre les gouvernements et les marchés, ce rapport servira de fondement pour les parties prenantes, à l’heure où la région cherche à libérer son potentiel de ressources pour mieux faciliter la transition énergétique.

Global AI amorce une analyse d’opinion globale axée sur les opérations minières et minérales de la super région au moyen d’une intelligence artificielle de pointe. Cette analyse vise à mettre en lumière les perceptions sociétales afin d’alimenter le dialogue à propos des rôles à jouer par les gouvernements, le secteur privé et la société civile pour obtenir un permis social d’exploitation, tout en veillant à ce que les opérations minières apportent des avantages tangibles aux communautés locales et minimisent l’impact environnemental.

Par ailleurs, le rapport de la société CRU soulignera l’urgence de s’attaquer aux goulets d’étranglement du secteur minier pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques, en mettant l’accent sur le Moyen-Orient, l’Afrique et l’Asie centrale en tant que futurs fournisseurs clés.

L’ensemble de ces informations s’inscrit dans la mission du FMF, consistant à favoriser le développement d’une industrie minière durable, à placer la super région au premier plan du débat mondial sur les minéraux et à concevoir des pratiques minières responsables. En tant que plateforme gouvernementale et multipartite, le FMF vise à déclencher le dialogue entre les leaders de l’industrie, les décideurs politiques et les parties prenantes pour dessiner un avenir plus durable et plus prospère en matière de développement minéral.

Contact média :
Omar Shereen
E-mail : [email protected]
Tél. : +966 50 663 0489

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000906248

O Future Minerals Forum amplia o debate global sobre a transição para a energia limpa

Novas parcerias para orientar as conversas sobre desenvolvimento sustentável em metais e minerais globais no Future Minerals Forum 2024

RIAD, Arábia Saudita, Dec. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Future Minerals Forum (FMF), previsto para ocorrer de 9 a 11 de janeiro, em Riad, na Arábia Saudita, anunciou hoje três novas parcerias estratégicas para promover o discurso global sobre minerais e seu papel fundamental no desenvolvimento global sustentável e na necessidade de transição para novas fontes de energia. As novas parcerias com o CRU Group, a Global AI e a Wood Mackenzie fornecerão inteligência de negócios e insights em uma série de estudos a serem publicados antes da realização do FMF. Elas complementam as parcerias atuais com a McKinsey & Company, o Payne Institute for Public Policy, a Clareo-DPI e o Baker Institute.

A Wood Mackenzie está iniciando um estudo fundamental para identificar o potencial da Super Região. O documento identificará os principais motivadores para a criação de cadeias de valor sustentáveis, além de salientar os desafios atuais enfrentados pelos minerais globais e como eles impactam o setor de minerais nessa área rica em recursos. Esse relatório servirá como um guia essencial para as partes interessadas, estabelecendo o que pode ser alcançado por meio da colaboração governamental e de mercado, à medida que a região procura desbloquear seu potencial de recursos para viabilizar ainda mais a transição energética.

A Global AI está pronta para fazer uma análise abrangente do sentimento global usando inteligência artificial de última geração, com foco em operações de mineração e minerais em toda a Super Região. Essa análise tem como objetivo esclarecer a percepção da sociedade para subsidiar o diálogo acerca dos papéis que os governos, o setor privado e a sociedade civil devem desempenhar a fim de garantir a licença social para atuar, assegurando que as operações de mineração tragam benefícios tangíveis às comunidades locais e minimizem o impacto sobre o meio ambiente.

Enquanto isso, o relatório do CRU destacará a urgência de abordar os gargalos minerais críticos no cumprimento das metas climáticas, com foco no Oriente Médio, na África e na Ásia Central como importantes fornecedores futuros.

Juntas, esses insights se alinham à missão do FMF de permitir o desenvolvimento de setores minerais sustentáveis, colocar a Super Região na vanguarda do debate global sobre minerais e orientar práticas de mineração responsáveis. O FMF, como uma plataforma governamental composta por várias partes interessadas, tem como objetivo catalisar o diálogo entre líderes do setor, legisladores e partes interessadas para promover o progresso na direção de um futuro mais sustentável e próspero com relação ao desenvolvimento mineral.

Assessoria de imprensa:
Omar Shereen
E-mail: [email protected]
Celular: +966 50 663 0489

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000906248

Mbongeni Ngema’s work moved audiences around the world

President Cyril Ramaphosa has joined South Africans from across the country in offering their condolences to the family, friends and associates of cultural stalwart, Dr Mbongeni Ngema.

Ngema lost his life in a vehicle accident on Wednesday.

‘His masterfully creative narration of our liberation struggle honoured the humanity of oppressed South Africans and exposed the inhumanity of an oppressive regime.

‘The many productions he created or to which he contributed inspired resilience and pride among us as fellow South Africans and took South Africa and our continent into the theatres, homes and consciousness of millions of people around the world. May his soul rest in peace,’ said President Ramaphosa.

Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture Zizi Kodwa, who has also expressed his condolences, said the Ngema family had confirmed that he passed away in a car accident on Wednesday.

Born in the town of Verulam in KwaZulu-Natal, Ngema’s work touched and moved audiences around the world and made an important contribu
tion in telling the South African story, said the Minister.

His work was internationally acclaimed, receiving Tony Award nominations for Asinamali and Sarafina. Ngema also received Grammy Award nominations through his work in Sarafina and The Lion King. A testament to his artistic talent, Ngema also acted in film, appearing in the film adaptation of Sarafina and the Oscar-nominated film Yesterday.

Locally, Ngema received several accolades such as Lifetime Achievement Awards at the South African Music Awards (SAMAS) and the Naledi Theatre Awards.

Ngema also contributed greatly to the development of creative arts in communities through his collaboration with the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture and its agencies such as the Playhouse Company.

‘With the passing of Dr Mbongeni Ngema, South Africa has lost one of its great playwrights, composers, lyricists, directors and musicians. Dr Ngema’s work was celebrated in South Africa and internationally,’ said the Minister.

He said at a critical time in the lib
eration struggle against apartheid, Ngema took the plays Woza Albert, Asinamali and Sarafina to international stages.

The productions not only showcased South African talent, but also narrated to the world the experiences of South Africans who were ostracised and brutalised under apartheid.

‘In the democratic years, Dr Ngema’s works would reflect the mood, hopes, joy and challenges of life in democratic South Africa.

‘Whether it was through the defiant songs in Sarafina, the determination expressed in songs such as Lizobuya, or the exuberance of songs such as Stimela sase Zola, Dr Ngema’s work did much to foster social cohesion and to express critical moments of South African history through the arts,’ said Kodwa.

He described the passing of Ngema as a significant loss to South African arts.

Premier of KwaZulu-Natal Nomusa Dube-Ncube has expressed her deep sadness at the passing of Madlokovu, as Mbongeni was affectionately referred to by his clan name.

Kwazulu-Natal acting MEC for Sport, Arts, and Cultu
re, Sipho Hlomuka, has acknowledged the immense impact of the untimely passing of Ngema.

He said the South African and global entertainment scene, theatre, arts and culture have been dealt a heavy blow.

In his tribute, Hlomuka celebrated Ngema as an iconic figure-a larger-than-life personality known for his flamboyance, vibrancy, occasional controversy, and fearless expression of views.

The MEC condemned the prevalence of road accidents ‘robbing society of such influential figures who contribute significantly to social cohesion and the arts’ and urged motorists to continue to be cautious on the roads.
Source: South African Government News Agency