As 20 melhores universidades de IA formam a primeira turma de Ph.D.

101 formandos impulsionam o ecossistema de IA dos Emirados Árabes Unidos com avanços em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e aplicações comerciais – criando um centro tecnológico de IA do Sul Global

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, June 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sua Alteza Xeque Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Príncipe Herdeiro de Abu Dhabi e Presidente do Conselho Executivo de Abu Dhabi, participou da cerimônia de formatura de 2024 da Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) em 6 de junho, na qual foram diplomados 101 alunos de 22 países, que receberam títulos de pós-graduação nas principais áreas de IA, incluindo visão computacional (CV), aprendizado de máquina (ML) e processamento de linguagem natural (NLP).

O evento também contou com a presença de Sua Excelência o Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Ministro da Indústria e Tecnologia Avançada dos Emirados Árabes Unidos e Presidente Fundador do Conselho de Administração da MBZUAI, além de outras autoridades.

“Antes de muitos outros países reconhecerem seu potencial, as políticas lideradas pelo governo incentivaram a expansão da IA nos Emirados Árabes Unidos”, disse o Dr. Al Jaber. “Essas políticas promoveram o sucesso de empresas como a G42 e grandes modelos de linguagem como a Falcon. Consequentemente, esse pequeno país está criando um ecossistema de alto nível para talentos e empreendedorismo em IA. Estamos atraindo grandes investimentos de proeminentes empresas de tecnologia, como a Microsoft, e emergindo como um importante centro de inovação e aplicação de IA.”

O Dr. Al Jaber observou que o crescimento da IA é uma das três megatendências que moldam o futuro, juntamente com o ritmo acelerado da transição energética e a ascensão dos mercados emergentes e do Sul Global: “A crescente experiência da turma de 2024 será fundamental para solucionar alguns dos desafios mais urgentes do mundo. Na verdade, se quisermos atingir as metas ambiciosas do histórico Consenso dos Emirados Árabes Unidos, acordado na COP28 em dezembro em Dubai, a IA deve ter um papel crítico.”

A terceira e maior formatura da MBZUAI celebrou o primeiro Ph.D. da universidade em ML, além de mestres em ML (55), CV (28) e PNL (12), contando com alunos provenientes de países como Emirados Árabes Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, França, Índia, Vietnã, Paquistão, Etiópia e Sri Lanka.

O presidente da MBZUAI e professor universitário, Eric Xing, disse: “A turma de 2024 da MBZUAI é composta pelos futuros líderes de tecnologia, inovação e criatividade, e está preparada para aceitar a responsabilidade inerente à administração de algo tão poderoso e transformador. Eles nos deixam com o conhecimento, as habilidades e uma profunda compreensão da oportunidade que têm diante de si – a chance de moldar um futuro em que a IA sirva à humanidade com compaixão e padrões éticos inabaláveis – estão prontos para enfrentar os maiores desafios do mundo atual.”

Cinco anos depois de sua criação, a MBZUAI é hoje reconhecida como uma das 100 melhores universidades do mundo em ciência da computação e está classificada entre as 20 melhores por suas especializações em IA, CV, ML, PNL e robótica (CSRankings).

Para se candidatar à admissão, acesse ou entre em contato com [email protected]. Para comunicação social, entre em contato com:

Amy Rogers, Senior Communications Specialist da MBZUAI
[email protected]

Roger Field/Aya Hassan
[email protected]

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L’université classée parmi les 20 premières dans le domaine de l’IA décerne le diplôme de Ph.D. à sa première promotion

Au total, 101 diplômés dynamisent l’écosystème de recherche, de développement et d’applications commerciales de l’IA aux Émirats arabes unis, créant ainsi un pôle technologique de l’IA dans le Sud global

ABU DHABI, Émirats arabes unis, 08 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Son Altesse Sheikh Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Prince héritier d’Abu Dhabi et Président du Conseil exécutif d’Abu Dhabi, ont assisté le 6 juin à la cérémonie de remise des diplômes 2024 de l’Université Mohamed bin Zayed d’intelligence artificielle (MBZUAI), récompensant 101 diplômés originaires de 22 pays, qui ont obtenu des diplômes de troisième cycle dans des domaines clés de l’IA, notamment la vision artificielle (CV), l’apprentissage automatique (ML) et le traitement du langage naturel (NLP).

Son Excellence Dr Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, ministre de l’Industrie et des technologies avancées des Émirats arabes unis et président fondateur du conseil d’administration du MBZUAI, a également assisté à l’événement, parmi d’autres dignitaires.

« Les politiques gouvernementales ont encouragé la promotion de l’IA aux Émirats arabes unis avant que de nombreux autres pays n’en reconnaissent le potentiel », a déclaré Dr Al Jaber. « Elles ont favorisé le succès d’entreprises comme G42 et de grands modèles de langage comme Falcon, et permis à ce petit pays de créer un écosystème de classe mondiale pour les talents et l’esprit d’entreprise dans le domaine de l’IA. Nous attirons des investissements importants de la part de leaders technologiques tels que Microsoft et devenons un centre important pour l’innovation et l’application de l’IA. »

Dr Al Jaber a souligné que l’essor de l’IA est l’une des trois grandes tendances qui déterminent l’avenir, avec l’accélération du rythme de la transition énergétique et la montée en puissance des marchés émergents et du Sud global : « L’expertise croissante de la promotion 2024 permettra de trouver des solutions aux défis les plus pressants du monde. En effet, si nous voulons atteindre les objectifs ambitieux du consensus historique des Émirats arabes unis adopté lors de la COP28 en décembre à Dubaï, l’IA doit jouer un rôle essentiel. »

À l’occasion de sa troisième et plus grande cérémonie de remise des diplômes, l’université MBZUAI a décerné ses premiers diplômes de doctorat (Ph.D.), ainsi que des maîtrises en apprentissage automatique (55), vision artificielle (28) et traitement du langage naturel (12), aux étudiants originaires de pays tels que les Émirats arabes unis, le Canada, le Royaume-Uni, la France, l’Inde, le Vietnam, le Pakistan, l’Éthiopie et le Sri Lanka.

Eric Xing, Président de MBZUAI et professeur d’université, a ajouté : « La promotion 2024 de MBZUAI comprend les futurs leaders de la technologie, de l’innovation et de la créativité, préparés pour accepter la responsabilité qui accompagne la gestion d’une révolution aussi puissante et transformatrice. Ils nous quittent avec les connaissances, les compétences et une compréhension profonde de l’opportunité qui s’offre à eux, la chance de façonner un avenir où l’IA sert l’humanité avec compassion selon des normes éthiques inébranlables, et ils sont prêts à relever les plus grands défis auxquels notre monde est confronté aujourd’hui. »

Cinq ans après sa création, MBZUAI est aujourd’hui reconnue comme l’une des 100 meilleures universités d’informatique au monde et se classe parmi les 20 premières pour ses spécialisations en IA, CV, ML, NLP et robotique (CSRankings).

Pour présenter une demande d’admission, consultez le site ou contactez [email protected]. Pour les demandes médias, veuillez contacter :

Amy Rogers, Chargée de communication principale de MBZUAI
[email protected]

Roger Field/Aya Hassan
[email protected]

Une photo accompagnant le présent communiqué est disponible sur

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000965294

Runsewe hails Oboh, Nigeria’s female golf sensation, on U.S. invitational triumph

The President, Nigeria Golf Federation (NGF), Otunba Olusegun Runsewe, OON has commended Nigeria’s female golf sensation, Georgia Oboh, on her recent victory at the John Shippen Women’s Invitational in Michigan, U.S.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that 23-year-old Oboh, on Wednesday, captured the 2024 John Shippen Women’s Invitational and earned exemptions to compete in two LPGA tournaments – the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give and the Dow Championship.

Oboh will tee it up alongside the world’s best female golfers at the Meijer LPGA Classic for Simply Give starting June 13, after shooting 69-70-139 on the same course Tuesday and Wednesday to earn a three-stroke victory at the SHIPPEN event.

Runsewe, who gave the commendation in a statement on Saturday in Abuja, said that Oboh’s victory was an inspiration to other children back home and a testament to the fact that hard work pays

‘Congratulations to our very own Georgia Oboh on your well-deserved victory at the John Shippen Women’s Invitation
al at Blythefield Country Club in Grand Rapids, Michigan

‘Your victory is indeed a fulcrum of great possibilities and renewed hope for Nigeria and Nigerians.

‘We believe in you to keep the Nigerian flag flying high and keep doing your very best, to ensure that you represent our dear country as a good ambassador of the game of golf,’ he said.

NAN also reports that another Nigerian female pro golfer, Anita Uwadia, tied for third position with Ashley Shaw of U.S. in the same tournament, making it the first time in an international professional ladies’ golf tournament where two Nigerians made the top three.

The NGF president noted that the performance of the girls was a very rare one and not a mean feat.

He added that they had both distinguished themselves as the very first Nigerians and one of the few black professional female golfers on the top stage.

He said that the federation would continue to support the golfers, to ensure that they reach their full potential as they continue to make the country proud
and showcase themselves to the world.

He also advised parents to always support and encourage their children to start playing golf at an early age, adding that it was a sport they could be engaged in for the rest of their lives.

‘Hand your child a golf club, and you might be surprised what happens.

‘Your child might not be the next Tiger Woods, but golf can make a big impact in a young life.

‘Kids can benefit from the sport mentally, physically, and emotionally. The sport can set them up for success as they get older.

‘Many of the skills learned on the course translate to real life,’ he said.

NAN also reports that Oboh and her chosen partner will compete in the Dow Championship starting June 27 in Midland, Michigan.

The John Shippen Women’s Invitational which Oboh and Uwadia were part of is a series of competitions created to provide playing opportunities on the LPGA Tour and PGA Tour for the top Black amateur and professional women and men golfers.

The events are named after John Shippen, Jr., who wa
s both the first American-born golf professional and the country’s first Black golf professional.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NTF committed to promoting gender equality in tennis participation, officiating –President

President of Nigeria Tennis Federation (NTF), Ifedayo Akindoju, says the federation is committed to promoting gender equality with regards to the participation and officiating of tennis events in the country.

He made the remarks while declaring a maiden International Tennis Federation’s Advantage All workshop open on Friday in Abuja.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Nigeria Tennis Umpires Association (NTUA) made history on Friday in Abuja.

This followed the successful hosting of its maiden International Tennis Federation’s Advantage All programme, thus setting the pace for other African countries.

The workshop was organised by the NTF, in conjunction with the International Tennis Federation ( ITF), with no fewer than 20 female tennis officials from across the country in participation.

It aims to further deepen the domestication of the initiative which the country formally signed into in 2021 at the Annual General Meeting of ITF in Glasgow, Scotland.

Akindoju extolled the milestones bein
g recorded by the Officiating Department of the Federation, noting that officiating in Nigeria had advanced beyond imagination ‘as ladies in tennis officiating have done so well.

‘What we are witnessing here today is another landmark to show that ladies are very interested in sports and in tennis in particular.

‘As a Federation, we are promoting gender fairness, gender equality in terms of opportunities and participation, and have put in place a well monitored and guided mechanism to ensure that no body is treated unfairly’, Akindoju said.

Acting Chairman of NTUA, Rose Abu, encouraged the participants to make adequate use of the opportunity to develop and sharpen their officiating knowledge and skills.

Abu thanked the ITF for endorsing the event, and commended the effort and commitment of the President of NTF and the country’s Officiating Manager, Kehinde Ijaola, for making the day a reality.

Gold Badge Chair Umpire and an Advantage All Global Ambassador, Eva Asderaki-Moore led a plethora of virtual inte
rnational goodwill messages from female tennis Umpires across the world to the participants.

With the theme, Tennis Officiating: Place, Value Of Women In Officiating And Empowerment, the workshop had series of paper presentations on topical issues.

NAN also reports that a minute silence was earlier observed in honour of the immediate past Nigeria’s Advantage All Ambassador and one of the country’s finest tennis officials, late Arinola Isa-Banire who died in July 2023.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Kumba: GCE supervisor dismissed for gross wrongdoing

The General Certificate of Examination (GCE) Board has suspended the chief supervisor of GCE examinations at the GLOBICOL Aacommodation Centre in Kumba over allegations of misconduct.

The suspension, announced Friday, June 7th, 2024, came after reports that the supervisor failed to forward fees from registered GCE candidates and produced counterfeit timetables. The GCE Board condemned the actions as a blatant attempt to defraud the examination body, jeopardizing its integrity.

An interim supervisor has been appointed to ensure a smooth and transparent continuation of the examination process. The GLOBICOL Kumba accommodation center is hosting over 300 candidates for this year’s exams.

Despite the incident, the written part of the GCE examinations in Kumba is proceeding without disruption, amid tight security.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Commuters stranded as bad roads render Douala-Dschang route impassable

Travel along the Douala-Dschang route has come to a standstill, leaving commuters stranded overnight as deteriorating road conditions block passage between the West Region and major cities.

At Souza in the Moungo Division of the Littoral Region, a backlog of vehicles has formed due to a large hole rendering the road impassable. Passengers who embarked on journeys from Dschang to Douala or Buea yesterday have found themselves stuck, with vehicles unable to progress.

The situation demands urgent attention, given the critical role this route plays in facilitating economic activities. Despite claims of significant investment in infrastructure, roads vital for transporting goods and facilitating development are rapidly deteriorating.

Truck operators, in particular, express concern over the negative impact on transportation and the urgent need for effective measures to address the crumbling road network.

Source: Cameroon News Agency