Well wishes for Muslim communities

President Cyril Ramaphosa has sent his well wishes for a blessed Eid ul Fitr to Muslim communities around South Africa.

Eid ul Fitr marks the end of the holy month of Ramadaan observed by Muslim people around the world.

‘The holy month of Ramadan encompasses spirituality, personal introspection and good deeds that contribute to the wellbeing of Muslims and people other faiths alike. At a time when there is so much wrong with the world, at a time when human suffering, hardship and injustice is laid bare, the spirit of Ramadan inspires us all.

‘May today be a joyous celebration that will sustain the faithful for another year of devotion and social upliftment,’ President Ramaphosa said in a statement on Thursday.

At the beginning of the holy month of Ramadaan in March, President Ramaphosa paid homage to Muslims across the world facing challenging times.

‘We remember that for millions of people, Ramadaan is being observed under conditions of conflict, war, displacement and oppression. Our thoughts and prayer
s go out to the peoples of Palestine, Yemen, Sudan, the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Western Sahara, Mali and others – for whom this holy month is a time of great hardship and suffering,’ President Ramaphosa said at the time. – SAnews.gov.za

Source: South African Government News Agency

Dodgy COVID-19 border fence companies lose appeal application

The Special Investigating Unit (SIU) has welcomed the dismissal of an application for special leave to appeal related to the construction of the border fence between South Africa and Zimbabwe at a cost of R40 million.

The application, brought by Caledon River Properties and Profteam CC, was aimed at overturning a High Court decision to strip them of profits earned from the construction of the fence.

The judgement was handed down by the Supreme Court of Appeal.

‘The SIU welcomes the Supreme Court of Appeal’s order, which enforces the implementation of the SIU’s investigation outcomes and consequence management to recover financial losses suffered by the State due to negligence or corruption,’ the SIU said.

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the two companies were contracted by the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) to construct the razor mesh fence between South Africa and Zimbabwe at a cost of some R40 million.

‘Soon after the fence was erected in March 2020, it started to fall apa
rt. In July 2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa authorised [the] SIU through Proclamation R. 23 of 2020, to investigate the affairs of all state institutions in respect of the procurement or contracting for goods, works and services during or in respect of the National State of Disaster, by or on behalf of State institutions.

‘The Proclamation prompted the SIU to investigate the awarding of contracts to Caledon River Properties Pty Ltd and Profteam CC.

‘In March 2022, the Special Tribunal reviewed and set aside two contracts awarded to service providers. The Tribunal also ordered the service providers to be divested of the profits earned from the multimillion-rand contracts,’ the unit said.

According to the SIU, the two companies then agreed to the ‘declaration of invalidity of the contracts due to procurement irregularities’.

‘However, they appealed to the full bench of the High Court to challenge the Special Tribunal’s order, depriving them of the profits made from the impugned contracts,’ the unit said. –

Source: South African Government News Agency

IEC publishes final candidate lists for upcoming elections

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) has released the final lists of political parties and independent candidates that will appear on the various ballot papers in the upcoming National and Provincial Elections.

The IEC published the lists on its website on Wednesday, and has made them available at all of its offices.

According to the election management body, a new and historic feature in National and Provincial Elections (NPE) 2024 is that independent candidates will contest for seats in the National Assembly and provincial legislatures.

This is after President Cyril Ramaphosa assented to the law enabling the participation of independent candidates in April 2023.

Six independent candidates will contest for seats in the National Assembly and six will contest the provincial legislature elections.

Meanwhile, the Electoral Code of Conduct has been in effect since the 23 February proclamation of the election date.

On 4 April, the IEC held a special ceremony, where all national contestants publicly
pledged to adhere to the Electoral Code of Conduct, as well as to get their members and supporters to act in a manner that is consistent with the code.

Provincial pledge signing ceremonies at the provincial level will take place in the coming weeks.

South Africa will hold its General Election on May 29, which marks the country’s seventh democratic election.

Here is the link to the final candidate lists for the 2024 NPE: https://www.elections.org.za/pw/parties-and-candidates/candidates-list. – SAnews.gov.za

Source: South African Government News Agency

Mashatile, CoGTA and businesses to convene dialogue to strengthen local government

Deputy President Paul Mashatile, in partnership with the National Business Initiative (NBI), will hold a dialogue to enhance service delivery through strengthening local government in cooperation with the Ministry of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA).

The discussion will revolve around co-creating a functional and efficient society, and how the public and private sectors can collaborate to strengthen local government.

Deputy President Mashatile, CoGTA Minister Thembi Nkadimeng, and Deputy Minister Parks Tau will lead the dialogue on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 in Sandton.

‘The dialogue will also see prominent government leaders across the three spheres of government, business leaders, non-governmental organisations, state institutions and international organisations come together to build a best practice forum, that will guide the public-private partnership model for a successful running of local government,’ the statement read.

The Presidency described this engagement as an important st
ep towards implementing the District Development Model (DDM) strategic partnership framework.

The Deputy President is tasked to assist the President in the rollout of the DDM through effective coordination of the different spheres of government, which will improve the functioning of municipalities and address community concerns.

‘In this regard, the desired output of the dialogue is a collective implementation plan anchored on the DDM. It is within this context that a call for partnerships and collaborations is pursued, to harness all society’s efforts through the cooperation between the National Department of Cooperative Governance and the NBI.’

According to the statement, the dialogue will reflect on the achievements of the last 30 years of freedom and democracy as well as build on the good work going forward towards the seventh administration. – SAnews.gov.za

Source: South African Government News Agency

Massification of skills development and job creation programmes to combat unemployment

By Minister Thulas Nxesi

I believe that we can all agree that, at the end of the day, a decisive reduction in the unacceptably high level of unemployment is dependent on higher economic growth resulting in more jobs. This process is led by business investing in the private sector with resultant economic development and rising employment.

Nonetheless, as the President has argued, government as the largest employer in the country and a large-scale procurer of goods and services, has a major role to play both to create an environment conducive to investment, growth and development, but also to directly mitigate the impact of unemployment through social protection measures, demand-led training, targeted job creation and preservation.

To this end government, has strived to strengthen and expand its programmes for skills development and job creation, particularly in respect of the youth, seeking to mobilise and coordinate resources across government. In so doing, government has also sought to deepen and increase
the areas of cooperation with the private sector. Initially focused on the strategic areas of energy security, port and inland logistics, and crime and corruption, cooperation has been expanded to include issues of skills and employment.

Which brings us to the expanded roll-out of government jobs and skills projects. First, I need to flag that this orientation and vision has a very long pedigree. Indeed, it is captured in the National Development Plan 2030 adopted in 2011. The earlier example of the Expanded Public Works Programme has been in existence for over two decades, and is utilised by local governments of all political persuasions.

So the present roll out of UIF Labour Activation Programmes (LAP) which started on April 6th in Gauteng – in tandem with the provincial Nasi Ispani Project – is part of this long tradition, expanded now to pool resources across departments and provinces, and in partnership with the private sector.

Following the 2019 elections, the mandate of the old Labour Department was
expanded to become the Department of Employment and Labour. The reconfiguring of the Department to reflect the mandate has been taking place ever since. Part of this process is to leverage the existing resources of the Department for job creation and preservation. The Labour Department had long been involved in skills training of the unemployed. One of the things we did after 2019 was to re-orientate training towards in-demand and scarce skills with the guarantee of a job at the end of the programme, replacing the previous training for training’s sake mentality. Another critical part of the reconfiguration of the Department was to undertake a structural architecture review of the funds – the UIF and Compensation Fund – carried out by an independent analyst, and with the express purpose of greatly strengthening client service and ensuring necessary financial controls, systems, governance, accountability, risk and compliance mechanisms are in place.

I need to say more about the central role of the UIF in the w
ork of the Department. The UIF is best known for paying out unemployment and maternity benefits, drawing on the contributions of employers and employees, but, in fact the UIF Act gives it a much larger mandate to mitigate unemployment, and includes funding:

Job preservation in the form of the temporary employer/employee relief scheme (TERS) – administered by the CCMA enabling distressed companies to continue to pay their employees, and the business turnaround and recovery programme run by Productivity South Africa;

training of the unemployed for employment (now anchored on a demand-led approach, with jobs at the end of it);

And job creation through:

supporting enterprise development and entrepreneurship; and

economic growth and job creation through investment of the reserves of UIF and the CF.

It was in furtherance of this mandate that the UIF established the LAP, where these kind of programmes have been running since before 2019, and will continue after the 2024 election. (The bizarre claim that the cu
rrent LAP projects are a ‘rip off’ of the irregular Thuja proposal is historically inaccurate.) The decision of government to ‘massify skills development and job creation’ in response to persistent high levels of unemployment and sluggish growth utilises the LAP platform – expanded to pool resources across departments and entities, and to partner with the private sector. The funding model for the current expanded LAP provides a sliding scale of funding support for programmes with 70% of partners contributing, and a maximum 30% would being non-contributors (i.e. receiving 100% UIF/LAP funding), together with projects across government departments and entities on a rand-for-rand funding basis, for example including working with the IDC and the Department of Basic Education to recruit and pay salaries for Teacher Assistants designed to employ 200,000 unemployed graduates (part of the Presidential Youth Employment Stimulus programme).

The current expanded LAP ‘Training for Employment and Entrepreneurship’ progra
mme sets ambitious targets: 2 million opportunities over three years, consisting of jobs preserved and created; demand-led skills training and entrepreneurial opportunities. Currently, 333 projects have been recommended for implementation across every province, with planned some 704,000 beneficiaries. Some 55,000 opportunities were announced for Gauteng on 6th April with the launch of the Nasi Ispani Project, supported and jointly funded by the LAP across 24 sectors: Agriculture, Services, IT, Construction, Engineering, Wholesale and retail, safety and security, hospitality, social services, textile, transport, furniture manufacturing; education, energy, food and beverage, health and wellness, aviation, insurance, jewellery, hygiene, arts and culture, and financial sector. The partnering with the Gauteng provincial government seeks to ensure that government maximises the impact of its spending by pooling resources and eliminating duplication.

I also need to flag that the LAP projects have been – or still are
to be – subject to meticulous quality assurance processes to ensure:

they are compliant – with policy and legislation;

all necessary controls are in place;

there is capacity and necessary resources in place,

and that these programmes produce real outcomes in terms of jobs and entrepreneurial prospects.

Labour activation programmes are not a silver bullet to end the challenge of unemployment, but they are a viable force-multiplier that can be used together with other initiatives and interventions as part of a response to mitigate unemployment.

The sectors and industries that will contribute significantly to the creation of these opportunities include economically growing and in-demand sectors such as agriculture, ICT, construction, engineering, manufacturing, education, transport and mining.

An initial amount of R15 billion has been budgeted for the expanded LAP roll-out, eventually rising to R23.8 billion funding permitting. Opportunities will run between 12 and 36 months. The money invested in the pla
n will be recouped by the UIF through contributions and revenue generated from investments, as has been in the past sustainability model of the Fund.

There is this saying that: ‘the proof is in the pudding.’ The UIF has proven that it is capable of taking strategic measures when required – such as the Covid-TERS benefits – distributing R64 billion to 5 million laid off workers and their families during the pandemic – whilst remaining financially sound.

The official national launch of the expanded LAP programme takes place in KZN on 16th April with a progressive roll-out of projects province by province, district by district culminating in the Northern Cape on the 9th May to coincide with the Presidential Imbizo in Kimberly.

Details of other launches and the impact to be derived from these projects will be communicated on an ongoing basis. This demonstrates our serious commitment to creating opportunities for our people, and to embed these processes and programmes into the future.

*Thulas Nxesi is the Mini
ster of Employment and Labour.*

Source: South African Government News Agency

Growth of artisanal and small-scale miners key to transformation

Mineral Resources and Energy Deputy Minister, Dr Nobuhle Nkabane, has assured artisanal and small scale miners that government will continue to provide support and assistance to facilitate their growth in the mining sector.

The Deputy Minister was delivering a keynote address at the inaugural Artisanal Small-Scale Miners and Emerging Miners Symposium hosted by Mintek in Randburg on Thursday.

‘As part of government’s efforts to grow a globally competitive and transformed mining sector, the department…introduced the artisanal and small-scale mining policy in 2002. At the core of this mining policy is the need for all stakeholders to collaborate and work together on the training and development of artisanal and small-scale miners to mine the marginal deposits that are considered less valuable by large mining companies.

‘As part of DMRE’s [Department of Mineral Resources and Energy] efforts aimed at facilitating and opening up funding opportunities for these miners, in January this year, the department publish
ed an invitation for artisanal miners and small-scale miners to apply for the funding designated to assist with financial provision for rehabilitation and capital equipment,’ she said.

Some 21 companies have been shortlisted to receive funding and added to that, the department has launched a R400 million exploration fund to assist in exploration and discoveries and increase junior miners, amongst others.

She emphasised that it is the duty of the industry and organisations like Mintek (South Africa’s mineral research and technology organisation) and government to ensure that the mining sector is transformed.

‘All of us here should ask ourselves what legacy are we going to leave. If we don’t want to be part of transforming the sector, who else is going to do that because we are given that responsibility of transforming the sector.

‘How are we going to do it? We must support small scale and artisanal miners. It should not be the responsibility of a single person; it should be our responsibility. The fact of
the matter is that our current development will be spearheaded by [Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises] including the artisanal and small-scale miners,’ she said. – SAnews.gov.za

Source: South African Government News Agency