Strategic plan for Otjiwarongo Municipality officially launched

OTJIWARONGO: The Otjiwarongo Municipality on Thursday launched its five-year strategic plan at the town.

Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, launched the document in the presence of several regional and local authority councillors from Okahandja, Otavi, Grootfontein, Otjiwarongo and Okakarara.

‘This strategic plan document should not collect dust in your offices. Instead, use it as a guiding tool in developing this town as well as in rendering quality municipality services to the residents,’ urged Uutoni.

The minister reminded the Otjiwarongo local authority councillors of their five-year term, saying that in that period, they should deliver serviced land, houses and clean drinking water amongst others to the residents.

He also called on the municipality to allocate funds and utilise competent minds that would drive the aims and objectives of the strategic plan.

In his closing remarks Uutoni requested the municipality to look around town for a piece of land where the Ministry of Urba
n and Rural Development would spend money to service land for residential purposes, saying there is N.dollars 700 million budgeted by his ministry for land serving across the country during this financial year.

Otjiwarongo Mayor, Gottlieb Shivute, on his part promised to deliver the piece of land, as such a request provides a solution to objective one of the newly launched strategic plan on spatial planning and infrastructure development.

The five other objectives of the strategic plan include the sustainable working environment and public safety; socio-economic advancement of the town; business innovation and financial sustainability; as well as the operational efficiency of the workforce.

‘Our main aim in the next five years is to develop this town into a smart city of excellence,’ said Shivute.

The municipality’s acting chief executive officer, Erickson Mwanyikange, said the Otjiwarongo municipality in the next five years intends to improve its financial capacities.

‘We are owed more than N.dollars 57
million in rates and taxes. Therefore, our aim is to collect this money and use it in implementing our strategic plan of action,’ he said

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

NIPDB lauds Shiimi’s impactful budgetary changes

WINDHOEK: The Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) has applauded the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Iipumbu Shiimi, for the impactful changes in the 2024/25 National Budget, particularly targeted interventions and initiatives.

NIPDB Chief Executive Officer, Nangula Uaandja said the increase in the VAT threshold from an annual turnover of N.dollars 500 000 to N.dollars 1 million will ease the administrative burden on small businesses and accelerate their growth.

‘The reduction in the value-added tax (VAT) will enable small businesses to compete effectively and play a pivotal role in economic development,’ she said in a statement on Thursday.

NIPDB further commended the ministry for the gradual reduction in the corporate tax rate for non-mining entities from 32 per cent to 28 per cent.

Uaandja said this will contribute towards improving Namibia’s competitiveness and provide extra cash to large corporations, leading to potential further reinvestment.

‘A reduced corporate t
ax rate for MSMEs as defined from 32 per cent to 20 per cent shows the government’s commitment to encourage the growth of these entities,’ she said.

Uaandja also noted that the zero-rating on VAT for approved special economic zones for up to 10 years will encourage investments in projects aligned with the national priorities of mineral beneficiation, agro-processing, and business process outsourcing.

‘This intervention contributes to the government’s industrialisation agenda and drives further investments in the country,’ she said, adding that it helps large corporations contribute to the tax coffers, which reduces the tax burden on individual taxpayers.

In addition, Uaandja noted that the increase in the tax threshold from N.dollars 50 000 to N.dollars 100 000 means that many Namibians will be able to have more disposable income, which contributes to economic growth.

NIPDB is mandated to promote and facilitate investment and coordinate MSME activities, with the aim of contributing to economic development
and job creation.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Cabinet welcomes 29 May as date for General Elections

Cabinet has welcomed President Cyril Ramaphosa’s proclamation of 29 May 2024 as the date for the General Elections, following his consultations with the Electoral Commission of South Africa and all nine provincial Premiers on the state of readiness for the national and provincial elections.

Briefing media on Thursday, Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni emphasised that Cabinet has called on everyone, especially the youth, to exercise their right to vote.

‘Years of untold sacrifice and struggle for our freedom culminated in the right to vote for the majority of South Africans in 1994. Our struggle for freedom secured the right for every South African to be active participants in our democratic system.

‘This year’s elections coincide with the celebration of 30 Years of Freedom, which is a significant milestone for South Africa, as it provides us with the opportunity to reflect on our successes and also look for solutions to address our surmountable challenges,’ the Minister said.

READ | Landmark
election marks 30 years of electoral democracy

Presidential eThekwini Working Group

Cabinet has also noted President Ramaphosa’s meeting, which was held last Friday with the Durban Chamber of Commerce and Industry to discuss various initiatives, led by national government, to assist the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality to address the current water, electricity and infrastructure challenges.

‘The President also established the Presidential eThekwini Working Group to accelerate the speedy resolution of issues affecting the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality. The group – comprising Ministers, eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality and business officials – will regularly present progress reports to the President,’ Cabinet said.

14th Policy Dialogue Forum (PDF) of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education

Cabinet has further noted the country’s successful hosting of the 14th PDF of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education in Sandton, Johannesburg, on Monday, 26 February.

The event
brought together education stakeholders from across the globe to foster advocacy, knowledge exchange and the monitoring of progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education.

The Policy Dialogue Forum released a High-Level Panel Report on the Teaching Profession and also launched the Global Report on teacher shortages.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Nkangala residents called to attend Presidential Imbizo

Cabinet has called on residents of the Nkangala District Municipality and surrounding areas to attend the District Development Model (DDM) Presidential Imbizo and engage their public representatives on issues affecting them.

President Cyril Ramaphosa will on 7 March 2024 hosts the 12th DDM Presidential Imbizo in Mpumalanga.

The imbizo brings together leaders from all three spheres of government to interact with residents on service delivery challenges and sets out plans for service delivery improvements and community development in the area.

Minister in The Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, said on Thursday the DDM Presidential Imbizo and oversight visits have occurred in all nine provinces as part of efforts to reinforce on-going work of improving the lives of citizens.

All systems go for SIDSSA

Cabinet also announced that it is all systems go for the Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium South Africa (SIDSSA) 2024 scheduled to take place in Cape Town from 17 to 19 March 2024.

The three-day
meeting brings together critical roleplayers in the infrastructure sector who are key to accelerating the pace of infrastructure investments in the country.

Ntshavheni said infrastructure development has been the key priority of government and the sixth Administration, as it contributes to economic growth and job creation.

‘The SIDSSA will showcase some of the progress in the implementation of the Infrastructure Investment Plan that was approved by Cabinet in May 2020,’ she said.

Black industrialists and exporters conference

The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic), in partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and the National Empowerment Fund (NEF), will also host the second Black Industrialists and Exporters Conference at the Sandton International Convention Centre on 20 March 2024.

Ntshavheni said the long-day conference will recognise business excellence and honour enterprises that embody the spirit of success and innovation, and demonstrate job creation, good busi
ness ethics and quality.

‘More than 600 Black industrial firms supported by the Department of Trade and Industry showed a turnover of about R80 billion during the 2023/24 financial year illustrating the tangible results in drawing more Black entrepreneurs into the industrial economy,’ the Minister said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Cabinet confident SA will deliver successful G20 Summit

Cabinet has expressed its confidence in South Africa’s ability to host a successful G20 Summit, drawing upon its track record of successfully organising major events such as the BRICS Summit and the African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum (AGOA).

This is according to Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni who addressed a post-Cabinet briefing on Thursday in Pretoria.

The Minister told the media that Cabinet received and considered a report on the preparations for South Africa’s hosting of the G20 Summit in 2025 as well as taking over the Presidency.

‘This is a momentous event for South Africa as it will be the first country in Africa to host such a gathering; not only unique because of the anticipated numbers but also of the enduring impact it is envisaged to make.

‘Cabinet is confident that South Africa will deliver a successful G20 Summit, as it has done with previous major events such as the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Summit and the African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum.

‘The G20 Presidency presents South Africa with an opportunity to champion the aspirations of emerging markets,’ the Minister said.

As it hosts the G20, Ntshavheni said South Africa’s participation in the forum will continue to be guided by the country’s commitment to advance national interests as well as those of the African continent.

37th African Union (AU) Summit

Cabinet has also expressed appreciation on the progress made at the 37th AU Summit held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 17 and 18 February 2024, which outlined Africa’s priorities for 2024 and beyond.

President Cyril Ramaphosa joined other African leaders in discussing key continental priorities including peace and security, climate change, economic development and Africa’s role in the wider global multilateral context.

The summit adopted the Second 10-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063, which will see the acceleration of flagship projects such as the African Continental Free Trade Area, in which South Africa is playing a leading role.

ident Ramaphosa also presented a report on the continent’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of readiness against future health threats, in his capacity as the Champion of the AU’s COVID-19 response.

The summit also emphasised the importance of socio-economic recovery post-COVID-19 and lessons from the pandemic preparedness and response and continental security.

‘The President called on African leaders to continue improving the levels of alertness of their countries against future pandemics and urged for the adoption of a strong Common Africa Position on Pandemic Preparedness and Response,’ Cabinet said. –

Source: South African Government News Agency

Health dept welcomes NHI court judgment

The Department of Health has welcomed a decision by the Gauteng High Court to dismiss a legal attempt by trade union Solidarity to halt the department’s ongoing efforts to strengthen the public health system.

In a statement on Thursday, the department said Solidarity sought to stop the filing of critical posts under the National Health Insurance (NHI) branch.

According to the department, the trade union approached the court last year to challenge a decision taken by the department to advertise and fill 44 vacancies, including five Chief Directors and competent technical specialists to assist with the preparation for the National Health Insurance Fund for the country to achieve universal health coverage.

‘The union argued that the NHI should be established only after the NHI Bill has been signed into law by the President. However, Section 85(2) of the Constitution empowers the Minister of Health to develop and implement national policies deemed critical to improve healthcare delivery to achieve a long and h
ealthy life for all South Africans.

‘Further, the National Health Act of 2003 (Act 61 of 2003), Section 3(1) provides that the Minister must, within the limit of available resources, determine the policies and measures necessary to protect, promote, improve, and maintain the health and wellbeing of the population,’ the department said.

The court found that the establishment of the NHI branch, as part of the department’s organisational structure, does not amount to the implementation of a Bill. The functions of the branch remain relevant for any health system in the world, public or private.

Thus, the creation of these critical posts responsible for, amongst others, health products procurement, health care benefits and provider management, health system digital information, risk and fraud management, and user and service provider management, are part of broader health system strengthening.

‘The court ruling paves way for the department to prepare for the rollout of NHI once it is signed into law.

‘The jud
gment simply means the department has the right to continue with the work to strengthen the public health system of the country to respond to the health care needs and demands of the population.

‘We hope the applicant will abide by the ruling and allow the department space to execute its mandate of improving health by preventing illness and disease, and promoting healthy lifestyles without interference,’ the department said.

Source: South African Government News Agency