NIPDB engages business community in Kunene region

OPUWO: The Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) engaged the business community and traditional leaders in the Kunene region on the region’s investment and business demographics intending to promote the region’s economic development.

The meeting held on Monday at Opuwo under the theme ‘Unlocking Investment Opportunities for Inclusive Growth,’ was aimed at specifically addressing the various challenges faced by businesses and investors, as well as working to remove the barriers impeding Namibia’s economic development, such as stakeholder collaboration to deliver quantifiable economic outcomes.

During the engagement, NIPDB’s Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Nangula Uaandja, challenged the region to explore and capitalise on existing and new business and investment prospects in the region, thus contributing to government growth through increased local exports.

‘We should increase our local exports and exchange them in foreign currencies to support the government’s growth, an
d Kunene should also discover local capabilities that will help Namibia develop.

We need more Namibian companies and we exist to create investment opportunities by building trust. We need to help Namibia’s government achieve Vision 2023 so that the country can grow through exports,’ she said.

Looking at Kunene’s business prospects that extend to the Atlantic Ocean, Uaandja advised the region to leverage the Kunene coast with the burgeoning Green Hydrogen project, and the diverse raw minerals that will assist transform energy.

She also called for collaborative engagement among all stakeholders to discover investment opportunities rather than relying on the government, as this will encourage regional development.

Furthermore, Uaandja encouraged traditional authorities to negotiate land transactions in good faith with potential investors, emphasising that these arrangements should benefit communities rather than individuals.

Kunene Governor, Marius Sheya, while echoing Uaandja’s statement, appealed for fair
opportunities for all and a collaborative approach to business growth to improve the Kunene region through value chains.

According to Sheya, Kunene has immense economic potential; but, infighting among traditional leaders is hampering progress.

‘Let us put an end to these internal conflicts and grow the region as a whole. Let us work together, for the common goal of the region,’ Sheya stated.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Stakeholders in decentralisation must ensure quality services to all: Uutoni

Key stakeholders in decentralisation have a collective responsibility to ensure that all the people of this country are provided with the quality and quantity of public goods and services.

This is according to Urban and Rural Development Minister, Erastus Uutoni, who said that it is of vital that stakeholders continue to harmonise and strengthen multi-levelled coordination mechanisms between the central and subnational organs of the government.

‘It is a commonly accepted fact that proper coordination removes duplication of efforts and wastage of resources on the one hand, whereas, on the other hand, it promotes efficiency in resource utilisation and synergies across and between sectors.

This position is so much in harmony with the general principle of shared responsibility, and complementarity as well as cooperation between different levels of government as stipulated in the African Charter on the Values and Principles of Decentralisation, Local Governance and Local Development, Uutoni noted.

The minister
made these remarks on Tuesday at the 2024 Annual Consultative Decentralisation Forum taking place in Swakopmund.

The meeting is taking place under the theme ‘Towards the full implementation of the Decentralisation Policy in Namibia’ and provides an opportunity for the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development (MURD), Regional Councils, Line Ministries and other partner government institutions, as key role players in the implementation of the Decentralisation Policy, to reflect and assess the progress made thus far.

The forum is also a platform to share best practices and ideas, discuss challenges that are being encountered and most importantly, to collectively formulate strategies and remedial measures to overcome any such challenges going forward.

As a demonstration of government’s resolve to ensure that the decentralisation policy is effective, MURD commissioned a study through an independent consultancy to assess the national status of the implementation of the policy as per the Harambee Prosperity Plan I

This is expected to be completed during the third quarter of this financial year 2024/25.

Adopted in 1997, the Decentralisation Policy provides the basis and a framework for the Government to devolve functions, responsibilities, powers and resources to the lower levels of Government namely regional and local governments.

The meeting ends on Thursday.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Giambattista Valli éblouit Barcelone lors de la Bridal Night

BARCELONE, Espagne, 22 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le défilé de mode le plus exclusif de la Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week (semaine de la mode nuptiale de Barcelone) a enchanté plus de 450 invités hier soir, lesquels ont profité d’un spectacle unique dans le bâtiment historique de la Llotja de Mar. La Maison Giambattista Valli a célébré en exclusivité le lancement de sa collection nuptiale lors de la Bridal Night, la soirée de gala de l’événement organisé par Fira de Barcelona avec le soutien du ministère catalan des Entreprises et du Travail.

Les 30 créations de Giambattista Valli ont rayonné lors d’un défilé extraordinaire. Les silhouettes se sont succédé, illustrant à merveille le style nuptial contemporain de M. Valli, invitant le public à assister à la manifestation de sa vision. Cette présentation a incarné l’essence de l’individualité, le partage d’un rêve et la célébration de l’amour.

Le défilé a mis en scène 10 robes de la troisième « Love Collection », 10 silhouettes emblématiques des première et deuxième « Love Collections » et 10 créations de Haute Couture. Celles-ci ont reflété la magnificence et le savoir-faire des Ateliers, se démarquant des rituels classiques du mariage et se concentrant sur l’importance des émotions du « moment » et la joie des célébrations. Empreintes de l’esthétique idyllique et de l’excellence de la Maison, les robes de Valli ont su se distinguer par leur caractère contemporain, tant par des lignes épurées que par des volumes mémorables ou des détails surprenants inspirés par la personnalité d’un nouveau groupe imaginaire : les amis de M. Valli. La fusion du classique et du moderne séduit de nombreuses mariées à travers le monde, à la recherche d’une robe de mariée unique, dans le plus pur style Valli et fidèle à leur histoire personnelle.

Le prestigieux créateur a exprimé sa satisfaction après le défilé et a déclaré : « J’ai choisi Barcelone et la Bridal Fashion Week pour présenter ma Love Collection 3 parce que c’est un événement qui attire un public varié composé de passionnés de mode, de créateurs, d’acheteurs et de médias du monde entier, et qui m’offre une visibilité mondiale maximale ainsi que des opportunités de succès. » Il a ajouté : « En outre, l’atmosphère romantique et cosmopolite de Barcelone correspond parfaitement au thème de ma collection, qui célèbre l’amour et le romantisme. »

La Barcelona Bridal Night a réuni un public et un premier rang prestigieux, dont la it-girl, mannequin et icône internationale de la mode Olivia Palermo, la comtesse et mannequin Lara Cosima Henckel von Donnersmarck, le styliste et designer Pelayo Diaz, l’actrice Hiba Abouk, l’actrice et mannequin Blanca Romero, le mannequin Marco Llorente, l’animatrice de télévision et actrice Marta Torné, pour ne citer que quelques-unes des personnalités présentes.

Images disponibles ici.

Pour les demandes médias, veuillez contacter :

Salvador Bilurbina
E-mail : [email protected]
Téléphone : +34628162674

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000945947

Giambattista Valli encanta Barcelona na Noite das Noivas

BARCELONA, Espanha, April 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O desfile de moda mais exclusivo da Semana de Moda Nupcial de Barcelona encantou mais de 450 convidados na noite passada, que desfrutaram de um show único no edifício histórico da Llotja de Mar. A Maison Giambattista Valli comemorou com exclusividade a estreia de sua coleção nupcial na Noite das Noivas, a noite de gala do evento organizado pela Fira de Barcelona, com o apoio do Ministério de Negócios e Trabalho da Catalunha.

Em um desfile espetacular, as 30 criações de Giambattista Valli brilharam com sua luz própria. Foi o ponto culminante de silhuetas, representando uma exibição completa do conceito do Sr. Valli sobre vestidos de noiva contemporâneos, convidando o público a testemunhar de perto a manifestação de sua visão, traduzida em uma apresentação que incorpora a essência da individualidade, compartilhando um sonho, uma celebração e o amor.

O desfile de moda apresentou dez vestidos da terceira “Love Collection”, dez silhuetas icônicas da primeira e da segunda “Love Collections” e dez criações de alta costura, inspirando a grandiosidade e o savoir-faire dos Ateliês, distanciando-se dos rituais clássicos de casamento e concentrando-se no significado das emoções do “momento” e na alegria das cerimônias. Com a estética idílica e a excelência da Maison, os vestidos de Valli sobressaíram com um toque contemporâneo, seja pelas linhas limpas, pelos volumes inesquecíveis ou os detalhes inesperados, inspirados nas personalidades de um novo grupo imaginário: os amigos do Sr. Valli. Essa combinação de clássico e moderno atrai muitas noivas ao redor do mundo que buscam um vestido de noiva exclusivo, no puro estilo Valli e atrelado à sua própria história pessoal.

O conceituado estilista ficou encantado após o desfile e disse: “Escolhi Barcelona e a Semana de Moda Nupcial para a estreia da minha Love Collection 3 porque é um evento que atrai um público diversificado de entusiastas da moda, estilistas, compradores e mídia do mundo todo, além de me proporcionar o máximo de visibilidade internacional e oportunidades de sucesso”. E acrescentou: “Além disso, o clima romântico e cosmopolita de Barcelona combina perfeitamente com o tema de minha coleção, que celebra o amor e o romance“.

A Noite das Noivas de Barcelona contou com um público luxuoso e uma primeira fila que incluiu a modelo e ícone da moda internacional Olivia Palermo, a modelo e condessa Lara Cosima Henckel von Donnersmarck, o estilista e designer Pelayo Diaz, a atriz Hiba Abouk, a atriz e modelo Blanca Romero, o modelo Marco Llorente, a apresentadora de TV e atriz Marta Torné, entre outras personalidades.

Imagens disponíveis aqui.

Para atendimento à imprensa, entre em contato com:

Salvador Bilurbina
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefone: +34 628162674

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000945947

Khomas Regional Council signs Workplan with Jiangsu province

Khomas Regional Council (KRC) on Monday signed a Workplan with a delegation from the Jiangsu province of China on essential priority targeted areas of the existing twinning partnership.

The delegation headed by China’s Ambassador to Namibia, Zhao Wei Ping and the Vice Governor of Jiangsu Provincial, Ma Xin, hailed Khomas Governor Laura-McLeod Katjirua, as the founder and principal orchestrator of Khomas region and Jiangsu province partnership which has culminated in the signing of the work plan.

In June 2015 the KRC and Jiangsu Province signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), which later translated into another agreement signed between the KRC and the Standing Committee of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Congress on 20 October 2023, leading up to the monumental signing of the Work plan between the twin cities on this day.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, KRC Chairperson Shaalukeni Moonde said ‘The signing of the Workplan is consequent to recognizing the tangible impact of the existing cooperation to the t
wo nations and institutions, based on equality and mutual benefits, to promote two-way exchange.’

As per the signed agreement, the Workplan acknowledges the extreme need to accelerate progress in friendly people-to-people contacts and cooperation, in the fields of science, technology, education, culture, sports, health, trade and investment, agriculture, investment, environment protection, tourism and human resources.

In her address, McLeod-Katjirua acknowledged that the previously signed agreements put the singing of the work plan in motion, ‘it is these two signed agreements that gave us the legitimate authority and absolute mandate to sign this envisaged five-year work plan to make our twinning partnership a more active and relevant force for our present and future development challenges as partners.’

McLeod-Katjirua further called on the administrators of the Work plan to keep the wheel moving in the right direction and the leading agents of the sectoral partnership, to make the fruits of their ties of
partnership more visible, alive and tangible to motivate or encourage others to emulate and to see the strength of this Khomas /Jiangsu partnership.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

LPM fires corrupt leaders, unlike Swapo: Swartbooi

RUNDU: The president of the Landless People’s Movement (LPM) Bernadus Swartbooi said his party fires those in leadership roles when they are involved in corrupt practices, unlike the ruling party, Swapo.

Swartbooi made these statements during a rally the party held at Ndama in Rundu on Sunday.

‘In the areas the party is governing, when any of our leaders are involved in corrupt practices, we fire them immediately. People say we are an unstable party for doing so. However, we said if we do what Swapo is doing then we are not an honest party,’ he said.

LPM will not allow corruption by its leaders whether from local or regional authorities, he said.

When leaders misbehave they are either told to improve or leave the party.

‘In LPM, if you want to be corrupt, there is another party. Go to that party,’ he stated.

Swartbooi also mentioned that since the last elections in 2020, it has put young people (20 to 35-year-olds) in leadership roles, giving them the necessary attention through training to develop them
into responsible leaders of society.

‘We have said that we cannot postpone the tomorrow for young people. We must take young people without experience and develop society with them,’ he said.

His party, he noted has also developed close relationships with traditional authorities in order to understand the issues in traditional communities.

‘LPM has changed the politics of just wanting votes and each and every ethnic group is a core principle in the party. We have to develop proper leaders that must lead society. If we send leaders into society who do not have love for the people, then they will treat some people better and others not so good,’ he said.

Loving all Namibians equally keeps a leader humble, the party leader said, adding that no leader can come to people that they do not love and serve them honestly.

‘A loving leader will have sleepless nights if his people are hungry, jobless or without housing. He or she will work hard to find solutions to these problems because he or she loves his people.
This message of love is not just for the church but it’s of humanity,’ Swartbooi said.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency