OTA urges community to prevent animals from harming crops

OLUNO: Ondonga Traditional Authority (OTA) spokesperson, Frans Enkali, has warned residents with domestic animals within their communities to refrain them from harming and destroying people’s crops, by taking care of them, or face the law.

Enkali in an interview with Nampa on Saturday said the traditional authority has observed some subsistence farmers leaving their animals to roam around all day, without supervision, hence the need for them to start taking care of their animals.

‘It is rainy season and most people have started cultivating their fields, so OTA is not going to entertain those who fail to take care of their animals.

We must start looking after our animals, putting our chicken in enclosures as well as our pigeons and guineafowls,’ said Enkali.

Enkali also stated that those who fail to take care of their animals are going to face traditional laws.

‘We have traditional ways of dealing with such cases. Should a complainant come forth with such a case, the suspect will be required to pay what t
he victim would want to be paid,’ Enkali warned.

The headman or headwoman takes control first when dealing with traditional laws, and if the matter goes out of hand then the OTA intervenes to resolve the issue.

He went on to encourage the residents to start working in their Mahangu fields as the rain started to make sure they produce something for themselves and their families.

‘The rain has started so we encourage those that did not start cultivating their fields to start now before they regret not doing so,’ Enkali said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Footsteps For Africa unveils renovated Eros Girls’ School hostel

WINDHOEK: Footsteps For Africa Founder, Austin Cameron, on Friday unveiled the newly renovated hostel at the Eros Girls’ School.

The hostel’s renovation, which was done at a cost of N.dollars 1 million, was the brainchild of Footsteps For Africa, aided by their donors.

Speaking at the unveiling ceremony in the capital, Jordania Andima, Footseps For Africa’s country representative, outlined the process of having this project completed.

‘We visited the school earlier in the year around January and spoke to the school principal and alerted her that we are in search of projects for the year. After that we put out a call for donors and luckily, we got a generous donation for the renovation of the school hostel, which started in November 2023,’ said Andima.

She further explained that this is only phase one of the work they will be doing at Eros Girls’ School and that they are deliberating on how to further improve the learning environment for the students.

Speaking at the same occasion, Executive Director in t
he Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, Sanet Steenkamp, expressing her gratitude to the work that had been done by Footsteps For Africa, and how it will greatly improve the livelihoods for the young girls.

‘You used your mind and your heart as well as your hands and did something amazing,’ stated Steenkamp.

She further expressed her admiration towards resource schools stating that they have a special place in her heart and encourages many other schools to learn from them.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency