Barbara Bufkin et Diane Fanelli rejoignent le conseil d’administration de Duck Creek Technologies

À l’appui de dizaines d’années d’expertise en assurance et en technologie, ces deux dirigeantes chevronnées endossent de nouveaux rôles au sein du conseil

BOSTON, 11 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers), annonce les nominations de Barbara Bufkin et de Diane Fanelli à son conseil d’administration. Madame Bufkin rejoint le conseil de Duck Creek pourvue d’un bagage international considérable en réassurance, distribution, tarification et technologie, et forte d’une vaste expérience en conseil d’entreprises orienté vers la création et la promotion d’alliances stratégiques. Madame Fanelli apporte quant à elle une expérience de leader des opérations centrées client. Elle est internationalement reconnue pour son expertise en pilotage d’équipes informatiques à périmètre mondial, et en croissance d’entreprise.

Selon Mike Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek Technologies, « Barbara et Diane sont chacune des spécialistes accomplies et reconnues dans leurs domaines respectifs. Elles apporteront une touche de valeur inestimable à la mission à long terme de Duck Creek, mais aussi à notre stratégie commerciale. Leurs domaines d’expertise sont nettement complémentaires et répondent parfaitement à notre objectif visant un succès plus marqué de nos stratégies client, le développement de notre écosystème de partenaires au bénéfice de nos clients assureurs et de leurs propres assurés, et la réalisation de nos aspirations de croissance mondiale. C’est un honneur de rassembler leurs talents au sein du conseil d’administration ».

Barbara Bufkin est une dirigeante de niveau cadre supérieur (en anglais « C-level »), experte en assurance et en réassurance. Au cours de sa carrière, elle a occupé des postes englobant des responsabilités à la fois opérationnelles et stratégiques, le développement commercial et le développement produits, la tarification, la gestion des sinistres, la gestion des risques et la gouvernance d’entreprise. Dernièrement, elle a été conseillère principale chez Amwins, et membre fondateur du conseil de la diversité et de l’inclusion du groupe. Elle a également occupé des postes de direction chez Argo Group, Assurant, Hamilton USA, Guy Carpenter, Sedgewick Payne (racheté par Guy Carpenter) et Swiss Re. Madame Bufkin a plaidé en faveur de la valeur de l’assurance comme carrière de choix dans son rôle au sein du conseil d’administration de Gamma Iota Sigma (ou GIS). Elle est également l’ancienne présidente et l’ancienne présidente du comité de gouvernance constitué sous son mandat. En 2012, Barbara Bufkin a reçu le prix de « Woman of the Year » (Femme de l’année), décerné par l’association américaine des professionnelles de l’assurance (ou APIW pour Association of Professional Insurance Women), et s’est vue intronisée au Temple américain de la renommée du secteur de l’assurance en 2019 (en anglais « Insurance Business America Hall of Fame »). Son travail philanthropique comprend le Conseil pour l’inclusion, la diversité, l’équité et l’accessibilité (ou IDEA) de la Fondation caritative américaine de l’assurance (en anglais « IICF, Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation »).

Diane Fanelli occupe actuellement le poste de directrice de l’exploitation (en anglais « COO, Chief Operating Officer ») chez iCIMS, où elle dirige les services professionnels de l’entreprise, le département primé « réussite client », le support technique, l’exploitation des recettes, les protocoles de mise en marché, et les équipes de formation à l’adresse des clients. En 2019, Madame Fanelli a été récompensée par le prix CRN Channel Chief et le prix CRN Women of the Channel en 2017 et 2018 pour son succès dans la promotion de l’innovation, de la croissance et des revenus par le biais du réseau de partenaires et de clients. Elle a précédemment occupé des postes de direction informatique mondiale, notamment celui de directrice d’exploitation chez Citrix et SAP, et a été sponsor exécutif des programmes diversité et inclusion, y compris du projet Veterans to Work de SAP (les seniors au travail). Elle soutient activement les principes de l’éducation STEM pour inviter la jeunesse d’aujourd’hui à se pencher sur les carrières numériques de demain.

Les rôles de Mesdames Bufkin et Fanelli ont été pourvus par le programme externe du Conseil d’administration, piloté par Vista Equity Partners, une société d’investissement d’envergure mondiale axée sur les logiciels d’entreprise, les données et les entreprises technologiques, et investisseur majoritaire de Duck Creek. Lancé en 2017, le programme du conseil exploite l’écosystème de Vista mais aussi des ressources supplémentaires pour identifier, former et désigner des candidats qualifiés au conseil d’administration pour ses sociétés en portefeuille. Le programme vise à constituer un vivier diversifié de candidats qualifiés pour rejoindre le conseil d’administration, grâce à des programmes et des partenariats qui favorisent la diversité au sein des conseils d’administration et qui ont un effet sur le monde des affaires en général.

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes se reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et évolutives. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres-mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, n’importe quand, où, et comment ils en ressentent le plus le besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Rendez-vous sur pour en savoir plus. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et Twitter.

Contacts Médias

Carley Bunch
[email protected]

Drake Manning
[email protected]

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8992233

Duck Creek Technologies Nomeia Barbara Bufkin e Diane Fanelli para seu Conselho Diretor

Executivas talentosas trazem décadas de experiência em seguros e tecnologia para novas funções no conselho

BOSTON, Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, tem o prazer de anunciar a nomeação de Barbara Bufkin e Diane Fanelli para seu Conselho Diretor. Bufkin entra para o conselho da Duck Creek com uma extensa experiência em (re)seguros, distribuição, subscrição e tecnologia globais, assessorando empresas na origem e promoção de parcerias estratégicas. Fanelli é líder global de operações centradas no cliente, conhecida por sua experiência em orientar equipes globais de software empresarial e o crescimento da empresa.

“Barbara e Diane são experts de talento conhecidas nos seus respectivos campos e irão agregar um valor incrível para orientar a missão e a estratégia de negócios de longo prazo da Duck Creek”, diz Mike Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek Technologies. “As áreas de especialização de Barbara e Diane são altamente complementares e perfeitas para aprimorar nossas iniciativas de sucesso do cliente, promover nosso ecossistema de parceiros para beneficiar nossos clientes seguradores e seus segurados, e viabilizar nossas aspirações de crescimento global. É uma honra ter pessoas tão talentosas no nosso conselho diretor.”

Bufkin é líder executiva de nível C com vasta experiência no setor de seguros e resseguros, em funções que abrangem responsabilidades operacionais e estratégicas, desenvolvimento de negócios e produtos, subscrição, sinistros, gerenciamento de riscos e governança corporativa. Recentemente ela atuou como consultora sênior da Amwins e foi membro fundadora do Conselho de Diversidade e Inclusão do Grupo Amwins. Bufkin também ocupou cargos de liderança executiva no Argo Group, Assurant, Hamilton usa, Guy Carpenter, Sedgewick Payne (adquirida pela Guy Carpenter) e Swiss Re. Bufkin defende o valor do setor de seguros como uma escolha de carreira no seu papel no Conselho Diretor da Gamma Iota Sigma (GIS) e é ex-presidente e diretora do comitê de governança criado durante seu mandato. Bufkin recebeu em 2012 o prêmio Mulher do Ano da Association of Professional Insurance Women (APIW) e foi incluída no Insurance Business America Hall of Fame em 2019. Seu trabalho filantrópico inclui o Conselho de Inclusão, Diversidade, Equidade e Acessibilidade (IDEA) da Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF).

Atualmente, Fanelli atua como Diretora de Operações (COO) na iCIMS, onde lidera os serviços profissionais da empresa, sucesso do cliente premiado, suporte técnico, operações de receita, capacitação de entrada no mercado e equipes de treinamento dos clientes. Em 2019 Fanelli recebeu o prêmio CRN Channel Chief, e o prêmio CRN Women of the Channel em 2018 e 2017 pelo seu sucesso no incentivo à inovação, ao crescimento e à receita por meio de parceiros de canal e clientes. Sua experiência anterior de liderança executiva global de software empresarial inclui funções de COO na Citrix e na SAP. Ela já atuou como patrocinadora executiva de programas de diversidade e inclusão, incluindo a iniciativa Veterans to Work da SAP. Ela é defensora ativa de iniciativas STEM para inspirar os jovens de hoje a se concentrarem nas carreiras digitais de amanhã.

Os nomes de Bufkin e Fanelli foram indicados pelo programa de conselho externo operado pela Vista Equity Partners, uma empresa de investimento global focada em software empresarial, dados e negócios habilitados para tecnologia, e um investidor majoritário na Duck Creek. Lançado em 2017, o programa do conselho aproveita o ecossistema da Vista e recursos adicionais para identificar, treinar e nomear candidatos qualificados para o conselho das empresas do seu portfólio. O programa trabalha para criar um pipeline diversificado de candidatos qualificados ao conselho por meio de programas e parcerias que promovem a diversidade para todos os conselhos e geram impacto para o mundo corporativo em geral.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e Twitter.

Contato com a Mídia

Carley Bunch
[email protected]

Drake Manning
[email protected]

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8992233

OPEN Health and Nested Knowledge announce strategic research collaboration to leverage AI technologies for evidence synthesis

London, Dec. 11, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — London, UK – December 11, 2023OPEN Health, a preeminent global provider of consulting, HEOR and market access, patient engagement, and scientific and creative communications services, is excited to announce a strategic collaboration with Nested Knowledge, a leading provider of AI-based SaaS platform solutions for systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Together, we aim to enhance the speed, efficiency, and depth of evidence synthesis, ultimately aiding biopharmaceutical researchers in making crucial healthcare decisions and bringing products to market quicker.

“This collaboration underscores OPEN Health’s unwavering commitment to leveraging innovative solutions and AI technologies for superior client delivery,” said Richard Jones, President of OPEN Health Evidence & Access. “We are excited to formalize our collaboration with Nested Knowledge and collectively bring market-leading evidence synthesis solutions to our clients.”

Systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses facilitate the methodical evaluation of all pertinent research on a specific topic and are fundamental components of comprehensive outcomes assessments, often in preparation for health technology assessment (HTA) and reimbursement submissions. Boosting the speed and increasing the transparency at which they’re conducted will hasten the translation of research into actionable insights and approved healthcare interventions. Nested Knowledge’s AI-driven platform will be applied within OPEN Health’s strategic market access and evidence synthesis teams, dramatically speeding up research analysis and the derivation of insights. By combining Nested Knowledge’s technological prowess with OPEN Health’s scientific and analytical expertise, the partnership aims to elevate the standards, speed, and precision of healthcare evidence analysis.

“Uniting technology with expertise is core to the mission of Nested Knowledge, as well as to overcoming key barriers in conventional evidence synthesis processes,” according to Kevin Kallmes, CEO and founder of Nested Knowledge. “OPEN Health’s leading evidence synthesis capabilities and approach to AI augmentation in the context of expert oversight makes them a perfect partner for scaling up more rapid, interactive, and technologically integrated solutions.”

About OPEN Health

OPEN Health unites deep scientific knowledge with wide-ranging specialist expertise to unlock possibilities that improve health outcomes and patient well-being. Working in partnership with our clients, we embrace our different perspectives and strengths to deliver fresh thinking and solutions that make a difference. OPEN Health is a flexible global organization that solves complex healthcare challenges across consulting, HEOR and market access, scientific communications, patient engagement, and creative omnichannel communications. For more information on OPEN Health, visit

About Nested Knowledge

Nested Knowledge is a living evidence platform that houses, auto-extracts, and analyzes published clinical literature for conducting systematic literature reviews. As a result, each review produces evidence as interactive, web-based visuals. The platform emphasizes updateability, traceability, and visual interactivity—revolutionizing the way evidence is understood without depending on scattered, non-updatable, incomplete PDF outputs. For more information, visit

Press contact:

OPEN Health

Candice Subero,

Nested Knowledge

Keith Kallmes,


Candice Subero
OPEN Health

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8991999

Man to appear in court at Bethanie for rape

KEETMANSHOOP: A 41-year-old man was arrested and is expected to appear in court at Bethanie after he allegedly raped a 38-year-old woman.

Namibian Police Force crime investigations coordinator for the ||Kharas Region, Deputy Commissioner Nikodemus Mbango in a crime incident report issued to Nampa on Sunday said the alleged rape happened on Friday around 22h00 and Saturday around 09h00 in the Riverside residential area at the village.

Mbango said it is alleged that the suspect assaulted the victim and dragged her by force to his residence and had sexual intercourse with her several times without consent.

‘The victim and the suspect had a romantic relationship according to the victim, but since separated the suspect claims that they are still in a relationship and claims that the sex was consensual,’ he added.

Meanwhile police at Keetmanshoop are yet to arrest a man that allegedly raped a 25-year-old woman.

It is alleged that the suspect and the victim were together at the suspect’s house and when the vict
im wanted to go home, the suspect locked the room and dragged her onto his bed and had sexual intercourse with the victim against her will.

Mbango said the alleged rape happened on Wednesday around 00h15 at Tseiblaagte residential area at the town.

Police investigations into both matters continue.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

McLeod-Katjirua urges men to take active role in addressing GBV

WINDHOEK: The Governor of the Khomas Region, Laura McLeod-Katjirua, has urged males in Namibia to take part in initiatives aimed at addressing behavioural issues and gender-based violence (GBV).

In her statement to mark this year’s International Human Rights Day on Sunday, McLeod-Katjirua encouraged the men to attend events like the men’s conferences recently held at Keetmanshoop and Ondangwa.

Over 1 000 men attended each of the two events organised by among others the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Justice, to discuss issues of suicide, mental health, and gender-related laws.

McLeod-Katjirua said the gathering created a safe space for men to share their experiences and discuss issues that affect them.

‘It is with this backdrop that I would like to encourage men to continue attending events of this nature that are aimed at addressing behavioural change and challenging the GBV landscape,’ McLeod-Katjirua said.

She said men and boys in Namibia also e
xperience GBV. ‘In our society, men are not exempt. They also experience gender-based violence, especially psychological violence, which is human rights violence.’

During the event held at the Old Location Cemetery in Windhoek, the governor noted that International Human Rights Day provides an opportunity to raise awareness about human rights issues, promote human dignity and gender equality, and advance justice.

‘The commemoration of Human Rights Day calls for global action to increase awareness, galvanise advocacy efforts, and share knowledge and innovations to help end all forms of violence against women and girls,’ she said.

Human Rights Day on 10 December coincides with Namibia Women’s Day, which honours brave heroines who challenged forced removal by the South African colonial administration from Old Location to Katutura in 1959.

‘This day should prompt us to understand that Namibian women have a greater role to play in all spheres of life, be it political, educational, or socio-economic activities,
‘ McLeod-Katjirua said.

This year’s Human Rights Day was observed under the theme ‘Dignity, Freedom, and Justice for All’.

‘This theme further calls on us to respect the dignity and freedom of all by ensuring that we do not tolerate any form of human rights violation and violation against children,’ said the governor.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Namibia has made progress in terms of gender equality: Geingob

WINDHOEK: President Hage Geingob said progress has been made in gender equality, with Namibia recognised as a country that has done well in female representation in Parliament and leadership positions.

However, he said more should be done to eliminate the challenges that women continue to face in various aspects of life, including gender-based violence, unequal access to opportunities, and societal biases.

‘The Namibian Government remains committed to empowering women and the girl child, while also addressing the needs of the boy child, to end deeply rooted forms of discrimination that affect most of our vulnerable people,’ the president said in his statement to mark International Human Rights Day and Namibian Women’s Day on Sunday.

The Head of State joined Namibians and the international community in observing International Human Rights Day as well as Namibian Women’s Day on 10 December, which Namibia adopted to commemorate the contributions and achievements of women during the liberation struggle and in
modern Namibia.

‘This year’s event serves as a reminder of the bravery, resilience, strength, and leadership of Namibian women across sectors and generations.

‘We pay homage to the inspiring actions of fearless Namibian women who, in 1959, resisted the forced removal of people from the Old Location to Katutura by the South African apartheid regime.

‘On Namibian Women’s Day, we look back with profound memories on the remarkable journey of women, whose actions not only shaped a more just and inclusive Namibia but also inspired the current and future generations of Namibian women to reach new heights,’ the president said.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency