Namibians express their sorrow, admiration for President Geingob

WINDHOEK: Namibians have been taking to social media to express their sorrow and admiration for President Hage Geingob, who died in Windhoek on Sunday morning due to cancer complications.

Acting President Nangolo Mbumba broke the startling news to the nation that the Head of State passed away just after midnight.

As the nation comes to terms with the death of President Geingob, both ordinary and prominent individuals took to Facebook and X to express their heartache.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for International Relations, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah on X (formerly Twitter) said: ‘It is with sadness that I learned of the untimely passing of President Comrade Hage Geingob – a true democratic and transformational leader who touched many lives.

‘His legacy will live on in our hearts and minds. I join all of you in sharing our deepest condolences with the bereaved family and the entire nation. May his soul rest in peace,’ Nandi-Ndaitwah wrote.

The official opposition leader, McHenry Venaani, wrote on his X
profile, ‘We commiserate with our great nation on the colossal loss of my dear brother, political adversary, and State president, Hage Geingob. He was a man of great stature, a deft negotiator, and a worthy opponent.’

Sociopolitical activist and academic Job Amupanda also paid tribute to the late Head of State.

‘Dear Namibians, things end, and so does life. Sometimes easily, and other times painfully. The sun rises and sets – first breath and last breath. History will indeed absorb you, Grootman. Farewell President. Farewell grootman. We will continue where you left off. Condolences to the First Lady, Monica Geingos, the children, and the Geingob family,’ Amupanda wrote.

Windhoek Mayor Queen Kamati also expressed her sadness and that the president’s untimely passing has left a void.

‘It is with a heavy heart and deep sorrow that I extend our profound condolences on the passing of our esteemed Head of State. The President of the Republic of Namibia, Dr Hage Geingob. His unwavering leadership and profound d
edication to the Republic of Namibia have left an indelible mark on our nation,’ Kamati said in a statement released on WhatsApp.

Many users expressed their sorrow by replacing their profile pictures with those of President Geingob. Others flooded his official Facebook page with messages of condolences and praise for the Namibian third president.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency


WINDHOEK: Former Vice President Nangolo Mbumba has been sworn in as the fourth President of the Republic of Namibia, following the sudden death of President Hage Geingob early on Sunday.

Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah has been appointed as Vice President.

Mbumba said he will only serve Namibia for a short period of time, until the elections.

He made the announcement during his swearing-in as the new and fourth President of the Republic of Namibia, following the passing on of President Hage Geingob.

Geingob, 82, died in hospital in Windhoek at 00h04 on Sunday.

Namibians are heading into National and Presidential elections towards the end of this year, and President Geingob’s term was to end 21 March 2025.

‘Thank you for the honour bestowed on me for a short period of time until the elections are held. Don’t panic, I will be serving you for the remainder of Dr Geingob’s term. I am not going to be around for elections,’ he said.

Mbumba was sworn in by Chief Justice Peter Shivute at State House. The ceremony was a
ttended by Cabinet ministers, Speaker of the National Assembly Peter Katjavivi and former President Hifikepunye Pohamba, among others.

‘I accept with humility, the noble assignment bestowed upon me, that of appointment as the President of Namibia,’ he said in a sombre mood.

‘It is poignant and reassuring to note that today, even in this time of loss, our nation remains calm and stable,’ Mbumba said, adding that this is owing to the visionary leadership and foresight of President Geingob who was the chief architect of the Namibian Constitution and the champion of the governance architecture, based on sound processes, systems and institutions that guide the country today.

Mbumba urged all Namibians to remain united and to keep the bereaved family in their prayers during the period of mourning.

With Mbumba assuming the Office of the President, a vacancy was created in the Office of the Vice President.

He has appointed Deputy Prime Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as Vice President with immediate effect.

di-Ndaitwah was also sworn in by Chief Justice Shivute.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Ramaphosa mourns Geingob

WINDHOEK: South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed condolences following the death of Namibia’s President Hage Geingob.

A statement issued by Ramaphosa’s spokesperson Vincent Magwenya said Ramaphosa is deeply saddened by the passing of Geingob.

‘On behalf of the Government and people of South Africa, President Ramaphosa extends deep condolences to the Government and people of Namibia, and especially First Lady Madame Monica Geingos and the immediate and extended family,’ Magwenya said.

The Head of State died in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Windhoek early on Sunday. He returned from the United States of America on Wednesday after having undergone specialised cancer treatment.

Ramaphosa also extended his sympathies to Nangolo Mbumba, who was appointed President of the Republic of Namibia, the Cabinet, the leadership and members of the Swapo Party.

‘Today, South Africa joins the people of our sister state Namibia in mourning the passing of a leader, patriot and friend of South Afric
a. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Geingob family and the people of Namibia who have lost an outstanding leader in a year in which Namibia, like South Africa, is due to hold elections,’ President Ramaphosa said.

He further stated that he is deeply saddened at this time ‘as I reflect on the privilege I had as recently as October 2023 to be hosted by President Geingob, Madame Geingos and the Cabinet on a working visit to Namibia.’

During the visit, Ramaphosa said, they committed the two countries to even closer partnership, inspired in great measure by Geingob’s passionate conviction about the countries’ shared future as nations and greater opportunities and prosperity for citizens on both sides of the Orange River.

‘President Geingob was a towering veteran of Namibia’s liberation from colonialism and apartheid. He was also greatly influential in the solidarity that the people of Namibia extended to the people of South Africa so that we could be free today. We are therefore filled with appreciation and
sadness at the passing of a comrade in struggle and a close partner in our democratic dispensation. May his soul rest in peace,’ Ramaphosa said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Kenyatta, Mnangwagwa mourn Geingob

WINDHOEK: The President of Zimbabwe, Emmerson Mnangagwa and former President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta have expressed their condolences at the passing of President Hage Geingob, describing him as a great leader who contributed immensely to Namibia’s liberation.

Mnangagwa extended his heartfelt condolences to Geingob’s family and the people of Namibia in an official statement.

‘President Geingob’s leadership and resilience will be remembered. May his soul rest in peace. Our thoughts are with Namibia during this difficult time,’ Mnangagwa said.

In his message of condolences to the family of the late Geingob and the people of Namibia, Kenyatta said he was deeply saddened by Geingob’s death.

‘No words can sufficiently convey the magnitude of the loss as President Geingob was a distinguished servant of the people, an outstanding statesman and a great leader full of wisdom. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, the Government and the people of Namibia during this difficult time of grieving and los,’ Keny
atta said.

He added that he was privileged to have interacted with Geingob and treasures the wisdom and knowledge of a statesman shared with humility and grace.

‘We will always remember and cherish his huge contribution to the welfare of the people of Namibia and Africa as a whole,’ Kenyatta added.

The former Kenyan Head of State urged the people of Namibia to uphold the late President Geingob’s legacy.

President Geingob, 82, died on Sunday at a hospital in Namibia’s capital Windhoek.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Le GMAT™ Focus Edition fait cavalier seul dans le domaine des évaluations pour les écoles de commerce et éclipse la version précédente

Le test repensé du GMAC gagne toujours et encore la confiance des candidats et des écoles

RESTON, Virginie, 02 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Après près de trois mois de succès dans la livraison du GMAT™ Focus Edition, le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) confirme aujourd’hui qu’il s’agit de la seule version de l’examen GMAT disponible pour les candidats à travers le monde. Le GMAC, une association mondiale représentant les principales écoles de commerce, a livré, à l’automne dernier, la version actualisée de l’examen le plus utilisé dans les écoles de commerce, parallèlement au GMAT existant, afin de faciliter la préparation en cours des candidats et leurs demandes d’inscription dans les écoles de commerce.

Lancé pour la première fois il y a sept décennies, le GMAT est la référence en matière d’évaluation et est en continuelle évolution afin de s’assurer qu’il conserve sa rigueur psychométrique tout en restant un indicateur très pertinent de la préparation des candidats aux programmes des écoles supérieures de commerce. Le test a été repensé l’année dernière et se passe de manière plus efficace, tout en présentant de nouvelles fonctionnalités flexibles pour mieux soutenir les candidats dans leur parcours d’études et de carrière dans le commerce.

« Nous avons été rassurés et encouragés par les réactions extrêmement positives que nous avons reçues de la part de nombreuses personnes ayant passé la dernière édition du GMAT et qui envisagent avec plus de confiance de poursuivre leurs études supérieures dans le commerce », a déclaré Joy Jones, PDG du GMAC. « Je pense que nous avons atteint l’objectif que nous nous étions fixé, il y a plus de deux ans, lorsque nous avons commencé à repenser l’examen, à savoir que cette nouvelle édition permet aux candidats aux écoles de commerce de mettre au mieux en avant leurs capacités dans les domaines les plus pertinents et les plus demandés, tels que la pensée critique et l’intelligence des données. Nous sommes convaincus que les écoles de commerce bénéficieront du regain d’intérêt et d’engagement manifesté par un vivier de candidats plus large et plus inclusif à l’échelle mondiale. »

Le GMAC a dévoilé le GMAT Focus Edition après avoir mené des recherches approfondies impliquant des centaines de professionnels de l’enseignement ainsi que des tests conceptuels approfondis auprès de milliers d’étudiants potentiels dans le monde entier. Avec seulement trois sections de 45 minutes, dont la nouvelle section Data Insights, cette édition est raccourcie de près d’une heure par rapport à la version précédente du GMAT et nécessite moins de contenu en termes de préparation. Bien que la version précédente du GMAT ne soit plus disponible, ses résultats restent valables pendant cinq ans. Les candidats et les écoles ont reçu des informations utiles leur permettant d’utiliser facilement les résultats des deux éditions de l’examen pendant cette période.

« La nouvelle conception rend l’examen plus ciblé, plus accessible et moins intimidant. Mais plus ciblé ne signifie pas plus facile ou moins utile. Cela signifie simplement plus intelligent », a déclaré Rodrigo Malta, directeur général du recrutement et des admissions au MBA à la McCombs School of Business de l’université du Texas.

Sun Long, directeur général du programme international du MBA à l’université chinoise de Fudan, a souligné que son école faisait partie des nombreuses grandes écoles de commerce du monde entier à avoir une opinion positive de la dernière version du GMAT. « Cette édition nous a permis de mieux répondre aux besoins des candidats aux programmes du MBA tout en améliorant la sélection des talents côté écoles de commerce dans un environnement commercial en constante évolution. »

À propos du GMAC

Le GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) est une association qui regroupe les principales écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier. Le GMAC effectue des recherches de premier plan, organise des conférences sectorielles, fournit des outils de recrutement et des évaluations pour le secteur des études supérieures en gestion, ainsi que des ressources, des événements et des services qui aident à accompagner les candidats tout au long de leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Détenu et géré par le GMAC, l’examen Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation la plus couramment utilisée dans les écoles supérieures de commerce.

Chaque année, plus de 12 millions de futurs étudiants consultent les plateformes du GMAC, dont, GMAC Tours et BusinessBecause, pour se renseigner sur les programmes du MBA et de master de commerce, entrer en contact avec des écoles du monde entier, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens et obtenir des conseils sur la manière d’atteindre avec succès leurs objectifs d’études et de carrière dans le domaine du commerce. Le GMAC est une organisation mondiale dont les bureaux se trouvent en Chine, en Inde, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

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Eighty-seven police officers promoted in Kavango regions

RUNDU: A total of 87 police officers were promoted during the second round of promotions for the 2023/24 financial year in the Kavango East and West regions on Friday. Twenty-five police officers were promoted in the Kavango West Region while 62 were promoted in the Kavango East Region. Of the 62 officers in the Kavango East Region, 33 were promoted to warrant officers, 20 to inspectors and nine to senior inspectors. Last year, the region promoted 150 junior officers from constables to warrant officers. Speaking at the occasion, the acting regional commander of the Kavango East Region, Deputy Commissioner Eino Nambahu said the rank of a warrant officer in all uniform setups is a very crucial rank as that is where supervision starts. ‘On the other hand, commissioning starts from the rank of an inspector,’ Nambahu said. Meanwhile in the Kavango West Region, of the 25 police officers being promoted four were female and 21 male. The police officers were promoted to inspector, senior inspector, and chief inspector ranks respectively. Kavango West Regional Commander, Commissioner Julia Sakuwa said it takes a lot of commitment, loyalty, resilience and dedication for a police officer to deliver on their national duties. She also highlighted that members of the force are promoted in recognition of their commitment and dedication to national duties, and thus a promotion should not be seen as a mere decoration, or just a reward to an officer or a member; ‘it comes with huge responsibilities’.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency