IXOPAY Nomeia Brady Harris para CEO para Impulsionar o Crescimento dos Pagamentos Globais

Após a fusão da IXOPAY com a TokenEx, nova liderança fortalece a posição da empresa no mercado, atendendo às necessidades em evolução dos clientes

TULSA, Oklahoma, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A IXOPAY anunciou hoje a nomeação do veterano da indústria Brady Harris como seu novo CEO. Sua nomeação está alinhada com a recente fusão da IXOPAY com a TokenEx, destacando uma mudança significativa no setor de pagamentos para um modelo de pagamento com vários processadores, viabilizando que os comerciantes e empresas de fintech possam aprimorar e diversificar suas estratégias de pagamento. A empresa agradece ao CEO Marc Olesen por sua direção e contribuições.

Harris, classificado como um dos 3 principais CEOs nacionais da Glassdoor, tem mais de 20 anos de experiência e liderança executiva em FinTech, Pagamentos e SaaS. Como CEO da Dwolla, ele supervisionou o rápido crescimento dos volumes anuais de pagamentos de US $ 10 bilhões para US $ 70 bilhões, adicionando 1,5 milhão de novos usuários mensalmente. Antes da Dwolla, como presidente da Payscape, ele foi fundamental na sua fusão com a Payroc, na criação de um provedor global de serviços completos de pagamento com mais de 1.000 funcionários em 13 escritórios em todo o mundo. A nova empresa opera em 46 países, atendendo 150.000 empresas.

Sua experiência em fusões, aquisições e escalonamento de empresas para saídas bem-sucedidas sob patrocinadores de private equity é fundamental, pois a IXOPAY está posicionada para se tornar a solução completa do setor de pagamentos. A fusão criou uma plataforma com capacidade para oferecer tokenização de omnicanal, orquestração de pagamentos e gerenciamento de ciclo de vida dos cartões. A fusão aborda a necessidade de redundância, expansão geográfica e recursos de negociação de taxas que os sistemas de processador único não oferecem.

“A tecnologia de pagamentos está avançando rapidamente e a IXOPAY está pronta para liderar essa evolução”, disse Harris. “A integração de tokenização e orquestração nos permite oferecer uma plataforma que, além de dar suporte ao processamento de vários pagamentos, também incentiva o desenvolvimento de serviços inovadores.”

“Sob a liderança de Brady, a IXOPAY está pronta para estabelecer novos benchmarks no setor de pagamentos”, disse Vik Verma, Presidente do Conselho de Administração. “Nossa estratégia audaciosa enfatiza a escalabilidade, a segurança e os avanços inovadores que redefinirão o que os pagamentos podem alcançar.”

Harris e a equipe da IXOPAY estão participando da Money 20/20 Europe em Amsterdã esta semana. Eles apresentarão as ofertas expandidas após a fusão, incluindo os avanços na orquestração de pagamentos, tokenização, gerenciamento de riscos e gerenciamento do ciclo de vida do cartão. Junte-se a eles no RAI Amsterdam no estande 8a202 para ver como esses desenvolvimentos moldarão o futuro dos pagamentos dos comerciantes.

Para mais informações, contate:
Nicholas Mueller
SVP, Marketing
[email protected]

Sobre a IXOPAY
A IXOPAY, uma empresa TokenEx, é uma plataforma líder em orquestração de pagamentos que fornece uma solução de pagamento flexível e independente para o gerenciamento de todos os serviços de pagamento em um só lugar. Após sua recente fusão com a TokenEX, a IXOPAY está posicionada para expandir seus serviços globalmente, oferecendo recursos aprimorados no processamento de pagamentos e medidas avançadas de segurança.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9147996

IXOPAY nomme Brady Harris au poste de PDG en vue de stimuler le développement de ses solutions de paiement à l’échelle mondiale

À la suite de la fusion entre IXOPAY et TokenEx, la nouvelle direction renforce la position de l’entreprise sur le marché pour répondre aux besoins en perpétuelle évolution de ses clients

TULSA, État d’Oklahoma, 03 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — IXOPAY annonce accueillir ce jour l’éminent et très expérimenté Brady Harris au poste de PDG. Cette nomination coïncide avec la récente fusion entre IXOPAY et TokenEx, et marque une nette transition dans le secteur des paiements. Cette évolution repose sur une approche multi-processeurs permettant aux commerçants et aux acteurs de la fintech de relever et diversifier leurs stratégies de paiement. L’entreprise adresse ses remerciements au PDG sortant, Marc Olesen, pour sa direction et toutes ses contributions.

Selon Glassdoor, Monsieur Harris se distingue parmi les trois meilleurs PDG des États-Unis. Il apporte plus de 20 ans d’expérience et de leadership de direction dans les domaines de la fintech, des paiements et des solutions SaaS. Alors PDG de Dwolla, il a piloté l’essor des volumes de paiements annuels, les faisant passer de 10 milliards à 70 milliards de dollars, tout en enregistrant 1,5 million de nouveaux utilisateurs chaque mois. Avant de rejoindre Dwolla, il a présidé Payscape, et son rôle s’est avéré déterminant dans sa fusion avec Payroc, qui a donné naissance à un fournisseur de services de paiement d’envergure mondiale employant plus de 1 000 collaborateurs au sein de 13 bureaux répartis travers le monde. En unissant leurs forces, ces deux entreprises ont mis au monde une structure opérationnelle au service de 150 000 sociétés dans 46 pays.

À l’heure où IXOPAY cherche ses marques pour se positionner en tant que fournisseur d’une solution tout-en-un sur le marché des solutions de paiement, l’expertise de Brady Harris en matière de fusions et acquisitions et de développement d’entreprises jusqu’à les faire sortir avec succès de la tutelle de leurs sponsors en capital-investissement s’avère fondamentale. La fusion entre IXOPAY et TokenEx a donné le jour à une plateforme capable de proposer à la fois une tokenisation omnicanale et une synchronisation des paiements, mais aussi une gestion du cycle de vie des cartes. Cette fusion répond aux exigences de prolixité, d’expansion géographique et de capacités de négociation des frais, inexistantes du côté des systèmes à processeur unique.

Pour Monsieur Harris, « La technologie applicable aux paiements évolue rapidement, et IXOPAY entend servir de locomotive dans ce parcours. L’intégration de la tokenisation et de la synchronisation nous permet de proposer une plateforme qui, au-delà de prendre en charge le traitement multi-paiements, favorise également le développement de nouveaux services. »

« Sous la direction de Brady, IXOPAY est à même d’établir de nouveaux standards applicables au secteur des paiements », remarque Vik Verma, président du conseil d’administration. Et d’ajouter : « Notre ambitieuse stratégie se focalise sur la mise à l’échelle, la sécurité et les avancées révolutionnaires qui redessineront les contours de ce que les paiements peuvent atteindre. »

Monsieur Harris et l’équipe d’IXOPAY participent à l’événement Money 20/20 organisé cette semaine à Amsterdam. Ensemble, ils auront l’occasion de présenter les offres complémentaires issues de la fusion, notamment les avancées en matière de synchronisation des paiements, de tokenisation, de gestion des risques et de gestion du cycle de vie des cartes. Nous vous invitons à les rejoindre au stand 8a202 du complexe RAI d’Amsterdam pour découvrir comment les développements évoqués dans le présent communiqué façonneront l’avenir des paiements pour les commerçants.

Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez contacter :
Nicholas Mueller
Vice-président directeur du Marketing
[email protected]

À propos d’IXOPAY
IXOPAY, une société du groupe TokenEx, est l’opérateur d’une plateforme indépendante et flexible dédiée à la synchronisation des paiements, assurant la gestion de tous les services de paiement sous un seul toit. À la suite de sa récente fusion avec TokenEx, IXOPAY est en mesure de développer ses services à l’échelle mondiale en proposant des capacités améliorées en matière de traitement des paiements, mais aussi des protocoles de sécurité avancés.

Une photo accompagnant le présent communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/2750a812-2a7a-420b-82b4-614b2f1eeb5c

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9147996

Operation Shanela nets 537 suspects in the Eastern Cape

Over 500 suspects were netted in Operation Shanela operations in the Eastern Cape last week.

‘The demanding schedule of the National and Provincial Elections on police officers did not dampen their commitment to the core function of combating crime, as over 500 suspects were nabbed in Operation Shanela in the Eastern Cape last week,’ said the South African Police Service (SAPS).

This as South Africans went to the polls in the seventh National and Provincial Elections that got underway last Monday and Tuesday with special votes followed by Voting Day on Wednesday, 29 May.

In a statement on Monday, the police said that for the period between 27 May to 02 June 2024, police in the province arrested a total of 537 suspects for crimes ranging from house robbery to dealing in illicit drugs.

Among those arrested were 18 motorists who were charged for drunk driving.

Police also fined 141 people for selling liquor without a licence and seized 11 592 litres of liquor.

The policing of marine life was also a promin
ent success as a joint operation between the SAPS and the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Environment managed to disrupt abalone syndicates and confiscated 2 913 units of abalone.

An assortment of illicit drugs with a street value estimated at over R 5 000 were also confiscated.

‘A total of 21 suspects were nabbed for contravening the Firearms Control Act. These successes emanate solely from Operation Shanela.’

Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant General Nomthetheleli Mene commended members for their efforts in ensuring the safety and security of communities.

‘Even though members were deployed on election duties across the province, our men and women in blue ensured that day to day policing continued and criminals were not given the space to carry out their devious deeds,’ said Mene.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Research into Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation receives $92m

The National Research Foundation (NRF) has welcomed the announcement of a $92 million investment into the International Joint Initiative for Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.

The Canada Research Coordinating Committee, which leads this global joint initiative that funds interdisciplinary and trans-sectoral research on key risks of climate change, announced in Ottawa, Canada, on Monday, 3 June 2024.

The Canada Research Coordinating Committee is part of a consortium of research funders with which the NRF is working under the International Joint Initiative for Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.

The other research funders are from Brazil, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

‘In its role as a participating research funder in the initiative, the NRF funds four South African research projects,’ the NRF explained.

Two other local projects under the initiative are funded by the New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF), which supports worl
d-leading interdisciplinary, international, high-risk/high-reward, transformative and rapid-response Canadian-led research.

The local research projects are part of the international joint initiative’s 32 international interdisciplinary research projects, involving 424 researchers from 45 countries.

These three-year projects focus on the design and implementation of adaptation and mitigation strategies for vulnerable groups.

These groups are currently the most impacted by climate change effects, due to their physical and socio-economic vulnerability.

The research funders contributed a total of more than $30 million in additional funds to the research projects.

NRF CEO, Dr Fulufhelo Nelwamondo, said the financial boost to the International Joint Initiative for Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation comes at an opportune time.

‘Research projects under the initiative are starting to take shape. These include those that are funded by the NRF, which has made significant investments in the in
itiative. The funding will propel these research projects to greater heights.’

In addition to the investment, the Canada Research Coordinating Committee also announced the NFRF Exploration Competition grantees.

Each year, the NFRF Exploration Competition supports research that brings various disciplines together in new ways and from bold, innovative perspectives.

Exploration grants support research with a range of impacts – economic, scientific, artistic, cultural, social, technological, environmental or health-related.

This year, $33 million was awarded to 133 research projects that focus on topics such as the exploration of the outer reaches of Earth’s atmosphere and the cosmos from a high-arctic perspective, transforming artificial intelligence (AI) software concepts into smart mechanical systems, and using liquid biopsies to better detect breast cancer.

The International Joint Initiative for Research in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation requires that projects address at least two of the eig
ht representative key risks identified in the sixth assessment report of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The report highlights the unprecedented changes in the climate that are being observed in every region, affecting all ecosystems and societies, and that will continue to intensify with further warming.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Revised norms and standards for water tariffs

The Department of Water and Sanitation has announced the revised Norms and Standards for tariff setting that provides framework on water tariffs for service providers.

Water and Sanitation Minister, Senzo Mchunu approved the gazetting of the revised Norms and Standards for tariff setting, introducing a multi-year tariff for all water users, to enable users to plan for longer term to ensure affordability and timeous payment for the water usage.

The new Norms and Standards also provide clarity on the tariffs for water borne sanitation.

The amended Norms and Standards gazetted on 27 May 2024, under section 10 of the Water Services Act, will come into effect on 01 April 2026.

The department said the revised document on tariff setting which were last promulgated in April 2002, provides a framework within which water services tariffs should be set by bulk water providers, including non-water boards to a water services authority, water tariffs by water services authority and sanitation tariffs water services

The new Norms and Standards are also a framework to fund the service delivery expectations, technical Norms and Standards under Section 9 of the Water Services Act.

‘The objectives of the revised Norms and Standards for tariff setting are to ensure that tariffs are transparent, predictable and consistent for sustainability of service provision. This is to make certain that consumers receive fair and affordable services, whilst encouraging accountability amongst service providers, enhancing consumer trust and confidence. In addition, this also encourages better water services provision to consumers.

‘The new Norms and Standards make provision for multi-year tariff determination to ensure predictability of different types of tariffs, such as drought tariffs, seasonal tariffs and a penalty tariff for water conservation and demand management. Furthermore, they also strengthen the determination of the sanitation tariff and detail the disclosure requirements,’ the department said.

The department not
ed that the revision of the Norms and Standards for tariff setting was necessitated by the developments within the public sector which impacted the water and sanitation services sector, including the promulgation of the Local Government, Municipal Finance Management Act, No.56 of 2003, Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Act, No.12 of 2007 and the Municipal Systems Act No. 32 of 2000.

The department said it plans to roll-out the Norms and Standards to stakeholders from October 2024 until March 2025.

Source: South African Government News Agency

King Misuzulu kaZwelithini applauds credible elections

King Misuzulu kaZwelithini has applauded the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) for ensuring that the elections were free, fair and credible.

‘His Majesty commends all political parties for the peaceful manner in which they conducted themselves during the campaign and on Election Day,’ Traditional Prime Minister to the Zulu Nation and Monarch Rev Thulasizwe Buthelezi said in a statement on Monday.

South Africans went to the polls on 29 May 2024 in the seventh democratic elections. A total of 16 248 027 citizens exercised their Constitutional right to vote.

The elections were declared free and fair by the Electoral Commission in a ceremony held to announce the official election results on Sunday.

The King called upon law enforcement agencies to deal firmly with those who seek to cause ‘instability and mayhem’ in the aftermath of the election results.

‘His Majesty instructs all izinduna in hostels around Gauteng and Durban to report any attempts aimed at instigating violence, instability and lawles

‘His Majesty is confident that all political leaders will commit themselves to respect the outcomes of the elections and to play their part in promoting peace, development, and stability,’ Buthelezi said.

Source: South African Government News Agency