Operation Find Them All: Cellebrite Unites Philanthropic Pioneers to Accelerate Investigations of Crimes Against Children

New Landmark Campaign Leverages the Cellebrite Platform and Promise to Accelerate Justice by Equipping and Empowering Agencies Dedicated to Protecting Youth Online

TYSONS CORNER, Va. and PETAH TIKVA, Israel, Jan. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Cellebrite DI Ltd. (Nasdaq: CLBT), a global leader in premier Digital Investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, is honored to announce a powerful collaboration aimed at reducing crimes against children and online child exploitation.

This new campaign titled Operation Find Them All (OFTA) brings the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children, The Exodus Road, Raven and Cellebrite together for the first time under a collective goal to accelerate investigations of online crimes against children and in doing so, help law enforcement find missing children, solve crimes involving exploited minors, remove harmful online images and bring perpetrators to justice.

In addition to a financial investment to all three organizations, Cellebrite is providing NCMEC and The Exodus Road with in-kind use of its preeminent technology—namely Pathfinder, an AI-based Investigative Analytics solution, and Smart Search, a cloud-based OSINT tool for investigators—to help these organizations in their efforts to dismantle child exploitation and child sex trafficking rings by accelerating the time it takes for law enforcement to investigate persons and organizations of interest, analyze evidence, gather insights, develop and advance leads and rescue innocent survivors.

“’Operation Find Them All’ has the potential to aggressively accelerate the focus and efforts of all the ‘good guys’ in law enforcement working day and night to find missing children,” says NCMEC co-founder and longtime child advocate, John Walsh. “I’m deeply thankful Cellebrite is so committed and recognizes the pivotal role it plays in protecting children. Together, we can ensure that every child has a safe childhood, and that justice prevails.”

“The dangers of digital darkness demand our immediate attention and action,” said Yossi Carmil, Cellebrite’s CEO. “At Cellebrite, we are committed to working in unison with these heroic organizations and global law enforcement to help protect children around the world from online sexual exploitation. That’s why we’re dedicating Cellebrite’s resources and capabilities to finding these innocent children.”

Law enforcement at federal, state and local agencies are buried in a chilling amount of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) cases. In 2022 alone, the FBI reported 359,094 cases of missing children and NCMEC’s CyberTipline received over 32 million reports of suspected child sexual exploitation. Today’s law enforcement professionals are under-resourced and overwhelmed due to the scale and complexity of these investigations. Cellebrite’s end-to-end portfolio will better equip law enforcement and these strategic partners with the most advanced digital investigative capabilities, innovative tools and comprehensive training to confront this crisis head-on.

“Since 2012, The Exodus Road has helped to free nearly 2,500 survivors, arrest more than 1,200 perpetrators and train over 25,000 law enforcement officers and civilians to respond to human trafficking crime. Cellebrite’s digital investigative technology and support are paramount in accelerating our work to liberate those being exploited around the world,” said Matt Parker, Chief Strategist and Co-Founder of Exodus Road.

“We must recognize that the advances in ICAC require not just technology and dedication but also a firm foundation of legislative change and heightened awareness,” said John Pizzurro, Raven CEO. “Only then can we ensure the structures and governance are in place to fully resource law enforcement and to protect our children from the relentless threats they face in the digital age. That’s why we stand in solidarity with Cellebrite and support the crucial goal of this operation to find them all.”

To learn more about Operation Find Them All, go to www.OFTA.Cellebrite.com.

About Cellebrite

Cellebrite’s (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Investigative solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Investigation platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more visit us at www.cellebrite.com, https://investors.cellebrite.com, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite.

Victor Cooper
Sr. Director of Corporate Communications + Content Operations
[email protected]
+1 404.804.5910

Investor Relations
Andrew Kramer
Vice President, Investor Relations
[email protected]
+1 973.206.7760

About the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children is a private, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation whose mission is to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation, and prevent child victimization. NCMEC works with families, victims, private industry, law enforcement, and the public to assist with preventing child abductions, recovering missing children, and providing services to deter and combat child sexual exploitation.

About The Exodus Road

The Exodus Road is a global nonprofit disrupting the darkness of modern-day slavery by partnering with law enforcement to fight human-trafficking crime, equipping communities to protect the vulnerable and empowering survivors as they walk into freedom. Working side-by-side with local staff, NGO partners and law enforcement around the world, The Exodus Road fights to liberate trafficked individuals, arrest traffickers, and provide restorative care for survivors. For additional information on what you can do to help stop trafficking, please visit The Exodus Road’s website at https://theexodusroad.com/, or on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

About Raven

A 501(c)4 political lobby, Raven protects children from victimization by raising awareness of the threat of online child exploitation, increasing resources and funding to law enforcement, and lobbying for policy changes on the local and federal level.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9016600

O EMGA assegura um compromisso de financiamento de dívida sénior no valor de 30 milhões de dólares para a Citizens Development Business Finance PLC no Sri Lanka

LONDRES, Jan. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), um banco de investimento especializado em mercados emergentes, conseguiu assegurar um compromisso de 30 milhões de dólares americanos em financiamento de dívida sénior para o Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB), com sede no Sri Lanka. O EMGA iniciou, estruturou e negociou este acordo de financiamento, com o apoio financeiro fornecido pela U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC).

Sajeev Chakkalakal, Diretor da Banca de Investimento do EMGA, comentou que “Apesar dos desafios que enfrentámos, estamos muito satisfeitos por termos apresentado novamente uma solução de financiamento inovadora para o CDB. Consideramos que se trata de um marco significativo, sendo este o primeiro compromisso de financiamento externo assegurado a uma instituição financeira não-bancária do Sri Lanka em vários anos. De igual modo, irá permitir que o CDB continue a apoiar as PME, incluindo as empresas detidas por mulheres, bem como o sector das energias renováveis no país”.

Jeremy Dobson, Diretor de Operações do EMGA, comentou que “A forte posição financeira do CDB permitiu ao EMGA navegar contra os ventos macroeconómicos prevalecentes no Sri Lanka para garantir o compromisso deste financiamento. Esta conquista não só sublinha a experiência do EMGA em navegar em cenários financeiros complexos, como também destaca a colaboração bem-sucedida entre o EMGA, o CDB e o DFC na criação de um precedente positivo para uma instituição financeira líder do Sri Lanka garantir financiamento externo em climas económicos difíceis”.

Maryam Khosharay, vice-presidente adjunta do Gabinete de Crédito ao Desenvolvimento da DFC, comentou: “Estamos muito satisfeitos por dar continuidade ao compromisso da DFC para reforçar os investimentos no Sri Lanka, especialmente os que promovem o financiamento para as mulheres e os ativos ecológicos numa altura em que se enfrentam dificuldades económicas e preços elevados da energia”.

Roshan Abeygoonewardena, Diretor de Finanças Corporativas do CDB, comentando a transação, expôs que o CDB tem vindo a reforçar continuamente a base da pirâmide como um ethos abrangente da sua agenda de sustentabilidade. “Para nós, mulheres empresárias, especialmente nas microempresas e nas PME, é onde assenta o desenvolvimento da economia. Dar prioridade à emancipação das mulheres no nosso modelo de negócio, com acesso ao financiamento, o que, por sua vez, irá estimular a independência financeira e a inclusão, será a panaceia para impulsionar o desenvolvimento e a agenda económica do Sri Lanka”.

O Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), sediado em Londres e em Nova Iorque, ajuda as instituições financeiras e as empresas que procuram novas dívidas ou capital próprio. A equipa multinacional do EMGA combina décadas de experiência, necessárias para a conclusão de transações na maioria dos países emergentes, incluindo no Sri Lanka. O EMGA continua a expandir o seu alcance geográfico, solidificando o seu lugar como um banco de investimento de nicho, proeminente e centrado nos mercados emergentes.

O Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) encontra-se entre as cinco maiores instituições financeiras não-bancárias do Sri Lanka, e é uma das instituições financeiras mais inovadoras do país, com um forte compromisso para com a sustentabilidade, a governação empresarial exemplar, responsabilidade e transparência. É conhecida por perturbar o setor dos serviços financeiros com inovações tecnológicas de grande alcance e soluções financeiras de ponta.

A U.S. International Development Finance Corporation dos (DFC) é a instituição de financiamento do desenvolvimento do Governo dos EUA. O DFC estabelece parcerias com o setor privado para financiar soluções para os desafios mais críticos que o mundo em desenvolvimento atualmente enfrenta. Investimos em setores como a energia, cuidados de saúde, infraestruturas, agricultura, pequenas empresas e serviços financeiros. Os investimentos do DFC obedecem a padrões elevados e respeitam o ambiente, os direitos humanos e os direitos dos trabalhadores.


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000908404

EMGA obtient un engagement pour un financement par dette senior de 30 millions de dollars américains pour Citizens Development Business Finance PLC au Sri Lanka

LONDRES, 11 janv. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA), banque d’investissement spécialisée dans les marchés émergents, vient d’obtenir un engagement de 30 millions de dollars américains en financement par dette senior pour Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB), basée au Sri Lanka. EMGA a initié, structuré et négocié cet accord de financement, avec le soutien financier de l’Agence Américaine de Financement pour le Développement International (DFC).

Sajeev Chakkalakal, directeur des services de banque d’investissement chez EMGA, a ainsi déclaré : « Malgré les difficultés rencontrées, nous sommes ravis d’avoir à nouveau fourni une solution de financement innovante à la CDB. Nous estimons que cela constitue une étape importante, puisqu’il s’agit du premier engagement de financement externe obtenu pour une IFNB (Institution Financière Non Bancaire) sri-lankaise depuis plusieurs années. Cela permettra également à CDB de continuer à soutenir les PME, y compris les entreprises appartenant à des femmes, ainsi que le secteur des énergies renouvelables dans le pays. »

Jeremy Dobson, directeur des opérations chez EMGA, a ajouté : « La forte capacité financière de CDB a permis à EMGA de naviguer les courants macroéconomiques divergents qui prévalent au Sri Lanka et d’obtenir l’engagement pour ce financement. Cette réussite souligne non seulement l’expertise d’EMGA dans la gestion d’environnements financiers complexes, mais également la collaboration fructueuse entre EMGA, CDB et la DFC, qui a permis de créer un précédent positif pour une institution financière sri-lankaise de premier plan, lui permettant d’obtenir un financement externe dans un climat économique difficile. »

Maryam Khosharay, vice-présidente adjointe du service des crédits au développement de la DFC, a ainsi confié : « Nous sommes très heureux de poursuivre l’engagement de la DFC à soutenir les investissements au Sri Lanka, en particulier ceux favorisant le financement bénéficiant les femmes et les actifs verts et ce en période de difficultés économiques et de hauts prix des énergies. »

Commentant la transaction, le directeur des finances de CDB, Roshan Abeygoonewardena, a précisé que CDB n’a cessé de renforcer la base de la pyramide économique, ce qui est un principe fondamental de son programme de développement durable. « Nous estimons que les femmes entrepreneurs, en particulier dans les microentreprises et les PME, sont les rouages de l’économie. Donner la priorité à l’autonomisation des femmes dans notre modèle d’entreprise avec un accès au financement qui, à son tour, stimulera l’indépendance et l’inclusion financières, sera crucial pour donner de l’élan au développement et à l’agenda économique du Sri Lanka. »

La société EMGA (Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP), dotée de bureaux à Londres et à New York, aide les institutions financières et les entreprises à la recherche de nouveaux capitaux d’emprunt ou de fonds propres. L’équipe multinationale d’EMGA représente les décennies d’expérience nécessaires pour mener à bien des transactions dans la plupart des pays émergents, y compris le Sri Lanka. EMGA continue d’étendre sa portée géographique, consolidant ainsi sa place en tant que banque d’investissement spécialisée prédominante, dont le focus est les marchés émergents.

Citizens Development Business Finance PLC (CDB) figure parmi les cinq plus grandes institutions financières non bancaires du Sri Lanka. C’est également l’un des établissements financiers les plus innovants du pays, avec un engagement fort en faveur de la durabilité ainsi qu’une gouvernance d’entreprise, une prise de responsabilité et une transparence exemplaires. Elle est réputée pour son bouleversement du secteur des services financiers grâce à des innovations technologiques de grande envergure et des solutions financières avant-gardistes.

L’Agence Américaine de Financement pour le Développement International (DFC) est l’organisme du gouvernement américain du financement pour le développement. La DFC s’associe au secteur privé pour financer des solutions aux défis les plus critiques auxquels les régions en voie de développement sont confrontées aujourd’hui. Nous investissons dans des secteurs tels que l’énergie, les soins de santé, les infrastructures, l’agriculture, les petites entreprises et les services financiers. Les investissements de la DFC répondent à des normes rigoureuses et respectent l’environnement, les droits de l’homme et les droits des travailleurs.


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000908404