President Geingob supported freedom of speech and journalist safety: Aochamub

WINDHOEK: Former President Hage Geingob was a staunch believer in the rule of law, particularly in freedom of speech, media freedom, and the safety of journalists.

This is how the late president’s former press secretary, Albertus Aochamub, who is currently the Namibian Ambassador to France, remembered his former principal.

‘What was important was his belief in the rule of law. And press freedom for him was a human right. It is the first thing that the struggle for freedom was all about – the right to free expression,’ Aochamub told Nampa in an interview.

Aochamub, who became presidential spokesperson when President Geingob was first voted into office in 2015, said the late Head of State guaranteed the safety of journalists.

‘He would remind us every day that for as long as he is president and as long as he is able to influence the history of this country, no journalist or media practitioner will ever be touched for doing their work,’ he said.

The former director general of the Namibian Broadcasting Corpo
ration noted that Geingob’s commitment to openness was one of the reasons he enjoyed his role as press secretary.

‘Was my job as press secretary difficult? Actually to the contrary, it was made much easier because you had a principal who believed in the work that needed to be done to tell the Namibian story in its totality. Transparency, as you know, was another hallmark of his presidency. And by allowing media access to meetings that traditionally in many jurisdictions around the world are the preserve of the bureau principals only, that was his way of saying we are at the service of the nation, and the nation needs to hear the unedited version of the truth as it unfolds,’ Aochamub recalled.

He added that the former president always insisted that journalists write and report the facts as they are.

‘The second thing is on the editorial pages. There you can express an opinion because that is where you have the freedom to say ‘this is my interpretation’. So he didn’t have to agree; he knew that’s your opinio
n,’ Aochamub said.

However, according to Aochamub, Geingob did not take kindly to the media portraying Namibia in a negative light.

‘It was always how we project our country, because this is the only home we have. And if we don’t protect it at all costs, we will probably live to regret the day when we realise that we sold our soul to the devil, because we believe that, as an Afropessimist, you are doing justice to your career but at the expense of the country,’ he said.

Aochamub, who is also the Permanent Delegate of Namibia to UNESCO, recalled how President Geingob spent his mornings poring over newspapers and online news to stay up-to-date. He said the former Statesman was an early riser who was always ahead of them.

‘First in the morning, you will know that when the call comes, usually around 07h00, he will have gone through everything that has been published in the printed press, electronic media, and the discussion on social media. He spent an hour combing through reactions to the previous day’s even

‘And a lot of the discussion revolves around things that concern the citizens. So the first phone call will revolve around the usual question: ‘Did you see that?’. But you don’t know what it is, so you have to politely ask, ‘Which one?’ And then the discussion would start around the details of what was reported and how it was reported, either factually or incorrectly. And how he needed to explain more because it seems as if we have not been clear. That would have been the start and usually set the tone for the rest of the day,’ Aochamub recalled.

Aochamub has taken a leave from his diplomatic duties in Paris and is actively involved in the organisation of daily memorial services and the arrangements for the former Head of State’s burial on 25 February.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

MSYNS warns youth against latest scams

The Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Service (MSYNS) has warned members of the public to be cautious of scammers who under false pretence are calling for online applications for a youth development grant covering 2024/2025.

The ministry’s Chief Public Relations Officer Aina Shikesho in an interview with Nampa on Tuesday, explained that the scammers are enticing particularly young people to click on a link containing an image of Minister Agnes Tjongarero, regarding an online application for a Youth Development Grant 2024/2025.

‘This scam does not come from our ministry and the public is hereby cautioned to refrain from clicking on the link,’ she said.

Shikesho further warned young people about another scam which involves scammers who are informing young people that they have been accepted at the ministry’s Frans Dimbare Youth Skills Training Centre in Divundu, Kavango East Region, and should provide their banking details.

‘The ministry has not announced nor released the names of the successful applica
nts, at its Frans Dimbare Youth Skills Training Centre,’ the PRO said.

Additionally, she indicated that employees at Frans Dimbare Youth Skills Training Centre will not request young people to provide their banking details, as it is not part of the requirements. Thus they are cautioned to refrain from providing their personal banking details.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

High Court to hear case of fired ||Kharas regional councillors in April

The Windhoek High Court has ordered that the matter brought before it through an urgent application by three councillors who were fired from the ||Kharas Regional Council, be heard through a normal application on 18 April this year.

Oranjemund Constituency councillor Lazarus Nangolo, Karasburg West Constituency councillor Taimi Amakali, and !Nami#Nûs Constituency councillor Susan Ndjaleka were suspended on 25 January 2024 by the ||Kharas Regional Council chairperson, Joseph Isaacks for various alleged offences.

These offences, according to Isaacks range from absconding from meetings with no proper and valid reasons as per section 10 of the Regional Councils Act, sabotaging the council and refusing to fill positions on the management committee.

On 02 February the three suspended councillors through their lawyer Sisa Namandje, brought an urgent application before the High Court demanding that they be reinstated with immediate effect.

The application was set to be heard last week Friday, however, court docum
ents seen by Nampa on Tuesday indicate that the case was struck off the urgent court roll and will be heard as a normal application on 18 April.

This came after the applicants; the regional council and the chairperson settled on an agreement for the case not to be heard on an urgent basis.

The court ordered the regional council and the chairperson not to implement the decision taken on 25 January to fire the three councillors, adding that the three councillors should continue to serve in their positions and carry out their duties.

‘The applicants shall continue receiving all their remunerations and benefits as if no decision to stop their remuneration was made,’ said the court order.

Further, the court said the ||Kharas Regional Council, Isaacks and Acting Chief Regional Officer, Benedictus Diergaardt must file the record of proceedings of the special council meeting held on 25 January including transcribed and documentary material before or on 20 February 2024.

‘The applicants must file their supplement
ary affidavits if any on or before 29 February. The respondents must file their answering affidavits on or before 22 March and applicants must file their replying affidavits on or before 09 April,’ the court ordered.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Infant’s lifeless body discovered at Omusati

The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) are investigating a case of concealment of birth, following the discovery of a new-born baby boy’s lifeless body wrapped in women’s clothing material in the bushes behind Extension 9 at Outapi in the Omusati Region.

NamPol’s Omusati Crime Investigations Coordinator, Moses Simaho, said the discovery was made around 17h50 on Monday.

‘It is alleged that the suspect used an unknown method to cause the death of an infant and the lifeless body of the boy was eventually found wrapped in women’s clothes material,’ he said.

He added that the unknown male infant is estimated to be one-day-old.

Simaho stated that the suspect is unknown at this stage.

The deceased’s body is kept at the Outapi State Mortuary and will be transported to Okahao Police Mortuary for a post-mortem.

Police investigations into the matter continue.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

NamPol warn drivers to not flee scenes after accidents

The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in the Oshikoto Region so far this year reported two cases of drivers fleeing the scene after being involved in accidents.

The region’s Community Affairs Chief, Inspector Ellen Nehale-Kangulu cautioned all drivers to adhere to the duties and responsibilities of drivers whenever involved in an accident in an interview with Nampa on Tuesday.

‘Drivers are required to ascertain the nature and extent of an injury sustained by any person, assist those who are injured and they may report such accidents within 24 hours at the nearest police station,’ said Nehale-Kangulu.

She said that failing to report such accidents, the police would open a case against the drivers who would face the wrath of the law.

‘In the same vein, the public or pedestrians are advised to take safety precaution measures when they are crossing the road,’ Nehale-Kangulu said.

She said first one should look at their left, then to their right, and again to their left before crossing the road after they are ce
rtain that it is safe to cross.

‘The general public is cautioned to avoid crossing the road while under the influence of alcohol,’ said Nehale-Kangulu.

The senior police officer noted that most of the time, pedestrians are coming from bars and cuca shops under the influence of alcohol which makes it difficult for them to fully concentrate whenever they are crossing roads.

‘The outcome of this irresponsible behaviour leads to unnecessary deaths or serious or permanent disability,’ she noted.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

L’AACSB récompense 26 écoles de commerce qui font preuve d’audace

Le neuvième programme annuel de mise à l’honneur des membres présente des écoles de commerce qui innovent pour créer une valeur unique pour ses apprenants, les entreprises et la société.

TAMPA, État de Floride, 12 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd’hui, AACSB International (AACSB) — la plus grande alliance d’enseignement commercial au monde — annonce la mise à l’honneur de 26 écoles de commerce aux termes du programme de mise en lumière de ses membres intitulé Innovations That Inspire.

Ce programme annuel récompense les institutions du monde entier qui se font fait fortes d’être les championnes du changement dans le domaine de l’enseignement commercial. En 2024, les points forts mis en avant portent sur la présentation des façons uniques dont les écoles de commerce tirent parti de l’innovation pour créer une nouvelle valeur pour les communautés qu’elles servent.

Ces écoles font preuve d’audace pour permettre un accès équitable, donner les moyens de résoudre les problèmes, concevoir des programmes d’études et des diplômes opportuns, déployer des méthodes d’apprentissage adaptatives, créer de nouvelles connaissances et former des leaders ayant un impact sur la société. En voici des exemples :

  • Lignes directrices pour la comptabilisation des émissions de carbone dans les entreprises de transport maritime, Université de Jinan : élaborées par des chercheurs du Key Laboratory of Human-Nature Life Community affilié à la School of Management, ces lignes directrices fournissent aux entreprises de transport maritime des méthodes normalisées de comptabilisation des émissions de carbone afin de les aider à atteindre les objectifs de neutralité carbone de la Chine.
  • Promouvoir les impacts sociétaux grâce à la connaissance des données et à la collaboration, The University of Alabama, Culverhouse College of Business : des approches fondées sur les données, un engagement multisectoriel et un apprentissage pratique sont à la base d’une initiative innovante, financée par le gouvernement fédéral, visant à développer un centre de données complet axé sur l’utilisation d’informations ouvertes pour lutter contre la crise des opioïdes.
  • Transition vers le développement durables dans les affaires internationales (ST101), Grenoble École de Management : le module ST101 est un cours pionnier et interdisciplinaire qui combine un parcours d’apprentissage virtuel avec un scénario d’entreprise réel, des exercices pédagogiques et des discussions en classe pour apprendre, co-créer et réfléchir de manière critique sur les innovations pour des modèles d’entreprise durables.
  • XLab : Conception de produits et de solutions d’innovation numérique, Case Western University, Weatherhead School of Management : en collaboration avec une équipe composée d’étudiants pluridisciplinaires, de professeurs et d’autres centres universitaires, xLab développe des prototypes technologiques, des services et des modèles commerciaux éthiquement responsables en collaboration avec des entreprises partenaires.

« Dans un monde confronté à des défis sociaux, économiques et technologiques, les écoles de commerce innovent pour développer des solutions efficaces. Les lauréats 2024 du programme « Innovations That Inspire » illustrent les façons uniques dont les écoles de commerce créent de la valeur et de l’impact pour leurs parties prenantes », a déclaré Lily Bi, présidente et directrice générale de l’AACSB. « Grâce à leur leadership audacieux et à leur innovation, ces écoles contribuent à un monde meilleur, démontrant ainsi le rôle important qu’elles jouent dans notre société ».

L’initiative « Innovations That Inspire », qui en est à sa neuvième édition, a mis en lumière les efforts de 240 écoles de commerce qui illustrent des approches prospectives en matière d’éducation, de recherche, d’engagement communautaire, d’entrepreneuriat, de leadership, de diversité et d’inclusion.

Plus d’informations et d’exemples sont disponibles sur

À propos d’AACSB International

Fondée en 1916, AACSB International (« AACSB ») est la plus importante alliance dans le domaine des études commerciales au monde. Elle met en contact des formateurs, des apprenants et des entreprises afin de créer la prochaine génération de grands leaders. Présente dans plus de 100 pays et territoires, l’AACSB favorise l’engagement, accélère l’innovation et amplifie l’impact au sein du secteur des études commerciales. Découvrez comment l’AACSB révolutionne les études commerciales dans le but de créer une société meilleure sur

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