Les leaders du luxe : Automobili Pininfarina récompensée par trois prix internationaux

  • Automobili Pininfarina entame l’année 2024 en remportant plusieurs prix récompensant ses designs
  • PURA Vision a reçu le prix d’argent dans la catégorie Produits conceptuels / Design de produits automobiles et de transport lors des International Design Awards
  • Automobili Pininfarina a été nommé « Fabricant de voitures électriques performantes de luxe de l’année 2024 » par le magazine LUXlife
  • Battista Edizione Nino Farina a été nommé « Meilleur hypercar électrique » au Robb Report Monaco & Côte d’Azur Car of the Year 2024
  • Une série complète de ressources pour accompagner ces informations peut être consultée ici

CAMBIANO, Italie, 07 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Automobili Pininfarina a démarré l’année 2024 en remportant trois prix, continuant ainsi à consolider le succès de son année précédente record.

Le magazine LUXlife a désigné le constructeur Automobili Pininfarina « Constructeur de voitures électriques de luxe performantes de l’année 2024 » à l’occasion de ses récompenses annuelles.

Reconnaissant les progrès inégalés et la créativité exceptionnelle du monde du luxe, les prix LUXlife récompensent les leaders et les pionniers qui redéfinissent l’excellence au sein de l’industrie, pour instaurer de nouveaux standards en matière de sophistication et d’élégance. Automobili Pininfarina a été récompensée dans la catégorie « Leaders du luxe ».

Cette récompense a été suivie d’une autre pour le concept de PURA Vision, qui a reçu la médaille d’argent dans la catégorie Produits conceptuels / Conception de produits automobiles et de transport lors des 2024 International Design Awards.

La PURA Vision, conçue par Dave Amantea, Chief Design Officer, marque le début de ce qui promet d’être une nouvelle ère pour les véhicules électriques de luxe. Elle a été présentée lors de la Monterey Car Week 2023.

Dave Amantea, directeur du design, a commenté : « Notre philosophie de design PURA est axée sur la simplicité et la beauté intemporelle que l’on retrouve dans tous les modèles d’Automobili Pininfarina. Cette idée s’exprime dans la silhouette élégante et les proportions saisissantes de la PURA Vision, envisagée ici comme un véhicule utilitaire électrique de luxe (e-LUV) novateur » .

Les principes de la philosophie PURA, établis par Automobili Pininfarina, redéfinissent l’ADN des modèles emblématiques passés de Pininfarina SpA pour réécrire l’avenir, en combinant l’inspiration des voitures classiques emblématiques avec des éléments futuristes.

Inspirée par les proportions et les détails raffinés des voitures classiques, PURA Vision se distingue par une silhouette élégante avec des proportions audacieuses à l’arrière de la cabine et combine une beauté intemporelle avec des détails exquis pour créer une identité complexe avec une présence inimitable. Parmi ses caractéristiques les plus remarquables, on peut citer son vitrage étroit et ses portières sans montants à triple ouverture, qui offrent un accès exceptionnel à son habitacle sophistiqué.

Plus récemment, l’Automobili Pininfarina Battista Edizione Nino Farina a été nommée « Meilleur hypercar électrique » au Robb Report Monaco & Côte d’Azur Car of the Year 2024. Présentée lors du Goodwood Festival of Speed 2023, elle rend hommage à la légende de la course automobile Nino Farina, neveu du fondateur de la société, Battista « Pinin » Farina, et premier champion du monde de Formule 1.

Chacun des cinq exemplaires uniques présente un détail particulier qui fait référence à une étape importante de la carrière de Nino dans le monde de la course automobile. Avec une finition en Rosso Nino sur mesure complétée par une livrée spéciale sur la partie inférieure de la carrosserie, en Bianco Sestriere et Iconica Blu, le design extérieur est complété par des jantes Glorioso en alliage d’aluminium forgé à 10 rayons, de couleur or satiné.

Contacts presse

Duncan Forrester
Directeur de la communication
(M) +49 (0) 171 265 4094
Akira Shinonuma
Responsable de la communication
(M) +49 (0) 1511 0949270



Le siège des opérations d’Automobili Pininfarina se trouve à Munich, Allemagne, et réunit une équipe de cadres expérimentés dans le domaine de l’automobile, issus de marques de voitures de luxe et de haut de gamme. Conçue, dessinée et produite à la main en Italie, la Battista hyper GT et tous les futurs modèles seront vendus sur les principaux marchés internationaux sous la marque Pininfarina. L’entreprise a pour objectif de concevoir des expériences pour les plus grands influenceurs de goût du monde. Automobili Pininfarina GmbH est un investissement à 100 % de Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd suite à la signature d’un accord de licence de marque entre Pininfarina S.p.A. et Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Pininfarina S.p.A. joue un rôle important dans les activités de conception et de production en s’appuyant sur son expérience unique de 94 ans dans la production de nombreuses voitures comptant parmi les plus emblématiques au monde.

Les photos accompagnant cette publication sont disponibles à l’adresse suivante :

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Nzimande approves NSFAS eligibility criteria for financial aid

Higher Education, Science and Innovation Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, has approved the proposed 2024 National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) eligibility criteria and conditions for financial aid.

In terms of Section 4 of the NSFAS Act, the first and second functions of NSFAS are to ‘allocate funds for loans and bursaries to eligible students’ and to ‘develop criteria and conditions for the granting of loans and bursaries to eligible students, in consultation with the Minister’.

Nzimande said the approved 2024 Eligibility Criteria and Conditions apply to students at public universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges.

‘The approved 2024 Eligibility Criteria and Conditions make slight amendments to the 2023 NSFAS Financial Aid Eligibility Policy but maintain the principles of the 2023 NSFAS Board policy positions.

‘The changes recommended by the NSFAS Board were proposed in consideration of, among others, the differences between TVET college and university student b
ursary packages,’ Nzimande said in a statement on Tuesday.

The policy changes for the 2024 academic year, are as follows:

University managed self-catering and private off-campus accredited accommodation will be capped at R50 000 in metro areas and R41 000 in all other areas per academic year, while university managed and catered accommodation are capped at R66 500 in metros and R57 500 in other areas, per beneficiary.

TVET college managed and leased self- catered accommodation and private off-campus accredited accommodation will be capped at R50 000 in metros and R41 000 in other areas, whilst TVET college-owned catered residence will be capped at R60 000 in metros and R51 000 in other areas, per beneficiary.

In 2024, the living allowance will be R10 000 for TVETs and R16 500 for universities per annum (distributed monthly), per beneficiary.

Nzimande noted this is aimed at progressively but decisively closing the gap between TVET College and university students.

Conditions on policy changes

The conditi
ons on policy changes include that students who change institution types (shift from TVET college to university or vice versa) must re-apply for funding.

Students who de-register or drop out during an academic term and wish to resume their studies in future academic terms, must re-apply.

A student that no longer complies with the university N+Rule or TVET college N+Rule may not be funded. The university N+ Rule is based on the number of years a student is registered in the higher education sector.

The TVET college N+ Rule is based on NSFAS funded academic terms at TVET Colleges.

‘The additional NSFAS funded academic term may be for repeating at any level from the entry academic term to exit the academic term.’

The policy notes that the N+ Rule does not apply to occupational programmes as ‘these programmes are aligned to employment contracts which do not make provision for the N+1 period of study.’

Financial aid received cannot be used to settle historic debt unless it is specified as such.

University a
cademic eligibility criteria

The policy states that the academic progression criteria will be measured by the percentage of course credits that a student achieves in the academic year. Institutions and NSFAS will progressively align academic progression criteria requirements.

As of 2024, continuing and First Time Entering Students (FTEN) university students must achieve a credit pass rate of 50%.

Continuing and FTEN university students must achieve a course credit pass rate of 60% for the end of the 2024 academic year to succeed academically for the 2025 funding year.

TVET academic eligibility criteria

A bursary may only be awarded to students progressing to the next NC (V) level if they passed at least five subjects in the previous NC (V) level.

A bursary may only be awarded to students progressing to the next Report 191 level if they passed a minimum of three subjects in the previous N-Level.

Academic progression criteria requirements for continuing students studying occupational programmes will be d
etermined by TVET colleges, and the results shared with NSFAS.

Students with disabilities

In the event that the human support is in the form of a carer, the carer may be anyone selected by the student living with a disability and approved by the institution, provided that all supporting documents are ratified by NSFAS prior to funding being approved.

In terms of responsibility added on NSFAS, the 2024 policy states the scheme must comply with National Treasury and the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) requirements.

‘As such, all NSFAS funding decisions and payments are subject to these requirements and restrictions.’

Source: South African Government News Agency

Namibia endowed with sought-after minerals: Nghinamundova

WINDHOEK: Namibia’s consul general in Cape Town, Selma Nghinamundova, has said Namibia is among the nations that possess some of the most sought-after minerals worldwide.

‘Namibia remains one of the most prospective jurisdictions for lithium, graphite, cobalt, rare earth metals, and other minerals that are considered critical inputs in green technologies by many countries around the world,’ she said during her address at the ‘Investing in Africa’ Mining Indaba in Cape Town on Wednesday.

Nghinamundova, who spoke on behalf of Mines and Energy Minister Tom Alweendo, said Namibia is also endowed with natural wind and solar resources.

‘It is among the most competitive destinations in the world with potential to become a producer and exporter of green hydrogen, reckoned to catalyse the decarbonisation of the planet,’ she said.

According to Nghinamundova, Namibia has seen a rise in interest in its critical minerals, which presents a chance to derive better value from its mineral resources for the benefit of the

‘Just as any other country endowed with mineral resources, our goal is to add value to our minerals for viable projects. In this regard, Namibia has developed its Minerals Beneficiation Strategy to maximise benefits from its mineral resources,’ she said.

She told the delegates at the mining indaba that Namibia has a lot to offer as a country to invest in, applying the quadruple helix approach where government, industry, academia, and communities work together to address challenges pertinent to our context.

‘The country’s due regard to environmental, social, and governance factors is driving investor confidence in doing business in the Namibian minerals sector,’ she said.

The ‘Investing in Africa’ Mining Indaba started Monday and ends on Thursday.

The Ministry of Mines and Energy in a statement said Namibia will during the indaba showcase the opportunities the country presents in the mining sector to a global audience of foremost thinkers in mining.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

President Ramaphosa expected to announce Election Day within 15 days

President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to announce the date for the 2024 national elections within 15 days of the State of the Nation Address, which is to be delivered tomorrow evening.

‘We look forward to the President delivering the State of the Nation Address tomorrow at 7pm. It it will be the administration’s seventh – in a year which marks 30 years since Parliament ushered in the democratic dispensation,’ Presidential spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said.

Addressing the media at the Imbizo Media Centre in Cape Town earlier today, Magwenya urged all South Africans to follow tomorrow’s address as it deals with the state of the nation, not only the state of one segment or some segments of the nation.

‘We are united in the progress we have made and united in the work we need to do to address the challenges we face,’ he said.

Magwenya said the President was recovering well from the flu and would be up to the task of delivering his address.

‘Last night we were with him going through the draft [speech] until
very late. By then he had improved significantly,’ Magwenya said.

On Friday, the President will be up at dawn to warm up for the annual Presidential Golf Challenge.

‘The Presidential Golf Challenge is coordinated by the Minister of Public Service and Administration and will raise funds for the Cyril Ramaphosa Foundation.

‘The Foundation’s partner entity, the Adopt-A-School Foundation, will use the funds to construct ablution facilities at schools in support of the Department of Basic Education’s SAFE Initiative, which stands for Sanitation Appropriate for Education,’ Magwenya said.

‘This is an important investment in the dignity of learners and staff at our schools and a contribution to social infrastructure in the country,’ Magwenya said.

The President is honoured that his playing partner this year is 14-year-old Botshepehi Phakoe from Mangaung in the Free State.

‘Botshepehi is one of the best young players in the Free State Junior Union and we hope he doesn’t put too much pressure on the President on
the first tee,’ Magwenya said.

On Friday evening, the President will express his appreciation to the event’s sponsors and partners at a prizegiving dinner where players will be recognised.

This year’s SONA holds special significance as it is not only the end of term, but also the address ahead of South Africa’s celebration of 30 years of freedom and democracy.

This is an opportunity to reflect on how far the nation has come and recommit to working together to build the country envisioned at the start of democracy.

The State of the Nation Address sets out government’s key policy objectives and deliverables for the year ahead.

During the address, the President will highlight achievements, flag challenges and outline interventions to unlock the country’s development.

The address marks the official start of the Parliamentary programme. It will be followed by a debate in the National Assembly and the President’s reply to the debate.

Source: South African Government News Agency

B1 collision victim identified

OTJIWARONGO: The Namibian Police Force (NamPol) has confirmed the identity of a man who died in a road crash south of Otjiwarongo Wednesday morning as Francois Seibeb.

In an interview with Nampa, NamPol Crime Investigations Coordinator in the Otjozondjupa Region, Deputy Commissioner Edna Nawa, said Seibeb’s vehicle collided head-on with a mini-truck belonging to a private courier service on the B1 road south of Otjiwarongo.

Nawa said Seibeb, who was alone at the time of the incident, was traveling from the direction of Otjiwarongo towards Okahandja, while the truck was headed in the opposite direction.

‘Approximately 10 kilometres south of Otjiwarongo, the two cars collided with severe impact, killing the sedan driver on the spot,’ said Nawa.

Preliminary police investigations indicate that the truck allegedly veered to the right side of the road, where the collision occurred.

The 37-year-old male driver of the truck sustained slight injuries and was treated at the Otjiwarongo State Hospital.

A culpable
homicide docket has been opened against the truck’s driver and police investigations continue.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Cloudy conditions expected ahead of SONA

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) predicts a cloudy start to Thursday’s State of the Nation Address (SONA), with skies clearing in the afternoon and moderate winds.

‘There will be a cloudy start to the day but clearing up as the day progresses and becoming more partly cloudy to sunny conditions later on for tomorrow,’ the SAWS told SAnews.

The SAWS predicts mild temperatures around mid-20 degrees Celsius with a moderate south-westerly wind expected throughout the day.

‘There is a weak cold front that is passing through tonight and if there’s any rain, it will be through the night or the early hours of tomorrow morning,’ the SAWS explained.

This as all roads lead to the Cape Town City Hall where President Cyril Ramaphosa will deliver his highly anticipated SONA.

The address is an opportunity for the President to account to the nation on government’s work and to set the State’s programme of action.

The President’s speech will touch on the general state of South Africa, and reflect on a wide range o
f political, economic and social matters within the domestic and global contexts.

The address will be followed by a two-day joint debate on his address and he will then reply to issues raised in the debates.

During this important joint sitting of Parliament, the President usually also makes key government announcements.

Activities prior to the President delivering the SONA include a 21-gun salute, an aircraft fly-past, a ceremonial guard and the step guard salute.

There will also be the singing of the national anthem, a full military band, and ceremonial processions involving provincial Speakers, Premiers, the judiciary, the Deputy President, and the President.

The President will be ushered into the National Assembly by praise singer, Senziwe Hatty Maliba, a 24-year-old from Nkomazi in Mpumalanga.

Source: South African Government News Agency