Hunan TV released ‘Singer 2024’, inviting singers from all over the world to enjoy the beauty of oriental traditions

The ‘Singer 2024’ on Hunan Satellite TV Mango TV has gathered music talents from all over the world upon the background of a ‘beautiful diversity’ of the music civilization community. The starting lineup of Singer with Chanté Moore, a singer from the United States, and Faouzia, a Moroccan-North African singer, has conveyed the borderless charm of music with different styles of songs on the stage of Singer. During the time of their participation in the program in China, they have deeply understood the Chinese culture, experienced the urban charm, and conducted a deep cultural exchange as well as mutual learning with Chinese singers and audiences.

Chinese fans were overwhelmed by international talented singers who were making friends with their songs

On the stage of the four episodes that have been broadcast, Chanté Moore has made a bold challenge with singing the ‘Wrecking Ball’ in rock ‘n’ roll-style, setting the whole scene on fire with an dynamic performance and successfully won the championship. Her uni
que voice and passionate interpretation not only made online singers feel the ‘power of music’, but also conquered a lot of audiences.

The overseas rising star Faouzia, who won the ‘Singer 2024’ weekly championship for two consecutive weeks, has repeatedly refreshed the audience’s understanding of her musical style. Upon reminiscing her previous performance on the stage, each song of Faouzia has shown the multi-level understanding of the music by the new emerging forces born after 2000 in the music industry, and has gained many audience favor. There are over 160 top-searched topics about her all over the network, and the total amount of communication topics has reached 2.5 billion.

Experiencing the Chinese authentic culture with music as the bridge and amazing international friends with the charm of tradition

This international music competition is not only a collision on the musical level, but also a deep integration of multiculturalism. As the starting lineup, Chanté Moore and Faouzia have developed a gr
eat interest in Chinese traditional culture and folk customs during the competition. Not only did they hang out in the streets of Changsha and taste the beauty of Hunan cuisine, but they also checked in many times on ancient streets with local culture and full of everyday life, and shared the gastronomic scenery of Changsha on their overseas social media platform, calling for more friends to visit China.

On the occasion of the traditional Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, Chanté Moore and Faouzia have also put on costumes of Han-Chinese in brand-new style and experienced the folk customs of Dragon Boat Festival from zero distance. In the process of experiencing the making of Zongzi, Chanté Moore has expressed her great admiration for Chinese ethnic culture. In an exclusive interview with China Daily, she has also appealed to more foreigners to come to China and experience Chinese culture with a humble and studious attitude.

The broadcasting of ‘Singer 2024’ has caused extensive discussion around the world due t
o the affectionate performances of many international singers. The overseas dissemination has continued to soar. The live data of Mango TV International App has continuously rocketed. The total number of official content plays on overseas social media platforms has exceeded 12.4 million, covering more than 100 million users.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Aumento da Participação Estrangeira em Investimentos Chineses: CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, David Barrett, compartilha insights com Yi Cai

David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, um dos palestrantes do Fórum de Estratégia Principal de Yi Cai sobre oportunidades de investimentos chineses

David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, falando com Yi Cai sobre o aumento da participação estrangeira nos investimentos chineses. Ele explora os fatores que levam os principais investidores aos mercados chineses e oferece sua visão sobre seu crescimento futuro.

LONDRES, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, compartilhou recentemente sua opinião sobre o crescente interesse em investimentos chineses durante uma extensa entrevista com Yi Cai. Barrett falou sobre os fatores que levam os principais investidores aos mercados chineses e deu sua opinião sobre o futuro desses investimentos.

David Barrett, CEO do EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, um dos palestrantes do Fórum de Estratégia Principal de Yi Cai sobre oportunidades de investimento

Aumento da Participação Estrangeira

Nos últimos meses, houve um aumento notável do interesse estrangeiro nas ações chinesas, impulsionado por investidores de alto perfil. Michael Burry, conhecido por suas previsões durante o “The Big Short”, aumentou significativamente seus investimentos na e no Alibaba. Da mesma forma, o fundo hedge de David Tepper investiu fortemente em tecnologia e nos mercados chineses. Esse interesse crescente se reflete no desempenho do Nasdaq Golden Dragon China Index, que subiu 14,86% de 22 de abril a 3 de maio, alcançando seu maior ganho de duas semanas desde janeiro de 2023. Em 16 de maio, o Índice fechou em alta de 2,49%, marcando seu nível mais alto desde setembro de 2023.

Barrett atribui esse interesse renovado ao valor relativo que os mercados chineses oferecem. “Os índices chineses têm enfrentado dificuldades desde a quebra liderada pelo setor imobiliário em 2021, causando uma queda substancial no investimento direto estrangeiro e na confiança doméstica. No entanto, isso levou a discrepâncias extremas de preços, tornando as ações chinesas uma opção atraente para investidores focados no valor”, explicou Barrett. “Investidores como Burry e Tepper são conhecidos pelo seu foco estratégico em carteiras de alta concentração, e seus investimentos significativos em empresas chinesas indicam a forte confiança no potencial de alta desses mercados.”

Perspectivas futuras dos investimentos chineses

Barrett permanece otimista quanto ao crescimento contínuo dos mercados chineses no futuro. “Vários indicadores sugerem que o governo chinês está tomando medidas eficazes para estimular o crescimento econômico e restaurar a confiança do mercado”, disse Barrett. “Os esforços para apoiar áreas vulneráveis da economia, incentivar investimentos domésticos e estabilizar o cenário financeiro estão começando a mostrar resultados positivos.”

Ele enfatizou o papel crucial da política interna na sustentação desse crescimento. “São essenciais políticas que visem reduzir os riscos patrimoniais, apoiar a indústria de semicondutores e incentivar as empresas estatais a fortalecer suas posições financeiras. Além disso, as iniciativas das empresas chinesas para aumentar o pagamento de dividendos provavelmente irão atrair mais investidores estrangeiros que buscam rendimento em um ambiente de taxa de juros mais alta.”

Setores Promissores e Alocação Global de Ativos

Barrett destacou o setor de tecnologia como uma área-chave para investimento nos mercados de ações de ações A e Hong Kong. “As empresas de tecnologia chinesas estão na vanguarda da inovação e, com o apoio substancial do governo, estão bem posicionadas para enfrentar os desafios globais”, disse Barrett. “Por exemplo, se a China tiver obstáculos para a compra de semicondutores, poderá desenvolver seus próprios semicondutores. Com as impressionantes margens de lucro observadas em empresas como a NVIDIA, há um forte incentivo para as empresas chinesas produzirem chips competitivos e de baixo custo. Com o substancial apoio e investimento governamentais, podemos esperar resiliência e um considerável potencial de crescimento neste setor.”

Ele também identificou a indústria de veículos elétricos (VE) como um setor promissor. “Como tópico, os VEs têm tido muito destaque ultimamente”, observou Barrett. “No entanto, não temos certeza quanto ao desempenho das marcas ocidentais na China continental e como as marcas chinesas se sairão no mercado global. Apesar desses desafios, a tecnologia chinesa permanece na vanguarda, e qualquer progresso, especialmente em meio a tensões geopolíticas, provavelmente reforçará o investimento doméstico. Este maior foco na inovação e desenvolvimento local aumentará as perspectivas de crescimento da indústria.”

Do ponto de vista global, Barrett aconselha uma estratégia diversificada de alocação de ativos, alertando contra o excesso de confiança nas ações dos EUA. “Embora os mercados dos EUA tenham tido um crescimento substancial, é crucial considerar oportunidades em outros lugares, como na China, onde as avaliações são atraentes”, explicou. “Dada a recente alta das ações dos EUA, aconselhamos cautela e diversificação. Commodities como ouro continuam atraentes como reserva de valor e proteção contra incertezas econômicas e geopolíticas. Com os bancos centrais continuando a administrar a liquidez e as taxas de juros, a manutenção de uma carteira equilibrada que inclua ativos internacionais subvalorizados e commodities tangíveis pode trazer estabilidade e potencial de crescimento.”

Sobre o EBC Financial Group
Fundado no conceituado distrito financeiro de Londres, o EBC Financial Group (EBC) é conhecido pelo seu conjunto abrangente de serviços que incluem corretagem financeira, gestão de ativos e soluções de investimento abrangentes. Com escritórios estrategicamente localizados em centros financeiros proeminentes, como Londres, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tóquio, Singapura, Ilhas Cayman, Bangkok, Limassol e muitos outros, o EBC atende a uma clientela diversificada de investidores de varejo, profissionais e institucionais em todo o mundo.

Reconhecido com várias premiações, o EBC se orgulha de aderir aos mais altos níveis de padrões éticos e regulamentações internacionais. O EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited é regulado pela Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) do Reino Unido, o EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd é regulada pela Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) da Austrália, e o EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited é regulado pela Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA).

No centro do Grupo EBC estão profissionais experientes com mais de 30 anos de profunda experiência em grandes instituições financeiras, tendo navegado habilmente por ciclos econômicos significativos, desde o Plaza Accord até a crise do franco suíço em 2015. O EBC defende uma cultura na qual a integridade, o respeito e a segurança dos ativos dos clientes são fundamentais, garantindo que todo o envolvimento dos investidores seja tratado com a máxima seriedade que merece.

O EBC é o Parceiro Oficial de Câmbio do FC Barcelona, oferecendo serviços especializados em regiões como Ásia, LATAM, Oriente Médio, África e Oceania. O EBC Financial Group tem parceria com a Unidos para Combater a Malária, uma campanha da Fundação das Nações Unidas que visa aumentar a saúde global. A partir de fevereiro de 2024 a EBC passou a apoiar a série de engajamentos públicos “What Economists Really Do” (O que os economistas realmente fazem) do Department of Economics da Oxford University, desmistificando a economia e sua aplicação aos principais desafios sociais para aumentar a sua compreensão e o diálogo do público.

Contato com a Mídia:
Douglas Chew
Gerente Global de Relações Públicas
[email protected]

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9150153

Augmentation de l’intérêt des étrangers pour les investissements chinois : David Barrett, PDG d’EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, partage son point de vue avec Yi Cai

David Barrett, PDG d’EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, est l’un des intervenants du Forum stratégique de Yi Cai sur les opportunités d’investissement en Chine.

David Barrett, PDG d’EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, s’entretient avec Yi Cai de la montée en puissance de l’intérêt des étrangers pour les investissements chinois. Il étudie les facteurs qui poussent les grands investisseurs à se tourner vers les marchés chinois et donne son point de vue sur leur croissance future.

LONDRES, 06 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — David Barrett, CEO de EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, a récemment fait part de son point de vue sur l’intérêt croissant pour les investissements chinois lors d’un entretien approfondi avec Yi Cai. Monsieur Barrett a étudié les facteurs qui poussent les grands investisseurs à se tourner vers les marchés chinois et donne son point de vue sur l’avenir de ces investissements.

David Barrett, PDG d’EBC Financial Group (UK) Ltd, est l’un des intervenants du Forum stratégique de Yi Cai sur les opportunités d’investissement en C

Augmentation de l’intérêt des étrangers

Ces derniers mois, l’intérêt des investisseurs étrangers pour les actions chinoises s’est considérablement accru, sous l’impulsion d’investisseurs de premier plan. Michael Burry, bien connu pour ses prédictions dans « The Big Short », a considérablement augmenté ses investissements dans et Alibaba. De même, le fonds spéculatif de David Tepper a fortement investi dans la technologie et les marchés chinois. Cet intérêt croissant se reflète dans la performance de l’indice Nasdaq Golden Dragon China, qui a bondi de 14,86 % entre le 22 avril et le 3 mai, réalisant ainsi sa plus forte progression en deux semaines depuis janvier 2023. Le 16 mai, l’indice a clôturé en hausse de 2,49 %, marquant son plus haut niveau depuis septembre 2023.

Monsieur Barrett attribue ce regain d’intérêt à la valeur relative qu’offrent les marchés chinois. « Les indices chinois ont connu des difficultés depuis l’effondrement de l’immobilier en 2021, ce qui a entraîné une baisse significative des investissements directs étrangers et de la confiance intérieure. Toutefois, cette situation a entraîné des écarts de prix extrêmes, faisant des actions chinoises une option attrayante pour les investisseurs axés sur la valeur», explique Monsieur Barrett. « Des investisseurs comme Burry et Tepper sont connus pour leur orientation stratégique vers des portefeuilles à forte concentration, et leurs investissements importants dans des sociétés chinoises témoignent d’une grande confiance dans le potentiel de croissance de ces marchés ».

Prospects futurs des investissements chinois

En se tournant vers l’avenir, Monsieur Barrett reste optimiste quant à la poursuite de la croissance des marchés chinois. « Plusieurs indicateurs suggèrent que le gouvernement chinois prend des mesures efficaces pour stimuler la croissance économique et restaurer la confiance des marchés », a noté Monsieur Barrett. « Les efforts visant à soutenir les secteurs vulnérables de l’économie, à encourager les investissements nationaux et à stabiliser le paysage financier commencent à donner des résultats positifs ».

Il a souligné le rôle crucial de la politique intérieure dans le maintien de cette croissance. « Les politiques visant à réduire les risques liés à l’immobilier, à soutenir l’industrie des semi-conducteurs et à encourager les entreprises publiques à renforcer leur position financière sont essentielles. En outre, les initiatives visant à augmenter les dividendes versés par les entreprises chinoises sont susceptibles d’attirer davantage d’investisseurs étrangers à la recherche de rendement dans un contexte de taux d’intérêt plus élevés ».

Des secteurs prometteurs et une répartition globale des actifs

Monsieur Barrett a souligné que le secteur technologique était un domaine clé pour l’investissement sur les marchés des actions A et de Hong Kong. « Les entreprises technologiques chinoises sont à la pointe de l’innovation et, grâce au soutien substantiel du gouvernement, elles sont bien placées pour relever les défis mondiaux », a affirmé Monsieur Barrett. « Par exemple, si la Chine est confrontée à des vents contraires dans l’achat de semi-conducteurs, elle a la capacité de développer ses propres produits. Compte tenu des marges bénéficiaires impressionnantes de sociétés telles que NVIDIA, les entreprises chinoises sont fortement incitées à produire des puces compétitives à moindre coût. Avec un soutien et des investissements importants de la part du gouvernement, la résilience et le potentiel de croissance de ce secteur sont considérables ».

Il a également identifié l’industrie des véhicules électriques (VE) comme un secteur prometteur. « Ces derniers temps, le sujet des VE a fait couler beaucoup d’encre », a observé Monsieur Barrett. « Toutefois, il n’est pas certain que les marques occidentales soient performantes en Chine continentale et, inversement, que les marques chinoises le soient sur le marché mondial. Malgré ces défis, la technologie chinoise reste à la pointe et tout progrès, en particulier dans un contexte de tensions géopolitiques, devrait stimuler l’investissement intérieur. Cette attention accrue portée à l’innovation et au développement locaux améliorera les perspectives de croissance de l’industrie ».

D’un point de vue mondial, Monsieur Barrett conseille une stratégie d’allocation d’actifs diversifiée et met en garde contre une dépendance excessive à l’égard des actions américaines. « Bien que les marchés américains aient connu une croissance substantielle, il est essentiel d’envisager des opportunités ailleurs, comme en Chine, où les valorisations sont attrayantes », a-t-il expliqué. « Compte tenu de la récente hausse des actions américaines, il convient d’être prudent et de diversifier les placements. Les matières premières comme l’or restent intéressantes en tant que réserve de valeur et couverture contre les incertitudes économiques et géopolitiques. Alors que les banques centrales continuent de gérer les liquidités et les taux d’intérêt, le maintien d’un portefeuille équilibré comprenant des actifs internationaux sous-évalués et des matières premières tangibles pourrait apporter stabilité et potentiel de croissance ».

À propos d’EBC Financial Group
Fondé dans le prestigieux quartier financier de Londres, EBC Financial Group (« EBC ») est réputé pour sa gamme complète de services qui comprend le courtage financier, la gestion d’actifs et des solutions d’investissement globales. Avec des bureaux stratégiquement situés dans des centres financiers de premier plan, tels que Londres, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapour, les îles Caïmans, Bangkok, Limassol, et bien d’autres villes encore, EBC s’adresse à une clientèle diversifiée d’investisseurs de détail, professionnels et institutionnels aux quatre coins du globe.

Reconnu par de multiples récompenses, EBC est fier d’adhérer aux niveaux les plus élevés de normes éthiques et de réglementation internationale. EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited est réglementé par la Financial Conduct Authority (« FCA ») du Royaume-Uni, EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd est réglementé par la Securities and Investments Commission (« ASIC ») australienne, et EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited est réglementé par la Monetary Authority (« CIMA ») des îles Caïmans.

Au cœur d’EBC Group sont réunis des professionnels chevronnés qui témoignent de plus de 30 ans d’expérience approfondie dans des institutions financières majeures, ayant habilement navigué à travers des cycles économiques importants, des Accords du Plaza à la crise du franc suisse de 2015. EBC défend une culture où l’intégrité, le respect et la sécurité des actifs des clients sont primordiaux, en veillant à ce que chaque engagement d’investisseur soit traité avec le plus grand sérieux qu’il mérite.

EBC est le partenaire officiel de FC Barcelona pour les opérations de change et offre des services spécialisés dans des régions telles que l’Asie, l’Amérique latine, le Moyen-Orient, l’Afrique et l’Océanie. EBC est également partenaire de United to Beat Malaria, une campagne de la Fondation des Nations Unies visant à améliorer les résultats en matière de santé dans le monde. À partir de février 2024, EBC soutient la série d’engagements publics « What Economists Really Do » du département d’économie de l’Université d’Oxford, qui démystifie l’économie et son application aux principaux défis sociétaux afin d’améliorer la compréhension et le dialogue avec le public.

Contact médias :
Douglas Chew
Global Public Relations Manager
[email protected]

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante :

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9150153

Rovio, SEGA, and Prime Focus Studios Announce The Angry Birds Movie 3 Is In Production At DNEG Animation

Rovio, SEGA, and Prime Focus Studios Announce The Angry Birds Movie 3 Is In Production At DNEG Animation

Rovio Entertainment Corporation, SEGA, and Namit Malhotra’s production company Prime Focus Studios, announced today that they are starting production on The Angry Birds Movie 3, with DNEG Animation attached as animation partner. Prime Focus Studios, Rovio, and SEGA will produce the movie in association with One Cool Group, Flywheel Media, and dentsu.

Jason Sudeikis and Josh Gad return to the flock

The Angry Birds Movie franchise has so far grossed
more than $500m at the worldwide box office

LONDON, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rovio Entertainment Corporation, SEGA, and Namit Malhotra’s production company Prime Focus Studios, announced today that they are starting production on The Angry Birds Movie 3, with DNEG Animation attached as animation partner. Prime Focus Studios, Rovio, and SEGA will produce the movie in association with One Cool Group, Flywheel Media, and dentsu.

The third installment in the franchise will follow the continuing adventures of Red and Chuck, voiced once again by Jason Sudeikis (Ted Lasso, SNL, We’re the Millers) and Josh Gad (Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, Gutenberg!, Murder on the Orient Express). Jason Sudeikis is represented by Brillstein Entertainment Partners and TAG. Josh Gad is represented by Sugar 23, CAA and JSSK. More casting news will be coming soon.

The film follows the success of the first two Angry Birds movies, which together have grossed more than $500m at the worldwide box office and have demonstrated fantastic results on streaming platforms, signalling strong demand for the third theatrical installment.

The Angry Birds Movie 3 will be directed by John Rice (Angry Birds, Beavis and Butt-Head Do The Universe). The screenplay will be written by Thurop Van Orman (Angry Birds 2, Adventure Time, Flapjack), who will also executive produce alongside Toru Nakahara (Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Prime, Golden Axe). The film will be produced by John Cohen (Despicable Me, The Garfield Movie, Angry Birds), Dan Chuba (The Mitchells vs. the Machines), and Carla Connor (The Willoughbys).

Returning to the Angry Birds design team is Jeanie Chang as production designer and Francesca Natale as character designer. The head of story is Vadim Bazhanov and the lead editor is Sarah K. Reimers. Storyboards, art development, and animation will be handled by DNEG Animation.

Rovio and SEGA will produce alongside Namit Malhotra and his production company Prime Focus Studios, which recently co-produced The Garfield Movie with Alcon Entertainment. Prime Focus Studios is also currently in production on Animal Friends with Legendary Entertainment and Ryan Reynolds’ Maximum Effort, and Indian epic Ramayana with actor-producer Yash’s Monster Mind Creations.

“The Angry Birds brand knows no bounds, and an all-new Angry Birds adventure underscores how the worlds and narratives crafted in our games can seamlessly transcend into the realm of film and beyond,” said Alexandre Pelletier-Normand, CEO at Rovio Entertainment. “Rovio is fully committed to creating entertainment that sparks imagination across various platforms. We’ve seen continuous success in everything from games and feature films to licensed products and amusement parks, and we are thrilled to return once again to the vibrant Angry Birds world with our new partners.”

“The Angry Birds games are a global phenomenon and the film franchise has enjoyed worldwide success,” added Crosby Clyse, Managing Director of DNEG Animation. “Our amazing DNEG Animation team is thrilled to be teaming up once again with Prime Focus Studios and with our new friends at Rovio to create an all-new high-velocity adventure set in this colourful, crazy world.”

“Innovation is part of dentsu’s DNA and we are always looking for new and exciting projects to deliver differentiated, integrated growth opportunities for our clients. We believe in the positive impact of entertainment, creating meaningful connections between people and brands,” commented Jean Lin, Global President – Global Practices, dentsu. “We are so proud to partner with Prime Focus Studios and DNEG Animation to help bring the next installment of the beloved global Angry Birds franchise to life.”

“The Angry Birds brand truly reflects the size and scale of content Flywheel Media are focusing on,” said Don McGregor, Founder and CEO, Flywheel Media. “We are thrilled to be joining forces with such incredible partners to deliver this film to audiences around the world.”

The Angry Birds Movie opened at #1 in 50 countries on its release in 2016 and has grossed more than $350m at the worldwide box office. Rovio’s mobile games surpassed 5 billion downloads in 2022.

“We are thrilled to announce that the brand-new film of the globally beloved and successful Angry Birds franchise is to be in production,” said Shuji Utsumi, President and COO at SEGA. “SEGA has been focusing on its Transmedia strategy to advance the value of its intellectual properties (IP) across games and diverse media landscapes. We believe that the upcoming The Angry Birds Movie 3 perfectly aligns with our strategy and presents a great opportunity for us to bring the charm of the Angry Birds brand to fans across the globe.”

“I’m delighted to be partnering with Rovio, SEGA, One Cool, Flywheel, dentsu, and the incredible team of returning filmmakers and voice talent on this movie. It’s an honour to be part of the next chapter in the amazing Angry Birds story,” concluded Producer Namit Malhotra. “Prime Focus Studios is in production on an impressive roster of high-profile features and I am excited that The Angry Birds Movie 3 will be the next big animated project on our slate after The Garfield Movie.”

Angry Birds and all related properties, titles, logos, and characters are trademarks of Rovio Entertainment Corporation and are used with permission. All Rights Reserved.

About Prime Focus Studios
Led by filmmaker and Global CEO of DNEG, Namit Malhotra, Prime Focus Studios is an independent production company dedicated to the creation of innovative and exciting global content.

Prime Focus Studios, which recently co-produced The Garfield Movie with Alcon Entertainment for Sony Pictures, is currently in production on three major motion pictures: Indian epic Ramayana with Rocking Star Yash’s Monster Mind Creations; Animal Friends with Legendary Entertainment and Ryan Reynolds’ production company Maximum Effort; and The Angry Birds Movie 3, with Rovio Entertainment Corporation and SEGA.

About Rovio
Rovio Entertainment Corporation is a global mobile-first games company that creates, develops and publishes mobile games, which have been downloaded over 5 billion times. Rovio is best known for the global Angry Birds brand, which started as a popular mobile game in 2009, and has since evolved from games to various entertainment, animations, and consumer products in brand licensing. Rovio has produced The Angry Birds Movie (2016), and its sequel, The Angry Birds Movie 2 was released in 2019. The company offers multiple mobile games and has seven game studios – one in Espoo (Finland), Stockholm (Sweden), Copenhagen (Denmark), Barcelona (Spain), Montreal and Toronto (Canada), as well as a subsidiary in Izmir (Turkey) called Ruby Games. Most of the employees are based in Finland, where Rovio is headquartered. Rovio is owned by SEGA.

About DNEG Animation
DNEG Animation is a world-class animation studio that creates captivating stories and compelling characters through beautiful animation. Built on the passion and talents of our team, we help bring unique worlds to life. From complex graphic novel adaptations to beautifully stylized films, we are dedicated to furthering the craft of animation. Recent and upcoming projects on behalf of our filmmaking partners include The Garfield MovieThe Angry Birds Movie 3The Cat In The HatThat ChristmasNimonaUnder the BoardwalkEntergalactic, and Ron’s Gone Wrong.

DNEG Animation is part of DNEG (, a world-leading visual entertainment services company for the creation of feature film, television, multiplatform content, and immersive experiences, with worldwide offices and studios across North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

About One Cool Group
Pioneered and led by Hong Kong actor and producer Louis Koo in 2013, One Cool Group has evolved from a local film production company to a major player in Asia and beyond. One Cool’s motto, “Thrive through Creativity. Strive for Diversity”, unites a fast-growing team of more than 300 film professionals based at its Hong Kong headquarters and affiliated offices in China, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea. A diversified portfolio encompasses all aspects of filmmaking from financing, artist management, casting, editing, sound effects, visual production, to distribution, promotions, and more. One Cool collaborates in global feature films, partnering with Sony Pictures Animation on Vivo and the Oscar-nominated The Mitchells vs. the Machines, with Alcon Entertainment on The Garfield Movie, and with independent film producers. One Cool is forging ahead with pioneering AI techniques in various aspects of filmmaking.

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About dentsu
Dentsu is an integrated growth and transformation partner to the world’s leading organizations. Founded in 1901 in Tokyo, Japan, and now present in over 145 countries and regions, it has a proven track record of nurturing and developing innovations, combining the talents of its global network of leadership brands to develop impactful and integrated growth solutions for clients. Dentsu delivers end-to-end experience transformation (EX) by integrating its services across Media, CXM and Creative, while its business transformation (BX) mindset pushes the boundaries of transformation and sustainable growth for brands, people and society.

Dentsu, Innovating to Impact.

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About Flywheel
Flywheel Media is a new film company collaborating with the world’s largest brands, harnessing their storytelling power to engage new and existing fans.

We create movies for the big screen designed to entertain and inspire audiences globally.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000964990

Homes of Hope: Deriv Paraguay’s journey to empower underserved communities

Deriv lends a helping hand building houses for underserved communities in Paraguay

Deriv Paraguay and TECHO team-up to build homes
Deriv Paraguay and TECHO teams unite with a common goal of building houses for those in need.

AREGUA, Paraguay, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv is a leading online trading platform with a 25-year legacy of trust, innovation and service. This legacy extends to a commitment towards social responsibility, with active support for initiatives focused on environmental conservation and uplifting underprivileged communities. To mark Deriv’s 25th anniversary, the company plans to launch a series of CSR initiatives aimed at driving meaningful social betterment.

Deriv partnered with TECHO, a youth organisation in Paraguay, to provide housing solutions to underserved communities in the San Francisco Settlement, just outside of Asunción.

For over six months, Deriv has dedicated its efforts to the construction of 10 new houses for families in dire need. The initial planning phase, now complete, saw Deriv lead on the timeline for construction of the houses as well as identifying communities, families most in need and allocation of resources. The comprehensive plan details logistics, including material procurement, transportation, and implementing stringent safety protocols for seamless project execution.

In addition to housing construction, Deriv is committed to improving the community’s overall quality of life and future prosperity. Initiatives include providing access to technology like laptops, hosting community forums, and offering mentorship and training programs.

Sebastian Perez, the head of Deriv Paraguay’s office, shared insights into the project’s early stages, “Deriv employees were paired with TECHO employees to interview the families; this experience hit home for many as they were met with a new sense of admiration for what the families were going through. With this project, we hope to improve the quality of life of the communities in need.

Ian Insaurralde, a TECHO spokesperson, reflected on the collaboration’s goals, stating, “Our main purpose is to overcome and bring opportunities to families living in poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean. By working with Deriv, we have been able to help assess the community’s needs, develop an action plan, and provide them with the tools to improve their quality of life and transform their communities.

The initiative officially commenced in April, with the Deriv team in Paraguay working alongside TECHO to conduct detailed assessments of approximately 400 households within the neighbourhood. This evaluation focused on economic backgrounds, household sizes, and existing housing conditions, identifying those in urgent need of assistance and formulating a targeted support strategy.

For additional information about this project and other corporate social responsibility initiatives, please visit Deriv Life and the company website.

About Deriv

For 25 years, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across popular markets on its award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,300 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that celebrates achievements, encourages professional growth, and fosters talent development, which is reflected in its Platinum accreditation by Investors in People.

[email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9149125

Homes of Hope: Deriv Paraguay’s journey to empower underserved communities

Deriv lends a helping hand building houses for underserved communities in Paraguay

Deriv Paraguay and TECHO team-up to build homes
Deriv Paraguay and TECHO teams unite with a common goal of building houses for those in need.

AREGUA, Paraguay, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Deriv is a leading online trading platform with a 25-year legacy of trust, innovation and service. This legacy extends to a commitment towards social responsibility, with active support for initiatives focused on environmental conservation and uplifting underprivileged communities. To mark Deriv’s 25th anniversary, the company plans to launch a series of CSR initiatives aimed at driving meaningful social betterment.

Deriv partnered with TECHO, a youth organisation in Paraguay, to provide housing solutions to underserved communities in the San Francisco Settlement, just outside of Asunción.

For over six months, Deriv has dedicated its efforts to the construction of 10 new houses for families in dire need. The initial planning phase, now complete, saw Deriv lead on the timeline for construction of the houses as well as identifying communities, families most in need and allocation of resources. The comprehensive plan details logistics, including material procurement, transportation, and implementing stringent safety protocols for seamless project execution.

In addition to housing construction, Deriv is committed to improving the community’s overall quality of life and future prosperity. Initiatives include providing access to technology like laptops, hosting community forums, and offering mentorship and training programs.

Sebastian Perez, the head of Deriv Paraguay’s office, shared insights into the project’s early stages, “Deriv employees were paired with TECHO employees to interview the families; this experience hit home for many as they were met with a new sense of admiration for what the families were going through. With this project, we hope to improve the quality of life of the communities in need.

Ian Insaurralde, a TECHO spokesperson, reflected on the collaboration’s goals, stating, “Our main purpose is to overcome and bring opportunities to families living in poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean. By working with Deriv, we have been able to help assess the community’s needs, develop an action plan, and provide them with the tools to improve their quality of life and transform their communities.

The initiative officially commenced in April, with the Deriv team in Paraguay working alongside TECHO to conduct detailed assessments of approximately 400 households within the neighbourhood. This evaluation focused on economic backgrounds, household sizes, and existing housing conditions, identifying those in urgent need of assistance and formulating a targeted support strategy.

For additional information about this project and other corporate social responsibility initiatives, please visit Deriv Life and the company website.

About Deriv

For 25 years, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across popular markets on its award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,300 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that celebrates achievements, encourages professional growth, and fosters talent development, which is reflected in its Platinum accreditation by Investors in People.

[email protected]

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9149125