Chula Chula aiming to avoid relegation

WINDHOEK: Eeshoke Chula Chula’s head coach, John Sikerete, says he is happy with the team’s progress this season, but their primary goal is to perform well in the league to avoid being relegated.

The Debmarine Namibia Premiership team based in Ohangwena is currently placed sixth on the 16-team log standing with 29 points.

In an interview with Nampa, Sikerete stated that as newcomer to the Premier League his team has performed exceptionally well, and they aim to continue collecting points in the remaining games of the season.

‘Our goal for this season was simply to avoid relegation, and we have performed well in that regard, currently sitting in sixth place on the league standings. However, we could still slip down the table if we fail to win our remaining 11 games this season,’ Sikerete said.

The coach added that as the league nears its conclusion, teams will be competing to achieve better positions on the log. Therefore, their aim is to perform to the best of their abilities.

‘All our players are in the
squad, including those who were previously injured. As a team we have not set any specific targets apart from avoiding relegation, which seems unlikely at the moment. However, if we finish higher than our current position, that would be a bonus for us as newcomers to the Premier League,’ he said.

Khomas NamPol is leading the log standings with 41 points. African Stars, the defending champions, are second on the log with 40 points after 19 matches played by both teams.

FC Ongos have completed 18 matches this season and are in third place on the log with 39 points. Mighty Gunners and Blue Waters are in fourth and fifth place respectively, with 29 points each.

Meanwhile, Otjiwarongo-based Life Fighters are bottom of the log standing with 11 points. Katutura-based Orlando Pirates are 15th with 14 points while Civics, based in Khomasdal, are 14th with 17 points.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Imbamba concerned over lack of coordination in council

SWAKOPMUND: Chairperson of the Erongo Regional Council’s Management Committee, Benita Imbamba, has expressed concern over the lack of coordination and communication within the council.

According to Imbamba, during the council’s first meeting of the year on Tuesday, some councillors are still operating in silos even on matters that might require urgent delivery.

‘We are one regional council and our motto of ‘playing together, live together’, should not be a mere slogan, but a living phrase. I am aware that we are doing well in some areas and it is evident that most regional councillors would like to benchmark us but there is always a room for improvement. Therefore, I urge that we work as a team and encourage each other to put more effort into executing our tasks, thus serving our people with pride and satisfaction. Our display as regional political leadership should be exemplary,’ Imbamba advised.

The chairperson also encouraged councillors to properly plan and outline activities planned for their constitu
encies and their possible financial implications, stressing that constituencies cannot execute activities or tasks that have not been planned for.

She expressed cognisance that there might be urgent or emergencies that will need ad hoc deliberations, but we should plan our activities properly and be concise. This year will be different, we need to ensure that the council’s staff members are held accountable for upholding their oath to serve the people.

Equally, the regional councillors need to adhere to the code of conduct as clearly described by the Regional Council Act 22 of 99, with subsequent amendments; there will be no complacency,’ Imbamba cautioned.

She further called on the council and its employees to be honest and showcase the attributes of good governance and fairness in all its dealings.

While emphasising the issue of good governance and fairness, Imbamba implored regional councillors to visit and ascertain the welfare of their constituencies, especially during this year, which has been terme
d as the year of expectations by the late President Hage Geingob.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Military procession of Geingob’s remains set for Friday

WINDHOEK: Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Emma Theofelus, on Tuesday announced that the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) will lead a military procession with the remains of the late President Hage Geingob across the capital city on Friday, allowing the public to pay their last respects.

She was speaking at the Government Information Center during the daily media briefing on the funeral arrangements of the late Geingob, who died on 04 February 2024. The exact routes will be announced on Wednesday afternoon, she said, adding that 27 countries will be attending Geingob’s funeral on Sunday, 18 of whom will be led by their Heads of State.

‘The rest of the delegations are led by either prime ministers, speakers or ambassadors. During this time, the Government urges road users to adhere to traffic rules and regulations regarding motorcades,’ Theofelus said.

A musical tribute will be held on Wednesday from 16h00 until late in memory of Geingob. The public can obtain free tickets at Webtickets to
attend this event at any Pick ‘n Pay store, Theofelus added.

‘Many will recall that Dr Hage Geingob avidly supported local music. He attended music awards and was known for his great moves during public interactions. This concert will allow Namibian musicians to celebrate the life of the ‘People’s President’ as many have fondly remembered him over the past few weeks. There are no planned activities for Thursday,’ the minister said.

Theofelus further dispelled rumors that 650 Southern African Development Community (SADC) policers are in the country, stating the information is false.

‘The official memorial service of the late President will take place on Saturday, 24 February 2024, at the Independence Stadium in Windhoek, where the Chief Mourner, H.E. Dr Nangolo Mbumba, President of the Republic of Namibia and other international guests will pay tribute to the late president for his contribution during the liberation struggle and in an independent Namibia.

The gates at the Independence Stadium will open at
10:00. The public is invited to attend. Transport arrangements will be communicated to the public in due course. Vendors can sell their goods at designated points during the official memorial service proceedings. However, the sale of alcohol around the Independence Stadium’s vicinity is prohibited. Law enforcement agencies will monitor these activities,’ Theofelus noted.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Business fraternity remembers Geingob

WINDHOEK: The late Dr Hage Geingob was a visionary leader who understood the crucial role business played in the economic growth and building of opportunities for the people of Namibia.

This is how the Namibian business fraternity will remember President Geingob, according to Zebra Kasete, president of the Chamber of Mines of Namibia. Members of the business fraternity gathered at the late Head of State’s private residence, Casa Rosalia in Windhoek, to pay their respects on Monday.

‘Dr Hage Geingob was not only a great leader, he was a guiding light for the mining fraternity. Throughout his tenure he exemplified unwavering moral and ethical principles which paved the way for his ambitious endeavour in reshaping governance and instilling transparency and accountability in the private sector,’ Kasete stated.

Kasete was the last business leader to meet with Geingob. It is in this meeting where the late country leader made the remark, ‘I’ll leave the country in good shape.’

Kasete remarked that Geingob had sh
ared with him that he wishes to leave behind a legacy of strong governance institutions with good systems and predictable processes in Namibia and the African continent at large.

Also speaking at the tribute ceremony was Sven Thieme, Executive Chairman of the Olthaver and List Group/Cleanergy Namibia, remarked that under Geingob’s leadership, Namibia gained recognition on the global stage as a destination for investment in the development of green hydrogen.

President of the Bankers Association of Namibia, Conrad Dempsey said in honouring the president’s legacy, the bankers association will continue to do what matters – building a Namibia that can compete on the global stage and driving an inclusive Namibian society where no one is left behind.

Representing Namibian young entrepreneurs and women in business, Mareka Masule, vice chairperson of the Namibian Network of the Cosmetics Industry, said Geingob created an environment in which young people could thrive and constantly grow.

‘He never ignored the vi
ews and aspirations of us young people,’ added Masule.

The tribute also included performances by various artists and musical groups such as the Nam Gospel United Choir.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

PRASA welcomes SIU probe on corruption

The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) has welcomed the Presidential Proclamation authorising the Special Investigating Unit to investigate allegations of corruption, malpractice and maladministration within the agency, as well as improper and unlawful conduct by any PRASA employees.

‘PRASA-Proclamation 153 of 2024 empowers the SIU to probe offences that were committed in relation to the award of tenders to Swifambo Rail for the supply of locomotives, and the supply and maintenance of an integrated security access management system to Siyangena Technologies in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities of 2004,’ the agency said on Monday.

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) will also investigate fraudulent liability claims processed and paid by PRASA’s Group Insurance Department, and allegations regarding ghost workers at the organisation.

‘These two issues were already the subject of internal investigations. PRASA’s Board of Control believes that the investigations will furthe
r enhance clean and effective governance within the entity and eradicate corruption within the organisation.

‘The Board believes that a great deal of progress has been made in eradicating corruption within the entity and promoting behaviour that is professional and lawful,’ PRASA said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

PRASA welcomes SIU probe on corruption

The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) has welcomed the Presidential Proclamation authorising the Special Investigating Unit to investigate allegations of corruption, malpractice and maladministration within the agency, as well as improper and unlawful conduct by any PRASA employees.

‘PRASA-Proclamation 153 of 2024 empowers the SIU to probe offences that were committed in relation to the award of tenders to Swifambo Rail for the supply of locomotives, and the supply and maintenance of an integrated security access management system to Siyangena Technologies in terms of the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities of 2004,’ the agency said on Monday.

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) will also investigate fraudulent liability claims processed and paid by PRASA’s Group Insurance Department, and allegations regarding ghost workers at the organisation.

‘These two issues were already the subject of internal investigations. PRASA’s Board of Control believes that the investigations will furthe
r enhance clean and effective governance within the entity and eradicate corruption within the organisation.

‘The Board believes that a great deal of progress has been made in eradicating corruption within the entity and promoting behaviour that is professional and lawful,’ PRASA said.

Source: South African Government News Agency