Une nouvelle étude d’envergure apporte une quantification de « l’avantage d’opportunités » qu’apporte une éducation haut de gamme lorsqu’elle est associée aux droits de citoyenneté

LONDRES, 13 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le leader mondial en gestion de patrimoine Henley & Partners a publié une nouvelle étude pionnière sur la manière dont une éducation de premier ordre associée à des droits d’accès mondiaux élargis, crée des opportunités significatives pour la génération à venir en développant leurs réseaux à l’échelle mondiale, en maximisant leurs perspectives de carrière, leur potentiel de revenus et leur mobilité économique qui permettront d’obtenir plus de succès et une solide prospérité tout au long de leur vie.

L’indice Henley Opportunity Index, un nouvel outil de référence exclusif présenté dans le premier rapport Henley Education Report, quantifie l’impact et la probabilité de succès qu’une éducation de qualité supérieure, associée à des droits de résidence supplémentaires et/ou à des citoyennetés alternatives acquises grâce à une migration d’investissements, peut avoir sur la préservation et l’accroissement de la richesse multigénérationnelle.

Cet indice, le premier du genre, évalue et classe les principaux programmes mondiaux de résidence et de citoyenneté par l’investissement en fonction de six paramètres, notamment une éducation de qualité supérieure, des opportunités de carrière, le potentiel de revenus, l’avancement de carrière, la mobilité économique et la qualité de vie, afin de fournir aux investisseurs, aux entrepreneurs et aux familles fortunées un point de référence leur permettant de comparer et d’identifier les lieux qui offrent les meilleurs écosystèmes pour permettre aux générations futures de progresser dans leur carrière et de maximiser leur potentiel de revenus.

Dominic Volek, responsable groupe pour les clients privés chez Henley & Partners, déclare que l’éducation et la migration des investissements agissent comme des “catalyseurs intergénérationnels” et qu’il s’agit de la première étude de ce type qui tente de mesurer l’avantage comparatif de cette combinaison porteuse de fortes potentialités. « Un équilibre réussi entre la création de richesse et la génération d’opportunités est une caractéristique fondamentale des économies émergentes. Notre indice aide les familles à s’orienter vers des stratégies de migration d’investissement personnalisées afin de permettre à leurs enfants et à leurs héritiers d’accéder aux meilleures écoles dans le monde, aux marchés du travail les plus lucratifs et à une meilleure qualité de vie grâce aux avantages et à la flexibilité des options alternatives de résidence et de citoyenneté par l’investissement qui leur donnent le droit d’étudier, de vivre, de travailler et d’investir dans les pays de leur choix. »

La valeur cumulée de l’accès et de l’éducation à l’échelle mondiale

Si l’on utilise la fonction comparative de l’indice d’opportunité Henley, une famille philippine dont le score total d’opportunité ne s’élève qu’à 23 % dans son pays d’origine, pourrait porter la probabilité de réussite de la génération suivante à 82 % en accédant à des droits de résidence aux États-Unis par le biais du programme d’immigration des investisseur US EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. De manière similaire, une famille vietnamienne ayant un score de 24 %, en déménagement en Suisse par le biais du programme de résidence suisse, Swiss Residence Program porterait son avantage à 85 %, et pour des Nigérians ayant un score d’opportunité de seulement 14 %, un investissement dans le programme d’investisseurs mondiaux, le Singapore Global Investor Program, qui offre des droits de résidence dans la ville-État, augmenterait leurs chances de 65 %, pour atteindre un score remarquable de 79 %. D’autres options d’investissement, telles que le visa UAE Golden Visa et le nouveau visa de la Nouvelle-Zélande Active Investor Plus Visa, pourraient offrir aux jeunes de ce pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest un avantage de 63 % et 59 %, respectivement.

De même, pour une famille sud-africaine qui envisage une installation en Europe, investir dans le programme portugais Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program lui permettra de réaliser des avantages intergénérationnels cumulés, car après cinq ans de résidence légale, elle peut demander la citoyenneté, ce qui lui permettra de vivre, travailler ou étudier n’importe où dans l’Union européenne. Il convient également de souligner des gains notables en termes de perspectives d’emploi de premier ordre (25/100 pour l’Afrique du Sud contre 47 pour le Portugal – un bond de 88 %) et de qualité de vie élevée (l’Afrique du Sud obtient un score de 40 et le Portugal de 61 – une amélioration de 53 %), mais le plus grand avantage serait l’augmentation spectaculaire de la mobilité économique (l’Afrique du Sud obtient seulement 17/100 par rapport à 74 pour le Portugal – une amélioration stupéfiante de 335 %).

Comme le souligne dans le rapport Tess Wilkinson, directrice de Henley & Partners Education, l’éducation ne peut à elle seule garantir des opportunités sur le futur marché du travail. « Investir dans l’éducation de vos enfants est universellement reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs moyens de leur assurer plus tard le succès dans la vie, il convient d’ajouter que de multiples études montrent que les titulaires d’un diplôme de l’enseignement supérieur gagnent environ 50 % de plus. Cependant, les recherches économiques montrent également que plus de deux tiers des variations de revenus entre les individus à l’échelle mondiale sont simplement imputables au pays de résidence des individus. Ainsi, combiner des études de renommée mondiale avec des droits de résidence ou de citoyenneté connexes pour accéder à ces marchés de l’emploi lucratifs reste essentiel. »

Selon une recherche exclusive menée pour le rapport par le Dr José Caballero, économiste senior à l’IMD World Competitiveness Center en Suisse, l’effet cumulatif de la migration de l’investissement découle du fait que les programmes permettent aux parents de faire migrer leurs enfants par le biais de l’établissement permanent. « Ce faisant, les parents peuvent offrir à leurs enfants de meilleures opportunités éducatives et professionnelles sans les tracas liés à l’obtention d’un visa d’étudiant et/ou d’étudiant de troisième cycle. Ces opportunités comprennent l’accès à un enseignement primaire et secondaire de haute qualité, de plus grandes opportunités de développement professionnel, la possibilité de vivre dans un environnement offrant une qualité de vie élevée, des perspectives de revenus plus importants et une mobilité transfrontalière facilitée. Ce type d’accès et d’opportunités facilitent la pérennité de la prospérité familiale en augmentant les probabilités de création et de préservation de la richesse, en dotant la génération suivante d’un ensemble plus solide de compétences et de capacités. »

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Novo estudo revolucionário quantifica a “vantagem da oportunidade” da educação superior juntamente com direitos de cidadania

LONDRES, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A empresa líder em consultoria patrimonial internacional Henley & Partners publicou uma nova pesquisa inédita sobre como uma educação de alto nível, aliada a direitos de acesso global expandidos, cria oportunidades significativas para a próxima geração, ampliando suas redes globais, maximizando suas perspectivas de carreira, potencial de ganhos e mobilidade econômica para alcançar maior sucesso e mais prosperidade ao longo de suas vidas.

O Henley Opportunity Index, uma nova ferramenta proprietária de benchmarking apresentada no Henley Education Report inaugural da empresa, quantifica o impacto e a probabilidade de sucesso que uma educação de alto nível, aliada a direitos de residência adicionais e/ou cidadanias alternativas adquiridas por meio da migração de investimentos, pode ter na preservação e no crescimento do patrimônio para várias gerações.

O índice inédito avalia e classifica os principais programas de residência e cidadania por investimento do mundo de acordo com seis parâmetros, incluindo educação de alto nível e oportunidades de emprego, potencial de ganhos, progresso na carreira, mobilidade econômica e condições de vida, a fim de fornecer uma referência para que investidores, empreendedores e famílias de patrimônio elevado comparem e identifiquem os locais que oferecem os melhores ecossistemas para que as futuras gerações progridam em suas carreiras e maximizem seu potencial de renda.

Dominic Volek, Chefe do Grupo de Clientes Privados da Henley & Partners, diz que tanto a educação quanto a migração de investimentos são “facilitadores para gerações” e que este é o primeiro estudo do gênero que tenta medir a vantagem comparativa dessa poderosa combinação. “O equilíbrio eficaz entre a geração de riqueza e a criação de oportunidades é uma das principais características das economias em ascensão. Nosso índice ajuda a orientar as famílias sobre estratégias personalizadas de migração de investimentos com o intuito de abrir caminhos para que seus filhos e herdeiros tenham acesso à melhor educação do mundo, aos mercados de trabalho mais rentáveis e à melhor qualidade de vida por meio dos privilégios e da flexibilidade de opções alternativas de residência e cidadania por investimento que lhes dão o direito de estudar, viver, trabalhar e investir nos países de sua preferência.”

O valor cumulativo do acesso e da educação globais

Usando a função comparativa do Henley Opportunity Index, uma família filipina cuja pontuação total de oportunidade é de apenas 23% em seu país de origem poderia aumentar a probabilidade de sucesso da próxima geração para 82% acessando os direitos de residência nos EUA por meio do US EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. Da mesma forma, no caso de uma família vietnamita com 24%, mudar-se para a Suíça por meio do Swiss Residence Program aumentaria sua vantagem para 85%, e no caso de nigerianos com um índice de oportunidade de apenas 14%, um investimento no Singapore Global Investor Program, que oferece direitos de residência na cidade-estado, elevaria suas chances de vida em 65%, chegando a notáveis 79%. Outras opções de investimento por meio do UAE Golden Visa e do novo Active Investor Plus Visa da Nova Zelândia poderiam dar aos jovens deste país da África Ocidental uma vantagem de oportunidade de 63% e 59%, respectivamente.

Da mesma forma, no caso de uma família sul-africana que deseje ir para a Europa, investir no Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program trará benefícios compostos entre gerações, pois após cinco anos de residência legal, ela poderá solicitar a cidadania, o que lhe permitirá morar, trabalhar ou estudar em qualquer lugar da UE. Também observamos ganhos notáveis na perspectiva de empregos de alto nível (25/100 para a África do Sul contra 47 para Portugal — um salto de 88%) e na alta qualidade de vida (a África do Sul tem 40 pontos e Portugal, 61 — uma melhoria de 53%), mas a maior vantagem seria o aumento drástico na mobilidade econômica (a África do Sul tem apenas 17/100, em comparação com os 74 de Portugal — um aumento surpreendente de 335%).

De acordo com Tess Wilkinson, Diretora da Henley & Partners Education, o relatório ressalta que a educação por si só não garante oportunidades no mercado de trabalho futuro. “O investimento na educação de seu filho é universalmente reconhecido como uma das melhores maneiras de prepará-lo para o sucesso na vida adulta, com inúmeros estudos demonstrando que aqueles que possuem qualificações de nível superior ganham cerca de 50% a mais. No entanto, pesquisas econômicas também revelam que mais de dois terços da variação de renda entre indivíduos em todo o mundo podem ser atribuídos simplesmente ao país em que vivem e trabalham. Portanto, é fundamental combinar educação de nível internacional com direitos de residência ou cidadania associados para acessar esses mercados de trabalho rentáveis.”

De acordo com uma pesquisa exclusiva realizada para o relatório pelo Dr. José Caballero, Economista Sênior do IMD World Competitiveness Center na Suíça, o efeito cumulativo da migração de investimentos se deve ao fato de que os programas permitem que os pais migrem seus filhos por meio de assentamentos permanentes. “Ao fazê-lo, os pais podem oferecer mais oportunidades educacionais e profissionais sem os inconvenientes que envolvem a obtenção de um visto de estudante e/ou de pós-graduação. Essas oportunidades incluem acesso à educação primária e secundária de primeira qualidade, maiores oportunidades de desenvolvimento profissional, residir em um ambiente com alta qualidade de vida, maiores perspectivas de renda e maior liberdade de locomoção entre fronteiras. Esse acesso e essas oportunidades contribuem para a sustentabilidade da prosperidade familiar por meio de maiores probabilidades de criação e preservação de riqueza, capacitando a próxima geração com um conjunto mais robusto de habilidades e capacidades.”

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000913268

Tjiueza’s deal with Cape Town City put on hold

WINDHOEK: Cape Town City Football Club chairperson, John Comitis has stated that their interest in signing Namibian international player, Prins Tjiueza, has been put on hold due to an injury.

During the just-ended African Cup of Nations (AFCON) round of 16 match between Namibia and Angola at the Stadium of Peace in Bouake, Ivory Coast, Tjiueza was stretchered off the field just 17 minutes into the game.

The 21-year-old attacking midfielder who plies for KF Liria Prizren, a First Football League team in Kosovo, underwent medicals this week as he was expected to pen a new deal with the South African Premier League club.

On Monday, it was revealed on social media that the Namibian footballer’s transfer to Cape Town City was cancelled due to failed medicals.

In an interview with Nampa on Tuesday, Comitis said that Tjiueza sustained an injury while representing his country and is expected to recover in three months.

‘The deal couldn’t be completed as we realised that the injury seemed to be more serious than
we expected. As a club we were interested in the player’s services as he is still young and one that can fit in our plans, but his injury affected that,’ he said.

He added that although they have not committed to a transfer, they wish the player a speedy recovery and will consider a deal in the future.

‘As it stands, he is still a player of Liria Prizren and he has age on his side. We hope he will recover fast, and we might still relook at that deal,’ Comitis said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

SA deploys 2900 troops to eastern DRC

South Africa is to deploy at least 2 900 members of the South African National Defence Force to assist in the fight against illegal armed groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

President Cyril Ramaphosa ordered the deployment in line with fulfilling South Africa’s international obligation towards the Southern African Development Community (SADC) mission to support the DRC.

The deployment comes as the DRC battles Tutsi-led M23 rebels whose attacks and advances in recent days, is threatening the North Kivu provincial capital, Goma.

According to media reports, decades of conflicts in eastern Congo between myriad rival armed groups over land and resources have killed hundreds of thousands of people and displaced more than seven million.

The SADC Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (SAMIDRC) was deployed on 15 December 2023 to support the government of the DRC to restore peace and security in the eastern DRC, which has witnessed an increase in conflicts and instability caused by the
resurgence of armed groups.

‘The employment will cover the period from 15 December 2023 to 15 December 2024 and it was authorised in accordance with the provisions of section 201(2) (c) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.

‘The budgeted expenditure to be incurred for the employment amounts to just over R2 billion. This expenditure will not impact provisions for the defence force’s regular maintenance and emergency repairs,’ the Presidency said in a statement on Monday.

The obligation to contribute troops to the SADC mission in the DRC is borne by all SADC Member States. SADC is a 16-member group of countries, including the Congo.

The deployment of the SAMIDRC was approved by the Extraordinary SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Windhoek, Republic of Namibia, on 08 May 2023 as a regional response to address the unstable and deteriorating security situation prevailing in the eastern DRC.

As part of the SAMIDRC, a SADC regional force from the Republics of Malawi, South Afric
a and the United Republic of Tanzania and elements of the DRC Armed Forces are working with the Congolese Army, the Forces Armees de la Republic Democratique du Congo (FARDC), in fighting armed groups operating in the eastern DRC.

In a statement in January, SADC said the presence of the SAMIDRC demonstrates the commitment of SADC member states to supporting the DRC in its efforts to achieve lasting peace and stability and, ultimately, create an enabling environment for sustainable development and prosperity.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Sanitary dignity programme makes progress

The Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (DWYPD) continues to deliver free disposable sanitary pads to indigent/poor girls and women since 2019.

The department has since 2019 been delivering the sanitary products through its sanitary dignity programme.

From 2019 to 2023, the programme has benefited 4.3 million learners.

The department revealed that the current budget for the programme in the 2023/24 financial year is R235 million, which will increase in the 2024/25 financial year as well as into the outer years.

The Sanitary Dignity Implementation Framework (SDIF) was developed and approved by Cabinet in 2017 to manage menstruation in a safe, knowledgeable, and dignified manner and to ensure that female learners attend school uninterrupted by the normal process of menstruation.

This therefore addresses menstrual health and sexual reproductive health rights of girl learners.

The provision of such well-needed products has enabled girl learners to reach their fullest potential at school
, just like their fellow boy learners – therefore the programme provides equal education opportunities amongst all genders.

The department highlighted that in line with the implementation of the SDIF, provinces receive the allocation through a direct equitable share budget from National Treasury to roll out the programme to quintiles 1, 2, and 3 (no fee paying) schools, special and farm schools.

Another contributor to the programme is the Department of Higher Education, Training and Innovation through ensuring that the National Student Financial Scheme (NSFAS) grant beneficiaries in post-education and training institutions (universities, colleges and technical and vocational education and training colleges) receive monthly stipends of R290 to purchase menstrual products of their choice, amongst other things.

The number of such beneficiaries reached in 2023 is 429,000 female students.

‘Although provision is made to ensure that girls and women’s dignity is addressed and that menstrual products poverty is mi
tigated, many other indigent deserving women and girls cannot be reached due to budgetary constraints,’ Minister Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma said in a statement on Monday.

The Minister added that as the programme matures, the dignity of women and girls will be restored.

‘That is why the Cabinet indicated in 2017 that the programme will take an incremental approach as far as budget allocation is concerned. As a result, the allocation was R 157 million in 2019/20 and by 2023/24 it had increased to R235 million,’ she said.


Another important development is that through the programme, women, youth, and persons with disabilities enterprises have emerged in the form of manufacturing and distribution of menstrual products through provincial government public procurement processes.

The department said that one of the highlights of this achievement has been assisting a small local brand called Lindiwe Pads to grow and create its own sanitary pads local manufacturing factory in Gauteng.

The company has
impressive facilities, state-of-the-art machinery, and raw materials.

Apart from the owner’s bold initiatives, this has been through efforts to give strategic, operational and financial support to Lindiwe Pads provided by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, Department of Small Business Development, Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and the DWYPD.

The role of the DWYPD has been to provide policy clarity, and moral encouragement, introducing the owner to various platforms for publicity as well as engaging with the IDC to vouch for sustainability of the company.

Lindiwe Pads enterprise has been awarded a contract to distribute disposable sanitary pads that are South African Bureau on Standards (SABS) compliant in one of the education districts in the Eastern Cape.

The National Strategic Plan on GBVF (gender-based violence and femicide) calls for the economic empowerment of women and through the economic value chain of the sanitary dignity programme, women, youth and persons with disabil
ity-owned enterprises can benefit.

In 2019 a zero VAT rate was pronounced by the Minister of Finance on disposable sanitary pads to make them more accessible for women and girls.

Source: South African Government News Agency

SIU to investigate corruption allegations at NCEDA

President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed Proclamation R151 of 2024 authorising the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) to investigate allegations of corruption in the affairs of Northern Cape Economic Development and Trade and Investment Promotion Agency.

According to a statement by the unit, these include seven contracts and serious maladministration of salary adjustments and to recover any financial losses suffered by the State.

Proclamation R151 of 2024 authorises the SIU to probe the procurement and/or contracting of seven contracts. These are for the procurement of the following goods and services:

Legal services

Event organising and management services

Consultancy services

Security services

Services relating to the Riemvasmaak Tourism Master Plan

Catering services

An audio-visual system

Furthermore, the SIU will also investigate allegations of serious maladministration in connection with the affairs of the agency for salary adjustments that were not duly authorised.

The SIU will also investiga
te any unauthorised, irregular, or fruitless and wasteful expenditure incurred by NCEDA or the State.

‘The scope of the investigation also covers any unlawful or improper conduct by officials or employees of NCEDA, the applicable suppliers or service providers or any other person or entity.

‘The Proclamation covers allegations of unlawful and improper conduct that took place between 1 March 2012 and 9 February 2024, the date of the publication of the Proclamation or before 1 March 2012 and after the date of the Proclamation that are relevant to, connected with, incidental to the matters or involves the same persons, entities or contracts investigated.

‘In addition to investigating maladministration, malpractice, corruption and fraud, the SIU will identify system failures and make systematic recommendations to improve measures to prevent future losses,’ said the unit.

In line with the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act 74 of 1996 (SIU Act), the SIU will refer any evidence pointing to cri
minal conduct it uncovers during its investigations to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) for further action.

The SIU is empowered by the SIU Act to institute civil action in the High Court or a Special Tribunal in its name to correct any wrongdoing uncovered during its investigation caused by acts of corruption, fraud or maladministration.

Source: South African Government News Agency