President Ramaphosa expected to announce Election Day within 15 days

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to announce the date for the 2024 national elections within 15 days of the State of the Nation Address, which is to be delivered tomorrow evening.

‘We look forward to the President delivering the State of the Nation Address tomorrow at 7pm. It it will be the administration’s seventh – in a year which marks 30 years since Parliament ushered in the democratic dispensation,’ Presidential spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said.

Addressing the media at the Imbizo Media Centre in Cape Town earlier today, Magwenya urged all South Africans to follow tomorrow’s address as it deals with the state of the nation, not only the state of one segment or some segments of the nation.

‘We are united in the progress we have made and united in the work we need to do to address the challenges we face,’ he said.

Magwenya said the President was recovering well from the flu and would be up to the task of delivering his address.

‘Last night we were with him going through the draft [speech] until
very late. By then he had improved significantly,’ Magwenya said.

On Friday, the President will be up at dawn to warm up for the annual Presidential Golf Challenge.

‘The Presidential Golf Challenge is coordinated by the Minister of Public Service and Administration and will raise funds for the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation.

‘The Foundation’s partner entity, the Adopt-A-School Foundation, will use the funds to construct ablution facilities at schools in support of the Department of Basic Education’s SAFE Initiative, which stands for Sanitation Appropriate for Education,’ Magwenya said.

‘This is an important investment in the dignity of learners and staff at our schools and a contribution to social infrastructure in the country,’ Magwenya said.

The President is honoured that his playing partner this year is 14-year-old Botshepehi Phakoe from Mangaung in the Free State.

‘Botshepehi is one of the best young players in the Free State Junior Union and we hope he doesn’t put too much pressure on the President on
the first tee,’ Magwenya said.

On Friday evening, the President will express his appreciation to the event’s sponsors and partners at a prizegiving dinner where players will be recognised.

This year’s SONA holds special significance as it is not only the end of term, but also the address ahead of South Africa’s celebration of 30 years of freedom and democracy.

This is an opportunity to reflect on how far the nation has come and recommit to working together to build the country envisioned at the start of democracy.

The State of the Nation Address sets out government’s key policy objectives and deliverables for the year ahead.

During the address, the President will highlight achievements, flag challenges and outline interventions to unlock the country’s development.

The address marks the official start of the Parliamentary programme. It will be followed by a debate in the National Assembly and the President’s reply to the debate.

Source: South African Government News Agency

B1 collision victim identified

OTJIWARONGO: The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) has confirmed the identity of a man who died in a road crash south of Otjiwarongo Wednesday morning as Francois Seibeb.

In an interview with Nampa, NamPol Crime Investigations Coordinator in the Otjozondjupa Region, Deputy Commissioner Edna Nawa, said Seibeb’s vehicle collided head-on with a mini-truck belonging to a private courier service on the B1 road south of Otjiwarongo.

Nawa said Seibeb, who was alone at the time of the incident, was traveling from the direction of Otjiwarongo towards Okahandja, while the truck was headed in the opposite direction.

‘Approximately 10 kilometres south of Otjiwarongo, the two cars collided with severe impact, killing the sedan driver on the spot,’ said Nawa.

Preliminary police investigations indicate that the truck allegedly veered to the right side of the road, where the collision occurred.

The 37-year-old male driver of the truck sustained slight injuries and was treated at the Otjiwarongo State Hospital.

A culpable
homicide docket has been opened against the truck’s driver and police investigations continue.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Cloudy conditions expected ahead of SONA

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) predicts a cloudy start to Thursday’s State of the Nation Address (SONA), with skies clearing in the afternoon and moderate winds.

‘There will be a cloudy start to the day but clearing up as the day progresses and becoming more partly cloudy to sunny conditions later on for tomorrow,’ the SAWS told SAnews.

The SAWS predicts mild temperatures around mid-20 degrees Celsius with a moderate south-westerly wind expected throughout the day.

‘There is a weak cold front that is passing through tonight and if there’s any rain, it will be through the night or the early hours of tomorrow morning,’ the SAWS explained.

This as all roads lead to the Cape Town City Hall where President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver his highly anticipated SONA.

The address is an opportunity for the President to account to the nation on government’s work and to set the State’s programme of action.

The President’s speech will touch on the general state of South Africa, and reflect on a wide range o
f political, economic and social matters within the domestic and global contexts.

The address will be followed by a two-day joint debate on his address and he will then reply to issues raised in the debates.

During this important joint sitting of Parliament, the President usually also makes key government announcements.

Activities prior to the President delivering the SONA include a 21-gun salute, an aircraft fly-past, a ceremonial guard and the step guard salute.

There will also be the singing of the national anthem, a full military band, and ceremonial processions involving provincial Speakers, Premiers, the judiciary, the Deputy President, and the President.

The President will be ushered into the National Assembly by praise singer, Senziwe Hatty Maliba, a 24-year-old from Nkomazi in Mpumalanga.

Source: South African Government News Agency

More bills to be introduced in Parliament

WINDHOEK: Several bills are set to be brought before the Namibian Parliament this year, with the legislative year having commenced on Tuesday.

President Nangolo Mbumba while formally inaugurating the ninth session of the seventh Parliament on Tuesday said some of the proposed bills to be tabled in the National Assembly include the Regional Constituency Fund Bill; the Health Professions Bill; the Namibia Energy Regulator Bill; the Electricity Bill; and the Marriage Bill.

Others are the Child Justice Bill; Ombudsman Bill; Marriage Bill; Divorce Bill; Public Gathering and Demonstration Bill; Regularisation of Status of Certain Residents, Their Foreign Spouses, and Their Descendants Bill; as well as the Roads Bill and Vehicle Mass Bill.

The parliamentary session this year is running under the theme ‘Improved public engagement to meet the expectations of the citizens.’

Speaker of the National Assembly, Peter Katjavivi said the theme reminds lawmakers of their duties to forge close ties with the Namibian people

‘This theme underscores the imperative for us as elected representatives to listen, engage, and act decisively to address the challenges facing our citizens, including efficient service delivery. Our actions in this parliament must reflect the aspirations and the needs of our people,’ Katjavivi said.

‘As we embark on this new legislative year, it is important that we reflect on the progress we have made as a nation as we approach the 2024 Presidential and National Assembly elections. Let us renew our commitment to the leadership as well as to the need to preserve peace and stability in our country.’

The speaker also paid tribute to the late president Hage Geingob, who was among the founding members of the National Assembly, while urging members of parliament to emulate his spirit of unity and cooperation.

‘Our late president would always stress and underline that idea of togetherness, holding hands, and he would constantly refer to the Namibian House as being inclusive forever.

‘It is true that our com
bined effort can achieve greater good for our country and its people as per our national theme of ‘One Namibia, One Nation’,’ he said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

KZN disaster teams respond to areas affected by severe thunderstorm

The KwaZulu-Natal Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department says provincial disaster management teams are responding to the trail of destruction caused by severe thunderstorms, accompanied by strong winds and lightning, in Dannhauser, Estcourt, Vryheid and Ulundi.

The department said three learners from Mandlamasha Primary School in Dannhauser (under Amajuba District) were struck by lightning on their way home from school on Monday.

One learner died on the spot, while the other two were rushed to hospital, where they are recovering.

KZN Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs MEC, Bongiwe Sithole-Moloi, has expressed condolences to the family of the departed learner and wished a speedy recovery to the two who were hospitalised.

‘It is deeply sad that such a young person has left us in a tragic manner. We express our deepest condolences to the family, and we wish a speedy recovery to the other two learners that are in hospital.

‘Our disaster team will reach out to the families,’ Sit
hole-Moloi said.

Sithole-Moloi said a number of households in the three areas were severely impacted, as the strong wind tore roofs apart, causing damage to the valuables of many families.

She said public infrastructure was not spared from the disaster as power lines were destroyed by the strong winds, resulting in power outages in some areas.

‘Our initial reports suggest that the most affected areas were Wembezi in Estcourt (under Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality), Nhlazatshe in Ulundi and Ozwathini and Mhlongo farm under Abaqulusi Local Municipality.

‘It is deeply saddening that the inclement weather has caused yet another disaster in our province, as many municipalities are currently repairing homes and infrastructure after last month’s heavy rains. We have sent teams that are currently on the ground to assist affected families with immediate relief and to attend to the needs of those affected,’ the MEC said.

Sithole-Moloi has instructed the disaster teams to work together with all affected mun
icipalities, and the department has coordinated with other departments to come to the aid of affected families.

‘Some families have lost their valuables, such as furniture and important documents and medication. We are engaging with the Department of Health, Home Affairs, and SASSA [South African Social Security Agency] to assist with the replacement of important documents and medication.

‘The disaster team is providing immediate relief, as it continues with assessments to establish the full extent of the damage in all affected areas. More details will be confirmed at a later stage,’ Sithole-Moloi said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Nearly 7 000 civil, labour cases finalised in 2023

WINDHOEK: Chief Justice, Peter Shivute, has revealed that the High Court finalised a total 6 827 civil and labour-related cases in 2023, accounting for 64 per cent of the matters heard last year.

This, he said, is a demonstration of notable efficiency in case disposal.

Shivute was speaking at the official opening of the 2024 legal year in the capital on Wednesday. At the occasion, members of the judiciary, including High Court and Supreme Court judges, observed a moment of silence in honour of the late President Hage Geingob, who died on Sunday in a Windhoek hospital. President Nangolo Mbumba, who was subsequently sworn in as Head of State, officiated the opening of the legal year.

‘Notably, 5 355 of these cases met the prescribed disposal benchmarks, leading to an impressive on-time disposal rate of 78 per cent. This achievement underscores a pattern of steady improvement in the on-time performance of the main division,’ Shivute said.

In his speech, Mbumba stressed the judiciary’s constitutional role in
the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections in November.

‘Our late President, Dr Hage G Geingob, named 2024 the Year of Expectations. This theme resonates with important events taking place in our country this year, among them the Presidential and National Assembly elections. The Judiciary, as an indispensable organ of State, should play its constitutional and complementary role to ensure the seamless holding of elections that are free and fair,’ Mbumba said.

He further stressed government’s commitment in providing budgetary funding to the Office of the Judiciary to enhance its capacity.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency