University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music Recognized in the QS World University Rankings

University of Rochester
The University of Rochester is a top-tier research institution which has the third highest percentage of international students among all U.S. universities (U.S. News). Guided by its commitment to equity, diversity, and sustainability, the institution embodies its motto: Meliora “ever better”. With seven schools, over 200 academic majors, nearly 12,000 students, six hospitals comprising a leading academic medical center, and the nation’s premier optics institute, it is a hub of excellence.
Dr. Jane Gatewood
Dr. Jane Gatewood, the University of Rochester’s Vice Provost for Global Engagement, is aninnovative leader with a 17-year career in global engagement within higher education andexpertise in global research partnerships, academic mobility, and economic development.Dr. Gatewood oversees large cross-functional teams with a global footprint. Her data-drivenand risk management-focused contributions have helped position the university as one of theworld’s top institutions with the largest number of international students. As a Fulbright-Nehru scholar in India, an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow at the University of London, an instructor at the Middlebury Institute for International Studies, and an editor of the Oxford English Dictionary as well as NAFSA’s Guide to International Partnerships (2020), she has significantly contributed to the global discourse on international education.
Jama J. Rossi
Jamal J. Rossi is the Joan and Martin Messinger Dean of the Eastman School of Music at the University of Rochester.
Eastman School of Music at the University Rochester
Eastman School of Music Wind Ensemble, Kodak Hall in Rochester, New York. The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024.

ROCHESTER, N.Y., June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The University of Rochester’s Eastman School of Music has been honored in the prestigious QS World University Rankings for 2024. Ranked No. 3 in North America and No. 11 globally, Eastman shares the stage with leading music institutions in the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, Finland, Denmark, and Hungary.

For over a century, the Eastman School of Music has been a beacon of excellence in music education and performance. Building from its foundational pillars of artistry, scholarship, leadership, and community, Eastman has cultivated a diverse environment where music thrives not only within our halls but also reverberates beyond, enriching lives and fostering engagement. The school is renowned for its holistic approach to music education, integrating rigorous musical training with humanities studies, leadership education, and interdisciplinary experiences. This commitment to comprehensive education produces graduates who are not only skilled musicians, but also well-rounded individuals prepared to use their talents to influence and inspire communities around the globe.

Dean Jamal J. Rossi commented on the school’s ethos and its recent accolade: “The Eastman School of Music is a vibrant community where some of the best musicians in the world come together to make each other better. Our century-long dedication to the core values of artistry, scholarship, leadership, and community has served as the foundation upon which our alumni have built impactful careers in all aspects of music, and they have enriched the world through their music. This recognition by the QS World Rankings reaffirms our commitment and mission to shape the future of music through artistic and scholarly excellence and innovative leadership.”

Jane Gatewood, Vice Provost for Global Engagement at the University of Rochester, also remarked on the significance of this achievement: “The QS World Rankings’ acknowledgment of the Eastman School of Music underscores our global impact and academic prestige. This recognition is a testament to our faculty’s dedication and our students’ talent, reflecting our leading role in preparing the next generation of world-class musicians.”

This year marks the inaugural inclusion of the music category in the QS World University Rankings. The QS ranking for music schools is derived from comprehensive evaluations of academic reputation and employer reputation, which contribute 80% and 20% to the total score, respectively. Criteria such as research quality, strategic partnerships, innovation, and employability play pivotal roles in this assessment.

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L’École de musique Eastman de l’Université de Rochester reconnue dans le classement mondial des universités QS

ROCHESTER, N.Y., 03 juin 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’École de musique Eastman de l’Université de Rochester a été distinguée dans le prestigieux Classement mondial des universités QS pour 2024. Classée troisième en Amérique du Nord et onzième à l’échelle mondiale, l’École de musique Eastman partage la scène avec des institutions musicales de premier plan au Royaume-Uni, en France, en Russie, en Chine, en Finlande, au Danemark et en Hongrie.

Depuis plus d’un siècle, l’École de musique Eastman est un modèle d’excellence en matière d’éducation et d’interprétation musicales. S’appuyant sur ses piliers fondamentaux que sont l’art, l’érudition, le leadership et la communauté, l’École de musique Eastman a su cultiver un environnement diversifié qui permet à la musique de rayonner non seulement à l’intérieur de nos murs, mais également au-delà, enrichissant l’existence des autres et favorisant l’engagement. L’école est célèbre pour son approche holistique de l’éducation musicale, qui associe une formation musicale rigoureuse à des études en sciences humaines, une formation au leadership et des expériences interdisciplinaires. Cet engagement en faveur d’une éducation complète permet de former des diplômés qui s’avèrent être non seulement des musiciens compétents, mais aussi des personnes bien équilibrées, prêtes à utiliser leurs talents pour influencer et inspirer les communautés du monde entier.

Le doyen Jamal J. Rossi a déclaré à propos de la philosophie de l’école et de sa récente distinction : « L’École de musique Eastman est une communauté dynamique où certains des meilleurs musiciens du monde se réunissent pour se perfectionner au contact des autres. Notre attachement, depuis un siècle, aux valeurs fondamentales de l’art, de l’érudition, du leadership et de la communauté a servi de base à nos anciens élèves pour bâtir des carrières marquantes dans tous les domaines de la musique, enrichissant ainsi le monde grâce à leurs productions. Cette reconnaissance dans le Classement mondial QS confirme notre engagement et notre mission qui sont de façonner l’avenir de la musique grâce à l’excellence artistique et académique et à un leadership innovant ».

Jane Gatewood, vice-rectrice chargée de l’engagement mondial à l’Université de Rochester, a également souligné l’importance de cette performance : « La reconnaissance de l’École de musique Eastman par le Classement mondial QS atteste de son influence au niveau mondial et de son prestige académique. Cette reconnaissance témoigne du dévouement de notre corps professoral et du talent de nos étudiants, et reflète notre rôle de premier plan dans la préparation de la prochaine génération de musiciens de calibre international. »

Cette année est la première année où la catégorie musique est incluse dans le Classement mondial des universités QS. Le Classement QS des écoles de musique est établi à partir d’évaluations complètes de la réputation académique et de la réputation de l’employeur, qui contribuent respectivement à hauteur de 80 % et de 20 % à la note totale. Des critères tels que la qualité de la recherche, les partenariats stratégiques, l’innovation et l’employabilité jouent un rôle primordial dans cette évaluation.

Pour obtenir plus d’informations sur le Classement mondial des universités pour la musique, veuillez consulter :

Pour obtenir plus d’informations sur l’École de musique Eastman de l’Université de Rochester, veuillez consulter :

Pour les questions des médias et pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez contacter :

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IXOPAY Appoints Brady Harris as CEO to Drive Global Payments Growth

Following the IXOPAY and TokenEx merger, new leadership strengthens the company’s market position and serves the evolving needs of customers

IXOPAY Appoints Brady Harris as CEO to Drive Global Payments Growth
Brady Harris, CEO of IXOPAY
Following the IXOPAY and TokenEx merger, new leadership strengthens the company’s market position and serves the evolving needs of customers.

TULSA, Okla., June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, IXOPAY, announced the appointment of industry veteran Brady Harris as its new CEO. His appointment aligns with the recent merger of IXOPAY and TokenEx, highlighting a significant shift in the payments industry towards a multi-processor payment model, which empowers merchants and fintech companies to improve and diversify their payment strategies. The company thanks departing CEO Marc Olesen for his direction and contributions.

Harris, rated a Top 3 nationwide CEO on Glassdoor, brings over 20 years of experience and executive leadership in FinTech, Payments, and SaaS. As CEO of Dwolla, he oversaw the rapid growth of annual payment volumes from $10 billion to $70 billion, while adding 1.5 million new users monthly. Prior to Dwolla, as the President of Payscape, he was instrumental in its merger with Payroc, creating a global full-service payment provider with over 1,000 employees across 13 offices worldwide; the combined entity operating in 46 countries, serving 150,000 businesses.

His expertise in mergers, acquisitions, and scaling companies to successful exits under private equity sponsors is key as IXOPAY positions itself to become the one-stop solution in the payment industry. The merger has created a platform capable of offering omnichannel tokenization, payment orchestration, and card lifecycle management. The merger addresses the need for redundancy, geographic expansion, and fee negotiation capabilities that single-processor systems lack.

“Payments technology is rapidly advancing, and IXOPAY is set to lead this evolution,” Harris stated. “The integration of tokenization and orchestration allows us to offer a platform that not only supports multi-payment processing but also fosters the development of innovative services.”

“Under Brady’s leadership, IXOPAY is poised to set new benchmarks in the payment sector,” said Vik Verma, Chairman of the Board of Directors. “Our bold strategy emphasizes scalability, security, and groundbreaking advancements that will redefine what payments can achieve.”

Harris and the IXOPAY team are attending Money 20/20 Europe in Amsterdam this week. They will showcase the expanded offerings following the merger, including advancements in payment orchestration, tokenization, risk management, and card lifecycle management. Join them at the RAI Amsterdam at Booth 8a202 to explore how these developments will shape the future of merchant payments.

For further information, please contact:
Nicholas Mueller
SVP, Marketing
[email protected]

IXOPAY, a TokenEx company, is a leading payment orchestration platform that provides a flexible and independent payment solution to manage all payment services in one place. Following its recent merger with TokenEX, IXOPAY is positioned to expand its services globally, offering enhanced capabilities in payment processing and advanced security measures.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

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Government welcomes conclusion of elections

Government has welcomed the successful conclusion of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections, which ushers in the seventh democratic administration in the 30 years of South Africa’s freedom and democracy.

‘These elections stand as testament to our vibrant and dynamic constitutional democracy and affirms our faith and confidence in our open democratic processes,’ the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) said on Monday.

Government thanked the 16 248 027 citizens who exercised their Constitutional right as well as civic duty to cast their ballots with ‘admirable patience, tolerance and enthusiasm’.

According to the Electoral Commission (IEC), the voter turnout for these elections was at 58.58%.

‘This marks a watershed feat in the journey of our inclusive and participatory democracy as espoused by the Electoral Amendment Act 1 of 2023.

‘The completion of this rigorous electoral process that comprised multiple milestones, from voter registration to actual voting and ultimately the vote co
unting as well as official announcement of the outcome of the election by the Electoral Commission of South Africa signals a formal end to the elections.

‘The ‘snaking’ queues that characterised Voting Day across the length and breadth of our beloved country were demonstrative of a proud nation and a responsible citizenry, reminiscent of our first democratic elections,’ GCIS said.

Government also congratulated the IEC for once again concluding a peaceful, free and fair election.

‘The IEC is applauded for its transparency throughout the counting, verification, capturing and auditing process, which alleviated transgressions in the election outcomes.

‘For the first time, South Africans had multiple options at the ballot with 70 political parties contesting the elections, 11 independent candidates and 52 national contestants. In total, there were over 14 903 candidates vying for 887 seats in the National and Provincial Legislatures,’ GCIS said.

Since the dispensation of freedom and democracy in 1994, South A
frica has now held seven successive free and fair democratic elections.

‘We welcome the declaration by various domestic and international observers affirming the 2024 elections as free and fair which serves as a vote of confidence in the integrity as well as credibility of the country’s electoral processes.

‘The elections were encouragingly competitive and contested in a remarkable spirit of political maturity and tolerance. Government congratulates all political parties and wishes them well in their upcoming term of public office.

‘Government acknowledges the valuable contributions of citizens, community leaders, election officials, volunteers and various government departments who played a pivotal part in the successful conclusion of the elections. We also commend our law enforcement agencies who worked diligently to ensure that these elections took place in a peaceful, nonviolent, and safe environment,’ GCIS said.

It appealed to citizens to respect the authority of the IEC and all empowering provisions
to execute its mandate.

‘The elections results have been officially declared free and fair. We move forward to ensure a peaceful and stable South Africa. Any attempt to undermine the authority of the State and South Africa’s constitutional order will not be tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly,’ GCIS said.

GCIS Acting Director-General Nomonde Mnukwa said the elections were another milestone for South Africa as the country celebrates 30 years of freedom and democracy.

‘This reinforces our dedication to adhering to democratic electoral processes. Government extends its appreciation to all stakeholders who made it possible for the country to conduct elections in a secure environment,’ Mnukwa said.

The public has been urged to refrain from sharing information in any form of pictures, audios or videos that perpetuate misinformation and disinformation or seek to incite any form of violence.

‘Our law enforcement agencies continue to be deployed across the country to ensure that peace and safety prevails
post the elections.

‘The Chief Justice has already gazetted the rules for the first sitting of the National Assembly, the National Council of Provinces and Provincial Legislatures, of which the date should be confirmed within 14 days after the elections results are declared.

‘When the first sitting of Parliament takes place, the Chief Justice first presides over the process of electing the Office Bearers of Parliament, the Speaker of the National Assembly, and the Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces,’ GCIS said.

Government reiterated its dedication to continue providing services to its citizens while awaiting the finalisation of the smooth Parliamentary transition.

Source: South African Government News Agency

Organisation distributes food items worth N15m to FCT communities

A group known as Emmanuel TV Partners, on Sunday, distributed food items worth over N15 million in FCT communities.

Mrs Ogechi Tagbo, Coordinator of the group, said that the food items were distributed in commemoration of the third anniversary of the passing of Temitope Joshua (TB Joshua), Founder of the Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN).

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Emmanuel TV is the media arm of SCOAN

According to Tagbo, the initiative is to honour the legacy of the late Joshua and support the less privileged in the society.

She recalled his humanitarian services and its impact both within and outside Nigeria, especially during natural disasters and conflicts.

‘Emmanuel TV Partners Abuja made a vow to continue spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ, as exemplified by TB Joshua.

‘Our outreach today is a testament to the selfless and generous spirit of our late Prophet. We aim to continue his legacy of love, faith, and support for the less privileged,’ she said.

She sa
id that the essential items including 350 tubers of yam, 300 bags of rice, 350 cartons of noodles, wrappers, mobile phones for the elderly, bread, and beverages, drinks, toiletries and cash gifts were distributed.

Tagbo said these would support the elderly, widows, and other vulnerable members in the community, especially with the economic challenges bedevilling the nation.

Tagbo said that the group would also visit the Gifted and Talented Orphanage in Trademore and the FCT School of the Blind in Jabi to support the vulnerable groups as part of the evangelical outreach.

She revealed that similar gestures would also be replicated by Emmanuel TV partners all over the world, where food items and livelihood support would be distributed to support the less privileged.

Eno Ekanem, one of the partners, said that the outreach was to show love and give back to the community to show God’s blessing.

‘Our goal is to reach out to those who can not provide for themselves, especially the elderly and the downtrodden,’ h
e said.

Similarly, Nneka Mba, another member, commended the substantial nature of the donations in spite of the current economic situation.

‘Considering the current economic situation, we have managed to gather significant quantities of rice, beans, noodles, and other essentials.

‘Our contributions are valued between N15 million to N16 million,’ she said.

Japhet Akawu, traditional ruler of Tasha Village Jiwa Chiefdom, expressed appreciation for the gesture.

‘Today’s generosity from Emmanuel TV Partners signifies a turning point for our community. This act of kindness brings hope and is a blessing for us all,’ he remarked.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Why traditional institutions better suited for resolving conflicts – Etsu Nupe

Traditional institutions have more potential for conflict resolution than conventional agencies, considering their proximity to the people and their veneration in the society.

The Etsu Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, made the assertion on Wednesday in Lagos.

The Etsu Nupe, also the Chairman, Niger State Council of Traditional Rulers, delivered a lecture on the theme, ‘Traditional Authority and National Integration in Nigeria’.

The lecture was organised by the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (NIIA) with the aim of generating national discourse on the relevance of traditional institutions.

Abubakar said that traditional institutions understood the basic problems confronting their peoples and societies, culturally, religiously and emotionally.

He said that the expertise of traditional rulers as peacemakers and socio-cultural bridge builders should be maximally exploited to bring greater value and understanding among the different peoples of Nigeria.

The royal father emphasised the significance of
traditional institutions for the overall development of Nigeria.

He said that traditional institutions had deep-rooted attachments to local communities and had the abilities to influence public acceptance of initiatives.

He said this was in addition to their established roles as custodians of cultural values.

According to the Etsu Nupe, traditional institutions prioritised communal interests vital for re-establishing peaceful societies.

He noted that traditional institutions encompassed traditional rulers, traditional title holders, religious leaders and community elders.

‘Most significantly, their permanent residency and intimate familiarity with local environments makes them ideal for effective community surveillance and security management as well as local experts in conflict resolution.

The royal father called on the National Assembly to rethink its review of the constitution along the debates of restructuring governance, devolution of powers and the complex interplay between traditional institution
s and the federal political system in Nigeria’s multi-ethnic democracy.

According to him, amid growing insecurity, ethnic tensions and perceived declining national cohesion, advocating a formalised constitutional advisory role is seeking to leverage centuries-old indigenous governance structures to tackle modern challenges.

‘The system of local leadership was entrenched long before colonialism. Modernism brought about eroding of this cherished system, and modern governments are reluctant to re-integrate it into modern governance.

‘Therefore, it is imperative that the reluctance to accord the traditional institutions the authority to serve in matters affecting religion, culture, security and conflict resolution may need to be reconsidered.

‘Also, the tacit advisory roles that the traditional rulers and religious leaders play today would need to be formalised.

‘They are already serving as consultants on a variety of issues including security and conflict resolution,’ Abubakar said.

Abubakar, also Chairman
, Coordinating Committee of National Council of Traditional Rulers of Nigeria, said that the council’s vision for and commitment to security, peace and welfare of citizens transcended Nigeria.

He added that the council’s experiences in peacebuilding were centuries-old.

He said that traditional institutions were the bedrock of the success of any government.

According to him, this is because the traditional institution is an enduring cultural heritage of the people and a system through which they govern themselves.

Prof. Eghosa Osaghae, Director-General of NIIA, said that questions were being asked about traditional institutions in Nigeria.

‘Almost everyone agrees that if we are looking for the anchor that will help us solve many of the problems and mobilise national support especially in the security sector, the place to look at is the traditional institution.

‘I am sure that the contributions from the NIIA will help in the resolution of a national quest and the emergencies that confront our nation toda
y,’ Osaghae said.

The Chairman of the occasion, Prince Adewole Adebayo, said that the existence of traditional institutions should be taken advantage of, because solutions to national problems were situated there.

‘The people of Nigeria don’t care much about the form of government but about justice, and traditional institutions are instruments of justice.

‘Even in diplomacy, traditional institutions are soft power. Our traditional institutions are soft institutions and have the dignity of our society,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria