A Deriv promove Rakshit Choudhary de COO para co-CEO

Rakshit Choudhary foi promovido a co-CEO da Deriv

A Deriv promove Rakshit Choudhary de COO para co-CEO

  • Rakshit Choudhary foi promovido a co-CEO, juntando-se ao fundador e CEO Jean-Yves Sireau
  • A Deriv atualiza o seu modelo de liderança enquanto se prepara para celebrar o 25º aniversário

Rakshit Choudhary, co-CEO of Deriv

Rakshit Choudhary, co-CEO da Deriv

CYBERJAYA, Malaysia, April 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Num passo significativo para a empresa de negociação online, prestes a celebrar o seu 25º aniversário, a Deriv anunciou que Rakshit Choudhary foi promovido de Diretor de Operações (COO) a Co-Diretor Executivo (co-CEO). O modelo de co-CEO irá capitalizar sobre as diferentes qualidades e perspetivas diversificadas de ambos os líderes.

A adoção deste modelo de colaboração não se resume apenas a um movimento estratégico para a Deriv. Permite à organização incorporar diversos pontos de vista e trabalho de equipa na tomada de decisões críticas para manter a agilidade do negócio. Esta estrutura de liderança dupla também estabelece um ambiente onde o respeito mútuo e a partilha de responsabilidades são práticas habituais que equilibram a autonomia individual com uma visão coletiva.

Jean-Yves Sireau, Fundador e co-CEO da Deriv, declarou: “Rakshit é um líder excecional que possui um vasto conhecimento sobre as operações da Deriv, portanto, a sua nomeação como co-CEO é um passo natural para nós. É semelhante à sinergia observada quando dois programadores colaboram lado a lado num único computador — resultando numa tomada de decisões mais eficaz e num melhor alinhamento de objetivos.”

“O facto de a Deriv comemorar 25 anos é um momento de reflexão. Ao atualizarmos o nosso modelo de liderança, colocamo-nos numa posição vantajosa para enfrentar a próxima fase do negócio da Deriv, que se concentra na expansão global e numa maior interação com diversos mercados. Esta estratégia de liderança colaborativa contribui para manter a Deriv inovadora e comprometida em oferecer um serviço ao cliente excelente e em estabelecer parcerias sólidas.”

Choudhary concluiu o seu mestrado no Georgia Institute of Technology e ingressou na Deriv em 2009 como Analista Quantitativo. Mais tarde, assumiu o papel de Responsável pelo Desenvolvimento Quantitativo e de Investigação. Avançou na empresa para liderar o Desenvolvimento de Produtos antes de ser promovido a COO em 2018.

Rakshit Choudhary partilhou as suas reflexões sobre o seu novo cargo: “Tive a sorte de fazer parte do incrível crescimento e evolução da Deriv nos últimos 14 anos, sendo testemunha direta da sua missão em tornar a negociação acessível a qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar. No centro disso está o compromisso contínuo para com a inovação, segurança e acessibilidade. Estou entusiasmado por contribuir para a expansão global dos negócios da Deriv, ao lado de Jean-Yves, enquanto levamos a empresa para outros 25 anos de sucesso.”

A Deriv também adotou o modelo de co-CFO, no qual Jennice Lourdsamy, anteriormente Responsável pelas Contas e Pagamentos, assumiu uma posição de liderança conjunta como co-CFO, ao lado de Louise Wolf, a atual CFO. A mentalidade de co-liderança não termina nos cargos executivos. É praticada em todos os níveis da empresa, em conformidade com os valores fundamentais da empresa de integridade, competência, orientação para o cliente e trabalho de equipa.

A Deriv mantém-se fiel aos seus princípios de liderança de excelência, caracterizados por uma visão clara, abordagens orientadas para resultados, aprendizagem contínua e uma inclinação para a ação. Estes princípios são integrados nas atividades diárias, sendo fundamentais para alcançar a missão da Deriv de tornar as soluções avançadas de negociação acessíveis em todo o mundo.

Sobre a Deriv

Ao longo de 25 anos, a Deriv manteve um compromisso firme de tornar a negociação online acessível a qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar. Com a confiança de mais de 2,5 milhões de traders em todo o mundo, a empresa oferece uma ampla variedade de tipos de negociação e disponibiliza mais de 200 ativos em mercados populares nas suas plataformas de negociação premiadas e intuitivas. Com uma força de trabalho de mais de 1.300 pessoas em todo o mundo, a Deriv tem cultivado um ambiente que celebra conquistas, incentiva o crescimento profissional e promove o desenvolvimento de talentos, o que é refletido na sua acreditação Platinum pela Investors in People.

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Elavon et FreedomPay sont sur le point de transformer le secteur des paiements dans l’hôtellerie et la vente au détail en Europe

LONDRES, 25 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Elavon, l’un des principaux prestataires de solutions de paiement au monde, a annoncé ce jour sa collaboration élargie en Europe avec FreedomPay, leader mondial en matière de technologies Next Level Commerce™. Le partenariat a pour objectif d’amener des solutions de commerce intégrées ainsi qu’une technologie de paiement omnicanal de pointe aux grandes entreprises dans les secteurs de la vente au détail et de l’hôtellerie.

L’accord associe l’acquisition d’Elavon aux technologies commerciales FreedomPay au bénéfice des commerçants d’Elavon à travers toute l’Europe. Les entreprises disposeront d’une flexibilité et d’options de paiement améliorées, de données sécurisées et d’une technologie de paiement parfaitement intégrée, sur les canaux de commerce physique comme électronique.

« Elavon et FreedomPay sont forts d’une expérience enviable en Europe, où ils permettent aux commerçants dans les secteurs de l’hôtellerie et de la vente au détail de développer leurs opérations et de mieux répondre aux besoins de leurs clients », a déclaré Hemlata Narasimhan, présidente d’Elavon en Europe. « Nous sommes heureux d’approfondir nos liens avec FreedomPay dans notre effort continu d’offrir l’expérience de paiement de premier ordre qui a fait notre renommée. »

Elavon est depuis longtemps positionné comme un leader dans le secteur des paiements dans l’hôtellerie et la vente au détail, et l’intégration à la plateforme de commerce FreedomPay permet de réunir les fonctions de sécurité, d’identité, de paiements, de suivi de la fidélité et de publicité et des solutions exclusives basées sur les données.

« Ensemble, Elavon et FreedomPay redessinent le paysage international du secteur des paiements, en offrant encore davantage de fonctionnalités et d’innovations aux entreprises et à leurs clients », a déclaré Chris Kronenthal, président de FreedomPay. « Les commerçants peuvent désormais s’attendre à une expérience de paiement fluide et harmonieuse, avec en prime un traitement des données, un suivi de la fidélité et une sécurité de qualité supérieure. »

À propos d’Elavon (elavon.co.uk)

Elavon, principale société spécialisée dans les paiements internationaux, emploie plus de 4 300 personnes et est présente dans 10 pays. Filiale d’U.S. Bancorp (NYSE : USB), Elavon fournit aux entreprises les technologies nécessaires pour accepter les paiements des clients, que ce soit pour des achats en magasin, à domicile ou en déplacement.

Sa plateforme se distingue par le fait qu’elle offre un accès commun à travers les pays, ce qui facilite la mise en place rapide et sécurisée de leur système de paiement par les entreprises.

Elavon Financial Services DAC. Enregistrée en Irlande auprès du Bureau d’enregistrement des sociétés. La responsabilité des membres est limitée. Succursale du Royaume-Uni enregistrée en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles sous le numéro BR022122.

Elavon Financial Services DAC, exerçant ses activités sous le nom d’Elavon Merchant Services, est un établissement de crédit agréé et réglementé par la Banque centrale d’Irlande. Autorisé par la Prudential Regulation Authority (Autorité de régulation prudentielle britannique). Soumis à la réglementation de la Financial Conduct Authority (Autorité de conduite financière britannique) et à une réglementation limitée de la Prudential Regulatory Authority. Des informations plus détaillées concernant la portée de la réglementation appliquée auprès de nous par la Prudential Regulatory Authority sont disponibles sur demande.

À propos de FreedomPay (www.freedompay.com)

La plateforme Next Level Commerce™ de FreedomPay transforme les anciens systèmes et processus de paiement existants en systèmes de pointe, et permet aux commerçants de libérer la puissance des paiements. Choix privilégié pour beaucoup des plus grandes entreprises au monde dans les secteurs de la vente au détail, de l’hôtellerie, de l’hébergement, des jeux, des sports et divertissements, de la restauration, de l’éducation, de la santé et des services financiers, la technologie de FreedomPay a été spécialement conçue pour offrir des performances à toute épreuve dans l’environnement très complexe du commerce international.

La société maintient un environnement de sécurité de haut niveau et s’est illustrée comme la première à obtenir la validation très convoitée du PCI Security Standards Council (Conseil des normes de sécurité du secteur des cartes de paiement) concernant la norme de chiffrement point à point P2PE/EMV (Point-To-Point/Europay Mastercard Visa) en Amérique du Nord. Les solutions robustes de FreedomPay en matière de paiements, de sécurité, d’identité et d’analyse des données sont disponibles en boutique, en ligne et sur mobile, et sont prises en charge par une adoption rapide d’API (Application Programming Interface, ou interface de programmation d’application). La plateforme de commerce FreedomPay, qui a obtenu de nombreuses récompenses, fonctionne sur une pile technologique unique et unifiée à travers plusieurs continents, permettant aux entreprises d’offrir une expérience innovante supérieure à l’échelle mondiale.

Coordonnées :
Hayley Myles
Hill & Knowlton pour FreedomPay

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9105702

Elavon and FreedomPay to transform payments for hospitality and retail in Europe

LONDON, April 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Elavon, a leading global payments provider, today announces its expanded collaboration in Europe with FreedomPay, a global leader in Next Level Commerce™ technologies. The partnership aims to deliver cutting-edge integrated commerce solutions and omni-channel payments technology to large enterprise merchants across Retail and Hospitality.

The agreement pairs Elavon acquiring with FreedomPay commerce technologies to benefit Elavon merchants across Europe, empowering businesses with enhanced payment flexibility and optionality, data security, and a seamlessly integrated payments technology across both physical and ecommerce channels.

“Elavon and FreedomPay have an enviable track record in Europe of helping hospitality and retail merchants grow their operations and better meet their customers’ needs,” said Hemlata Narasimhan, President of Elavon in Europe. “We’re pleased to extend our relationship with FreedomPay to continue to offer the first-class payments experience we’ve become known for.”

Elavon has long been a leader in hospitality and retail payments, and integrating with the FreedomPay Commerce Platform merges security, identity, payments, loyalty, and advertising with proprietary data driven solutions.

“Together, Elavon and FreedomPay are reshaping the global payments landscape, introducing greater functionality and innovation to enterprise businesses and their customers,” said Chris Kronenthal, President of FreedomPay. “Merchants can now expect a seamless and consistent payments experience backed by Next Level data, loyalty, and security.”

About Elavon (elavon.co.uk)

Elavon is a leading global payments company with more than 4,300 employees and operations in 10 countries. A subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp (NYSE:USB), Elavon provides businesses with the technology needed to accept payments from customers, whether they are shopping in stores, at home or on the go.

Its platform is distinctive in that it is common across countries, making it easier for businesses to get their payment system up and running quickly and securely.

Elavon Financial Services DAC. Registered in Ireland with Companies Registration Office. The liability of the member is limited. United Kingdom branch registered in England and Wales under the number BR022122.

Elavon Financial Services DAC, trading as Elavon Merchant Services, is a credit institution authorised and regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request.

About FreedomPay (www.freedompay.com)

FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.

The company maintains a world-class security environment and was first to earn the coveted validation by the PCI Security Standards Council against Point-to-Point Encryption (P2PE/EMV) standard in North America. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.

Contact info:
Hayley Myles
Hill & Knowlton for FreedomPay

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9104791

President extends SANDF deployment

President Cyril Ramaphosa has extended the deployment of South African National Defence Force (SANDF) members in various international obligations in Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the South African Development Community (SADC) Maritime security strategy.

The President has informed the National Assembly and Acting Speaker of the move, which was done in accordance with section 201(2)(C) of the Constitution.

‘The President has extended the employment of 1 495 members of the SANDF for service in fulfilment of an international obligation of the Republic of South Africa towards the SADC Region.

‘The deployment will help combat acts of terrorism and violent extremists affecting the northern areas of Mozambique under Operation VIKELA,’ the Presidency said in a statement.

That deployment will last until the end of the year at an estimated cost of R984 368 057.

‘The extended employment of 1 198 members of the SANDF, at the estimate expenditure of R805 057 755, is for service in fulfilment
of an international obligation towards the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission [MONUSCO] in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

‘Lastly, the 200 members of the SANDF extension of employment is for the fulfilment of an international obligation towards SADC Maritime Security Strategy [SADC MSS]. This deployment will help counter the threat of piracy and other related illegal maritime activities along the Southern African coast of the Indian Ocean. The expenditure estimate to be incurred for this deployment amounts to R35 325 852.

‘President Ramaphosa will communicate the report to the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces,’ the statement said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Shifeta inaugurates N.dollars 24 million PET recycling plant

WINDHOEK: Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, on Thursday inaugurated Namibia’s first Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Plastic Recycling Plant aimed at reducing plastic waste.

The N.dollars 24 million plant, situated in Okahandja, is a joint endeavor between Namibia Polymer Recyclers and Coca-Cola Beverages Africa (CCBA) in Namibia.

PET is a clear, strong, and lightweight plastic that is widely used for packaging foods and beverages, especially convenience-sized soft drinks, juices and water.

In a statement issued to Nampa, Shifeta at the inauguration ceremony said the cutting-edge facility will enable Namibia

Polymer Recyclers to process up to 500 tons of PET material per month which is significantly reducing the need for virgin PET while diverting substantial waste from landfills and our precious environment.

‘ By doubling the capacity of our mechanical plastic waste recycling, we are not only addressing the pressing issue of plastic pollution but also unlocking economic opp
ortunities for our nation,’ he said.

Shifeta emphasised that his ministry remains committed to its mandate to create an enabling environment for doing business and to continue to initiate policy interventions and strategies to promote an environmentally friendly and conducive space for businesses to thrive.

He further noted that waste management practices such as composting, reusing, and reducing consumption can significantly lessen the environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Commission welcomes appeal ruling in rape case against paramedic

The Commission for Gender Equality (CGE) has commended the Supreme Court of Appeal’s decision to reinstate the ruling in the rape case against paramedic, Loyiso Coko.

Coko was accused of raping his then 21-year-old girlfriend, who had repeatedly expressed her desire to preserve her virginity and not engage in penetrative intercourse.

Despite assurances from Coko that he respected her wishes, he, however, proceeded to sexually penetrate her without her consent, causing her distress and pain.

In 2018, the Regional Court in Makhanda found the State’s evidence compelling and convicted Coko of rape.

However, Coko appealed his conviction at the High Court in 2021 and the High Court ruled that his conviction was unsustainable based on the evidence presented.

The High Court further found that the Regional Court made significant errors in understanding the concept of consent in sexual penetration cases. It, however, found that consent can be given explicitly or implied through conduct.

The High Court postulated
that the complainant was an active participant due to her lack of objection to various actions before the sexual penetration, such as kissing, undressing, and oral sex, and concluded that force or coercion was not used by the accused.

The State appealed to the SCA, and on Wednesday ruled that consent must be given consciously and voluntarily, either explicitly or implicitly by individuals with the mental capacity to understand the nature of the act.

The SCA highlighted that consent to specific acts of sexual penetration is necessary, and withdrawal of consent during the act is valid. The court also concluded that the accused intentionally engaged in penetrative sexual intercourse without consent, despite assurances that he would not do so.

Commission for Gender Equality’s Chairperson, Advocate Nthabiseng Sepanya-Mogale, noted that in its submission, the CGE referred the court to foreign judicial precedent in interpreting sexual assault and in finding that ‘an act’ referred to in section 3 of the Criminal L
aw (Sexual Offences and Related Matters Act) Amendment Act 32 of 2007, does not mean more than one act.

‘Furthermore, the court indicated that such interpretation would undermine the purpose of the legislation,’ Sepanya-Mogale said.

Sepanya-Mogale said the Supreme Court of Appeal’s decision to set aside Coko’s acquittal and uphold his conviction is a monumental step in the nation’s fight against the scourge of rape.

Sepanya-Mogale said the judgment reaffirms the rights of women and children to dignity and physical integrity.

‘A 21-year-old woman was raped, and the Commission was disturbed by sentiments expressed in the High Court’s judgment implying that she was an active participant in her own rape due to her lack of objection. We hope that the SCA judgment will provide clarity on the matter of consent in respect of sexual intercourse.

‘We are equally relieved that the SCA has set the High Court ruling aside and we are looking forward to the consideration of the High Court on whether the sentence of sev
en years imprisonment that was imposed by the Reginal Court is appropriate in the matter,’ the chairperson said.

Source: South African Government News Agency