Former presidential photographer reflects on time spent with GeingobRespect your teachers, urges MEC Chiloane

WINDHOEK: Maria Namundjebo, who previously worked with the late President Hage Geingob as presidential photographer, has described Geingob as a leader and mentor who motivated her to follow her dreams.

Namundjebo is currently a policy analyst in the Office of the President, but previously served as senior presidential photographer for former presidents Sam Nujoma, Hifikepunye Pohamba, as well as the late Geingob.

Namundjebo in an interview with Nampa described the late president as a leader and mentor who motivated her to surpass her dreams, and encouraged others to be exceptional and efficient at service delivery. She told this agency that she met Geingob when he was Namibia’s prime minister.

‘I then worked for the late president from 2015 to 2019 and I had the privilege of traveling around the world with him, covering national duties whether local or international, and capturing great moments of the late president’s life. I was able to witness his commitment to serving the people of Namibia with humility
, integrity, and compassion,’ she said.

Although she captured moments of the late president for the world to see, Namundjebo shared that through the lens, she saw a man of vision and unparalleled leadership skills. She remembered him as being a person full of jokes, yet always supportive of her career choices, while further describing him as someone who cared for his nation and his team.

‘I still remember in 2019 when I took study leave for a month to prepare for my exams, upon returning to the office he asked where I’d been, and before I could answer he asked me not to lie. I told him, Comrade President, I was on study leave. He then asked what I was studying and I said I was doing my Master’s Degree in International Relations, Diplomacy, and Management. He was so happy and encouraged me to keep up my studies while acknowledging my photography skills,’ said Namundjebo.

She noted that the late president impacted her career and the media as he would always be respectful and dedicated during his time with th
e media.

‘He was a remarkable and supportive leader whose caring spirit impacted the whole nation,’ Namundjebo said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Gauteng Education MEC Matome Chiloane has urged pupils at Primrose Primary School in Germiston to respect their teachers.

This follows an incident where a Grade 6 boy learner allegedly shot the school principal.

The unfortunate incident occurred on Friday and the principal is still recovering from the gunshot wound in hospital.

Addressing the school’s learners on Monday, Chiloane urged learners to always respect the teaching staff and the school’s management.

He said occurrences of such nature should not take place, especially in the school environment, where it is supposed to be safe, and children should not feel scared.

‘…That child did something that shocked all of us. It’s unfortunate what is going to happen because once you do something like this, your future is also compromised.

‘The learner has been arrested… You must respect your school principal all the time. You must listen to them because your teachers are your parents in school.

‘Once you don’t respect your teachers, it means you do not res
pect at home,’ he said.

Chiloane said the school leadership has assured him that since the incident occurred, they ‘have been on top of things’.

The children are receiving counselling and support, including the teachers, who are all shaken by the incident.

‘As it stands, the child is appearing in court today and the father has been apprehended as well for negligence,’ the MEC said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Government activities for the week 19 to 23 February 2024

On Tuesday, 20 February, Western Cape Premier Alan Winde and MEC Reagan Allen hand over drones to district mayors at the Huguenot Community Hall, Paarl, Western Cape. It is World Day of Social Justice 2024. Statistics South Africa releases the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) results for the fourth quarter of 2023.

On Wednesday, 21 February, the Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana tables the Budget Speech in Parliament. It is International Tourist Guide Day 2024. It is International Mother Language Day 2024.

On Thursday, 22 February, the Minister of Finance Enoch Godongwana will deliver a keynote address at a post-Budget Speech Analysis event hosted by Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) in partnership with the Sunday Times in Cape Town. President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers the annual address to the National House of Traditional and Khoi-San leaders.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Karasburg police searching for man who escaped custody

KEETMANSHOOP: The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) at Karasburg are in search of a 33-year-old man who escaped from police custody at the southern town.

NamPol crime investigations coordinator for the ||Kharas Region, Deputy Commissioner Nikodemus Mbango told Nampa on Monday the disappearance of the inmate, Alberto Booys, was detected Sunday morning during breakfast.

Booys was in custody on a charge of rape read with the provisions of the Combating of Domestic Violence Act.

‘It is alleged that the inmate escaped from police holding cells adjusted to the charge office where he was kept due to illness. It is not clear how he managed to escape. However, it is suspected that he might have used the time when the police officer on duty went down to the other holding cells,’ said Mbango.

He said the inmate on Saturday demanded to be taken to hospital but he was advised to take his medication as prescribed.

The escapee is diagnosed with severe tuberculosis and was kept alone in the waiting holding cell next to the
charge office.

Meanwhile, police at Tses are awaiting the prosecutor’s decision on whether to arrest and charge a man who allegedly raped a 16-year-old boy at farm Bloukeil in the Tses area on Friday around 15h00.

Mbango said an explanation statement was obtained from the suspect and the docket will be forwarded to the Prosecutor General for a decision whether to prosecute or not.

‘It is alleged that the suspect met with the victim in the field and he allegedly requested the victim to go with him and find cattle belonging to the victim’s uncle. While they were on the way, the suspect allegedly grabbed the victim and tied him up before pulling off his trousers and having sexual intercourse with him,’ he said.

Mbango said it is further alleged that after raping the victim, the suspect tied the victim to a tree and told him that he would come back the following day to kill him, and left.

The victim managed to untie himself and went to his uncle to report the matter.

Police investigations continue.

: The Namibia Press Agency

Former presidential photographer reflects on time spent with Geingob

WINDHOEK: Maria Namundjebo, who previously worked with the late President Hage Geingob as presidential photographer, has described Geingob as a leader and mentor who motivated her to follow her dreams.

Namundjebo is currently a policy analyst in the Office of the President, but previously served as senior presidential photographer for former presidents Sam Nujoma, Hifikepunye Pohamba, as well as the late Geingob.

Namundjebo in an interview with Nampa described the late president as a leader and mentor who motivated her to surpass her dreams, and encouraged others to be exceptional and efficient at service delivery. She told this agency that she met Geingob when he was Namibia’s prime minister.

‘I then worked for the late president from 2015 to 2019 and I had the privilege of traveling around the world with him, covering national duties whether local or international, and capturing great moments of the late president’s life. I was able to witness his commitment to serving the people of Namibia with humility
, integrity, and compassion,’ she said.

Although she captured moments of the late president for the world to see, Namundjebo shared that through the lens, she saw a man of vision and unparalleled leadership skills. She remembered him as being a person full of jokes, yet always supportive of her career choices, while further describing him as someone who cared for his nation and his team.

‘I still remember in 2019 when I took study leave for a month to prepare for my exams, upon returning to the office he asked where I’d been, and before I could answer he asked me not to lie. I told him, Comrade President, I was on study leave. He then asked what I was studying and I said I was doing my Master’s Degree in International Relations, Diplomacy, and Management. He was so happy and encouraged me to keep up my studies while acknowledging my photography skills,’ said Namundjebo.

She noted that the late president impacted her career and the media as he would always be respectful and dedicated during his time with th
e media.

‘He was a remarkable and supportive leader whose caring spirit impacted the whole nation,’ Namundjebo said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Mahama commiserates with Namibia on passing of President Geingob

ACCRA: Former President John Dramani Mahama has commiserated with the people of the Republic of Namibia on the passing of President Hage G. Geingob, describing him as ‘a patriot and a freedom fighter.’

‘My sincerest condolences go to the people of Namibia and the wife and family of President Hage Geingob,’ the former President said.

The former President, writing in the book of condolence in honour of the deceased president at the High Commission of Namibia in Ghana, sympathised with the High Commissioner and the Namibian Community in Ghana.

Mr Geingob died at the age of 82, less than three weeks after it was announced that he would undergo treatment for cancer.

He died on 04 February at the Lady Pohamba Hospital in tWindhoek with his wife and his children at his side, acting president Nangolo Mbumba said in a statement.

Mahama acknowledged the cherished and long-standing relationship developed over the years with the people of Namibia.

‘I remember with fond memories the conversation we had about the str
uggle for freedom from apartheid and the respect held for Ghana’s role in the liberation of Africa.

It was a delight to share those moments with you and your wife during the summit we held in Malta,’ he noted.

Madam Selma Ashipala-Musavyi, the Namibian High Commissioner to Ghana, who described the late President as a true Pan-Africanist, said he would be buried on Sunday, 25 February 2024.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

‘Geingob landed in Namibia and there was no more fear’: Katjirua

ERINDI-ROMBINDA: Senior traditional councillor in the Ovambanderu Traditional Authority, Gerson Katjirua has said the late Hage Geingob came back from exile in 1989 to liberate Namibia from apartheid South Africa.

Katjirua in an interview with Nampa remembered the late Geingob as ‘a giant’ whom he met in Zambia in the late 1980s during the difficult time of the struggles for independence.

The traditional councillor said when he met Geingob in Zambia, he knew he was a boundless and inclusive leader as he wanted to engage everyone during their meeting there, regardless of any barriers.

‘He would be talking to all of us even though there was a language barrier, we could not understand each other but you could tell he always wanted to start conversations. I can attest with those saying he was a unifier, his aim was always to unite us while he was from a minority group,’ Katjirua said.

‘He came into this country and others thought he would not land in Namibia, thinking the apartheid government would shoot down
their plane. But he landed in this country, took away our fear and ignited hope for independence,’ Katjirua said.

He said Geingob fought a good fight for Namibia, from the time when he was prime minister until he became president, with the aim of putting Namibia on the map and giving it a good name. According to him, Geingob became president when Namibia was economically on its knees, but prioritised social and economic emancipation to benefit all Namibians.

Joseph Uandia, a senior traditional councillor in the Maharero Traditional Authority, meanwhile said Geingob, a well-decorated Namibian leader, must be cherished by everyone regardless of political or social affiliation.

‘We are celebrating the life of the people’s president and we should all celebrate his life, not only a Swapo president or of a certain tribe. He dedicated his time to all Namibians, he worked for the republic,’ he said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency