Bank Windhoek theft suspects denied bail

WINDHOEK: The two suspects arrested in Opuwo in connection with the theft of N.dollars 2 million from Bank Windhoek, were denied bail when they made their first appearance in the Opuwo Magistrate’s Court on Thursday.

The accused, 34-year-old Untag Kamati and 19-year-old Fenni Megameno Ankoshi, appeared before Magistrate Eden Kuneni Amutenya. They face charges of conspiracy to commit the offence of theft, and theft. The State is alleging that the duo conspired with Bank Windhoek employee Nico Rebebe to steal N.dollars 2 505 845 on 13 January. Rebebe has since been on the run and is wanted by the police.

State Prosecutor Johanna Hamunyela opposed the granting of bail, citing the seriousness of the charges, that investigations are at an early stage, and that the suspects may interfere with State witnesses and police investigations if they are granted bail.

Presiding Magistrate Eden Amutenya in the meantime informed the suspects of their rights to a formal bail application. Kamati and Ankoshi indicated that th
ey will be applying for legal aid lawyers through the Directorate of Legal Aid. The matter was postponed to 11 April 2024 for further police investigations.

Meanwhile, the police in Rundu also arrested six suspects in connection with the same incident. Their arrests were confirmed by Deputy Commissioner Kaunapawa Shikwambi in a press statement, which said the suspects will appear in the Rundu Magistrate’s Court on Friday.

Bank Windhoek has offered a reward of N.dollars 20 000 to anyone with information that could lead to the successful apprehension of Rebebe.

The Namibian Police Force initially reported that Rebebe transferred N.dollars 200 million to two separate bank accounts, and Bank Windhoek has since said the potential loss is less than N.dollars 2 million ‘thanks to vigilant staff action and robust systems and controls within the bank.’

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Motshekga congratulates matric class of 2023 top achievers

Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga, was beaming this morning as she congratulated learners who have produced excellent results in their National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams.

‘I stand here with an immense sense of pride as we host our best learners. And for the year, we presented over 800 000 learners and more than 750 000 were full time learners and to be here, I’m sure it’s unbelievable. Indeed, you’re ahead of the pack in so many ways,’ she told the country’s cream of the crop on Thursday.

Motshekga and Deputy Minister, Dr Reginah Mhaule, hosted a breakfast for the 2023 matric top achievers at the MTN Innovation Centre in Randburg, Johannesburg.

‘I want to congratulate you and say thank you for making us very proud. Is it not so parents? You have made us really proud. For that, we’re really grateful to our children,’ Motshekga added.

She told the boffins that their achievement was not a small feat and described their success as an honour that they would carry for the rest of their lives.

‘South Africa stands with a sense of pride to commemorate the exceptional achievement of the 2023 top matric learners. Not matric learners, but top matric learners,’ Motshekga stressed.

She told the attendees that the moment was not only a celebration of academic excellence but a testament to the resilience and determination of the youngsters.

‘The class of 2023 was no ordinary class and indeed it has demonstrated extraordinary perseverance. In a period marked by post-pandemic challenges, we [weathered the storm].

‘And those in the public system came back to school in September and those in the public sector, we started rotating you… I always tell people that we don’t set an exam the year of the exam. Whether the pandemic hits, the [question] paper is set three years in [advance]. So, you have to sail through.’

One of the celebrated achievers, Kamohelo Mosikili, 18, from Selelekela Senior Secondary School in Bloemfontein said he dedicated his time to learning for his exams and that there was no time for g

He told a journalist that he was planning to study computer science at the University of Cape Town as he dreams of becoming a software engineer.

Some of the attendees were proud parents who could not stop smiling.

‘We are extremely thankful to have our son as a top achiever. It is only through hard work that he was able to make it this far,’ said Jean and Lientjie Goodey, the parents of one of the top achievers who were honoured.

The Minister will again join the top achievers on stage this evening where she will deliver the ministerial announcement on the results at the Mosaïek Church, in Randburg, Johannesburg.

Meanwhile, the matric results for the NSC exams are expected to be released on Friday, 19 January.

On Monday, the national education quality assurance body, Umalusi, approved the release of the NSC exams.

This was announced by Umalusi Council Chairperson Prof Yunus Ballim.

‘As we look ahead, let us continue to strive for an education system that enables an inclusive society where every c
hild can achieve their full potential regardless of their background,’ Motshekga added.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Woman allegedly raped and robbed at Ongwediva

OSHAKATI: A 19-year-old woman was allegedly raped after a 20-year-old man broke into her sleeping room in the early hours of Thursday at Ongwediva in the Oshana Region.

Namibian Police Force (NamPol) Community Affairs Officer for the region, Inspector Thomas Aiyambo, said that the incident occurred at around 00h00 at Ondjokwe street in Ongwediva.

According to Aiyambo, it is alleged that the victim was home sleeping, when the suspect broke into the house.

‘The suspect tied the victim’s hands, legs and covered her eyes and mouth with tape. The suspect then removed the victim’s clothes and raped her,’ he said.

He added that the suspect then took victim’s money N.dollars 20 and damaged a cellphone worth N.dollars 2 500.

Aiyambo indicated that the suspect has been arrested and the phone had been recovered.

Police investigations into the matter continue.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Learner allegedly raped on the way to school at Ondangwa

OSHAKATI: The Namibia Police Force (NamPol) in the Oshana Region is urging learners to walk in groups when heading to and from schools, as this may enhance their safety.

This comes after an 11-year-old girl was allegedly raped by an unknown man at the Etambo dumping site in the Ondangwa area on Tuesday.

NamPol’s Oshana Community Affairs Officer, Inspector Thomas Aiyambo, said the victim was allegedly on her way to school at the time of the incident.

‘When she got at the dumping site, where she used to pass, she allegedly found the suspect who then grabbed her removed her clothes and raped her,’ he said.

He added that the matter was reported to the police by the victim’s aunt.

Police investigation into the matter continues.

Aiyambo further called on the communities to assist the police to ensure the safety of the Namibian child by reporting cases of this nature when they do occur.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

MTC increases netball sponsorship by 36 per cent

WINDHOEK: Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC) has increased its sponsorship budget for the Namibia Netball Premier League (NNPL) by 36 per cent, from N. dollars 1.9 million to N. dollars 2.5 million.

The renewal of the sponsorship was announced by the company’s Chief Human Capital, Marketing and Corporate Affairs Officer, Tim Ekandjo and Netball Namibia President, Rebekka /Goagoses, on Thursday.

According to Ekandjo, they chose to increase the amount of the sponsorship from N. dollars 1.9 million to N. dollar 2.5 million, because they want the NNPL to have a completely professional setup, where players get pay slips and can take care of their families and for that reason they will continue to support the progression of the sport.

‘We are very intentional about our sponsorships and in fact these negotiations have been going on for very long, way before we announced this sponsorship three years-ago and we were very clear in saying we want to make netball one of the most popular sport codes in the country
,’ said Ekandjo.

/Goagoses expressed her gratitude, stating that this sponsorship has brought value and confidence to the girl child.

‘We can comfortably select our national team from this setup that MTC made possible and another value we can proudly express is that this sponsorship has created jobs to our players within the correctional service and in the forces that require you to play in the league, so our players are being paid and that adds value to their living standard,’ she said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency