NTLA mourns President Geingob

KEETMANSHOOP: Chief of the |Hai-|Khaua Traditional Authority (TA), Johannes Isaack, on behalf of all the Nama clans on Monday expressed his condolences to the former First Lady, Monica Geingos, children, family and the entire country on the death of President Hage Geingob on Sunday.

Speaking at a press conference here on Monday, Isaack, who is the chairman of the Nama Traditional Leaders Association (NTLA) said: ‘It is with faith in our Lord’s declaration and with profound sorrow that we, the NTLA, together with all our Nama traditional authorities and the entire Nama nation, extend our sincere condolences to our First Lady, Monica Geingos, the children and extended family. NTLA also extends our deepest condolences to His Excellency, President Nangolo Mbumba and his wife, the Government of the Republic of Namibia, and the entire Namibian nation. May President Hage Geingob’s soul rest in eternal peace.’

Isaack said even if the leadership style of the late Head of State was sometimes not understood by sosme,
he was an excellent administrator and policy-maker, adding that his caring and commitment towards the elders and the wellbeing of the entire Namibian nation will be remembered and cherished forever.

‘For the Namibian nation, this will indeed be a painful and challenging period. Our nation never experienced the loss of a president, especially not a sitting president. During these difficult times, we are acknowledging that life’s challenges are an unavoidable part of the human experience, which must be approached with calm, patience and fortitude,’ said Isaack.

He added that the Namibian people know about pain because of the genocide and colonisation, but that they endured hardships with grace, and therefore, understand transcending suffering, embracing challenges and the ultimate manifesting of strength and resilience.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

OTA mourns President Geingob

OPUWO: The Ovaherero Traditional Authority, under the leadership of Professor Mutjinde Katjiua, on Monday joined the nation in remembering President Hage Gottfried Geingob, who died in Windhoek on Sunday aged 82.

In a statement issued on Monday, Katjiua described Geingob’s demise as a significant loss not only for Namibians, but for the entire African continent and the rest of the world.

Katjiua expressed the Ovaherero people’s condolences to former First Lady, Monica Geingos and the family.

He asserted that despite the president’s demise, his legacy and fervent dedication to humanity and Africa will endure.

‘He executed his global responsibilities with diligence and determination at the United Nations, where he began as a young political affairs officer, the World Bank’s Global Coalition for Africa, which he led, and his various roles at SADC, where he adeptly managed democratic transitions in several countries, and the numerous assignments he conscientiously carried out at the AU and globally,’ Katjiua

He further added that Geingob’s contribution to Namibia is immeasurable, citing his tenure in Swapo as the chief envoy to the UN and the Americas.

Katjiua further highlighted that the late Geingob embodied the finer sensibilities and ambitions of Namibia’s diverse nation.

He noted that Geingob will be remembered for his proactive approach to global challenges such as the financial crisis and the COVID-19 outbreak.

While acknowledging disagreements, especially regarding the German-Namibian Joint Declaration, Katjiua emphasised that their candid, good-spirited disagreements did not diminish their appreciation for Geingob’s viewpoint. This viewpoint, rooted in his deeply held republican belief, held that ‘to be born a nation, the tribe must die.’

Moreover, Katjiua pointed out that the memorial shrine in honour of the father of Namibian nationalism, paramount Chief Hosea Kutako, stands as a tribute to Geingob’s ability to weave the different and complex narratives of the Namibian family into a unif
ied tapestry.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Guiteb remembers Geingob’s Goldstar music band days

OTJIWARONGO: Former Robben Island prisoner Lazarus Guiteb, on Monday remembered President Hage Geingob’s youthful days when he was a member of the Goldstar Brothers Band from Windhoek.

The 82-year-old Geingob died in the early hours of Sunday at a Windhoek hospital in the Khomas Region.

Guiteb, in an interview with Nampa, said Geingob was a cheerful young man in the 1960s, when he met him at a music concert in Otjiwarongo.

‘Geingob was a member of the Goldstar Brothers Band that used to travel from Windhoek and come perform in Otjiwarongo during the days when he was at Augustineum Secondary School,’ said Guiteb.

Guiteb said in 1977 he was arrested and sentenced to eight years in prison to Robben Island, he was kept until 1985.

In 1986 in Luanda, Angola, Guiteb met Geingob again in the liberation struggle meetings, where he discovered that Geingob had become a big senior Swapo leader and a people’s person.

The 81-year-old Guiteb further told that while in exile, he saw Geingob grow into several senior po
litical positions of Swapo, becoming a unifier and a true Namibian political hero.

Swapo Party coordinator in the Otjozondjupa Region Immanuel Namaseb, also on Monday said he was in shock upon hearing the death of Geingob on Sunday morning.

He however called on the Otjozondjupa residents to unite as that was Geingob’s ultimate desire for all Namibians.

Otjiwarongo Mayor Gottlieb Shivute on his part said Geingob’s death touched everyone in Otjiwarongo.

Shivute then extended the Otjiwarongo Municipality’s message of condolences to the former First Lady Monica Geingos, as well as to Geingob’s family still residing in Otjiwarongo, Otavi, Grootfotein, Tsumeb and Windhoek.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Kunene leaders appeal for calm, unity following President Geingob’s death

OPUWO: Political figures in the Kunene Region have urged the region’s residents to be calm and united, as well as to pray for the soul of Namibia’s third President, Hage Gottfried Geingob, who died in Windhoek on Sunday.

The president died at the age of 82 while receiving medical treatment at the Lady Pohamba Private Hospital.

Kunene Region Governor Marius Sheya issued a statement on behalf of the Kunene regional leadership, expressing their deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and the Namibian people on President Geingob’s untimely death.

Sheya urged the people of the Kunene Region to remain calm and united in honour of the late president’s legacy and mourn his death while awaiting developments in the events of laying him to rest.

Opuwo Mayor Rosa Mbinge-Tjeundo hailed Geingob as a leader who was extremely dedicated and committed to the Republic of Namibia.

Mbinge-Tjeundo, speaking on behalf of the people of Opuwo, noted that Geingob’s unflinching leadership and dedication t
o serving his people had left an indelible impression on the nation.

‘His loss is deeply felt, and we join the nation in mourning the departure of a true giant in our country’s history,’ she said.

Mbinge-Tjeundo went on to explain that Opuwo warmly remembered President Geingob’s last visit to the community, where his presence resonated with the residents.

‘The memories of that visit will forever remain etched in our hearts, serving as a testament to his enduring legacy,’ she added.

Speaking with Nampa on Monday, Swapo Party Kunene regional coordinator Julius Kaujova said the country has lost a symbol of the liberation fight, an inspiring leader who pushed for justice and fair opportunity for everyone. Kaujova stated that Geingob’s credo ‘Harambee’ should be embraced to improve the nation’s economic condition.

Kaujova also urged the region to join the rest of the country in mourning, which began on Monday and will end with late President Geingob’s burial, and to maintain calm and unity during this period
of transformation and sorrow.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Krönlein FC victorious in Kazi tourney at Keetmanshoop

KEETMANSHOOP: The Krönlein B Football Club were on Sunday crowned champions of the 2024 first edition of the Kazi Tournament in Keetmanshoop.

The final was played between Krönlein FC and Koppieslaagte, the game ended in a 0-0 draw and Krönlein FC won on penalties 4-2.

About 16 teams participated in the tournament that took place Saturday and Sunday at the J Stephanus Stadium in Tseiblaagte. The tourney provided a platform for teams from different local residential areas to compete against each other.

One of the organisers of the tournament, Suzel Cloete said the event was aimed at ‘keeping the youth from the streets, away from drugs and alcohol, also to introduce or develop grassroot football as well as creating a platform where teammates from the same team can play against each other as they are not staying in the same location.’

Cloete said the 2024 second edition of the tournament will take place later this year.

Krönlein FC walked away with N.dollars 5 000 while Koppieslaagte earned N.dollars 3 000 a
s runner-up and Krönlein A team walked away with N.dollars 1 000 in third spot.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Kunene leaders appeal for calm, unity following President Geingob’s deathHealth working around the clock to absorb unemployed doctors – Minister Phaahla

OPUWO: Political figures in the Kunene Region have urged the region’s residents to be calm and united, as well as to pray for the soul of Namibia’s third President, Hage Gottfried Geingob, who died in Windhoek on Sunday.

The president died at the age of 82 while receiving medical treatment at the Lady Pohamba Private Hospital.

Kunene Region Governor Marius Sheya issued a statement on behalf of the Kunene regional leadership, expressing their deepest sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and the Namibian people on President Geingob’s untimely death.

Sheya urged the people of the Kunene Region to remain calm and united in honour of the late president’s legacy and mourn his death while awaiting developments in the events of laying him to rest.

Opuwo Mayor Rosa Mbinge-Tjeundo hailed Geingob as a leader who was extremely dedicated and committed to the Republic of Namibia.

Mbinge-Tjeundo, speaking on behalf of the people of Opuwo, noted that Geingob’s unflinching leadership and dedication t
o serving his people had left an indelible impression on the nation.

‘His loss is deeply felt, and we join the nation in mourning the departure of a true giant in our country’s history,’ she said.

Mbinge-Tjeundo went on to explain that Opuwo warmly remembered President Geingob’s last visit to the community, where his presence resonated with the residents.

‘The memories of that visit will forever remain etched in our hearts, serving as a testament to his enduring legacy,’ she added.

Speaking with Nampa on Monday, Swapo Party Kunene regional coordinator Julius Kaujova said the country has lost a symbol of the liberation fight, an inspiring leader who pushed for justice and fair opportunity for everyone. Kaujova stated that Geingob’s credo ‘Harambee’ should be embraced to improve the nation’s economic condition.

Kaujova also urged the region to join the rest of the country in mourning, which began on Monday and will end with late President Geingob’s burial, and to maintain calm and unity during this period
of transformation and sorrow.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla says while there are budgetary constraints when it comes to the employment of doctors who wish to remain in the public service after completing community service, the Department of Health is working around the clock to address this.

‘We are doing everything possible, working with the provincial Health Departments, to mobilise resources to fund vacant posts, especially in health facilities in underserved communities,’ the Minister said on Monday.

Phaahla was addressing media on issues related to the employment of medical doctors and other health professionals in the country.

This follows an ongoing public outcry over doctors who have completed statutory community service programmes but remain unemployed.

Phaahla said doctors play a valuable role in the public health system of the country.

He explained that all graduates from medical school must do a two-year internship training in designated health facilities accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPC
SA). Once they have completed their internship, they must do a one-year community service in health facilities.

‘As of now, all those graduates who were eligible for placement to do internship have been placed. Equally, all those who finished the internship and were eligible to start community service have been placed,’ said Phaahla.

However, the Minister clarified that once a doctor has finished community service, they are registered with the HPCSA in the category of medical officer independent practice. This means they can work on their own without supervision, including as a single private practitioner.

‘We appreciate the fact that there are many medical officers who are now registered for independent practice, who prefer to stay in the public service.

‘Unlike internship and community service, which are a statutory requirement and are subject to placement by the Department of Health, independent practitioners have an individual choice of where to go. We are unable to know how many wish to stay in the p
ublic service,’ the Minister said.

However, he said the trade union submitted a list of 825 unemployed medical doctors in January 2023.

The department has since found that out of the 825 doctors on the list, 694 had just completed their community service on 31 December 2023. Most of these have applied for medical officer posts in the various provinces.

‘However, the [provinces] place adverts at varying times, depending on several factors, especially budget availability,’ Phaahla said, adding that some doctors on the list still needed to complete their community service obligations.

Phaahla also touched on the extremely high cost of employment, which can be up to 65% of annual budgets in some instances.

He also noted that the salary increases of 7.5% and benefits such as overtime put pressure on the fiscus.

According to the Minister, an entry-level community service doctor earns about R1.2 million per annum, while a chief specialist can earn R3 million a year.

‘Given the fiscus challenges the country is
facing, as alluded to by the Minister of Finance, the department has had several bilateral engagements with National Treasury to find creative ways to shield the healthcare service and the frontline workforce.’

In addition, Phaahla noted the rising numbers of unemployed graduates experienced across many sectors.

However, in the public health sector, the employment of health professionals has been on a steady increase, from 1 472 medical interns appointed in 2018 to 2 101 in 2024.

‘These increases over these years have happened despite the funding constraints,’ he said.

Since October 2023 to date, the Minister said 564 medical officer posts were filled, 239 posts are currently advertised in the media, and 375 will be advertised in the next six months.

‘It is important that I emphasise that doctors would need to apply like any other person wishing to join the public service. In addition, we are looking at a review of the current dispensation for the employment of doctors, especially medical officers and sp

Source: South African Government News Agency