President Ramaphosa engages youth ahead of SONA

President Cyril Ramaphosa has held a pre-State of the Nation Address (SONA) engagement with young people at the Belhar Sports Complex in Cape Town.

The engagement was aimed at taking stock – together with the youth – of the past three years since the commencement of the Presidential Employment Stimulus (PES) and Youth Employment Intervention (PYEI).

The two programmes have created more than 1.7 million job opportunities and provided livelihood support, predominantly benefiting young people.

At the engagement on Tuesday, President Ramaphosa told the youth that the sixth administration has, since it took office, made a decision to ‘focus on young people” because of the youth unemployment challenge that South Africa faces.

“We are going to craft many programmes and as many as we can. We did so because we wanted to give young people an opportunity to start off with their lives.

‘Sitting here, I am rather pleased that we’ve set up this Youth Employment Service,where we’ve said to the private sector: take youn
g people and give them a life chance opportunity by getting them to learn on the job. But we went further and we set up the PYEI, which has opened up enormous opportunities,’ he said.

Reflecting on the past 30 years of democracy and how the lives of young people are impacted by this, the President said that since the end of apartheid, government has opened the doors of learning for all school going children, and assisted more than a million older youth in attaining higher education.

‘When apartheid ended, we decided that we are going to open the doors of learning for young people to go into learning institutions by their millions and having done so, we opened up no-fee schools… We decided that we are going to feed young people at school. We have the biggest feeding programme on the whole continent, feeding nine million children everyday for five days of the week.

‘We focused on higher education, [where]… today NSFAS [National Student Financial Aid Scheme] supports 1.2 million young people. I know of no c
ountry on the African continent that does so,’ he said.

President Ramaphosa noted that by putting more youth through higher education, more effort needs to be put into creating jobs for those who graduate.

‘This is what led to the conceptualisation of all these [employment] programmes. We rely on the private sector to create jobs but they are not creating jobs fast enough so government had to step in to create those job opportunities.

‘The vision is to make sure that we prepare the future of South Africa through educating, through skilling and then creating job opportunities for these young people,’ he said.

The President assured the youth that government will not stop in its efforts to ensure that the youth are skilled and employed.

‘We never had those opportunities but the democratic government has made sure that we open all these opportunities and they are there for you to take…and to make a good start in your own lives.

‘But we are going to massify. I want to see millions of young people becoming in
volved in various opportunities and getting into jobs. Our commitment to you, as young people, is irrevocable, it is permanent, it is there committed like no other,’ President Ramaphosa said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Curia Receives 2024 CDMO Leadership Award

Curia recognized for its Service in the CDMO industry

2024 CDMO Leadership Award
Curia Receives 2024 CDMO Leadership Award in the Service category.

ALBANY, N.Y., Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, a leading contract research, development and manufacturing organization, today announced it has been awarded a 2024 CDMO Leadership Award in the Service category, Small Pharma group. In its 13th year, the awards are presented by Outsourced Pharma and Life Science Leader.

“Curia is honored to receive this award,” said Philip Macnabb, CEO, Curia. “This distinction underscores our commitment to creating value for our customers across all of our R&D and manufacturing offerings, and we are especially appreciative to be acknowledged by the partners we support for that commitment.”

Winners of CDMO Leadership Awards are selected based on market research by Industry Standard Research (“ISR”) to distinguish CDMOs that meet or exceed customer expectations. For the 2024 awards, 98 contract manufacturers were evaluated by 23 performance metrics in ISR’s annual Contract Manufacturing Quality Benchmarking survey. Respondents to the survey only evaluate companies with which they have worked on an outsourced project within the past 18 months. Curia was awarded based on the feedback of respondents in the Small Pharma category.

“Congratulations to our 2024 CDMO Leadership Award winners. By vote of your customers, you are recognized as the best in the global outsourcing development and manufacturing sector of the biopharma industry,” says Louis Garguilo, Chief Editor and Conference Chair, Outsourced Pharma. “Award winners maintained and expanded capabilities and expertise to meet the needs of a diverse customer base; provided the additional quality and reliability so crucial to novel processes and products; and forged the closest relationships with customers. 2023 rang in with many unsettled questions. The 2024 CDMO Leadership Award winners are the support companies that best answered the bell over the past year.”

About Curia
Curia is a Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization (CDMO) with over 30 years of experience, an integrated network of 27 global sites and over 3,500 employees partnering with Biopharmaceutical customers to bring life-changing therapies to market. Our biologics and small molecules offering spans discovery through commercialization, with integrated regulatory and analytical capabilities. Our scientific and process experts and state-of-the-art facilities deliver best-in-class experience across drug substance and drug product manufacturing. From curiosity to cure, we deliver every step to improve patients’ lives. Visit us at

Corporate Contact:
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9031149

Curia reçoit le CDMO Leadership Award 2024

Curia est ainsi reconnue pour son service dans le secteur des organisations de développement et de fabrication sous contrat

ALBANY, New York, 05 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, une organisation de développement et de fabrication sous contrat (CDMO) de premier plan, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’elle avait reçu le CDMO Leadership Award 2024 dans la catégorie Service, groupe Small Pharma. Dans leur 13e année, les prix sont décernés par Outsourced Pharma et Life Science Leader.

« C’est un honneur pour Curia de recevoir ce prix », a déclaré Philip Macnabb, PDG de Curia. « Cette récompense souligne notre engagement à créer de la valeur pour nos clients dans l’ensemble de notre offre de R&D et de fabrication, et nous sommes particulièrement heureux de voir cet engagement reconnu par les partenaires que nous soutenons ».

Les lauréats des CDMO Leadership Awards sont sélectionnés sur la base d’une étude de marché réalisée par Industry Standard Research (« ISR ») afin de reconnaître les CDMO qui répondent aux attentes des clients, ou les dépassent. Pour le prix 2024, 98 fabricants sous contrat ont été évalués selon 23 indicateurs de performance dans l’enquête annuelle d’évaluation comparative de la qualité de la fabrication sous contrat menée par ISR. Les participants à l’enquête ont uniquement évalué les entreprises avec lesquelles ils ont travaillé sur un projet externalisé au cours des 18 derniers mois. Curia a été récompensée sur la base des commentaires des participants dans la catégorie Small Pharma.

« Félicitations aux lauréats du CDMO Leadership Award 2024. Par le vote de vos clients, vous êtes reconnus comme les meilleurs dans le secteur de l’externalisation du développement et de la fabrication de l’industrie biopharmaceutique », déclare Louis Garguilo, rédacteur en chef et président de la conférence, Outsourced Pharma. « Les lauréats ont maintenu et développé leurs capacités et leur expertise afin de répondre aux besoins d’une clientèle diverse ; ils ont fourni la qualité et la fiabilité supplémentaires si cruciales pour les nouveaux processus et produits ; et ils ont forgé les relations les plus étroites avec leurs clients. L’année 2023 a débuté par de nombreuses questions non résolues. Les lauréats du CDMO Leadership Award 2024 sont les entreprises sous-traitantes qui ont le mieux répondu à ces questions au cours de l’année écoulée ».

À propos de Curia
Curia est une organisation de développement et de fabrication sous contrat (CDMO) avec plus de 30 ans d’expérience, un réseau intégré de 27 sites dans le monde et plus de 3 500 collaborateurs travaillant en partenariat avec les clients biopharmaceutiques pour mettre sur le marché des thérapies qui changent la vie. Notre offre de produits biologiques et de petites molécules couvre le cycle complet de la découverte jusqu’à la commercialisation, avec des capacités réglementaires et analytiques intégrées. Nos scientifiques, nos experts en processus et nos installations de pointe apportent une expérience de premier ordre dans la fabrication de substances et de produits pharmaceutiques. De la curiosité au traitement, nous exécutons toutes les étapes pour améliorer la vie des patients. Consultez notre site à l’adresse

Contact de l’entreprise :
Viana Bhagan
+1 518 512 2111

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9031542

Curia recebe CDMO Leadership Award de 2024

Curia reconhecida pelo seu serviço na indústria de CDMO

ALBANY, N.Y., Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Curia, uma organização líder em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação por contrato, anunciou hoje que recebeu um Prêmio de Liderança CDMO 2024 na categoria de Serviços do grupo Small Pharma. No seu 13º ano, os prêmios são apresentados pela Outsourced Pharma e Life Science Leader.

“A Curia recebe este prêmio com muita honra”, disse Philip Macnabb, CEO da Curia. “Essa distinção ressalta o nosso compromisso de criar valor para nossos clientes em todas as nossas ofertas de P&D e fabricação, e somos especialmente gratos por sermos reconhecidos pelos parceiros que apoiamos com a nossa dedicação.”

Os vencedores do CDMO Leadership Awards são selecionados com base nas pesquisas de mercado da Industry Standard Research (“ISR”) para homenagear as CDMOs que atendam ou excedam as expectativas dos clientes. Para as premiações de 2024, 98 fabricantes contratados foram avaliados com 23 métricas de desempenho na pesquisa anual de Benchmarking de Qualidade de Fabricação por Contrato da ISR. Os participantes da pesquisa avaliam apenas as empresas com as quais trabalharam em um projeto terceirizado nos últimos 18 meses. A Curia foi premiada com base no feedback dos participantes na categoria Small Pharma.

“Parabéns aos vencedores do Prêmio de Liderança CDMO 2024. Com o voto dos seus clientes, vocês foram reconhecidos como o melhor no setor global de desenvolvimento e fabricação terceirizada da indústria biofarmacêutica”, disse Louis Garguilo, Editor-Chefe e Presidente de Conferência da Outsourced Pharma. “Os vencedores do prêmio mantiveram e expandiram sua capacidade e conhecimento para atender às necessidades de uma base de clientes diversificada; forneceram a qualidade e confiabilidade adicionais tão cruciais para os novos processos e produtos; e estabeleceram relações mais próximas com os clientes. 2023 trouxe à tona muitas questões não resolvidas. Os vencedores do CDMO Leadership Award de 2024 são as empresas que mais deram suporte no ano passado.”

Sobre a Curia
A Curia é uma Organização de Desenvolvimento e Fabricação por Contratos (CDMO) com mais de 30 anos de experiência, uma rede integrada de 27 locais em todo o mundo e mais de 3.500 funcionários em parcerias com clientes biofarmacêuticos para lançar no mercado terapias que mudam a vida. Nossa oferta de produtos biológicos e pequenas moléculas abrange a descoberta através da comercialização, com capacidades regulatórias e analíticas integradas. Nossos especialistas científicos e de processos, e instalações de última geração oferecem a melhor experiência em fabricação de medicamentos e produtos farmacêuticos. Da curiosidade à cura, proporcionamos todas as etapas para a melhoria da vida dos pacientes. Visite-nos em

Contato Corporativo:
Viana Bhagan
+1 (518) 512 2111

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9031542

Researchers at KFSH&RC & KAUST Discover Gene Responsible for Reproduction of the Most Dangerous Malaria Strain

Researchers at KFSH&RC & KAUST Discover Gene Responsible for Reproduction of the Most Dangerous Malaria Strain
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center – Riyadh

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a major scientific breakthrough, a research team from King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC), in collaboration with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), working alongside researchers from the UK, the US, and India, discovered a vital gene instrumental in combating malaria. This gene, termed PfAP2-MRP, is essential in the replication process of Plasmodium falciparum, the parasite that causes the most lethal strain of malaria.

Advanced laboratory techniques enabled the researchers to inhibit the PfAP2-MRP gene, revealing its critical role in the malaria parasite’s life cycle within red blood cells. This inhibition significantly disrupts the parasite’s ability to reproduce, reducing the severity of the disease’s symptoms and curbing its spread. This discovery is particularly impactful as it addresses Plasmodium falciparum malaria, which claims over half a million lives annually.

Dr. Ashraf Dada, Chairman of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Jeddah and the lead researcher, stated: “This discovery paves the way for the development of more effective treatments for the deadliest malaria strain, Plasmodium falciparum.” Also, this study enhances the scientific community’s understanding of the disease’s progression and its interaction with the human immune system, thereby strengthening efforts to combat this widespread malaria parasite prevalent in Africa.

Furthermore, the research demonstrated that the PfAP2-MRP gene regulates the production of genetically diverse protein receptors, allowing the parasite to evade the host’s immune system. This mechanism plays a significant role in the global spread of malaria and underscores the gene’s importance in developing future therapeutic strategies.

Published in the prestigious journal “Nature” this noteworthy study is part of a close collaboration between KFSH&RC and KAUST to engage in innovative research activities aimed at not only improving the diagnosis of microbes, bacteria, and parasites, but also underscores a global effort to combat pathogens and improve human health.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre stands among the global leaders in providing specialized healthcare, driving innovation, and serving as an advanced medical research and education hub. Through strategic partnerships with prominent local, regional, and international institutions, the hospital is dedicated to advancing medical technologies and elevating the standards of healthcare worldwide.

About King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC):

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) stands as a leading healthcare institution in the Middle East, envisioned to be the optimal choice for every patient seeking specialized healthcare. The hospital boasts a rich history in the treatment of cancers, cardiovascular diseases, organ transplantation, neurosciences, and genetics.

In 2023, “Brand Finance” ranked King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre as the top academic medical centre in the Middle East and Africa, and among the top 20 globally. Additionally, in 2022, it was recognized as one of the leading global healthcare providers by Newsweek magazine.

As part of Saudi Vision 2030, a royal decree was issued on December 21, 2021, to transform the hospital into an independent, non-profit, government-owned entity, paving the way for a comprehensive transformation program aimed at achieving global leadership in healthcare through excellence and innovation.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


For more information please contact:

Mr. Essam Al-Zahrani, Media Affairs Head, 0555254429

Mr. Abdullah Al-Awn, Media Coordination Officer, 0556294232

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9031968

Blue California completes groundbreaking human clinical trial on ErgoActive® ergothioneine intervention for cognitive function, memory, and sleep

Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Blue California, an industry leader in science-driven ingredient development, announced the successful completion of a groundbreaking human clinical trial of ergothioneine. A double-blinded placebo-controlled clinical trial sponsored by Blue California has shown that ErgoActive® ergothioneine supports aspects of cognitive function, memory, and sleep in healthy elderly subjects with subjective memory complaints.

“Blue California is proud to have sponsored such an important human study,” said Linda May-Zhang, Ph.D., VP of Science and Innovation at Blue California. “We are pleased by the results showing improvements of cognitive function and ability to get to sleep in subjects consuming ErgoActive for four months.”

Research has suggested that inadequate levels of ergothioneine are associated with a range of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, frailty, age-related cognitive decline, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, and dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease. Mushroom consumption and estimated dietary ergothioneine intake have previously been associated with reduced risk of cognitive decline and potentially longer lifespan.

Despite decades of preclinical research, association studies, and clinical studies conducted with mushrooms, it remained untested whether supplementation with pure ergothioneine can improve cognitive outcomes. Rigorous clinical studies were lacking. Today, Blue California has made a substantial advancement by sponsoring a double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical study conducted at a national research institution.

Sharing his insights, Robert B. Beelman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Director of the Center for Plant and Mushroom Foods for Health at Pennsylvania State University, stated, “The results of this study provide important clinical evidence supporting the idea that ergothioneine is a ‘longevity vitamin’ that can help mitigate cognitive decline and sleep issues commonly associated with aging.”

Blue California is a proud gold sponsor for the National University of Singapore’s Center of Healthy Longevity global conference on Supplements for Healthy Longevity, held Feb. 29 – Mar. 2, 2024.

ErgoActive ergothioneine is made by precision fermentation with FDA-reviewed safety of GRAS. This ingredient is easy to formulate for dietary supplements, functional food and beverages, pet supplements, and cosmetics.

About Blue California Ingredients

Blue California is a science-driven, nature-inspired ingredient company dedicated to developing innovative solutions for health and well-being. We provide and manufacture clean, natural, and sustainable ingredients used in food, beverage, flavor, fragrance, dietary supplements, personal care, and cosmetic products.

With a commitment to rigorous scientific research, the company aims to address pressing concerns related to aging and healthspan.  For more information, visit

ErgoActive® is a registered trademark of Blue California, Inc.

Ergothioneine is also referred to as L-Ergothioneine, (ET) and (ERG).


Ana Capretz, Head of Public Relations and Communications
Blue California ingredients
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9031565