Geingob fathered an entire nation with the same love: Nangula

WINDHOEK: ‘He fathered an entire nation with the same love and concern with which he fathered his family.’

These were the words of Nangula Geingos, eldest daughter of the late President Hage Geingob while celebrating her father’s legacy at a final intimate memorial service held in his honour at Casa Rosalia on Tuesday.

‘There is a piece of Hage in every one of us, we have been inspired, loved and shaped by his spirit of excellence. In this moment we might feel as though the light he shone on us is dimmed, but we must now be the carriers of that light,’ Geingos, who spoke on behalf of her siblings, said.

Geingos said her late father often worried about the Namibian nation as he did over his own family, often worrying and questioning if all the Namibian children had eaten, whether Namibian business people are given opportunities to succeed, whether the government was doing its part in service delivery, and whether Namibian women and children are well taken care of.

Whenever the answer was not all Namibians,
‘my father applied his whole golden heart, his brilliant mind and his passionate soul to stressing over the lives and livelihoods of his Namibian children,’ she said.

Family friend, Elmo Kaiyamo, in his tribute said the late president ‘wanted us to embrace our diversity, celebrate our achievements, and confront our challenges with courage and determination for it is in the unity of our humanity that we find strength, purpose and a promise of a brighter tomorrow.’

Joan Guriras, the widow of the late Prime Minister Theo Ben Gurirab, described Geingob as a patriot and fearless defender of the Namibian cause, who held an unwavering love for Namibia and fought at great personal inconvenience for Namibia and Africa.

Guriras called on mourners and sympathisers to pay homage to the late president by loving his wife, Monica Geingos and the Geingob children, and rallying behind the family.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

||Kharas inhabitants attend Geingob memorial service at Keetmanshoop

KEETMANSHOOP: About 1 000 inhabitants of the ||Kharas Region on Wednesday gathered at the J Stephanus Stadium in Keetmanshoop for the regional memorial service for the late President Hage Geingob.

The event was amongst others attended by community members, regional and local authority councillors, civil organisation leaders, political party leaders, church leaders, government officials, and members of the private sector.

Speaking during the service, ||Kharas Governor Aletha Frederick said she met the late president in person in 2017 during his presidential campaign at Keetmanshoop. As Swapo regional information and mobilisation officer, Frederick was entrusted with briefing the late Geingob about the planned programme.

‘Little did I know that this encounter would alter the course of my life forever. In April 2020 a message was conveyed that the president himself wished to speak with me. As his voice resonated on the other end of the line, a mix of emotions surged within me, fear, excitement, disbelief. The
gravity of the moment was intense as he revealed his decision that I had been appointed as the governor of ||Kharas Region,’ said Frederick.

She said the late president was a leader of extraordinary calibre and he recognised the worth of young, talented and experienced people in the spirit of inclusivity and worked to utilise their talents.

‘We are paying tribute to Namibia’s national unifier, whose life’s work was devoted to actively promoting national cohesion and solidarity among its people which perfectly reflect his commitment to inclusivity and unity. His legacy as a unifier will forever be remembered and cherished by the Namibian people and his impact will be felt for generations to come,’ the governor said.

Frederick said the late president worked tirelessly to lay the foundation for a prosperous Namibia, where every citizen could feel the benefits of progress and development, adding that his dedication and vision have set in motion a path towards a brighter future for all in the Namibian House.

While the president may no longer be with us, his legacy lives on as an exemplar of exceptional leadership. His leadership locally was characterised by a commitment to unity, transcending tribalism, racism, and regionalism,’ she said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Ndakolo warns people to stop criticising late President Geingob

OMUTHIYA: Oshikoto Region Governor, Penda Ya Ndakolo, has called on people to stop criticising the late President Hage Geingob, saying he has done a lot for Namibia.

Ndakolo at the regional memorial service in memory of the late President Geingob at Omuthiya on Wednesday, said they are deeply touched by the late leader’s death.

‘If people are talking bad about our president they are offending us because we are touched by his death,’ said Ndakolo.

He said it was not easy to liberate the country from colonialisation and the late president made many sacrifices for Namibia’s independence.

‘How can someone celebrate the death of a president, is he or she okay in his mind?’ Ndakolo asked.

He further said he was close to President Geingob and was honoured to serve under his leadership, previously as Minister of Defence and currently as governor of the Oshikoto Region.

‘I thank him for entrusting me with such enormous responsibilities. I have learned a lot from this icon,’ Ndakolo said.

Ndakolo served as Minis
ter of Defence from 2016 until 2019 and was appointed as Oshikoto governor in 2021 by Geingob, who passed away on 04 February 2024.

Oshikoto regional Swapo youth league coordinator, Armas Amukwiyu, also bid farewell to Geingob.

‘He is indomitable, and his spirit continues to echo through the corridors of our country, Namibia,’ he said.

Amukwiyu also encouraged his fellow Namibians to celebrate the life of President Geingob and what he has done for them.

‘Even if his physical presence is not there anymore to observe, his spirit lingers in the gentle wind that sweeps across Namibia,’ said Amukwiyu.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

President Geingob went knowing the truth: Kandjii-Murangi

WINDHOEK: Higher Education, Training, and Innovation Minister, Dr Itah Kandjii-Murangi, said former President Hage Geingob could not dismiss her for alleged corruption because he was aware of the facts.

Kandjii-Murangi withstood calls last year for her resignation and dismissal following media reports that she was unduly paid in subsistence and travel allowances (S and T).

It was alleged that the minister used her political muscle to coerce state-owned institutions under her authority to pay for her S and T to attend fully-sponsored events overseas.

According to the media, Kandjii-Murangi and her personal assistant received about N.dollars 2 million in S and T from the University of Namibia, the Namibia University of Science and Technology and the Namibia Training Authority, among others.

But after an investigation into the matter, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) said it found no evidence that the minister claimed S and T while knowing that the official events were fully sponsored.

To this end, Kand
jii-Murangi told Nampa in an interview that the ACC confirmed her innocence. She further noted that President Geingob could not take action against her based on allegations.

‘You know what is important is that the president is now gone, but he went with the truth. The truth is what came from the ACC. Like any citizen of this country, one cannot be tried by the public courts unless there is some kind of conspiracy.

‘But other than that, the best channel established within a state that thrives in upholding the rule of law is to go through the ACC. And indeed, ACC did exonerate me then and recently,’ she said.

The minister described the S and T payment as an administrative matter that was dealt with through the office of the executive director (ED).

‘As a ministry, we were asked through the ED’s office who is responsible for administrative matters, because really all those things that I was accused of were all administrative in nature. I do not calculate any S and T, nor do I know the formula that they use.
So that is that, and really, I don’t have anything to say other than that it gives me peace that the president went with the truth. Otherwise, he ought to have acted like he acted with others before me,’ the minister said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

MoEAC commemorates mother language day

WINDHOEK: The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC) has joined the rest of the world in commemorating International Mother Language Day, with the theme ‘Multilingual education is a pillar of intergenerational learning.’

The United Nations (UN) has established 21 February as a day to celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity. This is to demonstrate dedication to the development and preservation of mother tongues worldwide.

The education ministry in a press release on Wednesday stated that mother tongues are essential for good learning and cognitive development.

‘The ministry has long encouraged the use of mother tongues in schools, particularly in the junior primary phase. According to research, teaching children in their native languages enhances understanding, engagement, and knowledge retention,’ it said.

It added that preserving mother languages is crucial for cultural identity, particularly in Africa which is home to over 2 000 distinct languages.

By valuing and preserving mother language
s the MoEAC through teaching and learning contributes to the richness of humanity’s linguistic heritage, it said.

‘As we commemorate World Mother Language Day, the ministry encourages all Namibians to take pride in their mother languages that contribute to the country’s cultural diversity. We remain committed to the promotion of multilingualism in education, ensuring that all learners have equal access to quality education,’ it stated.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

President meets with US Congressional delegation

President Cyril Ramaphosa and a delegation from the United States Congress have deliberated on the significance of the bilateral relationship between South Africa and the United States.

On Wednesday, the President received a visit from a bipartisan congressional delegation from the United States of America in Tuynhuys, Cape Town. The delegation is visiting South Africa at the invitation of the Aspen Institute.

‘Our relationship is characterised by mutual respect and a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue even on issues where we may differ,’ President Ramaphosa said.

The President further highlighted the support that the US has provided to South Africa over the years in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) programme has contributed significantly –and continues to contribute– to the remarkable progress South Africa has made to end HIV as a public health emergency.

President Ramaphosa emphasised the strength of bilateral relations as evidenced th
rough several meetings and calls he has had with President Joe Biden and official engagements between South African and US delegations which have allowed for a constructive exchange of views and further cemented the ties between the two countries.

The engagement also covered South Africa’s economic opportunities with a focus on the expansion of trade and investment ties. The Presidency also said the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) continues to present significant value to Africa’s industrialisation, integration and the diversification of the continent’s economies.

AGOA provides a platform for US investors to participate in the opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCTA). The AfCFTA which entered into force in May 2019, is expected to boost trade and economic growth on the continent.

On international relations, President Ramaphosa underscored South Africa’s commitment to promoting peace, security and development on the African continent and across the world.

This i
ncludes South Africa’s non-aligned position that seeks to forge cordial relations with all countries and promote the resolution of conflict through dialogue.

The President emphasised the need for an inclusive negotiated settlement of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, and South Africa’s support for the legitimate aspirations of Palestinians to self-determination and statehood and of Israelis to peace and security.

‘We continue to make the call for the release of hostages, an immediate ceasefire and the urgent provision of humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza and meaningful negotiations towards a lasting solution,’ President Ramaphosa said.

President Ramaphosa congratulated the delegation for the upcoming celebration of 250th anniversary of the US Declaration of Independence in July 2026 as South Africa marks 30 years of freedom and democracy.

Source: South African Government News Agency