Road Safety Council spent N.dollars 1.1 million on corridor management: !Owos-Oab

The National Road Safety Council (NRSC) has spent a total of N.dollars 1.1 million on corridor management institutions in Namibia.

This includes N.dollars 500 000 availed to the Trans Kalahari Corridor (TKC), NRSC Chairperson Eliphas !Owos-Oab said at the TKC Secretariat gala dinner held at Swakopmund on Monday, as part of the secretariat’s 20th anniversary celebrations.

The secretariat commemorated its 20th anniversary with a cycle challenge from Rustenburg, South Africa, through Botswana, to Walvis Bay, Namibia.

Thirty cyclists from Namibia, Botswana and South Africa participated in the challenge that concluded on Monday at the port of Walvis Bay.

‘The international road assessment programme estimates that 50 per cent of casualties occur on around 10 per cent of the road network. So, if we can make that 10 per cent of the road network safer, we would certainly achieve a 50 per cent reduction in associated casualties,’ !Owos-Oab said.

He further said the council invested in the Arandis Emergency Respon
se and Traffic Management Centre, which operates an intelligent transport system-based surveillance over a stretch of close to 50 kilometres along the B2 road adjacent to Arandis.

The strategic objective of this intervention is to facilitate the implementation of intelligent transportation systems solutions which aim to enhance the efficiency and user-friendliness of the corridor, while also lowering road traffic crashes and incidences.

‘This system, when fully rolled out will, among others support early warning and detection systems for road users in the event of incidents and will lead to safer corridor mobility,’ !Owos-Oab stressed.


Source: Namibia Press Agency

Zambia prisons chief impressed by Namibia’s rehabilitation programme

WINDHOEK: Zambia Correctional Service Commissioner General, Fredrick Chilukutu has expressed his admiration for the Windhoek Correctional Facility’s setup, praising both the friendly interactions between inmates and the correctional officers as well as the rehabilitation programme.

On Monday, Chilukutu and his delegation visited Namibia’s largest correctional facility as part of his week-long official programme in the country.

His Namibian counterpart, Commissioner General Raphael Hamunyela of the Namibian Correctional Service, showed him various technical and vocational activities taking place at the facility.

‘When we toured the workshops, we especially saw that there is a lot of training going on and I am satisfied. Inmates that are coming out of the Namibian correctional system are indeed getting what they are supposed to get and we are assured or guaranteed that we are not going to have repeat offenders when they go out in society because they have something to do,’ Chilukutu told Nampa in an intervie

The Zambian Correctional Service chief was also impressed by the friendly interactions between inmates and correctional officers.

‘The relationship that is there between the inmates and the staff is cordial, and I think we need that. As Zambian correctional officials, we want to say it was a good impression that we learned. We also took interest in seeing how the inmates are accommodated; there is decency. I think humanity is expressed; we take it that way; that’s the way it should be in the way we look after our fellow human beings,’ he said.

The Namibian Correctional Service and the Zambia Correctional Service are meeting in Windhoek to establish a joint technical team. The aim of the Namibia-Zambia Joint Technical Team is to determine which inmates from the two nations want to serve their sentences in their respective countries.

Source: Namibia Press Agency

Angolan national allegedly hit and killed on B1 near Otavi

A 49-year-old Angolan national was allegedly hit and killed by a pickup truck belonging to the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) near Otavi in the Otjozondjupa Region on Tuesday.

NamPol Head of Community Affairs in the region, Senior Inspector Maureen Mbeha in an interview with Nampa later Tuesday said the deceased was identified as Ndeshipewa Pahevela Hikungunya.

‘The deceased is an Angolan national who was employed as a charcoal worker at Farm Acham in the Otavi district,’ said Mbeha.

Hikungunya’s next of kin have been informed of his death, Mbeha said.

The police officer stated that the accident occurred some seven kilometres south of Otavi in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Mbeha said a culpable homicide docket was opened at the Otavi Police Station against a male police officer who is attached to NamPol’s Drug Law Enforcement Sub-Division in the Oshana Region, who was driving the vehicle.

Police investigations in the matter continue.

Source: Namibia Press Agency