Fortrea Finaliza Transferência das Unidades Endpoint Clinical e Patient Access para a Arsenal Capital Partners

DURHAM, N.C., June 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (a “Empresa”), uma organização líder global de pesquisa por contrato (CRO), anunciou hoje que finalizou a alienação dos ativos relacionados ao seu segmento Enabling Services, ou seja, suas unidades Endpoint Clinical (“Endpoint”) e Fortrea Patient Access (“FPA”), para a Arsenal Capital Partners (“Arsenal”), uma empresa líder de private equity especializada na criação de empresas de saúde líderes de mercado e ricas em tecnologia.

A Endpoint e a FPA proporcionam as melhores soluções de Randomização e de Gerenciamento de Fornecimento de Ensaios (RTSM) e de acesso do paciente respectivamente. Ambas representam pontos de entrada estrategicamente diferenciados na cadeia de valor dos serviços farmacêuticos, onde a Arsenal detém um significativo domínio, conhecimento científico e técnico.

A Arsenal nomeou Sam Osman, ex-presidente do segmento Enabling Services da Fortrea, para atuar como diretor executivo das novas entidades, e Raymond (“Ray”) H. Hill, um parceiro operacional da equipe de saúde da Arsenal, atuará como presidente do conselho.

“A Endpoint e a FPA estão distintamente posicionadas para apoiar a jornada do paciente nos ensaios clínicos e através do acesso a novas terapêuticas após a aprovação”, disse Sam Osman, diretor executivo da Endpoint e da FPA. “Com a Arsenal como parceira, estou confiante de que nossos negócios e nossas equipes se beneficiarão das oportunidades de crescimento acelerado, bem como do investimento e do foco executivo, resultando em recursos e soluções aprimoradas para os clientes.”

“A conclusão bem-sucedida desta transação é um testemunho do calibre das equipes envolvidas que planejaram uma transição tranquila para colegas, clientes e pacientes que atendemos”, disse o presidente e CEO da Fortrea, Tom Pike. “Essa transação permite que ambas as organizações concentrem sua liderança e recursos no fornecimento de soluções ideais para nossos clientes. Conforme divulgado anteriormente, o produto líquido dessa alienação será usado para reduzir uma parte da estrutura geral da dívida da Fortrea. Como uma CRO clínica pura, a Fortrea continua comprometida com a nossa missão de fornecer soluções que trazem tratamentos que mudam a vida dos pacientes mais rapidamente.”

Ray Hill, um parceiro operacional da Arsenal e presidente do conselho da Endpoint e da FPA, disse: “Estou muitíssimo contente em fazer parte do próximo capítulo da Endpoint e da FPA. “Estou pronto para colaborar com a equipe de gerenciamento na criação de uma empresa estrategicamente importante que irá fornecer soluções voltadas aos dados para os pacientes.”

Endpoint Clinical

A Endpoint opera no mercado eClinical de alto crescimento como provedora líder de soluções de Randomização e Gerenciamento de Fornecimento de Ensaios (RTSM) para clientes biofarmacêuticos e CRO, com experiência no atendimento de ensaios clínicos complexos e em estágio avançado. Com mais de 15 anos, a Endpoint já apoiou com sucesso mais de 1.750 ensaios clínicos envolvendo 875.000 pacientes em 90 países e cultivou uma base de clientes de primeira linha e relacionamentos estratégicos de longa data.

Fortrea Patient Access

A Fortrea Patient Access é uma líder em escala no mercado de serviços de HUB e acesso do paciente, atendendo à indústria biofarmacêutica com suporte abrangente ao paciente, acesso ao produto, acessibilidade e soluções de adesão há mais de 30 anos. Avançando ainda mais com sua especializada farmácia não comercial recentemente expandida, a FortreaRx™, para apoiar a distribuição aprimorada de produtos de cadeia fria e sem ambiente, a Fortrea Patient Access está comprometida em impulsionar os resultados dos pacientes e aprimorar a acessibilidade aos cuidados da saúde por meio da sua ampla experiência, oferecendo suporte a mais de 2,5 milhões de pacientes e mais de 100 marcas exclusivas para mais de 25 indicações de doenças.

Sobre a Arsenal Capital Partners

A Arsenal Capital Partners é uma empresa líder em investimentos em patrimônio privado especializada na criação de empresas líderes de mercado em crescimento industrial e saúde. Desde a sua criação em 2000, o Arsenal levantou fundos de investimento de capital institucional com um total de mais de US$ 10 bilhões, concluiu mais de 300 aquisições de plataformas e complementos, e alcançou mais de 35 realizações. A empresa trabalha com equipes de gestão para criar empresas estrategicamente importantes com posições de liderança no mercado, alto crescimento e alto valor agregado. Para mais informação, visite

Sobre a Fortrea

A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) é fornecedora líder global de soluções para o desenvolvimento clínico para a indústria de ciências da vida. Fazemos parcerias com grandes e emergentes empresas biofarmacêuticas, de biotecnologia, de dispositivos médicos e de diagnóstico para impulsionar a inovação na saúde que acelera terapias que mudam a vida dos pacientes. A Fortrea fornece gerenciamento de testes clínicos de fase I-IV, farmacologia clínica e serviços de consultoria. As soluções da Fortrea utilizam suas três décadas de experiência abrangendo mais de 20 áreas terapêuticas, sua dedicação ao rigor científico, insights excepcionais e uma forte rede de pesquisadores. Nossa equipe talentosa e diversificada que trabalha em mais de 90 países é dimensionada para fornecer soluções focadas e ágeis para clientes de todo o mundo. Saiba mais sobre como a Fortrea está se tornando uma força transformadora de pipeline para pacientes na e siga-nos no LinkedIn e X (antigo Twitter).

Advertência a Respeito de Declarações de Previsão

Este comunicado contém “declarações de previsão” de acordo com a definição do termo estabelecido na Seção 27A da Lei de Valores Mobiliários (Securities Act) e na Seção 21E da Lei de Mercados Mobiliários (Securities Exchange Act). As declarações de previsão, por sua natureza, abordam questões que são, em diferentes graus, incertas, como a ocasião do uso do resultado líquido para quitar parte do débito existente da Empresa. Neste contexto, as declarações de previsão geralmente abordam o desempenho futuro esperado e o desempenho financeiro e a condição financeira, e muitas vezes contêm palavras como “orientação”, “esperar”, “supor”, “antecipar”, “pretender”, “planejar”, “prever”, “acreditar”, “buscar”, “ver”, “irá”, “faria”, “alvo”, expressões semelhantes e variações ou negativos dessas palavras que se destinam a identificar declarações de previsão, embora nem todas as declarações de previsão contenham essas palavras de identificação. Os resultados reais podem diferir materialmente dessas declarações de previsão devido a uma série de fatores, incluindo, mas não limitado a, fatores descritos ocasionalmente nos documentos que a Empresa arquiva junto à SEC. Para uma discussão mais aprofundada dos riscos relacionados aos negócios da Empresa, consulte a Seção “Fatores de Risco” do Relatório Anual no Formulário 10-K, conforme arquivado na Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (a “SEC”), pois tais fatores de risco podem ser alterados ou atualizados ocasionalmente nos registros periódicos e outros registros subsequentes da Empresa na SEC, acessíveis no site da SEC em Esses fatores não devem ser interpretados como exaustivos e devem ser lidos em conjunto com as outras declarações de advertência incluídas ou incorporadas por referência nos relatório junto à SEC. As declarações de previsão incluídas neste comunicado são válidas apenas a partir da presente data e a Empresa não assume nenhuma obrigação de atualizar essas declarações de previsão para indicar eventos ou acontecimentos subsequentes.

Contatos da Fortrea:
Hima Inguva (Investidores) – 877-495-0816,
Sue Zaranek (Mídia) – 919-943-5422,
Kate Dillon (Mídia) – 646-818-9115,

Contato da Arsenal:

Ellen Pavlovsky –

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9149559

Quantexa, société primée en intelligence décisionnelle accélère sa dynamique mondiale et annonce de solides résultats financiers pour l’exercice fiscal 2024

  • Quantexa devrait atteindre 100 millions de dollars de revenu annuel récurrent (ARR) d’ici à la fin de 2024, grâce à la croissance du marché de l’intelligence décisionnelle, évalué à *500 milliards de dollars
  • Les nouvelles entreprises clientes ont contribué à hauteur de 20 % (+) de l’ARR de l’exercice fiscal
  • Les stratégies de données et d’IA étroitement liées des entreprises ont permis à Quantexa d’augmenter de 15 % sa valeur contractuelle moyenne (ACV) combinée sur l’exercice fiscal 2024 

LONDRES et NEW YORK, 05 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd’hui, Quantexa, leader mondial des solutions d’intelligence décisionnelle (ID) pour les secteurs privé et public, a annoncé la poursuite de sa dynamique commerciale mondiale ainsi que les faits marquants de sa croissance pour l’exercice fiscal 2024, sur la période du 1er avril 2023 au 31 mars 2024. En mettant l’accent sur l’aide qu’elle apporte aux clients pour qu’ils concrétisent les avantages des applications pratiques de données fiables et de l’IA, l’entreprise a atteint ses objectifs de croissance durable grâce à une adoption accrue de sa plateforme et de ses solutions, ainsi qu’à une expansion géographique et sectorielle.

Fondée à Londres en 2016, Quantexa emploie désormais plus de 700 collaborateurs répartis sur 15 sites à travers le monde. L’entreprise a clôturé l’exercice fiscal 2024 avec une augmentation de 40 % de son ARR pour son activité en intelligence décisionnelle à l’échelle mondiale et un taux de rétention net de de 120 % (+).

Faits marquants financiers de l’exercice fiscal 2024 :

  • Acquisition de nouveaux clients de niveau 1 dans les secteurs de la banque, de l’assurance, des télécommunications, des médias, de la technologie et du secteur public, contribuant à accélérer la stratégie d’expansion de marché de Quantexa et apportant une contribution de de 20 % (+) à l’ARR de l’exercice fiscal.
  • Plus de 25 % des 50 plus grandes banques mondiales ont déployé la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa pour construire une base de données fiable et réaliser les avantages de l’opérationnalisation de l’IA.
  • L’ARR de l’activité en intelligence décisionnelle a augmenté de plus de 30 % dans la zone Amérique et est >50 % en Europe et au Moyen-Orient.
  • Portée par une augmentation de 30 % de l’ARR à travers ses suites de solutions de gestion des données et de lutte contre la criminalité financière FinCrime, l’entreprise a poursuivi sa croissance significative du chiffre d’affaires en glissement annuel en stimulant l’adoption de ses suites de solutions, aidant ainsi les leaders du secteur à résoudre des problèmes spécifiques et à tirer parti de nouvelles opportunités de revenus.
  • L’acquisition réussie d’Aylien et l’intégration ultérieure dans le portefeuille technologique de Quantexa ont contribué à la croissance de 16 % du chiffre d’affaires annuel de l’offre News Intelligence de Quantexa.

Principales étapes de l’exercice fiscal 2024 :

  • En avril 2023, Quantexa a annoncé avoir achevé une levée de fonds en série E de 129 millions de dollars. La dernière levée de fonds a permis à la société technologique britannique d’atteindre le statut de licorne avec une valorisation de 1,8 milliard de dollars et d’accélérer la mise en œuvre de sa stratégie de croissance dans la catégorie Intelligence Décisionnelle évaluée à 500 milliards** de dollars.
  • En juillet 2023, Quantexa a annoncé qu’elle investirait massivement dans le secteur mondial de l’IA au cours des trois prochaines années afin d’aider les clients à promouvoir l’utilisation de l’IA pour protéger, optimiser et développer leurs organisations.
  • En novembre 2023, afin de rester proche de sa base de clients, Quantexa a annoncé l’ouverture de son nouveau siège social Asie Pacifique à Singapour. Cette ouverture s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un plan d’expansion régionale plus large et fait suite au lancement des opérations de Quantexa au Japon à Tokyo en juillet 2023, ainsi qu’à sa présence de longue date à Melbourne, Sydney et en Malaisie.
  • En janvier 2024, l’entreprise a détaillé le ROI obtenu par les clients après le déploiement de sa technologie dans les entreprises et agences du secteur public, lors de la publication de l’étude The Total Economic Impact™ de la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa en collaboration avec Forrester Consulting.
  • Quantexa a détaillé sa feuille de route pour soutenir son projet ambitieux de devenir le leader de la catégorie émergente de l’intelligence décisionnelle, ancré dans l’aide apportée aux entreprises et aux agences gouvernementales pour utiliser l’analyse contextuelle et l’IA afin d’améliorer la prise de décision à l’échelle de l’organisation.
  • En mars 2024, il a été annoncé que la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa sera adoptée par le Civic Health Innovation Labs (CHIL) de l’Université de Liverpool et le Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, l’un des plus grands organismes fournissant des services de santé physique et mentale dans le nord-ouest de l’Angleterre, soit une présence au service de plus de 1,4 million de personnes.
  • Un partenariat stratégique avec Microsoft a rendu la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa immédiatement disponible sur Microsoft Azure Marketplace pour les organisations de services financiers et les agences gouvernementales. Les entreprises ont également annoncé des plans exclusifs pour proposer la plateforme aux banques de taille moyenne aux États-Unis. Quantexa travaille également à l’élaboration d’une expérience de charge de travail sur la plateforme Microsoft Fabric.
  • Quantexa a clôturé l’exercice fiscal en dépassant les 750 employés à l’échelle mondiale, avec 16 000 utilisateurs actifs de sa plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle et un taux de rétention net (NRR) de 120 % (+).

Vishal Marria, Fondateur et PDG de Quantexa, a déclaré : « L’accélération de nos efforts pour devenir le principal fournisseur mondial de technologie d’intelligence décisionnelle, et réaliser une croissance mondiale forte et durable peuvent être attribuées à deux facteurs. Notre capacité à aider les clients à préparer leurs données pour l’IA, ainsi que la réalisation d’une série d’investissements et de partenariats stratégiques. Cette réussite souligne l’engagement indéfectible de Quantexa pour permettre à ses clients de résoudre certains de leurs défis les plus difficiles dans de multiples secteurs d’activité et ce aux quatre coins du monde. »

Pour en savoir plus sur la manière dont les leaders du secteur obtiennent un retour sur investissement de 228 % sur 3 ans grâce à la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa, téléchargez l’étude Total Economic Impact (TEI) de Forrester.

*Données de marché exclusives obtenues par Quantexa à partir d’une étude commandée par Gartner.
**Inclut la croissance de la suite de solutions AML, Fraud, et KYC.

À propos de Quantexa
Quantexa est une société mondiale de logiciels, d’IA et de données et d’analyse pionnière en matière d’intelligence décisionnelle contextuelle, qui permet aux organisations de prendre des décisions opérationnelles fiables en rendant les données significatives. En utilisant les dernières avancées en matière d’IA, la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa aide les organisations à découvrir les risques cachés et les nouvelles opportunités en unifiant les données en silos et en les transformant en ressources réutilisables les plus fiables. Elle permet de relever des défis majeurs en lien avec la gestion des données, la veille client, la connaissance du client, la criminalité financière, les risques, la fraude et la sécurité, tout au long du cycle de vie de la relation client.

La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa améliore la performance opérationnelle avec une précision accrue de plus de 90 % et une résolution du modèle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Une étude indépendante de Forrester TEI commandée sur la plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle de Quantexa a révélé que les clients ont enregistré un ROI de 228 % en trois ans. Fondée en 2016, Quantexa compte désormais plus de 700 collaborateurs et des milliers d’utilisateurs de la plateforme travaillant sur des milliards de transactions et de points de données à travers le monde.

Contacts médias
C : Stephanie Crisp, Fight or Flight
E : Quantexa@fightorflight


C : Adam Jaffe, Vice-président directeur du marketing d’entreprise
T : +1 609 502 6889
E : [email protected]

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000964835

Call to limit livestock movement amid Foot and Mouth Disease

The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development has called on livestock farmers and owners in all provinces to limit the movement of cloven-hoofed animals, amid confirmed cases of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in the Eastern Cape.

The department said cases of FMD were confirmed on five farms located at Humansdorp and East London after the National Veterinary Reference laboratory conducted epidemiological investigations.

‘Clinical signs of FMD were observed on the first reported farm (index farm) and samples were collected immediately on 30 April 2024. Since then, clinical signs of FMD were found on four more farms in the Humansdorp area, and one in the East London area.

‘The laboratory at Onderstepoort Veterinary Research in Pretoria confirmed that the results from samples collected on these farms are positive for SAT3 on serology and PCR tests. Virus identifications by sequencing have identified the same SAT3 virus on these positive farms.’

The department emphasised that cloven hoofed ani
mals should not be moved unless it is necessary, considering among others that the East London farm sourced animals from multiple origins.

‘This will allow for the department to find and quarantine further undetected, affected properties to prevent any further spread of the disease.’

The department also re-emphasised the significance of the incubation period for FMD, noting this is the period when animals appear to be healthy, in the early stages of infection (incubation period) where they are shedding virus without showing clinical signs of disease yet.

It said an investigation into the origin and extent of the FMD outbreak in the province is ongoing, and various steps have been taken, including the placement under quarantine of locations that were confirmed to be positive for FMD by the Eastern Cape Provincial Veterinary Services.

‘A full epidemiological investigation is underway to identify the possible origin and any other properties that could be at risk. Immediate neighbours and all linked locations
have been placed under precautionary quarantine, pending clinical and serological investigation to determine their FMD status.’

Cattle and sheep on the affected farms have since been vaccinated against FMD to reduce the viral load on these farms.


The department has also urged farmers to observe biosecurity on their farms, and to protect their own herds from becoming infected with disease.

Section 11 of the Animal Diseases Act imposes a legal duty on any owner or manager of animals to take all reasonable steps to prevent their animals from becoming infected with any disease, and to prevent the spread of any disease from their animals or land to other animals or other properties.

In line with this, a regulation was prescribed by Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development Minister, Thoko Didiza, in October 2022, stipulating that cloven hoofed livestock may only be moved if accompanied by a health declaration from the owner of the animals, attesting to their health at the time of moving.

addition, all cattle, including sheep, and goats newly brought onto a farm must be kept separated from the resident herds for at least 28 days.

FMD is a controlled animal disease in terms of the Animal Diseases Act, 1984 (Act No 35 of 1984) and the Act prescribes certain control measures, like isolation and movement control, which are being enforced by Veterinary Services.

‘Should any suspicious clinical symptoms (salivation, blisters in the mouth, limping or hoof lesions) be seen, it should be reported to the local state veterinarian immediately, and such animals must not be moved under any circumstances,’ the department advised.

Source: South African Government News Agency

FG urges investment in gas sector to create jobs, boost energy supply

The Federal Government said that increased investments in the gas sector would create employment, boost energy supply and grow Nigeria’s economy.

The Minster of State for Petroleum Resources -Gas, Ekperikpe Ekpo, stated this while inaugurating Nedogas Development Company Limited (NDCL) and its 300mmscfd Kwale Gas Gathering (KGG) facility on Thursday in Kwale, Delta.

He said that President Bola Tinubu had directed them to enforce the growth of investment in oil and gas sector, to ensure availability of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for domestic consumption and export.

Ekpo lauded the management of Nedogas limited for the initiative to invest in gas gathering to reposition the economy.

He said that the company would provide energy sufficiency, economic expansion, direct and indirect employment in the country, particularly in the immediate community.

The minister urged investors to venture into gas gathering to stop gas flaring, adding that with concerted efforts, gas resources could be utilised to achieve e
conomic development of the country.

‘We are gathered here in Kwale, Delta to commemorate the official commissioning of the Kwale Gas Gathering (KGG) Facility and the Nedogas Plant.

‘These initiatives are a result of a strategic collaboration between Nedogas Limited and the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB).

‘It represents a significant advancement in the country’s efforts to promote sustainability, energy efficiency, and economic expansion.

‘ The occasion today marks not just a turning point for Delta , but also a major turning point in Nigeria’s continuous quest to use its abundant natural gas resources for the country’s development,’ he said.

According to the minister, Nedogas plant is part of the larger plan to lower greenhouse gas emissions, and encourage sustainable practices in the oil and gas sector.

‘It emphasises how dedicated the federal government is to increasing gas usage, broadening our energy sources and lessening our influence on the environment.

‘We will be able
to process natural gas more efficiently at the Nedogas Plant, which will increase both our domestic supply and export potential.

‘This establishment promises to significantly boost our economy by generating jobs, fostering industrial expansion and ensuring energy security. It is a symbol of advancement’.

In his goodwill message, Gov. Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta, represented by his Deputy, Sir Monday Onyeme, lauded the management of Nedogas limited and its partners for the investment.

‘One can feel the pains of every Nigerian when it comes to the issue of energy availability and affordability.

‘Even more worrisome is the World Bank report that due to poor power supply in the country, businesses spend about $29 billion yearly on power.

‘ It is also quite unfortunate that the country is ranked as the lowest in terms of access to electricity globally,’ he said.

Oborevwori said that the projects would no doubt benefit Nigerians, particularly the people of Delta in many ways.

According to him, Nigeria boasts
of a reserve base of 208.83 trillion cubic feet of gas which represents 33 per cent of Africa’s total gas reserves.

‘This places Nigeria as the ninth among countries with high concentration of natural gas in the world.

‘With these projects, the energy needs of Nigerians will get a boost,especially in the critical area of supply.

‘It is heartwarming too that this facility will have gas supplied to it by other oil companies operating in this area, which will greatly reduce the effects of gas flaring on our people.

‘We are all aware that the level of gas flaring is very high in this part of the world, in spite its acknowledged adverse effects on the climate,’he said.

Also speaking, the Chairman, Nedogas Limited, Emeka Ene thanked the government, strategic partners and the community for providing the needed support and enabling environment to achieve the project.

‘The KGG Facility with its impressive capacity of 300 million standard cubic feets per day (mmscfd) is a testament to what can be achieved when in
novation, determination and strategic partnerships converge.

‘No doubt, these projects will lead to the creation of a lot of direct and indirect job opportunities too, thereby, boosting the economy of our state.

‘I call for the replication of this project in other parts of our state where gas flaring is taking place to reduce its effects on our people.

‘I also urge Nedogas Limited and its partner, the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) to enhance the use of local contents,’he said.

He urged the company to meet up with its social responsibilities and above all, ensure conducive and peaceful relationship with the host communities.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that other strategic partners of the company pledged their continued support to enhance sustainability, growth and development of the sector.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Paying tithe shouldn’t be forced – Cleric

Pastor Sampson Amoateng, the General Overseer, House of Miracles Ministries, has advised churches to follow scriptural practice of making tithe payment a freewill and not by force.

Amoateng, who made the call in a statement on Wednesday, explained that tithing was a biblical practice of giving a portion of one’s income to support religious institutions and the community.

According to him, tithing and offering are scriptural practice that are meant to be freewill and not by force.

‘The concept of tithe is rooted in the biblical teachings of the Old and New Testaments, as recorded in Deut. 14, Matt. 6 and Malachi 3:10.

‘I am against pastors or churches forcing people to document their tithe cards, saying, ‘my money is mine.

‘It is carnal to document tithe cards. Tithing is a spiritual discipline that requires faith, trust, and obedience,’ he said.

Amoateng said tithing demonstrates our gratitude for God’s blessings and provision, and also express our trust in His ability to provide for our needs.

g has practical advantages; it helps to support the church and ministries, enabling the spread of the gospel and the care of the poor and needy,” he said.

Amoateng said that tithing fosters a sense of community and shared responsibility among believers, as they work together to support the work of the church.

He said that in recent times, people who do not go to church give money to people in need as their way of tithing, adding that, this was the way to go and not forced.

‘Tithe is a vital aspect of religious practice that demonstrates our gratitude, obedience, and trust in God.

‘It is a spiritual discipline that requires faith and commitment, but yields rich rewards in terms of spiritual growth and financial responsibility.

‘As we consider our relationship with God and our role in supporting the church, may we embrace the practice of tithe with joy and generosity,’ he said.

He said doing so, people would not only honor God but also contribute to the building of His kingdom on earth.

Amoateng who ba
sed in Accra, Ghana urged people to be committed to God’s work and abide by His teachings.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Stop attacks on our troops – Group warns

Ayudantes Empowerment Initiative (AEI), a civil society advocacy group, has called on Nigerians to stop deliberate attacks on and killing of military personnel.

The Executive Director of AEI, Mr Amechi Oyema, made the call at news conference on Thursday in Abuja.

Oyema extended condolences to the Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Chris Musa, the Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja and families of the personnel who had in recent time, paid the supreme price while defending the nation.

He said that the group had strongly condemned what he described as gradually becoming a norm, noting that attacks on members of the armed forces by citizens must stop.

According to him, it has been going on, but it is time Nigerians speak out against this barbaric attitude of some of our citizens towards members of the armed forces.

‘Just recently, a commanding officer, two majors, a captain and 13 others, were ambushed and murdered on March 14 while responding to the crisis between Okoloba and Okuama communities which
had allegedly been engaged in an aged-long land dispute.

‘On May 18, there was a mob attack on personnel of the military at Banex Plaza in Abuja and we saw on national television how soldiers were being manhandled.

‘Just last week, terrorists of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) and its armed wing, the Eastern Security Network (ESN), in Abia, killed five personnel at Obikabia Junction Checkpoint in Obingwa Local Government Area.

‘Troops of Operation UDO KA were deployed to enforce peace in the area and protect the citizens.

‘Also, on June 4, reports had it that suspected phone snatchers murdered a soldier, identified as Lt. IM Abubakar in the Unguwan Sarki area of Kaduna State.

‘We are here to say today that this is unfortunate, inhuman and undeserving for people that have laid their lives for our country,’ he said.

Oyema said it was wrong for citizens to continue to engage in demoralising activities, especially against troops that had been making sacrifices for the peace and stability of the coun

He quoted Maya Angelou as saying, ‘How important it is for us to recognise and celebrate our heroes and she-roes’.

He also quoted Gen. George S. Patton (Jr.), as saying, ‘The soldier is the army. No army is better than its soldiers. The soldier is also a citizen.

‘In fact, the highest obligation and privilege of citizenship is that of bearing arms for one’s country,’ he said.

Oyema commended the nation’s military for showing restraint in the face of blatant provocations by not embarking on reprisal in the senseless killings of its personnel in different parts of the country.

‘We, however, call on the military authority to go to whatever length possible within the ambit of the law to ensure that those who committed these heinous crimes do not go unpunished.

‘Nigerians must learn to respect and honour men and women in uniform especially military personnel.

‘This because there is no higher honour than serving in the military.

‘These are men and women that sacrifice their lives in defence of our terr
itorial integrity. An attack on them is an attack on Nigeria,’ he added.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria