Namibia Local Content Conference commences at Lderitz

Shepherdstree managing partner Ekkehard Friedrick highlighted Namibia’s oil discovery success rate on Tuesday, saying the country has an 86 per cent success rate in terms of exploration compared to the global average of 30 per cent.

Friedrick made the remarks during a presentation held as part of the Namibia Local Content Conference in Lderitz on Tuesday, saying Namibia’s oil discoveries offshore are progressing at a rapid rate.

‘We are moving at an unprecedented rate. That can be good but can also be bad because we might be taking shortcuts that we are not aware of in terms of environmental laws and so on, but if we do this correct, we have the opportunities to create wealth because we have a low population,’ he said during his presentation on the topic ‘The Namibian Oil and Gas story – globally significant finds vs. local opportunity.’

He added that Namibia in 2023 was part of the four top countries in the world in terms of oil discovery.

John Ferraz, an executive for projects at the Edward Nathan Sonne
nbergs law firm said more opportunities for entrepreneurs lie in supporting the oil and gas industry and urged them to form joint ventures.

‘When you consider the range of services needed to support those teams at sea and when the vessels come in is massive. Even supplying water to those who are on sea working is a business opportunity on its own, I know there are a lot of local content policies that drive manufacturing, but I will say to Namibians concentrate on joint ventures, concentrate on low capital requirements for entry into these opportunities,’ he stressed.

Ferraz added that it is important that Namibia sends a message to investors that local content provides an enabling and supporting environment and is not a barrier.

‘The oil and gas industry is an opportunity for celebration and not for tribulation. You are not starting an industry, you are joining an existing industry. It might be seen that in the oil and gas industry, local content is an issue and it is not. Investors want two things – certa
inty and to keep their costs down. Their rules are clear as long the rules do not present a barrier,’ he said.

The three-day conference is aimed at providing a platform for dialogue, collaboration and the exchange of ideas that will shape the future of the oil and gas industry.

The conference is being held under the theme ‘Empowering Namibia’s energy ambitions by connecting industries and indigenous talent’ and about 300 people from Namibia, Angola, Nigeria, Dubai, South Africa and England are taking part in the conference hosted by the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Antila Consultancy.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Otjiwarongo’s political leadership at each other’s throats

Otjozondjupa Region Governor, James Uerikua on Tuesday rubbished accusations from the Otjiwarongo Municipality, accusing him of interfering in its development projects and activities.

Uerikua in the presence of several political leaders from the region explained to Mayor Gottlieb Shivute shortly after a meeting that his appointment is higher than that of the mayor as he represents the president in the region.

‘I am therefore not interfering in anything, but as the regional head of Otjozondjupa, I have the right to advise the local authorities,’ the governor said.

The Otjiwarongo Municipality’s political leadership last Friday issued a media statement accusing Uerikua of interfering in its development activities and claiming that he wants to create the impression that he initiated projects that were actually conceptualised by the municipality.

These include the recent resuscitation of the Biomass Industrial Park, which Uerikua visited along with a delegation of biomass specialists from Germany on 08 April
this year.

Shivute also expressed dismay over remarks Uerikua and the Otjiwarongo Constituency Councillor Marlayn Mbakera made at a media briefing on 04 April, where the governor tasked the municipality to urgently rename Lothar Von Trotha Street and accused them of not prioritising the renaming.

Mbakera at the time also lashed out at the municipality councillors on potholes which she said are visible in every street in the town and has become a major concern to all road users.

She described the situation as an injustice to Otjiwarongo residents and said the local authority should serve the community with dedication.

This, according to Shivute, is aimed at portraying the councillors as visionless leaders who are incapable of running the affairs of the town.

Mbakera on her part on Tuesday said she is empowered by the Regional Council Act of 1992 which states that she can assist any local authority council in performing its powers, duties and functions.

Mbakera is also the Otjozondjupa Regional Council ch

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Institutions of higher learning urged to understand labour market needs

RUNDU: Vice President (VP) Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah said institutions of higher learning in the country including the entire education system should understand the needs of the labour market.

Nandi-Ndaitwah when she delivered her keynote address during the 2024 University of Namibia Rundu Campus graduation ceremony here on Tuesday said that students should be trained to meet the needs of the market.

‘It is a challenge when the education sector and the market are not talking to each other. Institutions of higher learning should not train for the streets,’ she said.

The VP said Namibia is now positioned to become one of the centres of renewable energy, oil and gas.

‘The question now is, to what extent is our education and training system prepared to supply those emerging industries with human power,’ she asked.

The education sector must be ready to feed the market with appropriate skills, hence the importance of vocational training that should be seen as a critical sector for sustainable development to be re

Nandi-Ndaitwah added that Namibia should not be a rich country with poor people.

‘We must be prepared to work together as Namibians as it is the only way we can create the Namibia we want,’ she noted.

She said it is important that the country prepares itself to benefit from its resources while it continues to be relevant in the international arena.

About 654 students graduated in different disciplines such as Education, Nursing and Public Health and Business Administration.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Civil servants’ remuneration stood at N.dollars 33.6 billion for 2022/23 FY

WINDHOEK: Civil servants’ remuneration stood at N.dollars 33.6 billion during the 2022/2023 financial year, Public Service Commission (PSC) Commissioner, Nashilongo Shivute has announced.

Proving a statistical overview for the 2022/2023 financial year during a courtesy visit to President Nangolo Mbumba here on Tuesday, Shivute explained that the remuneration has increased from N.dollars 2.6 billion to N.dollars 2.8 billion a month as a result of the 2023/2024 general salary adjustment.

She indicated that the personnel expenditure budget increased from 43 per cent to 45.5 per cent.

During the reporting period the PSC recommended the appointment of 23 staff members in the management cadre of which 11 representing 48 per cent were men, and 12 accounting for 52 per cent were women, she said.

Shivute further noted that a total of 753 staff members were appointed in posts below the management cadre of which 82 per cent were appointed in the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), of which 32 per cent we
re men and 68 per cent, women.

Eighty-nine staff members were promoted to management of which 64 per cent represented men and 36 per cent were women, with the MoHSS employing a total of 33 (37 per cent) staff members compared to the rest of Offices/Ministries and Agencies (OMA).

‘A total of 77 staff members were promoted to posts below management of which 56 (73 per cent) were promoted to the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and the rest to OMA,’ she said.

Shivute further indicated that during the reporting period, PSC recommended 108 deviations on the financial assistance of which 104 were in life-threatening conditions such as cancer, kidney failures and heart, while four were for re-registration of dependents older than 25 years old who are full-time students at recognised tertiary institutions or mentally or physical disabled.

She also noted that 36 complaints were dealt with of which six were supported, while 18 appeals were dealt with of which one was supported. Twenty-one reinstatement cases
were dealt with of which 12 were supported due to non-compliance by OMAs with relevant laws.

In March 2023, the commission reported that civil servants stood at 105 265.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Katoma moves to reaffirm solidarity for people of Cuba

WINDHOEK: Swapo Member of Parliament (MP) Leevi Katoma on Tuesday moved a motion for the National Assembly to affirm their solidarity and support for the people of Cuba.

Katoma in the National Assembly moved the unopposed motion and called on the august House to recognise the enduring historical connections, robust friendships, and flourishing bilateral relations between Namibia and Cuba, while also recalling the selfless sacrifices and substantial contributions made by the people of Cuba during Namibia’s prolonged struggle for national independence from colonialism and apartheid.

‘Given the extended history of aggression, attempted assassination of Cuban leadership as well as a range of attacks at international platforms against Cuba, by successive administrations of the United States of America (USA),’ Katoma said.

He said Namibia should acknowledge the prolonged suffering endured by the Cuban people due to the severe and disproportionate economic embargo imposed by successive administrations of the US,
adding that: ‘We should be mindful that the inclusion of Cuba in the list of states sponsoring terrorism is not conforming to the truth and inflicts upon the resilient Cuban populace.’

Katoma in his motion is therefore demanding the cessation of the inhumane and unwarranted economic blockade imposed by the US against Cuba and its citizens, as well as the immediate removal of Cuba from the list of states sponsoring terrorism and the prompt repeal of economic sanctions against the Cuban people.

Katoma further demanded the immediate and unconditional closure of the US base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and called on his fellow MPs to reaffirm their unwavering support for the Cuban Revolution, which has granted the Cuban people sovereignty, dignity, education, healthcare, and other significant advancements.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

FC Barcelona e EBC Financial Group Estabelecem Parceria Oficial de Câmbio para os Próximos 3,5 Anos

O EBC Financial Group de Londres tem por objetivo estabelecer liderança em finanças, tornando-se o parceiro oficial de câmbio do Clube em toda a Ásia, América Central e do Sul, Oriente Médio, África e Oceania.

Sobre EBC Financial Group: Orgulhoso Parceiro Oficial do FC Barcelona
EBC Financial Group faz uma parceria oficial com o FC Barcelona para uma aliança cambial de 3,5 anos.

EBC Financial Group faz uma parceria oficial com o FC Barcelona para uma aliança cambial de 3,5 anos.

BARCELONA, April 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O FC Barcelona e o EBC Financial Group (EBC) têm o prazer de anunciar sua parceria no setor de câmbio em várias regiões para os próximos 3,5 anos a partir de hoje. Essa parceria designa o EBC como Parceiro oficial do FC Barcelona para Câmbios, com cobertura que se estende a regiões como APAC, LATAM, Oriente Médio e África.

Esta parceria é um marco significativo para o EBC, pois alinha a marca com o respeitado legado e alcance global do FC Barcelona. Sob este contrato exclusivo, o EBC recebe o privilégio exclusivo de se envolver em atividades comerciais especializadas dentro do domínio cambial. A parceria abrange uma gama de serviços, incluindo transações cambiais, negociações, corretagens (incluindo CFDs) e serviços de consultoria.

Por meio dessa aliança, o EBC deve inovar e inspirar, aproveitando a rica herança cultural do clube e a base de torcedores apaixonados para cultivar um engajamento significativo e estabelecer uma presença duradoura em regiões importantes com um público totalmente novo, promovendo conexões com uma comunidade global vibrante que transcende as fronteiras tradicionais do mercado. Também é uma oportunidade incomparável de aproximar o FC Barcelona dos seus parceiros, torcedores e Culers nessas regiões, juntamente com sua estratégia de expansão global para o crescimento e contínua liderança da indústria, explorando os parceiros certos em diferentes setores.

O EBC Financial Group, fundado no conceituado centro financeiro de Londres, é um grupo abrangente de serviços financeiros conhecido por sua experiência em negociações online, gestão de ativos e consultoria de investimentos. Com escritórios estrategicamente localizados em centros financeiros proeminentes, como Londres, Hong Kong, Tóquio, Sydney, Ilhas Cayman, Singapura, Bangkok, Limassol e muitos outros, o EBC atende a uma clientela diversificada de investidores de varejo, profissionais e institucionais em todo o mundo. Conhecido por seu ambiente de negociação de nível institucional, o grupo fornece corretagem financeira personalizada, serviços de negociações e uma ampla gama de soluções de investimento.

Um evento para comemorar este marco significativo da assinatura do contrato com o Clube e o EBC será realizado no renovado Spotify Camp Nou em uma data posterior.

Compromisso de Aliança Estratégica: EBC Financial Group une forças com FC Barcelona

EBC Financial Group e FC Barcelona, ao lado do presidente Joan Laporta, celebram a união das finanças e do futebol com uma troca cerimonial de camisas.

Declaração de Samuel Hertz, Diretor de Operações da APAC do EBC Financial Group e David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd:

“Embora o EBC tenha apenas quatro anos, só crescemos porque exigimos o melhor de nós mesmos e da indústria. Mergulhamos profundamente na história do FC Barcelona, aprendendo com sua cultura de mentoria, onde os mais experientes guiam os mais inexperientes e os mais inexperientes inspiram os mais jovens, criando um continuum de crescimento e excelência. Além de parceria, isso representa também uma jornada compartilhada em direção à grandeza, incorporando uma cultura em que o sucesso não significa somente vencer, mas também promover valores, nutrir talentos e contribuir positivamente para a sociedade. Somos inspirados na conduta do Barça, sua cultura onde os veteranos apoiam os recém-chegados, transmitindo sabedoria e paixão. Nossa escolha do FC Barcelona como parceiro é deliberada e muito bem pensada. Queremos aprender com os melhores e incorporar seu espírito de trabalho em equipe, respeito e ambição no nosso DNA”, disse Samuel Hertz, Diretor de Operações da APAC do EBC Financial Group.

David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited, a subsidiária britânica do EBC Financial Group, acrescentou: “Essa parceria com uma marca tão forte e respeitada como o FC Barcelona é um exemplo da ambição do grupo de sempre se esforçar para alcançar os mais altos níveis de realização possível. O EBC Financial Group tem empresas reguladas pela FCA no Reino Unido, pela ASIC na Austrália, e pela CIMA nas Ilhas Cayman, centros globais altamente respeitados nos mercados financeiros. Esta parceria com o FC Barcelona destaca nossos esforços para alinhar e fazer parceria com o melhor em todos os aspectos.”

Declaração de Juli Guiu, Vice-Presidente da Área de Marketing do FC Barcelona:

“Essa parceria coincide com o plano de expansão global do FC Barcelona nos últimos anos. Tenho certeza de que isso ajudará o Clube a criar uma ampla gama de oportunidades no setor financeiro ao longo desses 3,5 anos de parceria com o renomado EBC Financial Group. Com todos os potenciais inexplorados que observamos na região da Ásia-Pacífico, bem como as economias em crescimento na América do Sul e Central, México, África e Oriente Médio, estamos entusiasmados em poder estabelecer mais conexões com marcas, parceiros, apoiadores e Culers nessas regiões.”

Sobre o EBC Financial Group
Fundado no conceituado distrito financeiro de Londres, o EBC Financial Group (EBC) é conhecido pelo seu conjunto abrangente de serviços que incluem corretagem financeira, gestão de ativos e soluções de investimento abrangentes. Com escritórios estrategicamente localizados em centros financeiros proeminentes, como Londres, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tóquio, Singapura, Ilhas Cayman, Bangkok, Limassol e muitos outros, o EBC atende a uma clientela diversificada de investidores de varejo, profissionais e institucionais em todo o mundo.

Reconhecido com várias premiações, o EBC se orgulha de aderir aos mais altos níveis de padrões éticos e regulamentações internacionais. O EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited é regulado pela Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) do Reino Unido, o EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd é regulada pela Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) da Austrália, e o EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited é regulado pela Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA).

No centro do Grupo EBC estão profissionais experientes com mais de 30 anos de profunda experiência em grandes instituições financeiras, tendo navegado habilmente por ciclos econômicos significativos, desde o Plaza Accord até a crise do franco suíço em 2015. O EBC defende uma cultura na qual a integridade, o respeito e a segurança dos ativos dos clientes são fundamentais, garantindo que todo o envolvimento dos investidores seja tratado com a máxima seriedade que merece.

Sobre o FC Barcelona
O FC Barcelona foi fundado em 1899 e atualmente é propriedade dos seus mais de 144.000 membros. Com mais 125 anos de história, ele considerado o melhor clube multiesportivo do mundo. Embora com origem na sua cidade e na Catalunha, a perspectiva do clube é global. O clube tem escritórios oficiais em cidades de três continentes diferentes: Barcelona, Hong Kong e Nova York.

O Barça busca mudar o mundo por meio da excelência esportiva. Isso inclui também o mundo do conhecimento e da inovação do Barça Innovation Hub (BIHUB). O clube também é reconhecido pelo seu compromisso com as causas sociais, canalizadas através da FC Barcelona Foundation, e pelo seu trabalho para educar as crianças nos valores positivos dos esportes. O crescimento do Barça nos últimos anos o levou a ter mais de 486 milhões de seguidores nas redes sociais.

Contato com a Mídia:
Douglas Chew
[email protected]

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