Concern over hostilities in the Middle East

The government of South Africa has expressed its serious concern regarding the ongoing events in the Middle East, particularly in light of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s retaliatory actions against Israel.

This comes after Israel launched an attack on Iran’s Embassy located in Damascus, Syria, on 1 April 2024.

As a response to the attack, Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles against Israel last night.

According to reports, Iran fired about 300 ‘killer drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles’ in its first direct attack on Israel.

Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres has stated, that there is a ‘very real danger of a devastating region-wide escalation’.

‘In this context, South Africa emphasises that all parties must exercise the utmost restraint and avoid any act that would escalate tensions in a particularly fragile region.

‘South Africa has continuously stressed that irrespective of whether states believe that their use of force is lawful, it is never wise to resort
to war as inevitably, it is ordinary people who bear the brunt of conflict,’ the Department of International and Relations Cooperation (DIRCO) said on Sunday.

Meanwhile, DIRCO has called on the international community and the United Nations Security Council to act in pursuit of sustainable and just peace for all people.

‘While we turn our attention to these developments, let us not forget that the war in Gaza continues with devastating humanitarian consequences for its people.

‘An immediate ceasefire and urgent humanitarian access are required. The proliferation of global conflicts will continue if we, as the international community, do not commit ourselves to the ending of war and the establishment of conditions under which justice and respect for international law are maintained.’

However, the department said that as long as there is impunity for unlawful acts, war and injustice will continue.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Deputy President to address House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders

Deputy President Paul Mashatile is expected to participate and deliver a keynote address at a dialogue convened by the National House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders.

The Deputy President in his capacity as Chairperson of the Inter-Ministerial Task Team on matters of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders, will address the session which will be held on Tuesday at the Sefako Makgatho Presidential Guest House, Pretoria.

‘It is expected that during the dialogue, representatives will discuss the work of the Inter-Ministerial Task Team which was established to address pertinent issues raised by the institution of traditional leadership such as the transfer of land, rural development, tackling substance abuse, the fight against gender-based violence and femicide,’ said the Presidency on Sunday.

The dialogue is a follow-up session to the address by President Ramaphosa during the official opening of the National House of Traditional and Khoi-San Leaders in February 2024.

‘The dialogue marks the last engagement with
the sixth administration. Additionally, the dialogue presents an opportunity to take stock of the progress of the Institution, to celebrate some of the milestones achieved thus far, to reflect, to account and to chart the way forward.’

During his keynote address, the Deputy President will highlight the significance of the partnership between the house and government in working together to address the socio-economic challenges facing South Africa.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Nzimande appoints new NSFAS administrator, addresses other matters

The Minister of Higher Education and Innovation, Professor Blade Nzimande has announced the appointment of Sithembiso Freeman Nomvalo, as the administrator of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme while also explaining the reasons for dissolving the scheme’s previous board.

At a media briefing held in Pretoria on Sunday, the Minister said Nomvalo possesses extensive knowledge and an impeccable record of accomplishment in public finance and government processes.

He has been tasked to take over the governance, management, and administration of NSFAS for 12 months depending on progress made.

His task also involves resolving the data integration challenges as a matter of urgency, finalising all the necessary funding decisions and outstanding payments including student accommodation, and overseeing the opening of the 2025 online applications process.

Nomvalo has over 25 years of working experience, 17 of which were at senior level both in the public and private sector.

He was the first African and longest
-serving Accountant-General of a democratic South Africa.


In explaining the reasons for dissolving of the board of the National Student Fund Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS), the Minister said the board had failed in carrying out its ‘basic’ responsibilities.

‘Through various formal engagements, as Minister, I have consistently raised my concerns and unhappiness with the outgone NSFAS Board, about the inability of NSFAS to carry out and implement some of the most basic responsibilities allocated to it,’ he said.

READ | Nzimande dissolves NSFAS board

He said the board has faced several challenges. One of the critical issues pointed out by him was the termination of the contracts of direct payment service providers, who were appointed without following due process. The board was dissolved on 11 April 2024 and the scheme was placed under administration the next day.

The decision was also made due to the board’s failure to oversee the timely payment of student allowances by the management.

is has resulted in unnecessary stress for students and their parents, and also continues to threaten the very stability of some of our TVET [Technical Vocational Education and Training] colleges and universities.’

He pointed out that the Board has been unable to resubmit an accurate annual report to Parliament, manage and finalise the close-out report, and address significant capacity deficiencies within the organisation, including the non-functional call centre, which is still not functional.

According to Nzimande, the Board also failed to respond to student queries in a timely and efficient manner and consult on the guidelines for the missing middle funding.

‘In an attempt to resolve these challenges or mitigate their impact, as Minister, I engaged the board on several occasions on various solutions, including a turnaround strategy, which has not been achieved within agreed timelines.

‘Despite several engagements with myself, NSFAS continues to face serious challenges in its business processes, IT [info
rmation and technology] systems, capacity, and policies and controls,’ he explained.

The Minister is of the view that this has impacted the well-being of students negatively but has also brought serious reputational damage to NSFAS, the department and government.

NSFAS achievements

Nzimande said the institution has supported more than five million beneficiaries since its inception, producing hundreds of thousands of skilled professionals and the middle class, especially from within the poor and working-class sections of society.

‘This is definitely one of the most important achievements of this government over the past 30 years of our democracy and this must be celebrated as such.

‘Flowing from this, I am also sensitive to the public expectation on NSFAS, as it relates to its role in enabling poor and working-class families to give their sons and daughters the gift of education.’


The Minister said the dissolution of the board will not affect the normal functioning of NSFAS, including all pay
ments that have to be made.

‘The decision to dissolve the NSFAS board was not a light one and I wish to assure the public that, in taking this decision, I have considered all possible implications, including the impact that it might have on NSFAS employees and the students.’

However, he said he aimed to ensure that deserving students receive the necessary financial support and that NSFAS remains focused on its mandate, which is to provide financial assistance to students from poor and working-class backgrounds.

Source: South African Government News Agency

New Tiger Brands facility a sign of confidence in SA

Tiger Brands’ new R300 million state-of-the-art peanut butter manufacturing plant is a sign of confidence in the South African economy, said Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, Nomalungelo Gina.

The Deputy Minister was speaking during the official launch of the company’s facility in Chamdor, Krugersdorp in Gauteng.

In a statement on Friday, the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (dtic) said the plant is located on more than 8000 square meters of land within Mogale City, with 62 full time employees.

‘The company says up to 70% of the peanuts used in the production process are procured locally and the remaining 30% from markets outside South African due to local farmers not being able to meet the actual need,’ said the dtic.

Gina also commended Tiger Brands for its commitment to the economic transformation agenda and growing Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMME) through Enterprise Supplier Development (ESD).

‘As government, we insist on this policy direction because we know t
hat SMMEs contribute 34% to the national GDP [gross domestic product]. As the country, we are under pressure to maximise employment in this country as we are pursuing [the] re-industrialisation of the economy. SMMEs will remain an important aspect of growing our economic base. Big corporates have an obligation to use the ESD model effectively through empowerment measures such as ESD mechanisms,’ she said.

Gina further urged Tiger Brands and South African based companies to fully utilise the benefits of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCTA) to ensure their own advancement and those of the South African and African economies.

The African Continental Free Trade Area creates the world’s largest free trade area by number of countries, and has the potential to bring transformative change and tremendous opportunities to African economies and businesses.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Oshana police initiate manhunt for alleged murder suspect

OSHAKATI: The Oshana police have initiated a manhunt for a suspect involved in an alleged stabbing incident which led to the death of one person while another was seriously wounded.

According to the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) Oshana’s Community Policing Sub-division Chief Inspector Thomas Aiyambo on Sunday, the incident occurred around 01h30 at Teddy Bar Oneshila Evululuko location when the suspect was allegedly poured a glass of wine in the face, and a fight broke out between the two.

‘In the process, the suspect reportedly stabbed the victim two times at the back and once on the head, with a knife, and proceeded to stab another person who is currently receiving treatment at the Oshakati hospital,’ he said.

The suspect now faces charges of murder and attempted murder.

Police investigations into the matter continue.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

Pensioner dies in car accident at Omanoakambungu village

A 62-year-old Namibian man died on the spot after he lost control of the vehicle he was driving at Omanoakambungu village in the Oshikoto’s Olukonda constituency on Friday.

Namibian Police Force (NamPol) Oshikoto Regional Crime Investigation Coordinator Deputy Commissioner Titus Ekandjo on Saturday said the incident happened on Friday around 14h30 and the deceased was identified as Uukelo Tomas, a resident of Onakandi village in the Oshipala area.

‘It is alleged that the driver of a white Toyota double cab pick-up with registration number N 216711 W was driving from Olukonda to Oshipala when he lost control of the vehicle at a curve, causing it to overturn,’ said Ekandjo.

The driver died on the spot and the two other occupants in the vehicle, aged 71 and 69 were transported to Onandjokwe State Hospital for medical treatment, he said.

The deceased was transported to Onandjokwe Hospital for a post-mortem to be conducted. The next of kin have been informed.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency