Kodwa resigns as Sport Minister

Sport, Arts and Culture Minister Zizi Kodwa has announced his immediate resignation.

This comes as Kodwa challenges charges against him, which he has denied. The Minister appeared in the Palm Ridge Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday in connection with allegations that he received about R1.7 million in bribes.

‘Kodwa has informed the President that he will resign as Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture and Member of Cabinet, after being formally charged. He expresses his sincere appreciation to the President and the governing party for the opportunity to serve the nation.

‘He also takes the opportunity to express thanks to all the staff at the Ministry and Department of Sport, Arts and Culture for the opportunity to serve with them, and to all stakeholders in Sport, Arts and Culture, with whom he has worked so well as Minister,’ the Ministry of Sport, Arts and Culture said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Buffalo City Metro preparing for more disruptive rain

The Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality says the possibility of undertaking mop up operations have been placed on hold as the city prepares for more disruptive rain.

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) issued an orange level 6 warning for disruptive rain and the possibility of flooding in various areas, including in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality.

Rains leading to flooding of settlements/property, roads, danger to life, with some communities temporarily cut off, are expected today.

Two people have died and over 2 234 people were impacted by flooding earlier this week and the city is still intervening. This number of displaced people is expected to rise.

‘Displaced residents have been accommodated in community halls in Mdantsane, Braelyn and Mzamomhle, while others are being moved to chalets, old age homes and temporary housing structures,’ the metro said in a statement.

Eleven wards across the metro have been affected, including areas like Ducats, Pefferville, Duncan Village, Cambrid
ge Location, Mzamomhle, Reeston, Stoney Drift, Mdantsane and Gompo.

Rescue operations are continuous and emergency teams remain on high alert.

The municipality pleaded with residents not to attempt driving or crossing any flooded areas.

‘Residents are advised to evacuate from flood plains and low laying areas, and following the weather warnings and safety tips issued by the metro on various media platforms,’ it said.

The metro further appealed to business and residents to assist with donations. It is working with the Department of Social Development, together with NGOs Gift of the Givers and Living Hope, to assist with clothes, groceries, blankets and food parcels.

Donations of the following items are welcome, including clothing, blankets, mattresses, groceries, non-perishable foods like canned food, baby food and toys for kids.

‘We are also calling on organisations that have the ability to provide hot meals to the displaced people that are currently staying in halls to also assist,’ the metro said.

l non-perishable items can be dropped off at the East London City Hall between office hours 08h00 – 16h30.

The BCMM Disaster Centre can be contacted on 0437059000.

The metro has held engagements with the Department of Human Settlements to avail temporary relocation structures. Officials from the department are already in the area to verify numbers and make submissions.

The metro is dealing with 454 electrical fault cases in various areas in East London, Mdantsane and eQonce area.

‘All teams have been assigned to the different regions and we have managed to get extra hands to deal with the calls. The metro is pleading with all households that are affected to be patient as technicians are working tirelessly to resolve all faults.’

All metro beaches remain closed since yesterday.

‘Sea conditions are still very dangerous, with debris and floating objects in the water posing danger. Several roads in East London remain closed and are being monitored due to flooding.’

The metro is still urging residents to be
on high alert.

Source: South African Government News Agency

More police officers deployed in KZN

National Police Commissioner General Fannie Masemola has deployed additional Public Order Policing (POP) members to KwaZulu-Natal in support of the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) safety and security plan for the 2024 National and Provincial Elections (NPE).

This is the third deployment of additional police officers to KZN covering the pre-, during and post-elections phase to maintain stability throughout the province.

KZN has been relatively stable thus far owing to the well-planned, coordinated and executed Provincial Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (PROVJOINTS) operational plan.

The first group of more than 200 members were deployed early in May, while the second contingency of over 300 were deployed during the elections period.

The latest deployment of more than 300 POP members is meant to bolster policing operations in the post elections phase.

The NATJOINTS NPE operational plan has entered its third phase. In this phase, law enforcement agencies monit
or activities related to the outcome of the elections results.

This means deployments remain in place at various places of interest and law enforcement agencies are ready for any emerging incidents.

Speaking during a send-off parade of the more than 300 members, Masemola said the continuous deployments in some areas form part of the South African Police Service (SAPS) operational strategy to maintain stability throughout the country.

‘We have delivered the 2024 NPE elections in a stable environment. Voters were able to exercise their democratic right without fear or favour, we will continue to respond accordingly to prevent and combat criminality,’ Masemola said.

‘We thank voters and communities for thus far conducting themselves in an orderly and responsible manner. We hope this will prevail. Those who step out of line will be dealt with,’ he said.

The co-chair of the NATJOINTS, Lieutenant General Tebello Mosikili, thanked SAPS members for the pivotal role they played in ensuring elections take place in
a safe, secure and peaceful environment.

These members will also be deployed to the Tongaat area to assist with ensuring the safety and security of those who are affected by the recent floods.

Source: South African Government News Agency

BMA warns it will not tolerate illegal immigrants

The Commissioner of the Border Management Authority (BMA), Dr Michael Masiapato, has issued a stern warning to travellers, who are in contravention of the Immigration Act of South Africa.

Last night, during a routine intelligence-driven operation, 25 travellers were intercepted and deported by the BMA Immigration officials at OR Tambo International Airport (ORTIA), who were trying to enter South Africa illegally.

Of those,13 Bangladeshis and three Pakistanis were found to be in possession of fake visitors’ visas. One Bangladeshi, a Nigerian, three Pakistanis and four Ghanaians failed to meet the relevant entry requirements on arrival.

These travellers were intercepted on flights from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ghana and Nigeria, and they were deported back in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) regulations.

The ICAO provides global standards for air transport operations and highlights that a person who has entered a state illegally or denied entry shall be returned to their co
untry of origin by the respective airlines that brought them to South Africa and shall bear the costs of that particular travel.

ORTIA has been a target, with various travellers attempting to enter the country illegally.

This past Sunday, five Bangladeshis and five Ethiopians were intercepted in collaboration with the Airports Company South Africa (ACSA).

Masiapato commended the operations by BMA officials at ORTIA, saying that as the biggest and busiest airport in Africa, detection systems need to continue to be advanced.

‘The outstanding efforts of our dedicated BMA immigration officers in successfully intercepting these travellers is commendable. With the BMA just one year in operation, this work exemplifies our unwavering commitment to safeguarding our borders and maintaining the integrity of our immigration laws.

‘The diligence and professionalism displayed by our team have prevented potential security threats and upheld the rule of law.

‘We will continue to enhance our capabilities and escalate co
operation with ACSA security as well as collaborate with international partners to address and combat such illicit activities effectively,” Masiapato said.

ACSA Regional General Manager Jabulani Khambule has thanked and congratulated the BMA on these latest interceptions of illegal travellers, praising officials for their hard work and dedication to protecting South Africa’s ports of entry.

‘These latest successful interceptions of illegal travellers by the BMA demonstrates the importance of our multi-agency safety and security approach throughout our environment to enhance airport and aviation security in general.

‘The aviation security model that is vertically and horizontally integrated with various law enforcement authorities is important to root out criminality across our airports,’ said Khambule.

As the third law enforcement authority responsible for five key functional areas of immigration, port health, environmental and agricultural biosecurity, including access control and the general law enforce
ment at the ports of entry and border law enforcement areas, the BMA has adopted a zero-tolerance approach to criminal or unlawful behaviour at all ports of entry.

The BMA will continue to intensify its operations with the deployment of an additional 400 Junior Border Guards, who have resumed duty on the 1st of June 2024 at various ports.

Travellers are warned to avoid attempting to enter South Africa illegally, as they will be caught by BMA officials.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Celebrating World Environment Day

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) has called on all South Africans to join the international community in celebrating World Environment Day 2024.

World Environment Day is being celebrated under the theme, ‘Accelerating land restoration, drought resilience and desertification progress’.

The theme highlights the importance of accelerating the implementation of interventions aimed at addressing land degradation, desertification and minimising the impacts of drought at all levels.

“As South Africans, we should combine local actions and land restoration techniques in the fight against land degradation, desertification, and drought impacts. This includes planting trees, rotating crops, using water retention techniques, such as building retention ditches and cut-off drains, and applying organic manures and mineral fertilisers, among other methods,” Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Barbara Creecy, said on Wednesday.

Desertification is caused by multiple forces,
including extreme weather conditions, particularly drought. It is also caused by human activities that pollute or degrade the quality of soil, negatively affecting land utility.

These include poor land use management and depletion of soil nutrients due to unsustainable agricultural practices; deforestation; pollution (including waste); wind and soil erosion; expansion of agricultural land, overgrazing by livestock; over extraction of natural resources, as well as mining activities that result in salination.

‘Both desertification and land degradation are intricately linked to food and water security, poverty, urbanisation, climate change and biodiversity, and are therefore among the most critical environmental challenges,’ the department said.

The international community has pledged to restore one billion hectares of degraded land by 2030.

Land restoration is about creating sustainable livelihood opportunities for people both small-scale farmers, indigenous peoples and local communities, businesses and ent
repreneurs, women and youth to boost incomes, secure food and water supplies, and make individuals and communities less vulnerable.

‘Land restoration is a shared responsibility, and everyone has a role to play. Let us strive to restore ecosystems, mitigate desertification and combat drought, thereby forging a path towards a greener, healthier and more prosperous planet for all,’ Creecy said.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Hawks member released on bail for corruption charges

Hawks member Kgaugelo Aubrey Mogale (47), a police sergeant, was on Tuesday released on bail by the Nelspruit District Court after having been arrested by the Hawks’ Nelspruit-based Serious Corruption Investigation unit for corruption, fraud and defeating the ends of justice.

The arrest followed a financial investigation that was carried out by auditing firm KPMG during the Project Blood Orange investigation.

It was discovered that Mogale, one of the team members involved in the investigation, unduly received an amount of R6 000, deposited by the main suspect in the case, into his account over a period of time.

An internal investigation was conducted, which also established that the member did not disclose the financial benefit of R6 000.

A case docket was registered and the investigation was finalised. The matter was referred to Public Prosecutor, who decided that there is a prima facie case against Mogale.

A warrant of arrest was authorised and executed on Tuesday 4, June 2024. Mogale was released on
R1 000 bail and his case postponed to 27 June 2024.

The Provincial Head of the Hawks, Major General Gerber, said he is deeply concerned that a member of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (DPCI) was arrested on these serious charges.

‘The DPCI strives in all aspects to employ members whose integrity is beyond reproach. We strive to be a crime and corruption fighting entity, which is not tainted by allegations of corruption within our own ranks,’ Gerber said.

Gerber commended the DPCI for acting against one of their own.

‘This shows a commitment to be a directorate that will, without fear or favour, apply the law, irrespective of your standing in society.

‘No form of criminality or corruption will be condoned. This must send a clear message to all that as DPCI Mpumalanga, we endeavour to run a clean ship,’ he said.

Source: South African Government News Agency