Namibia signs Samoa Agreement

WINDHOEK: The European Union on Wednesday said it welcomes Namibia’s signing of the New Partnership Agreement (NPA) between the EU and the Organisation of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), also known as the ‘Samoa Agreement.’

Namibia signed the NPA on 18 December 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.

‘We are very pleased to see Namibia join the large and diverse group of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States in a new partnership with the European Union and EU Member States,’ EU Ambassador to Namibia, Ana Beatriz Martins said in a press statement.

According to Martins, the Samoa Agreement provides a solid foundation and continuity to the longstanding partnership between Namibia and the EU.

‘We look forward to enhancing our cooperation in areas of common interest, from the global fight against climate change and political and security to the promotion of inclusive green growth. We are committed to focus on the implementation of the EU-Namibia Strategic Partnership on Green Hydrogen and Critical Raw Material
s value chains with the Global Gateway Instrument and Team Europe Initiative, to generate more jobs and prosperity,’ the ambassador added.

The EU-OACPS agreement signed in Samoa on 15 November 2023 succeeds the Cotonou Agreement (2000-2023). It is reportedly the largest and most comprehensive partnership agreement worldwide, bringing together states from four continents – the EU, Africa, Caribbean and Pacific States – to provide a platform for dialogue and cooperation around shared priorities and interests in multilateral and regional issues.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

New number plates for National Assembly and National Council vehicles

WINDHOEK: Parliament on Wednesday announced that as from 01 January 2024, National Assembly and National Council vehicles will bear green number plates with the abbreviations ‘LNA’ and ‘LNC.’

A statement issued on Wednesday explained that LNA stands for Legislature National Assembly and LNC for Legislature National Council.

‘Similar to other organs of the State, this is a welcome gesture that will not only help to distinctively identify vehicles belonging to the legislature, but also emphasises the importance of separation of powers between the three organs of the State,’ the statement said.

It noted that as the legislative branch of the State, Parliament has an exclusive role to provide oversight over the activities of the Executive. With the the acquiring of these unique number plates, the citizenry will be able to easily identify vehicles that belong to Parliament, the statement read.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

OTC invests N.dollar 4.1 million in electrification projects

ONGWEDIVA: The Ongwediva Town Council has invested N.dollars 4.1 million in an electrification project for Sky Phase 3 in Ongwediva.

Speaking at the inauguration of the electrical reticulation project here on Wednesday, Shalyefu emphasised the town council’s commitment to providing essential amenities to residents without hesitation.

Shalyefu said 151 erven will be connected to electricity as part of the initiative.

He also noted the inauguration of sewer projects in Sky Phase 1 and Extension 15 in July.

He said they aim to connect 620 erven to the sewerage system, with 98 per cent already linked to the system.

‘This is a notable success in our quest to deliver proper sanitation in our town, thus with the limited resources, Sky Phase 3 will soon be elevated to a fully serviced location in Ongwediva,’ he said.

Shalyefu further revealed additional plans for the financial year 2023/24, including the construction of stormwater infrastructure at Extension 11 (N.dollar 2.6 million), water and sewer reticulati
on at Extension 12 (N.dollar 2 million), and bulk water supply and storage infrastructure at Omatando (N.dollar 7 million).

The mayor said more projects are in the procurement process, which will commence once funds are available.

Technical adviser David Mulokoshi encouraged the community to apply for electricity at the Town Council office to ensure that the verification process is handled swiftly.

He clarified that while the council establishes infrastructure, Nored manages cable installations in private residences.

‘We have provided electricity and now people should ensure that they guard the infrastructure against vandalism at all times,’ he concluded.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Boy dies after metal gate falls on him

RUNDU: A nine-year-old boy died after a metal gate fell on him at the Nkurenkuru Health Clinic in the Kavango West Region on Tuesday.

According to a crime report isued by the police on Wednesday, the boy tried to find shelter from the rain when he opened the clinic’s gate and it fell on him.

He was separated from his father while herding cattle.

The deceased, identified as Kalipa Kambinda Joao, was found by security guards from the health centre, who were alerted by the sound of the falling gate.

The security guards took him into the clinic, where he was declared dead.

His next of kin have been informed.

Joao’s body was taken to the Nkurenkuru Police mortuary for a post-mortem.

Police investigations into the matter continue.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Ministry of Mines urges G7 to reconsider proposed restrictions on Russian diamonds

WINDHOEK: The Ministry of Mines and Energy has expressed concerns about the G7’s proposed restrictions on imports of Russian diamonds and has called for direct and meaningful engagement with all diamond-producing countries on the matter.

The intergovernmental political and economic forum consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, plus the European Union (EU) as a ‘non-enumerated member.’

The ministry in a statement on Wednesday said in May this year, the G7 announced that they were considering measures to restrict the sale of Russian diamonds; and that they would engage key partners to ensure effective implementation of the restrictive measures. ‘On 06 December, the G7 issued their third statement on the proposed restrictive measures. Part of the statement reads ‘We will introduce import restrictions on non-industrial diamonds, mined, processed, or produced in Russia, by 01 January 2024, followed by further phased restrictions on the import of Rus
sian diamonds processed in third countries targeting 01 March 2024′,’ the statement said.

The ministry said it understands that the verification of all diamonds (rough, cut, and polished) entering the G7 and EU will take place through a ‘single node’ in Antwerp, which has raised concerns.

‘As a key diamond producing country, we are concerned about the implications of these restrictive measures. It is our considered view that the G7 proposal of a single node will have negative socio-economic impacts on African diamond producing countries, including Namibia,’ it stated.

It further noted that the proposal will add an additional regulatory layer, thereby creating blockages and delays that will lead to additional costs.

Additionally, the proposal will undermine the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme, rendering it irrelevant.

‘The certification that will be issued in Antwerp will, de facto, render our rights to authenticate our diamonds as non-Russian peripheral. This will undermine our sovereign right to m
anage the trade of our diamonds and in the best interest of our people,’ it said.

The ministry called on the G7 to directly and meaningfully engage with all diamond producing countries to discuss the details of the proposed measures and their implications on the involved economies and people’s livelihoods.
Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Duck Creek Technologies intègre sa plateforme de réassurance en mode cloud au marché britannique Lloyd’s of London

Duck Creek Reinsurance développe les fonctionnalités de ses logiciels leader pour accompagner mondialement les assureurs

LONDRES, 19 déc. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers), annonce la compatibilité de sa plateforme Duck Creek Reinsurance avec le régime des cessions de réassurance du Lloyd’s, ainsi que leur intégration. Le Lloyd’s exige une solide stratégie de réassurance sortante (cédante) de ses membres, appuyée par des technologies, des protocoles de contrôle, des procédures et un niveau d’expertise adéquats pour permettre une gestion efficace des transactions de réassurance sortante. Les dernières fonctionnalités de la plateforme Duck Creek Reinsurance mettent tous les outils nécessaires à la disposition des assureurs du monde entier pour rejoindre le marché numéro 1 mondial de la réassurance.

Ses fonctionnalités de cession intègrent l’ensemble des codes en usage dans les messages en lien avec les cessions de réassurance et le transfert électronique de données relatif aux conseils sur les primes, permettant aux membres du Lloyd’s et aux clients de Duck Creek de se connecter directement à la plateforme technologique et aux modèles du Lloyd’s. La plateforme Duck Creek Reinsurance est munie de la structure de données nécessaire à la prise en charge des messages orientés conseil en matière de cessions de réassurance, visant à communiquer aux souscripteurs toute transaction nouvelle, modifiée ou remplacée par les courtiers, et des notifications également orientées conseil en termes d’autorisation, refus ou modification de données. L’intégration du régime des cessions de réassurance du Lloyd’s confirmera également le succès des traitements en lots ou en signalera les anomalies le cas échéant. Les assureurs seront également automatiquement avertis de tout mouvement de cession et de leur état de traitement respectif. Le menu « régime des cessions de réassurance du Lloyd’s » de la plateforme Duck Creek Reinsurance intègre une fonctionnalité de piste d’audit complète, permettant aux assureurs de supprimer des éléments préalablement validés ou des groupes d’éléments erronés, et de demander l’annulation des éléments signés.

Pour Julien Victor, Directeur général de la gestion de la réassurance, « L’intégration du régime des cessions de réassurance du Lloyd’s à notre plateforme démontre notre engagement envers le marché de la réassurance. À l’heure où nous capitalisons sur une expérience de plus de trente ans en gestion de réassurance leader, Duck Creek Reinsurance rassemble à la fois les fonctionnalités de base et le niveau d’innovation nécessaires pour accompagner la croissance mondiale de nos clients de réassurance. Duck Creek participe également au projet Blueprint Two du Lloyd’s, et nous sommes fiers d’être en tête du marché avec une technologie en mode cloud compatible avec la plupart des programmes de réassurance pilotés par les assureurs les plus importants au monde sur un périmètre recouvrant Londres, l’Europe, la région Asie-Pacifique, les Bermudes et les États-Unis ».

Duck Creek Reinsurance est une plateforme SaaS en mode cloud, capable de se connecter à tout système de police d’assurance ou de réclamations, disposant de fonctionnalités de stockage de données et de registre en aval de la chaîne pour suivre toutes les informations liées aux contrats de réassurance (traités et contrats facultatifs), aux réclamations, aux données comptables, aux données techniques et auxiliaires, mais aussi financières, et bien plus encore. Duck Creek Reinsurance est pourvue de rapports intégrés et peut également se connecter à des solutions répandues de reporting d’entreprise. Il s’agît d’une solution flexible, adaptée aux organisations internationales réalisant des transactions en devises multiples et répondant à différents principes comptables généralement admis (ou GAAP, de l’anglais Generally Accepted Accounting Principles).

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui dessine les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes se reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et évolutives. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres-mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, n’importe quand, où, et comment ils en ressentent le plus le besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand.

Rendez-vous sur pour en savoir plus. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et Twitter.

Drake Manning
[email protected]

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