President Geingob in critical but stable condition: Mbumba

WINDHOEK: Namibian President Hage Geingob has been admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) at a Windhoek hospital as part of his cancer treatment, Vice President Nangolo Mbumba announced on Saturday. ‘Following his recent return from the United States of America, where he received medical treatment as a prelude to him undergoing chemotherapy treatment in the country, the president was admitted to an intensive care unit at a hospital in Windhoek,’ Mbumba said in a statement issued to Nampa. Following a briefing from the president’s medical staff Saturday afternoon, Mbumba assured the nation that the Head of State would continue receiving intensive medical treatment and care. ‘The president’s medical team has observed some signs of improvement since his return to the country; that notwithstanding, his condition remains critical but stable,’ he said. President Geingob returned to Namibia on Wednesday after a seven-day specialised cancer treatment in the United States. Geingob last month informed the nation that cancerous cells were detected in his body by his medical team following biopsy exams. The presidency last week said Geingob travelled to the United States on invitation by leading scientists and medical professionals in Los Angeles, California, to undergo novel therapy for cancerous cells. Mbumba, who is the acting Head of State, said ‘the government continues to do everything necessary to ensure that the President receives the best medical care, support, and treatment. This will be done while continuing to give regular updates on the president’s condition.’

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

GMAT™ Focus Edition Stands Alone in Business School Assessment as Previous Version Sunsets

GMAC’s redesigned test continues to win trust from candidates, schools

RESTON, Va., Feb. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — After nearly three months of successful delivery of the GMAT™ Focus Edition, Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) today confirmed that it has become the only version of the GMAT exam available to prospective test takers around the world. GMAC, a global association representing leading business schools, delivered the updated version of the most widely used business school exam last fall in parallel with the existing GMAT to facilitate candidates’ in-progress preparation and applications for business school.

First launched seven decades ago, the GMAT has been the gold standard by continuously evolving to ensure it maintains its psychometric rigor while remaining a highly relevant indicator of candidate preparedness for graduate business programs. The test was revamped last year with a more efficient test taking experience and flexible new features to better support candidates on their journey of business education and career.

“We have been reassured and encouraged by the overwhelmingly positive feedback we have received from many who have taken the latest edition of GMAT and gained newfound confidence to pursue advanced business education,” said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. “I believe that we have achieved what we set out to do at the inception of the redesign more than two years ago, allowing business school aspirants to best demonstrate their capabilities in the most relevant and in-demand skillsets like critical thinking and data intelligence. We are confident that business schools will benefit from the uptick of demonstrated interest and commitment from a more expansive and inclusive global applicant pool.”

GMAC revealed the GMAT Focus Edition after extensive research efforts involving hundreds of school professionals and in-depth concept testing with thousands of prospective students globally. With just three 45-minute sections, including the newly developed Data Insights section, it is nearly one hour shorter than the previous version of the GMAT and requires less content to prepare. While the previous version of the GMAT exam is no longer available, its scores continue to be valid for five years. Test takers and schools have been provided with helpful information so that they can readily make use of scores from both exam editions during this period.

“The redesign makes the exam more focused, more accessible, and less daunting. But more focused doesn’t mean easier or less valuable. It just means smarter,” said Rodrigo Malta, managing director of MBA recruitment and admissions at University of Texas’ McCombs School of Business.

Sun Long, executive director of international MBA program at China’s Fudan University, noted that his school is amongst the many top business schools around the world with a positive view of the latest iteration of GMAT. “It has helped bring us closer to meeting the needs of MBA program candidates while improving upon business schools’ talent selection in the ever-changing business environment.”

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s platforms, including, GMAC Tours, and BusinessBecause, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams, and get advice on how to successfully achieve their business education and career goals. GMAC is a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobile: 202-390-4180
[email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9030785

The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. accroît sa présence mondiale avec le lancement de Sanborn Geophysics, ULC

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, 01 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. a le plaisir d’annoncer la création de sa filiale canadienne, Sanborn Geophysics, ULC, située à proximité de Toronto. Sanborn Geophysics se spécialisera dans les services d’études géophysiques et les ventes d’équipements, ce qui représente un nouveau marché pour Sanborn.

Dans son engagement pour faire évoluer les capacités dans la collecte des données géospatiales et les levés aériens, Sanborn Geophysics s’appuie sur la solide expertise de Sanborn dans le domaine des données géospatiales. John Copple, PDG de Sanborn, a commenté : « La création de Sanborn Geophysics élargit les capacités déjà étendues de Sanborn en matière de collecte de données géospatiales et de levés aériens. Nous sommes dans une position privilégiée nous permettant non seulement de recueillir des données spécialisées, mais de le faire à l’aide de notre propre équipement à la pointe de la technologie ».

Sanborn Geophysics est le résultat de l’acquisition d’actifs auprès de Nuvia Dynamics, Inc. Sanborn a également été en mesure d’embaucher des employés qui ont fait leurs preuves dans le domaine de la technologie des levés géophysiques afin de doter Sanborn Geophysics d’un personnel compétent. Certains employés de Sanborn Geophysics ont plus de 25 ans d’expérience et ont auparavant travaillé pour Nuvia Dynamics Inc (connue précédemment sous le nom de Pico Envirotec Inc). Les sociétés précédentes présentent toutes deux un bilan remarquable en matière de développement de technologies de levés géophysiques pour la prospection minière/pétrolière et les applications géotechniques. Sanborn a bénéficié du soutien de The Environmental Financial Consulting Group, LLC (EFCG). Les modalités de la transaction n’ont pas été divulguées.

« Sanborn Geophysics créera de nouvelles opportunités pour l’entreprise, tant au niveau national qu’international. Cet investissement permettra de fournir les meilleures solutions géospatiales à nos clients », a ajouté John Copple.

À propos de The Sanborn Map Company :
Dès 1866, Sanborn s’est forgée une position de leader dans la création de données spatiales de qualité. Aujourd’hui, l’entreprise est à la pointe de la collecte de données spatiales et de l’innovation technologique et s’engage à offrir à ses clients les solutions géospatiales les plus complètes et les plus modernes, adaptées à leur situation. Sanborn est l’un des plus grands fournisseurs de produits et de services SIG de bout en bout aux États-Unis. Son offre comprend : l’imagerie oblique, l’imagerie ortho, les données lidar, sonar, géophysiques et hyperspectrales et la cartographie, le stockage sécurisé des données et le streaming à partir de notre propre centre de données, l’analyse spatiale, le développement d’applications personnalisées, la planification stratégique et le conseil technique en SIG-TI, les données commerciales et les plateformes cloud, les solutions géospatiales SAAS de Sanborn, le renforcement du personnel et les services gérés des programmes SIG. Grâce à Sanborn, les clients peuvent identifier les données et la technologie adéquates, et bénéficient de solutions qui correspondent à leurs besoins, à leur budget, et à la configuration du système requise. La certification ISO 9001:2015 de Sanborn constitue une nouvelle preuve de son engagement envers la qualité.

Pour les demandes d’information des médias :
Tom Harrington Jr, PhD
Directeur du marketing
[email protected]
(617) 413 7057

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9030760

Sanborn Map Company, Inc. Expande Presença Global Com o Lançamento da Sanborn Geophysics, ULC

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado, Feb. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Sanborn Map Company, Inc. tem o prazer de anunciar o estabelecimento da sua subsidiária canadense, a Sanborn Geophysics, ULC, localizada nos arredores de Toronto. A Sanborn Geophysics se concentrará nos serviços de levantamento geofísico e vendas de equipamentos, abrindo um novo mercado para a Sanborn.

Com o compromisso de avançar a coleta de dados geoespaciais e a capacidade de levantamento aéreo, a Sanborn Geophysics baseia-se na extensa experiência com dados geoespaciais da Sanborn. John Copple, CEO da Sanborn, comentou: “A criação da Sanborn Geophysics expande a já extensa coleta de dados geoespaciais e a capacidade de levantamento aéreo da Sanborn. Estamos posicionados de forma única não apenas para coletar dados especializados, mas para fazer isso com o nosso próprio equipamento de última geração.”

A Sanborn Geophysics foi habilitada pela compra de ativos da Nuvia Dynamics, Inc. A Sanborn também conseguiu contratar funcionários com um histórico comprovado na área de tecnologia de pesquisa geofísica para a equipe da Sanborn Geophysics. Alguns dos funcionários da Sanborn Geophysics têm mais de 25 anos de experiência e já trabalharam na Nuvia Dynamics Inc (ex-Pico Envirotec Inc). Ambas as empresas anteriores têm um histórico de destaque de realizações no desenvolvimento de tecnologias de pesquisa geofísica para exploração mineral/petrolífera e aplicações geotécnicas. A Sanborn foi apoiada pelo The Environmental Financial Consulting Group, LLC (EFCG). Os termos da transação não foram divulgados.

“A Sanborn Geophysics criará novas oportunidades para a empresa, tanto nacional como internacionalmente. Com esse investimento poderemos oferecer as melhores soluções geoespaciais para os nossos clientes”, disse Copple.

Sobre a Sanborn Map Company:
A liderança da Sanborn na criação de dados espaciais de alta qualidade teve início em 1866. A Sanborn está na vanguarda da coleta de dados espaciais e da inovação tecnológica e tem o compromisso de oferecer aos clientes o melhor em soluções geoespaciais abrangentes da última geração adaptadas à sua situação. Como um dos maiores fornecedores de produtos e serviços completos de GIS nos EUA, as ofertas da Sanborn incluem: imagens oblíquas, imagens orto, lidar, sonar, dados geofísicos, hiperespectrais e mapeamento, armazenamento seguro de dados e streaming do nosso próprio data center, análise espacial, desenvolvimento de aplicativos personalizados, planejamento estratégico e consultoria técnica GIS-IT, dados comerciais e plataformas em nuvem, soluções geoespaciais Sanborn SAAS, aumento de pessoal e serviços gerenciados por programas GIS. O ponto forte da Sanborn é a ajuda que ela proporciona aos clientes para a identificação de dados e tecnologia corretos, e a criação de soluções que atendam às suas necessidades, orçamento e requisitos do sistema. A certificação ISO 9001:2015 da Sanborn é mais um exemplo do seu compromisso com a qualidade.

Consultas da Mídia:
Tom Harrington Jr, PhD
Diretor Financeiro
[email protected]
(617) 413 7057

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9030760

WorldSkills competitions hold value for youth

Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Deputy Minister Buti Manamela, has emphasised the importance of the WorldSkills Competitions saying that they hold immense value for young people.

‘By participating in these competitions, they not only showcase their skills but also gain exposure to international standards and best practices.

‘The experience gained at these competitions is invaluable and can shape the future trajectory of their careers. Therefore, we must continue to support and promote the participation of our young people in such events,’ Manamela said on Thursday.

The Deputy Minister was speaking during the opening of the WorldSkills South Africa National Competition at the Inkosi Albert Luthuli Durban International Convention Centre (DICC) in KwaZulu-Natal.

The WorldSkills Conference is taking place under the theme ‘Skills Change Lives’.

World Skills South Africa has biennial national competitions where students from Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges and Universitie
s of Technology compete in various artisan trades.

This year, students will participate in 21 different skill areas and the winners will represent South Africa at the World Skills International competition in Lyon, France in September 2024.

The Deputy Minister said the department’s responsibility extends beyond the organisation of events and competitions.

‘We are committed to improving the quality of apprenticeship and artisan training across the board. We recognise the importance of providing the necessary support to ensure the production of highly skilled artisans who can contribute meaningfully to our economy.

‘To achieve this, we are working towards aligning our training programs with industry needs. We are constantly evolving our curriculum to ensure relevance and responsiveness to changing market demands.’

Government is also implementing robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure the quality of training provided by higher education institutions.

He added that the post-school education a
nd training system is required to respond to the needs of the economy and the labour market through imparting skills.

This is done in collaboration with various stakeholders such as Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs), Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges, organised business, organised labour, and many other stakeholders.

Last year, the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Professor Blade Nzimande launched the National Plan for Post-School Education and Training (NPPSET).

Launched in September 2023, the NPPSET showcases government’s continuous effort towards achieving an improved, transformed, expanded, responsive and articulated post-school education and training.

Manamela also highlighted the importance of effective coordination and collaboration among all stakeholders.

‘It is through our collective efforts that we can overcome the challenges and harness the opportunities posed by skills development.

‘Let us continue to work hand in hand, leveragin
g each other’s strengths to create an environment that is conducive to the growth and success of our apprenticeship and artisan development initiatives,’ he said.


In preparation of the WorldSkills International Competition taking place in Lyon later this year, the Deputy Minister said the department has taken robust measures to support the competitors throughout their journey.

He said the department’s foremost plan is to provide comprehensive support to competitors as it is understood that proper training and skill development play a pivotal role in achieving success at such competitions.

‘Therefore, we have planned a series of initiatives to enhance skills development within our participating teams. To begin with, we will organise workshops and training sessions led by industry experts and experienced professionals for our national competition winners.

‘These sessions will focus on honing the technical skills of our competitors and preparing them for the challenges they will face in Lyon. Our go
al is to equip them with the knowledge and expertise needed to excel in their respective fields.’

He further encouraged everyone to actively participate in fruitful deliberations throughout the conference, sharing their valuable insights and experiences.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Condolences for Tony Cedras

The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport says it has learnt of the passing of internationally renowned jazz artist Anthony ‘Tony’ Cedras.

Cedras passed away on 29 January 2024 after a battle with emphysema.

In 2022, the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport bestowed the Ministerial Legacy Award on Cedras in recognition of his outstanding achievements and contribution to South African music and jazz in particular, during the pre-democracy era.

Born in Elsies River, Cape Town, Cedras was a sought-after session player who toured the world as part of the Graceland Show Band, and before that, as a member of the Amandla Cultural Ensemble in exile.

After initially touring South Africa, Cedras relocated to Gaborone in Botswana in the early 1980s.

There, he met trombonist and band leader Jonas Gwangwa. Gwangwa was the musical director of the Amandla ensemble, which Cedras joined, travelling not only in Africa but also in Europe, Canada and Brazil.

While working with Amandla, Ced
ras spent time in London, where he connected with other South African artists who were part of the expatriate South African music scene.

He moved there in 1985 and soon formed the group Kintone.

Later, while Cedras was working in Zimbabwe, Hugh Masekela recommended to Paul Simon that Cedras could provide valuable musical input into Simon’s Graceland project.

The renowned musician toured with Simon between 1987 and 1989 and then from 1990 to 1992 with Simon’s Born at the Right Time tour.

Cedras worked extensively with Masekela and Miriam Makeba. He also toured with Harry Belafonte in 1993 and Henry Threadgill in 1994.

Western Cape MEC of Cultural Affairs and Sport Anroux Marais said: ‘The Western Cape government, and I personally, want to express our deepest condolences to the family, friends and fans of Tony Cedras. He will be sorely missed, but his sound will live on, He was a true jazz legend’.

Source: South African Government News Agency