EMGA obtient un financement par emprunt de 50 millions de dollars pour la société kazakhe MFO KMF

LONDRES, 10 avr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA) annonce qu’elle a obtenu de la JICA, l’Agence japonaise de coopération internationale, une facilité de créance prioritaire de 50 millions de dollars US.

Shalkar Zhussupov, président du conseil d’administration de KMF : « C’est la première fois que KMF s’engage dans un partenariat avec la JICA, dont les objectifs et la mission se rapprochent des nôtres. Nous souhaitons exprimer toute notre reconnaissance à EMGA et à la JICA pour leur confiance et leur soutien. Les fonds de la JICA seront utilisés pour mettre en œuvre des projets visant à soutenir les micro et petites entreprises, y compris les entrepreneurs ruraux, ce qui permettra de créer de nouvelles opportunités et de contribuer à leur croissance économique. »

Sajeev Chakkalakal, responsable de la banque d’investissement et directeur général d’EMGA, a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis d’avoir mis en place cette nouvelle facilité de crédit historique pour notre client de longue date, KMF. Ce fut un réel plaisir de collaborer à nouveau avec eux, tandis qu’ils poursuivent la consolidation de leur position en tant que plus grande IMF (institution de microfinance) du pays, et le renforcement de leur position financière en dépit de cette période de turbulence. »

Jeremy Dobson, directeur général d’EMGA, a ajouté : « Ce nouveau financement aidera KMF à remplir la mission qu’elle s’est fixée : continuer à aider les entrepreneurs dans tout le Kazakhstan et développer ses activités en mettant davantage l’accent sur les entreprises détenues par des femmes et dans les zones rurales. »

MFO KMF est l’un des leaders du secteur de la microfinance en Asie centrale. La société vise à établir des relations de partenariat à long terme avec ses clients, fondées sur la confiance, la compréhension et le respect mutuels. MFO « KMF » octroie à ses clients des prêts individuels et collectifs pour les types d’activités suivants : affaires, commerce, agriculture et élevage, production et services et prêts à la consommation.

JICA : l’Agence japonaise de coopération internationale est une agence gouvernementale qui fournit l’essentiel de l’aide publique au développement pour le compte du gouvernement japonais. Elle est chargée de soutenir la croissance économique et sociale dans les pays en développement et de promouvoir la coopération internationale.

Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), avec des bureaux à Londres et à New York, vient en aide aux établissements financiers et aux entreprises à la recherche de nouveaux capitaux d’emprunt ou de capitaux propres. L’équipe multinationale d’EMGA associe des décennies d’expérience nécessaires pour mener à bien des transactions au nom de ses clients sur les marchés émergents et les économies frontières de tous les pays du monde, y compris le Kazakhstan qui reste un marché clé. Grâce à son expérience reconnue dans la formation de capital et le conseil stratégique à travers divers cycles économiques, EMGA continue d’étendre son rayonnement géographique et son offre de services, consolidant ainsi sa place sur le marché comme l’une des principales banques d’investissement de niche axées sur les marchés émergents.


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A EMGA garante financiamento de dívida de US$ 50 milhões para a MFO KMF do Cazaquistão

LONDRES, April 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Emerging Markets Global Advisory LLP (EMGA) anuncia que obteve uma linha de crédito de US$ 50 milhões da JICA, a Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Presidente do Conselho de Administração da KMF, Shalkar Zhussupov: “Esta é a primeira vez que a KMF faz uma parceria com a JICA, cujos objetivos e missão se assemelham muito aos nossos. Somos gratos à EMGA e à JICA por sua confiança e apoio. Os recursos financeiros da JICA serão usados para implementar projetos de apoio a micro e pequenas empresas, incluindo empreendedores rurais, que criarão novas oportunidades e contribuirão para o crescimento econômico”.

Sajeev Chakkalakal, líder do setor de bancos de investimento e diretor administrativo da EMGA, disse: “Estamos muito satisfeitos por termos conseguido essa nova e histórica linha de crédito para nosso cliente de longa data, a KMF. Foi uma grande satisfação trabalhar com eles novamente, pois continuam a solidificar sua posição como a maior IMF do país e a fortalecer ainda mais sua posição financeira, apesar da época turbulenta”.

O diretor administrativo da EMGA, Jeremy Dobson, acrescentou: “Esse novo financiamento ajudará a KMF a cumprir sua declaração de missão: continuar a ajudar empreendedores em todo o Cazaquistão e desenvolver seus negócios com um foco maior em empresas controladas por mulheres e em áreas rurais”.

MFO KMF é um dos líderes no setor de microfinanças da Ásia Central. O objetivo da empresa é estabelecer relações de parceria de longo prazo com os clientes, com base na confiança, compreensão e respeito mútuos. A MFO “KMF” concede aos clientes empréstimos individuais e coletivos para os seguintes tipos de atividade: negócios, comércio, agricultura e pecuária, produção e serviços e empréstimos ao consumidor.

JICA: a Japan International Cooperation Agency é uma agência governamental que fornece a maior parte da Assistência Oficial ao Desenvolvimento para o governo do Japão. Ela foi criada para ajudar no crescimento econômico e social dos países em desenvolvimento e na promoção da cooperação internacional.

Emerging Markets Global Advisory Limited (EMGA), com filiais em Londres e Nova York, auxilia instituições financeiras e empresas que buscam capital de novas dívidas ou acionário. A equipe multinacional da EMGA combina décadas da experiência necessária para concluir transações em nome de seus clientes nos mercados emergentes e economias de fronteira do mundo, incluindo o Cazaquistão, que continua sendo um mercado importante. Com um histórico comprovado em formação de capital e consultoria estratégica ao longo de diversos ciclos econômicos, a EMGA continua expandindo seu alcance geográfico e sua oferta de serviços, solidificando sua posição no mercado como um dos bancos de investimento de nicho mais proeminentes do setor voltado para mercados emergentes.

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Partnership to solve Hammanskraal water challenges yields positive outcomes

Residents of Hammanskraal are set to benefit from a partnership between the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) and the City of Tshwane, which is expected to result in potable water running by September this year.

Water and Sanitation Minister Senzo Mchunu, joined by Tshwane Mayor Cilliers Brink, conducted an oversight project inspection of the Rooiwal Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) and Klipdrift Package Plant in Hammanskraal, north of Pretoria, on Wednesday.

The inspection come as the department, through its entity, Magalies Water, and the City of Tshwane are working collaboratively to effectively address water challenges affecting most parts of Hammanskraal.

Speaking during a community imbizo held at Mandela Hall, Mchunu recommitted to oversee the successful refurbishment of the Rooiwal Wastewater Treatment Works to enable its performance at optimum capacity, as well as the upgrading of the Klipdrift Water Treatment Works.

‘As a Ministry, we made a commitment to ensure the provision of equitable
and excellent quality water supply, as well as dignified sanitation for all. Therefore, our visit to Hammanskraal is by no means just for show, nor is it politicking,’ Mchunu said.

The Ministry and the City of Tshwane also informed the community that work is underway to upgrade the Klipdrift Water Treatment Works, which is set to get upgraded from 42 to 92 mega litres per day, to improve the provision and quality of water in parts of Hammanskraal.

‘I am pleased to inform you that by September this year, most households will be able to get consistent and reliable water in their homes. This will significantly improve the quality of life for more than 47 000 households and a population of 180 679,’ Mchunu said.

Giving an update on the latest progress made towards the refurbishment of Rooiwal Wastewater Treatment Works, Mchunu reported the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) has been appointed as the implementing agent to complete the refurbishment of the plant.

He said the work to be carried out will
include two sub-phases.

‘Phase 1A of the refurbishment is urgent, and a turnkey approach is undertaken to ensure that the necessary works are carried out swiftly and efficiently. This includes both general building and mechanical, and electrical elements that will work together to deliver the upgrades needed to improve the Plant’s capacity and functionality.

‘Phase 1B will follow a conventional approach, which will see the construction of two primary sedimentation tanks, the refurbishment of the east flow balancing tank and pump station, and the upgrading of the anaerobic digesters on the Rooiwal West Works, amongst others,’ Mchunu explained.

The Minister highlighted the socioeconomic benefits that the two projects will bring to the area of Hammanskraal and surrounding areas.

‘We always strive to ensure that projects undertaken by government benefit the local communities. It is anticipated that the upgrade of the Klipdrift Water Treatment Plant project will create up to 70 jobs for the duration of the pro
ject,’ Mchunu said.

Mchunu further reiterated the ministry’s stance of collaborative work to ensure the effective implementation of bulk water and sanitation projects, not only in Hammanskraal but across the country.

He called out people who continue to vandalise infrastructure.

‘We must remember the importance of working together to prevent the reoccurrence of waterborne diseases. Our being here with the City of Tshwane and Magalies Water symbolides our own individual commitment to help the people of Hammamskraal realise their constitutional right of water provision.

‘We also should not be shy to call out those amongst the community who commit the crime of vandalizing the infrastructure that we so much want to see work optimally to serve everyone in our communities,’ Mchunu said. – SAnews.gov.za

Source: South African Government News Agency

NOUN VC lauds ACETEL’s trailblazing journey

Prof. Olufemi Peters, Vice-Chancellor, National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), has urged graduands of African Centre of Excellence on Technology Enhanced Learning (ACETEL) to utilise their digital expertise to drive development in their respective countries.

Peters gave the commendation on Thursday while speaking ahead of the institution’s 13th convocation ceremony slated for April 13, at the University’s premises in Abuja.

He lauded the graduands for the feat.

‘I expect these graduates from Nigeria and other African nations, now equipped with digital expertise, to spearhead developmental initiatives, especially in the realm of technology for education.’

Peters announced that the institution was set to graduate six PhD students, with ACETEL making a significant contribution of four to the cohort.

He commended the centre’s remarkable growth within its five-year existence, citing it as a testament to its resilience and unwavering dedication.

‘I commend the centre for producing such a notable number of
PhD scholars within a short span of five years; additionally, we have eleven MSc students graduating.

‘These scholars are specialising in high-demand courses such as Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Management Information Systems.’

He added that the programmes were on the rise; thereby attracting a considerable number of students.

‘We anticipate further growth as we demonstrate our commitment to providing quality education remotely.’

Peters underscored the pivotal role of ACETEL’s digital infrastructure in supporting the university’s Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system.

‘The digital infrastructure facilitated by the Centre is integral to our ODL delivery.

‘It plays a crucial role in providing accessible and high quality education to our diverse student body,’ he added.

The vice-chancellor, who assured continued support beyond World Bank funding, acknowledged ACETEL’s role in garnering international recognition for the university.

He expressed pride in the partnerships and collaborations
established with national and international institutions, emphasising their significance for future endeavours.

Peters congratulated the graduating students on their achievements and urged them to remain good ambassadors of the university.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NAF bombs 3 terrorists camps in Zamfara

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF), has bombed three terrorists camps in Zamfara on Wednesday, eliminating several of them and their structures.

The operation was conducted by the Air Component of Operation Hadarin Daji, NAF Spokesman, AVM Edward Gabkwet, said in a statement on Thursday in Abuja.

Gabkwet said the camps destroyed belong to terrorist kingpins, Abdullahi Nasanda in Zurmi, Malam Tukur in Gusau, and another in MaradunLocal Government Areas of Zamfara.

He said that Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions were conducted on Nasanda’s Camp where terrorists’ activities were sighted and their hidden motorcycles.

‘Having established that their activities were consistent with terrorists’ modes of operation, the location was struck by multiple aircraft passes, thereby neutralizing several terrorists.

‘Similar ISR missions were conducted at Malam Tukur camp, where terrorists’ activities were also observed.

‘Air strikes conducted on the camp neutralised several terrorists and showed seve
ral structures set ablaze and destroyed.

‘Air strikes were also extended to Kanikawa in Maradun town, under Maradun LGA of Zamfara, where terrorists, their enclaves and equipment were attacked and destroyed,’ he added. (NAN) (www.nannews.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

KZN reaffirms commitment to provide essential services

KwaZulu-Natal Social Development MEC, Nonhlanhla Khoza, has reaffirmed the provincial government’s commitment to continue with its efforts to ensure that all communities have access to essential services.

Khoza made the commitment during Operation Sigalelekile (‘We’ve arrived’), where she led various departments in a united force to provide vital services to the community of Ngudwini and Samungu’s Ward 05 in Umlalazi Local Municipality, under King Cetshwayo District Municipality.

Operation Sigalelekile is an initiative that serves as a beacon of hope for rural communities located in far-flung areas, remotely located from government services.

The community of Ngudwini was previously affected by faction fights, which robbed people of their lives and properties.

As government commemorates 30 years of service delivery, Khoza emphasised the need for strengthened strategies to bridge the gap in service delivery, particularly in rural communities.

Addressing the community during an event held this week at Esikh
umbeni Sportsground, Khoza said regardless of location, government is committed to ensuring that essential services reach every citizen, with the aim of fostering a successful nation.

“We are deeply concerned that older persons have to use their grants to support grandchildren who cannot access child support grants due to lack of important documents. We have been made aware of this challenge, hence our visit to the area to address it.

‘There are orphans, as a result of infighting within the communities and that robbed children of a better life. We have a responsibility to deal with social challenges affecting our communities,” Khoza said.

Khoza also stressed the importance of reaching every corner of the province, adding that government is caring, as it responded to the plight of people needing access to government offices and services.

During the outreach, various departments, including Social Development, South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), South African Police Services, Health, Home Affairs,
and the Electoral Commission, collaborated to address the pressing needs of the Ngudwini and Samungu communities.

The community members had an opportunity to make applications for important documents, including birth certificates and IDs, as well as access grants, with on-site assistance from SAPS for affidavits.

The MEC underscored the significance of these documents in unlocking opportunities for individuals and ensuring their inclusion in society.

She affirmed government’s commitment to addressing challenges faced by the community, particularly regarding documentation for children and older persons.

“We are here to bridge the gap and ensure that every person, regardless of their circumstances, has equal access to essential services. The integrated effort by the KwaZulu-Natal Government exemplifies its dedication to uplifting communities and fostering inclusivity in service delivery,” Khoza said. – SAnews.gov.za

Source: South African Government News Agency